The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 7• WANTED. MALE'- OR FEMALE Extra $$ 'Cash !$$ In YoUr Part Part-Time Make $50 - $200 in your Spare time. Ideal opportunity for 'housewives. For, further in, formation mail coupon; ONTARIO MARKETS. Box 371 Waterloo, OntariO .0 • Name Address 'Town Phone NO OBLIGATION F.octiiee...teg In Bosh .Accident WHITECHURCH NEWS' Mrs. AlbertLennips of Lang- side 'visited on 'Saturday with her husband Albert Lennips hospital- ized at St. 'Joseph's HeisPital, Lon d'on .with a broken leg, which he. -sit-stained recently While sawing' trees in the .bifsh. She alsO visit- ecrwith Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin of Wingham .also a patient thee. New Year's 'guests with Mr. and "Mit. Dan Tiffin and Joyce 'were .Mr. and Mrs. 'Douglas Tiffin and Ldri of Wingha.fn , Mr. and, Mrs. Bevan Tiffin and Stephen,and ' Mrs. Ethel Stewart of Wingham. , . , • .Mr. and Mrs.*,Bevan Tiffin, and StePhen were recent guests with. ..,.liet pa refits. Mr. and, Mrs. Ray 7 mond I:eddy of Lucknow.. Mr. and Mrs. Gershorn John - • stop of Winghatii Were New Years guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack ; Johnson and. family of St. Pawls. Bevan Tiffin's work this week is in the vicinity of Wiarton. Mrs, Tiffin and Stephen accompanied him to' Southampton where .they will spend, the week with' :Mrs: Cbra Yee.. ' THE IIMCKNOW SENTINEL:, IMCKNOW, .ONTARIO. ,titihury to spend Christma s, holiday with 1\4. and Mrs: Ke neth Wilkins, parents of Mrs, Smyth, They; ceturried, on Mon , da y. Rev —and Mrs. Clarence. Mc - Clen.aghan Beatrice and . Eldon were guests of Mrs. Olive . Gowdy in"Kitehener for Christmas.: Beatrice remained until Tuesday then,returned to Dungannon with Mrs. Gowdy. who will spend a day or two here. • Bill Dundas and Way.ne.Frenai 'from Wyebridge called on. Blake's on Tuesday. 13111 is off the Great 'Lakes for the winter months. Mrs., J ; M. Rea° were guests. of Mr.,,and Eadie, Wingham on Christmas at a, family gathering.' Mr. ,and Ronald Alton and children, Randy, 'Blair and Kent, Lucknow , were noon dinner, guests,of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton, then to, Mrs. Alton'.s par- ents; Mr. and Mri. Art Stewart's, '41.h Concession of Ashfield for the rern'ainc.,.r of Christmas Day.' Other -guests with the Stewart's were Mr. and Mrs, Norinan Stew- art , Mark, Susan and Heather ". Irorn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Caesar , Gary., David and Stewart of 6th Concession Of Ashfield ; • .Guests on Sunday with Mr; and , Mts. Gershp:m Johnston, Winghath • 'were 'Mr; :and Mrs:: 8tewart. • Sinith.of Kitchener; Mr,. and :s-7--J-rrn-Johnston; 'Carol- Ann and Ruth Ann Listo'wel; Mr. anc Mrs. Gary Black of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnstdh and pobbie .of Victoria B.C. Lori Schwichtenherg of Port '11 and Debbie Cou lees, of Oa spent the Christinas holidays with_their aunt Mrs. Alex‘Craig; Mr. Craig and Lana. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Coultes and fnmily*of:Oakville were. Saturday visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert COtilies. • DUNGANNO MissClaire MdWhinii•y had a siege of tonsflitis but st week had a tonsiWciokily dperatc.on in Wffighani•hospital and is now Much improved at her home .here• Claire has completed her course at the Marel•SehoOl of Hair Dressing in. London•and received word this week that she has sue - .cessfully'passed her course. Congratulationsl Mr.' and Mrs. thigh Mc Whin- neY , Claire and Jim., .also and Mrs. Itob NIcWhinney were dinner gue.sts of Mr. and *Mrs. ;„.., Ken Murch., Clinton, on Sunday; December lOth. .Mr. Jdck Murch 4Was also a guest at I this Christmas 'gathering.' • • Oil Wednesday morning, here- , ember 22, Mrs. Les ..Schultz was , taken by ambulance to Wingham hospital. She: had' beenilLwirli `flu'for .several days at her hoine here,. Best wishes for •a, speedy recovery! • Most.farnilie4 from this Come munity were well- represented at the Brookside school concert on December 21St •.. A' splendid pro- gram was given .to an attentive • audience. . Miss Clara'Sproul, 6Oderich, Mr.. and' Mrs. -Harvey :Alton • Mr..and Mrs. Oscar Cuthill and were guests of Mr. and Mts. t Hatry 'Paul from Winthrop Were gnests..of Westlake', Saltford , Christmas' ,Mr. and Mrs .Arthur Elliott for . evening. and gueSts .drMr. and • ChrittinaS: -Misi'8proul remained Mrs.' Robt; Squire's, Sunday even- until Monday.. ing, at another farnilY 'gathering,. tl .Mr..and .,Mis.