The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 20ASO 1 lig .NTY THE LUCKNOW S.ENT.INEL, LU* KNOW,- ONTARIO WE POMMY, r Yes, odds and ends are all that MacKenzie Furniture has left ' its I4quidatioa Sale. There are still a few items left. Check, offering ing over `list that MacKenzies o at iEATLY:.REDU:ED• PRICES 2 SETS '•F B;ONK. BEDS 1 ; TRADr r1Ot •AL .'CHESTER- .FIELD. GREEN AND GO+.D ' BRIDGE SETS 3 UPRIGHT WALNUT BOOKCASES ,COFFEE AND 'END TABLES 313" CONTINENTAL '"BEDS 4 BEDROOM: SUITE' S. ao_ o 0100 OCCASIt?NA4. PIEC S OF'.. • FURNITURE:. A.' FEiiii,.KITC.HEN':SUITES' • SEVERA,L MIRRORS AND.: PAINTINGS' BOUDOIR LAMPS TREELAMPS' PILLOWS 1: DeS,k FOOTSTOOLS 0130► 1o=0» 1 LUCKNOVII_ -.-'PHONE: 52$3432 �ellS . omners AMBERLEY NEWS • The ..Reids Corners Women's' } e . .ristm„�5 meeting in the Church.on `Wednes- day evening, December 8th. Mrs. Cecil Hollands, President,. presid ed for the Meeting; openi:ngwith . the Opening Ode and repeating .the Mary Stewart.,.Collect. • The roll call was a'nswe'red by ;"A • Christmas gift I: have 'most apprec rated"; '.The --4 H giris entertained the ladies with .their display and per- , formance of. a Skit..Mts; Bertha Scott'took'the chair for.,,the re- rna inder of'the progrannne . :Christmas carols were. sung in. keeping with the season. Mrs: .Eltlon Bradley: gave her report,. on, -the, Institttte Conf-eience-held--- at Hanover;: Mrs:. Bertha Scot!, and Mrs: ` Edna. McDonald acted ,' as Santas--a-nd ,gave out: t;he'tqys te%ry Pal" Christrnas'gifts The • members found out .who had: been . •remembering them with cards, - on special'occasions .d uring the' past year The meeting' closed with the Closing Ode and Grace and . lunch' was ''sery ed' by : the host eases".' ECEMgE 1' 1k,, lfl! The St. Helens Women's lnsti- `( tete held their December meet , ing'in the hall on Thursday at Mrs, Allan Miller presided', • 'The roll call.was.answered by "A Christi-4as, custom, that niearis' .most to yo.0 at' Christmas" , The financial statement was read by secretary( Mrs;; Bob Aitchison. It was decided purchase? rchase,? 'ebffee nicker .for the hall. 100 • FOLDER SHEETS AND '100 • ENVELOPE.• • BOTH PRINTED • �A. Christmas partyis being plan' tied. ' The next card.party will beheld December 16' with 6rot.ip.' 3. as hostess.: Donations were 'given to. the, Children's Aid in fibron•Cc.)unty. arid 'also 'to the God'erich •! iospit - .. It;'was decided to crperate,a Boot: aga in at the. Cra ft Festival . • in Luc now next ;'st,m,mer': ••Christrrias carols: were sung with 14lrs.• 'E W. Rice at the Piano,.:,. • Our ._hest entertainer '\lr . Clarence :McC1.ena;i;han 'from Dun- gannon. showed ;slides :of 'beauty `spots';in our couniry and read. peers that illustrated theslides„ Mrs. Jing Aitchison 'thanked Mrs,' McClenaghan and. ►resented her .with a gift. Airs •Sir.itutr de mer sang.a' W10, •Readings'were give:by.' Iv1rs, Green and hors. 'Kessel ; Ph'i.iIYps . ., . The motto "Take time to be friendly,,.it is the road to happi:-' ness" was given by Mrs. Ross Errington.. •:A gift exchange 'fol- lowed,. :Mrs., Frank McQuillin conducted a cont=est, lunch • was served at: the close: of the meeting.' feed and animal health service 0:0 140' .SINGLE SHEETS AND 100 ENVELOPES BOTH PRINTED Fo _you . owr riuse' i, e w i .e no. epaper printed'in black or blue ink with imprtnted matching envelopes. Attractively boxed.. Choose • tfrom thou Four Typo Styloc t 2anrrmt TYPE STYtE'A1'13 • John fl'ndersrrn •, TYPE