The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-22, Page 27DEcgiogg Itml; DPIESDAY, D.ECEMBIER 22nd, 1971 ANGSIDE Noiouy Coic;;ERT lAsc.conitizoulty scow, was 11.e10 Sturdy evcnin6 1,44pidc halt, ,40o1cl $c9tt ed. 4$ chaitnran th Q• pro- mo wasvpencd wail the song - try christin'as tr�m oar Uonse. yorfiptiVt by Kiln Ii-nd•Lattra ton and Hilda olv Boer; This rabw.ed by tbk; 'ess and.a.o," nett mental' by and Pch.elda ,SCott ifeatiired seine novelty pia y •Qfl, die violin b) A Wan.; , argaret•Vanderidippe,PlayedianO .' $01() •Christ 1110;si.., waspilortned; by the lor A.:duet ay'ina langef' by Kiiren. • . and' aristine .Ii&' a it., `gari(joArme'l•On,c.rt,wan•play, some nOrnb.erS on their accord s."Chil trri as Time 4f,ain",„., STORE - . . 1•;<'.,.1 THE LUC-KNOW written ,by f..4.14:f,, • now , was5ung by Linda Nancy tte 1$0.er,,l'hilif, steel )3regftia.nq . , " • : • A p•ialog,tte W4is veiforined .1.441side W.1\1,5..14(.4es lollow- -ed by 'the. Senior to ,th,v„ 1.,or(V. t..\ Solos 1...,)Q.re. $1.111,8 t„Irs,, de .BOer, St,c.et 1(1:( tions were given by :man and chuck I liintin.e,tpti, •,` ,.1)tiets were sung y.di 1.6(1 :MalgitTu•t• Vandcit.klliTt ..and"" by. Nlargaret FJ: .1;\ taareeu (.,ee.r.tsn,a , Jean tennips,:a rid Ali( e to( 7 • Ttte ii=e00.V% i)111. 0.11 a play :i014 prOg' stiging Was•fe•uxy.ed Alice Vanderlilippe niade.tht draw -for .rho ".1)a.isy Ch.a 1 t • LUCKNOW • ONTAR1•0 „ •. :ticket w4s • . R; Lnekn oW*. The Fr•yoiatlini..e closed with • f",:in•••eeill followell by 1.i.arla. frothileEan,,•kille (*fon; att'ended the chLfstma•• Lti't, Thur4day 1,1'4.',Iki141 ,•flowbIfr.Schoc.1 r,zesented f:): the .1,:niluss ' hPoi.1 h upiteaehets 4re to b•‘',f,son,,,ratulatcll,on theljn . j•io.'rzi pttv, ided • • • PAO' 'TWENTY-SEVIN Witt " 1444/ • •7,40.6.49; sibilattifir-lit'srrifill": 4•9171W0141111'4"' '1‘0'• SX. • • . .tr,d l'dartiit n*, ;inll L. attended the .* r J -4:::i1) 0ristii,aS' I -arty at \VICp)' J. Dahiner's Jt• Sufid,Z1 •• ,..".lissik,lary Murray is na • it! N..11.11z.i,1:; • • ..1.••ir e • b . , • • ta Ir.& enjoyed the•STipot ' • • 4. , 8 • '''%,..-1--.4ifiaktt.'"6010__Pfr,,„-: / ' ' s •• ' 7'7 ' , • . ' .4, t - frit‘ (IA T11,114 May the good cheer_of—christmas brighten every horns, lighten every heart. Especially, , mayN you and ypyr have a wpnd.rf( holiday. 13 R......• . TA E. (Bob) McKinley .P. for Huron \ CHINA, Ck CRYSTAL, . . . STUME JEWELLRY WEI,LRY CASES 44 •••••44., ' es ••• •• •... WATCHES - MA RINGS LOCK, WALLETS RADNQK FLO!ZALS SILVER • • FLATWARE •__HOLLOW WARE-: STAINLESS STEEL MORE GIFT ITEMS CHI NA_DINNERWA-R-E--I N—RO-YAL—DOU L-TaN7P-ARAGO N, ? ROYAL ALBERT, MINIC3N, * WEDGEWOOD *ti ;4"‹ :** • row n SAPPHIRE PATTERN ' yn-n-d unnerware HARVEST PATTERN BL.UE PACIFIC Reg. $15.9'5 : Reg. s18 SPECI $9.99 :as, 11.99 • , 4, DN •Pbt-t•DVitud-PArr-EIZN. .