-Gerrie Glenn and Mrs. Mary, Bete has had. all daughters.„ Angela and, Arletto; members' of her'fainily at home . left on Sunday morning ,..-Dedern 7 during the ChriStmas holiday, ber 26-rr crit---41-17-extendecrhohday -week, . and-Mrs. in Texas. ; • • Aldham, John,, Greg and Larista, OnChristmas.Day"they Were frotn Stoney Point , Ruth Bere with Mr. 'and -Mrs. Mis.."Fran.k ..• from Windsor, and John Berg from Thompson andloanne. Other Ottawa; Jerry, bvid,...Kathy guests included ,Mr. and Mrs, Rbri- arid Jamie Weroorned the others nie 'Thompson and' children% Bon-„' home "too. nie., 'Wayne, and 'michael of Mr. •aricr.Mrs.-H.. J. Blake of Wingh,am, -alsO •and Mrs.. 'Art Toronto spent Christmas day at • Danahy, , Kevin and Terry 'A 'n-ne •. home here. :Mr. and Mts. Giant of. Kincardine., 'Joanne returned • ..Sowerby Thbrnhill 'alSo to Kincardine with ,the latter and-Mrs ... Bill Blake and Becky•of.' family for a few days. Galt,spent •the holiday week end. :Robert Sherwood'of Sarnia WaS at th'eirparentai hOrnes here..and • • .. • horne:for ChristniaS with his in GOderiCh. parents Mr. and..Mis:.A. Sher- .Mrs. Minnie Jones and' Melvin wbod, but , unfortunately .Was con 7 WereguestS on ,Christrnas d4- in, fined to bed with '"flti and infect- Anburn With Mr.iand•Mrs•. •Bert' ed earS. He had spent. a f in Sarnia hospital previously. We hope .he is well shortly to return to his musical.grOup "Sugar FoOt”. The , infected ears , and, •rneasles alfseeM to; be preval- ent ,in the comintinityIateiy.. 'Mr. Herb Finnigan spent Christ- mas Day in Elniira with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. McClure and Other • members of the family., Nlr: and Mrs.,Grahanil McNee' left Sunday morning on a ten.,day hus•toiir .to Florida . Their 'family were home fol. Christmas on Sat .: UrdaY . , :KC11 and Eric's also. Mr. and'' Mri. ifii Fla dean 'and Laurie from,Port Albert ; Mr. and Mrs. Allan MeNce and .• Eddie fronf Ajax .`;' Mr. and Mrs. RosS NIeNee, Nile, and Mr. and: Neili;Rintoul of Fordyce t. aria Mrs. 'George Smyth and children, parry, Carol Ann and' Sheri, left on Thursday.for. • Hamilton WEI*E$D.AY, JANUARY, 5thi. 1972 'PAGE, :=EVEN '.24 HOUR BURNER •SERVICE PARTS INSURANCE TRUCKS RADIO EQUIPPED t'CIR, SERVICE : WHOLESALE — RETAIL ' 61AL 52'840106 OR 528,:3616 ' .LUCKNOWO ONTARIO Q*.LTP.. GASOLINE DIESEL HEATING FUEL-,AND OTHER FARN!, PRODUCTS - 0- Mr: and Mrs. Ken Thorrat, . Lynda' and Wendy of Willowdale' spent the, holiday week end with Mr.7 and Mis.Thos. Webster... Mr. and Mrs.:WM. Bradley, , Brenda , Faye , and of God- • erich , were Christmas day guests also. . , • ' . • - Mr.,and .MrA, Bob Eedy l'oron7 fo , also Mr.' and .Mrs,. • Bob Ott and- Nlatthew of Kitchener Were home Over the holiday week end With, Mr'. and Irvine Eedy. Mr. atitil\trs. 'Ralph Horicierson, ,Goderich, spent a, few days with Mr'..and Mrs, Yedy and, family., MisS Rosemary Eedy , Stratford was home for Christmas:- with.Mr. . and' Mrs. Ross Eedy. Several family gatherings Were enjoyed at the Eedy homes.", • 4the.C..G,•I. T service on • FricQay ckening was apPreciated by those who were iff.attendance at this carol:service, Nisitori with. Mr; and Mrs. Bob StotherS• a lid Jim Over the. Christ:- ttlaS week end .were Kathy Stothers of .London and Jean from Goderich, On , BamfOrd, Ruth and Craig of Pres- ten Were guests with the -Stothers • Mr,',and 1\48, Fred Stirling and Darlene of Thampsville were. home fOt. Christmas with Mr., and Mrs. Robt • Ityin;' and left‘on SUnday fternoon Mrs, Robt, Bete spent, chriiiiilas Day- With Mr. -an id MrS, Atlitttr' Niviiis who, had'. a; family gathering, ALL FURNITURE .CCOUNTS OWING. MackENZIE. FURNITURie.4TO.RE PAID: IMMEDIATELY DUE TO CLOSE OFF, OF BOOKS Harold • Glenn aecorn-' • parried by his parents Mr.', arid Mrs. Frank'Glenn, plant° leave shortly.for Texas for the winter months.' Mr. and Mrs., Wilfred Massey (nee Pauline Jones) from Cleve.