STYLE A8 PHIL,L PS• 'TYPt StyLF A>; d TYRE w51.'iL'e A' . FROM leadership in nutrition continuous research management skills growing animal health service CARE MONEY AN'T BUY .. YOU GETT VI SHURGAIN SERVICE. Good service ik julst.a little morethan carry rig, CIA a .job. :It's the:little extra care going into -- the -service-'that-really Cunts . ,the se cond: . look at an order .'' .. a re -check on a. load, an. extra phone earl to make sure something is O.K. . '. thin''gs like that. eSiidex Of Orld Jamboree. The Annual 'Mee'ting and Par-, ent's Night for the Kinloss Ventur- ers, Scouts and Cubs Was held at the Scout Hall on the,eveni•ng :of December 6. Ronald. Frool<, chairman of the - Group Committee, acted' asChair-- /fan fot hair-iian.for the 'meeting.:. Mrs Frook gave, R he, report for the Group Corn tnittee. Mvlernbers. of the Grotip Committee are Ronald Frook, Morley Wall, Gary Sutton, Ron` Stanley and Jack Barr. The latter` two:•rnernbers retire this yeas and two new menate needed, to replace them. Appreciation was expressed to; the :Ladies Auxiliary fo.r „thieir'ass'istance .t rougliout. the year,. as assistant,. 'r8nr. I, , rt., tt'�,t_• ed on Venturer . .c i iVi 110 111(.11;i2.,' ing sellingpC;hrIi�trii snowrtiohile party Aron u•in '.i.r. ,, • held at 'Point ;Campfor •the 131uc 'a` 1tt r which 'was attended E, .:, ;ie of the members.:: ;l'f1e : c:,tnrers assisted one o illtir : i�c Wtai... Dir.kie w•hci .1 tit , r'.tu the World Jamboree in lion 13e11 gave 1114: g+cirt `a! Cub activitieJ'1tw. .1,a.Lir 'loltn- ston is:the .Cubina:s:ter'• ("h;e Phi • visited, McAllister,'s :1 erre stria.. hush in the Spiing, w'Cin si1Ci{e"r fishing a,nd had sh.v.t r:11 Jukes ajid cook -out's. • :They aiiettied Camp. Martyr! C1ahor,t•,. It doesn't mean 'we won't Make mistakes: We probably' will: I•t does mean we feel badly . When a mistake is made.and it a1So-:..means - r that bare ip taken that it' won't happen again: '�'d • �a1t's the kind b'rl' f care we pledge to give you P, and all our customersy aln The I ro.lyrood Women's,- Inst i •" • tette is the spot sori'ng org attizau ion and ,their secretary, Mrs Erna Iadie , acted as secretary for the iieetir► ►. bite minutes die the.1(.1M annual. meeting wore read iltid' approved .f)on Bell gave the treasitrer`s' • •report.. Funds were raised during ilt was d•ecided rci 1 olti •I'1e t:t,l• � and Scout s'ceoIId: week after tllc rtcrv.l. ,r !'he roof of the Scout 11.1•11 .:'_is''0 iv • repaired :.and 1ht cd to look after rl.in, li•w;�� g11 v, , gested that n'iorc <,ii1,l,er.. !=C 111Idr for SttoWtT1(�I�l,l'E'.rC 1� C(tL supper•,,assisting 'at. the Craft Pest -1 :iva1 and a'dormgon -was received frons the Vcritnrefs, . Ma rt f3'enedic't, S'ebtii Lender; reported bn : cout:.activities which. inc hid ed .a "Winter ctltnp, the May Ctttiporee, a'trip t 't?to. 'Bruc'e Trail acid a canoe trip : k ea nip wYas also held at Ciftr :p. Ma tyn this: pal -l; t i yd' Graliatai. is the hec4 Vent titer advisor with IJr~:uce 60w 26 ell raising; project,. 1�1r''s it..iynard 1t l« erii of 't he 1!o1) roit'd t'p''r • In tittitrr, spti,ke 1 r'!l, ot. ahi�.at a .....It .i•. secure inew, rirW tttfttk', ' i1:.c' (atria C:.orrrrrri tt.,r Y ` f t 'E+ tA'e $*. lake, i nd' Allaire tirc...t wn° w .irterrtht , A I -A#.110 field .it the 86611i l Ia i f ori N"t V r f�c'r Lit Wtit:i• iekf+e sitowrrr *tido of Iii' recent t'firttl,lapai anti tiisplyed tottvettirs or the Ward Inrrtf5oree, Lti'Itcli was served by tfrr !Adm.