The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-22, Page 26+1. PAON;•-.SNTX 1.'HHE- •LUCKNOW SENT rNE4 LUCKNOW, ! • • L' .411011014, • • ON Congratulations to Mt. and Mrs-, Frank Ritchie on the arrival. 'of their first granddaughter. Con: gratulations. to Mr. and Frank giggling who are the pro►td' parents. Students'spending the-h.olidays• at their homes are hliss Wanda 1-lunter of College of Education, in `icingston and Miss' Donna Ritchie of Western University London. Those attending 'the Christmas concert at North Aihfield. School. on. Wednesday, report a fine pro- gram: Nancy ,Kirkland teaches. 'the Junkor'•grades there. The. Young People. of Tr,1nity •Church presented .a. -Christmas•. . Carol Service on Sunday evening in. Trinity Church:. 'Master Kenneth: Ritchie accom- panied "Mr,• and Mrs:'.` Roy Penning- ton',of Teeswater to .Toronto on, Saturday•where'they will visit .Mr. and ',Mrs, . Peter Levick who bad. t'icke;ts':for .them'' all to attend' the., hockey •game on Saturday, evening•,..Toronto' versus 13uffa•lo: ' •IUi 11•,tSJ'LLill The cornrnirnity' was saddened •'to learn of the sudden'.death o f I "ARIA, • DNESQA- DE;CEMREI KINTNL :GENERAL -STORE. J..Van 'Osch Alexander .Mustard, age.' 41 .-ears' of Clinton. Death wa.s. due •to 'a ear accident The you,tl's er' was formerly Dorcen pepper '• Who lived with, her :pa -rents in the `Zion area many ' ,earS'ago. 1'•irst-. .ly they lived in the home now owned by FFrank. Ritchse ar:rdt s<'‘ leayine•:for tli& lived -arid fare., ;;. e sar. owned by 1Va) n� J. , :ca :ed at tile c Ir, t,,:• ,,.r; borne on Stiitd,i sy, patty • •,Merry Nl:otoring„` this holiday season.. "Thanks” for Letting us service your car; s -nee'ds.. . • MacDONALD iuronvieW The: resid.ent.s-w.er-e-fgaverffed. Last, Sunday. with •a :religio.,t,s ca.prz cert in the afternoon 'by.the Sal- nation Army Band of Wingham and Goderich arida song service in the evening•by•.the Christian Women's. Club froth • the Exeter, area. • . • The Huronview. Orchestra, , with' Miss, Della Peart -piano, Mrs._ Nlary-Tay1Tr mouth organ, Norman Speir=viohin,and Jerry Collins -combos, provided the music for Mondays program of old 'tyrne music aiid dancing', Follow- ing.tbe activities in the .auditor.- Mr. uditor.- Mr. ' Qee-i i- S-kinrie rrd-- rs Thelma ,King' of Exeter joined the orchestra for, an hour of music Irl WRA ELECTRONICS - m-th:e-:-'T-. -V. room. • — The Bayfield Brownies "assisted ,by the'Senior E3oys Class of Bayfield United;. Church eritertairi ed''onFarriil,y; Night The Brown- i'es',`�rC}ihe he p, -t IT -lead ers' Carol Penha le , .Dor a ida. Sturge, Debbie Turner and pianist Barbara .Graham, present, 'ed a Christmas..pa.gent-„.';a•'skit piano solos ,, recitations and sev- eral .carols 'by the chorus of. twen- ty -seven girls.. The boys clast puppet show was very' popular with the_tesidertts'' •esttec-i-a11v tbe--snow; ball fight with marshmallows. lvlrs: Gairdner'presented the•,girls• with a -'candy caneand thanked all those talc ng,part. The Bay, field. Anglican .Church ladies served Christmas •ao,' audience foilowirtg-'the program: The Salvation Arrn.y r:l..S snake sure that each yonnster finds; something nice in his stocking on., • Christmas morning. Soinetim.es evert: rOvid e s • th e tocrkrng-w- ; Christmas should be a happy w time.for children. Yet, for many. Perhaps rt's because their dreams tiaventt' come true; •The:y feel that maybe' Christmas is only for others, not for thein. But their dream' can come. true - for the Salvation Army, through 'ybu can bring a measure of hap.piress� to less fortunate children; So Join in the titre spirit of Christina” and send a generous 4orra tion. to '" The Salvation •Artily'. •You'll he glad you n the spirit of ari old-fashioned.`rstrri_s we extend best wishes to all.: We.:hc pe'y ou arid' n y loved'ones share love "-oian the man y SI-tlrne yC��`, • szend.• blessings of the season, x 1 `tt'' •W4 1116-1<t) f 1 f l t41 1- U`h17klr as