-7 land', Ohio, visited the latter's aunt , Mrs. Minnie Jones, ,arid„ _Other relatives.ini)ungann recently. ' Debbie Hodges is at the hOme of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodges for 2 'weeks, follOWing 'exams at Fanshawe College. This is her first term.(Septernber to, December) in a speci,a1 tech- nician's course in Inhalation Therapy, Approximately •seVenty 'Sunday School pupils teachers:, assfs't- ant ,tedchers and Officers sat down to a surnptuons.thear ,on Friday. evening in Dungannon United Chnich Sunday School rooms'.:.. On Friday evening at 8.00.p.m, the'C.G,,I,T. groups from here and Nile were in. the annual carol service. for Chrittnias Eve, Mr. 'anc1,Mri.*Bob Off and. 'Matthew of, Kitchener ,,spent the . week end:with M. and Mr's. Irvine„Eed.Y and Martha. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton were in attendance at 'the Mc- Cabe family gathering:for New _Year's Day-at Ca riow_LialL; ty-two.were there: •• • Barbara Blake returned:home " on Friday after a ;holiday in Tor- onto and Galt:. • Martha Eedy went•to,Klichener last Monday with Mr._ and Mrs. -Bob Ott and baby --Matthew for a few days. Mrs. Clifford Crozier., GOder- ich , and her daughter,.."MrS., George Bushell and baby David , 'from MOntreal, called on friends and relatives in this community an Friday. 7 Ong 6 Week Visit To HoMOland KINGSBRIDGE,/gWS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella left by air on December 17th for a six week visit' to Fred% na,tiye home- land, Switzerla•rid. It is the first • Mr. and Mrs,. Jack Erthigtori accompanied Harvey and Joe Sproul to 'Brownsville , TeNat, leaving On Sunday morning,. Dec-. C MacKenzie • Joe Courtney who' underwent• back surgery in a Toronto: hospital the last Week of. November re- turned_ to his home a few da*s'lie- fore Christmas. NIrs. Jbhn•Sheardbwn who under-- went major surgery December. 21st at the Goderich hospita. 7s nowcanyalescinsr nicely_aLh'arne Jiin Hayden of Port 'Albert, is Supply teaching for Mrs. Shear:. down at St; Joseph's. school. ,Mr. and Mrs. Tony Middigael and farriily Of Blyth were Sunday 'victors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch. 'RAFFLE WI'NNERS, • The -draw for the c.\i../.1.;:"tick7 et raffle was made December 21st at.the school concert. Winners Were is; prize - A Shellcraft hooked rug .of pure •virgin wool was won by Kay 8harpe clip= toriv_second • prize - an Oil paint- ing. won by -Phillip' Gardiner of St. Catharines, third' prize- - five pound Christmas :cake wori'by Peter Ball of Wallaceburg; fourth prize' - five dollars won by Joe trip back home for Fred in'ab'u't fifty years.. Home froip their boats, for the winter months 'are D,ennis Dalton, Sinriett and Det O'Donnell, Mr. and Mrs. Dan-Dalton of Moose Factoty visited over Christ- mas with the Dalton far-riffles. Congratulations toMr. and Mrs Eddie Chelton (Maureen Dalton) who were married at St. -Joseph's Church on December 18th.. 'Darlene Austin, daughter' Of Mr.. and.Mrs. Eldon A.ustiny has been a patient in the bbderich, ,„ Mr. and Mrs., Don' Gillespie and children of Ohio'Nisited dur- ing the,holidays with /vit, and Mrs. Jim. Si'nnett and, family. Mr.. and: Mrs Con Hogan and Paye were Christmas visitors, with ' Mr. and...Mrs..Kerry Hogan and family .of London. .No matter how .much 'yoff . hate.'gtherings, you're go:7 . ill's; have to.,atterrdr-yobT 'funeral. Mr: and. Mrs.. Geo.' Rihey and •family-,•-Jane Earl, Anne and Catharine of Se. forth, spent New Years'Day with :•Mt ..., and Mrs. .Bill Wiggins. • , Chas. and' John YOung were . 416441-et-with.theit..p.afe nts., Mr.: and Mrs. Fred Young, ,iiid.Sharon., duringthe holidays,. dr Itandy,•Blair and KentAlton Of Incknow spent a few days during the'holidays with their grandpar- ents, Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey Alton. CongratulatiOni to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas .Mole of Edson.,- Alberta , on the birth of a baby boy Shawn-i-ffa-brothe.r-for:Shatinon-aficl Bradley, ,On. December, 21st, 1911',