• • Vii go • , • ',Nrandalay • ' liacienda eletnatl.s • • Aztec „ , • Tres Fahricitie . • AlirLETE'REPAIR„SE:RVtCE •••• • tic: -St. 1.ilens.' 'Higirlyriz • .vs went to Archie Aitchison. and • ,1‘10-dct-tytne second • went• to, \irs Jin Errington and efeses.t 6irth. to Chri§t,zna,s Vvas won -h Bb. Jefferson. The next par.ty: will be: 4Id or J.a'nuarv . t.le.storiny*.weather On eniriz-, a o.od:c rowd 'att,ended•thc 'Sunday School".COnt- cerf,.in the.St. t1e1eri hurcJi. ; .11r6(.1 Mcc?uillin was a ,patient dhring this past. wc0< at • SC.; :lig3pitat,:••1.94140.14 she tinderwerit :cleWhinney Of St. ". Catharines s'pent Te\s, days with l'IL;• parents' , 1r. and 'Nirs; •Frank . . . • LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE • PUBLIC SKATING - • PubliC School' 15c , TShI Adult 40c . • , • • • ,.-1 1, • -1' , • ;\leWhinnev , • *The holiday proirarn'and dance Will be held ember 29th. Ladies are asked to, please btibg,n,dwiches. 0 1.. •• • P..4. Mr: and Mrs. Blair Allen and s o Listowel visited last SIM- • day Wfth Mr.anct-.A4s.:Russell Hewitt who are nit eNoying ;good health at present. • We "Wish every,ohe a 1\4.erry" , Christmas apd a Happy N.vv'•Yea,r. kieathOr and Jennifer Scott _ ,N.;ti-itid with 'their grandparents Mt and.I\Irs.. John Scott. , The Janua,ry meeting of the • ilblYrood Women's Institute will hpld: at the ho Of .MrS John::-. c rr on ursda-y , Ja-nuary."6e. • LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21 .2-4'Free Skating (Business Meg); 5-6 .Figttre Skating •077 ---BantaTVPractice* 1:30 Bush League *HoCkey ' FRIDAY, DEcgmBirt ;24 • 2-4 free Skating (Business Men) ' • .•. A RD , R 25. • Z4 -Public Skating . .S.UNDAY, DE:CEMBER 25 —it'SO:stsr-ritlyffe-Skating • MONDAY, bEtEMBEk '2-4 Public Skating , 6-7 Pee Wee Practice S'•;.30 Bantam Game . ruuNE 528-3532 004 art A a ttOW• • • • • • " KNOW • 0 .1;i1 t • .0 " Pr • TUESDAY,. DECEMBER.' AM. • 8•,P.M.Lucknow Skating .Club. Skdiatlion . 8:430...Midget. • Viipt4ESDAY( DECEMBER 29 2-4 ,Public" Skating. • 5-6 Flea Practice 64 Novice Practide '7.8 Juvenile Practice 8.16 Public' Skating • • 1042 ie6 Rented • , PUBLIC SKATING, . ubhc—S-CloOl — 15c High School — 25e Adult 40c ; 4 .4 • \ THURSDAY,',DECEMBER 30 2-4 Public .Skating " ••., 5,6° Figure Skatiiig • ' 6-7 Bantam Practice . • 1:80' Bush Leagtie .'Hockey • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3.1 " ting 1 • SATURDAY, JANUARY , 2-4 Public Skating • "SuNDAY1-4.A.NUARY' -2"" 7 1:40-3:80 Public. Skating 6-8 Figure Skating 0-9 -Midget' Practice , MONDAY,' JANUARY3 • in Pe&,-4,Wetattiti— - 8::30 13antait Gatti& TUESDAY, •JANUARY 4 6::80 birl'i:Practice Midget Practice WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5 4-5 Brookside School' ' 5;6:',Flea Practice 6-7 Nottice Practice 7-8 Silvetilte. Pradiee 8-10 Public Skating 74 ,