The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-22, Page 24AH TWENTY -Prot THO, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW •ONTARIO DNESDAY4 DECEMBER re'k hoairxgthctt anta brings .1ots of good things. your way! Thank you, • TQNSSUPERTE • Died A# His �Prederich Charles Johnston of 2 Lucknow passed, away 'at his horne on Wednesday, 1 ecen -, ber 15. • He was.74 The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel l,ucknow, •on Friday, .December 17th. Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery.. . &ownieNews on `Puesday., December.l4th, the 1st Luc'know. Brownie Pac.R met at the Town Hall, After all had' gathered they left'for Wiii, laaii Hospital ; •Upon arrivin;.at..th, hospital. .they were,given'a verynteresting tour• ley: some Ofthe. nurses. What :seemed to'ca•tch. the .Brownies interest„ irtost. were. the babies in the::nursery, and•the Many eye catching `Christmasdecorations• on 'the windows, and t.hroughour the' hospital•: :We•.would like• ro thank the ladies Who took .cars they, .were Mrs; 'Murray , Mrs; Phillips`,,. s:. •Little, Ivlrs •12aynard. and: Mrs. Greer. Next week will be the Brownie Christmas Party and this will be ourlast nieetin'until January. .To all .our friends, we extend our very. wishes for a most joyous holida` offer your appreciation for .your, patron. ARNOLD'S GENERAL STORE JIM AND VI eit rien anoUr• ✓1lf We want Ito say 'a sincere'. "thank you ,to all.our.gre:at friends 'and wish them all, .the laughter, fun -and. good ••• cheer--of---this' .happy he day season..77` LIOTT"$ o • r riming with : the best -o f ' holiday' .cheer. .hope this' Christmas is the merriest and 'happiest for you and all oti o,ed tones.. LUCKCNOii . and:;Nlrs.' Art 'McDonald.,; Culross,were hosts to .Sth:conces- sion.friends and neighbours' of Mrs. Charl:es4steel , who'. moved from' her farm, between the:8th and' 10th,conce sign, to•lier new: home' in Teeswaser' The evening was spent in play- ing cards and a delicious lunch was enjoyed .by everyone. Mrs.. Ken, Mac onald presenteci,Mrs `Steel with •a purse 'of rrmoney'-and: with well chosen. words: extended, best.w.ishes ft` m; the community to her for fli cute. WHEN SANTA k. CONTINUED FkOl,l'AGE'23:•• seemed 'as though the:breaks:were coniiinl his way until he tried to .et bis_ihirt_off _• But-. it was-' So. wet le just couldn't manage it, and firia•lly had to waken his ,wife, "John", she said:as she tried to -wrest the •shirt froth' her husband's back, .".have yoti:keen dancing again?" ,Santo thou.s.14 fast ,, and decided the hest course Was , to offer r,n'alihi for the wet • sh.irt,.''whi-1e evading ;the errrbar assing question. ".,Mother'' , h'e 'said ; •"That• schooiliouse�w.as so hot I thought :I would roast ...Just' irnYigirie.rlie in that-.fiir coat and cap •for nearly an hour , in a 'room' • crowded .with people _anti a good :... w/trallf re ire the, :stove , " .• That seerned to •quiet her fears,.and Itncle.crept into bed and went off t� sleep.withotit Much' qualms, of conscience. T'he incIident was. closed, so .fk r•..L,as Vie:-wars.-ronrer!Icd-. It,would have reinairied that :.. .way were it: not _for a tittle six year old grand -daughter ,who , rushed- in the Text rnornirig, arid in the,ptesernbe of .Grandrna greet- ed the old. thusly; ' We.II , . Grandpa': how do you, feel after your jig? rt w:as an embarrassing rnorncrit. for Santa Claus. as his better half cast a looRcoT disappto'a.l at }sine', and contented herself with one word , "john"q, ,. , y e hope that Santa ' • is bringing good things•your,.. way.. Thank you for your loy.at Patronage. JOHNSTONE and SON • FURNITURE theek. Sdrit +rrartt's to mdke 'sure . Overy d"e ail r"3' us 'rrghf so yob... v. can have the' merriest, hd'ppiest .Cl rrttro s ever[ RIPLEY MEAT MARI 9 ANDABAiiOffi,;