The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 18MON EIGHTEEN vile hi PlaVET ' l l>7RC COIVT.IIViIE1 J~IZOM I AG 1 Services will be carried on as usual for the remainder of this, year.: 'Rev. George Ball has been minister of St. Andrews, Ripley and Olivet for the past 8 1/2 Years. • When h,e first came to this area, :Clark Church, onvthe . . 12th;of Huron,, was One of the :. . three point Charge, A year .ago. Clark closed and 'Olivet has now' made .its.. decision. Both decisions Were made .by the OLIVET r ret i.beis^-of--the congregartQ"n theinselves''with no influence by. Presbytery.or the•-nninister,. Olivet records show 19 house-• holdspresently under pastoral,. care with about half of these actiitely involved within the church. The Sunday School'at Olivet .was transferred to .St. Andrews" earlier. . . On •the occasion .of the 75;th anniversary of the church in 1964, The Sentinel. printed a booklet with'historical items about the Olivet congregation'. We are reprinting parts. of this history to mark this- historic -occasion in the life of this church. INOVh SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,,' ONTARIO' WEDNESDAY,. DECEMBER 1.5th0, iflisters Who Served Rett. T, .J..Snowdon .11 89 -' 1890 Rev. J S. ,Cook 169I 1894 Rev. B. I.r. ' Hutton 1895 1946 1897 1990:: Rev. F :Swan Rev. R,. J, Hosking . " 1901 ,- 1905 Rev. T W, Blatchford . 1905 1909; Rev G. W, Rivers 1910 -1913 Rev:.• A. -R. Kellam. 19,13 ,1917 Rev.' •J. Henderson , 1917' - 1919 Rev. J. W. Kilpatrick 1919 -1921 Rev.. H, -..Winans, 1922.- 1926 Rev. G, . Weir_ 1927 Rev. C. 'N, h!IacKenzie .1927 - 1941 1941 - 1947 Rev. E.. 'Beech • Rev, .,S. .Gibson ' ., 1947 - 1949 13^v, D. 'Brydon 1949 Rev. D' Dunlop .1959 Rev:.. ' 0.'.' Strapp . • 1962' 1963 Rev: G. .N, • Ball 1963. ** teachers E•' HAVE Mr rThosTMlner r, .'David ,Agnew John Stewar ' Mr. ' Geo. Brooks' Mr._' .Jas. < Taylor Mr, Adam Ruttle ,. MODELS . IiN($TO .. • • et to goo ego fees) IP GOO ID 9440 40 O. :OM'E IN NOW AND' :LAY -AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS. 4!4V '410i, J, lone 528 • ELEN'. a,Mrs. Harvey Webb spent a few • ays with Mrs. Irma Anderson in God er• ich , RECEPTION. honours while Lynda Lyons, Loree Garai Ie-r-:Ca-i-1,,MacPherson-a-nd--- Bonnie Humphrey received .Coun- ty Honours. Congratuiat'ionst Home from( Wingham.and .'Dist- rict..H'ospital is Miss Mary Murray reception in 'honour of Mr, and Mts. John Lyoris o'n Friday evening ''Dungannon Agricultural Hall.. RECEIVE 4.H`..HONOLIRS '•. At the .4-H Achievement Day at Wingham on Saturday, Corin.-' ne Cranston, Verna Aitchison and Linda Mewhinney ftorn the St. Helens Club received, provincial don is Frank Mewhinneyy a .n Thursday el./Piing' is the ne*t , Shoot-Party,f the'St, Helens, Hall. Lunch will. be .served.'., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bacher: of Cayuga spent last week end at the home•of Mr•, and Mrs. Gord• Lyons, 'rE t Pr1Qr to the building of Qlivet Church sc rvices were h lii' locations. in the community, in' a little church caiit�ti Virdun. �Q' Colling's farm): ,and . at Clover Valley: school on the..second co Huron • TQWnsh p, nre The first Circuit formed in 1884, was compo of Pine River,' . Amberley and Virdun:, lttpley, I;n 1885. a change was. 'made and Amberley anti Pine'Rivet deleted from . the circuit and.; Mount Zion,; nQW 1lolyr.00 d, was This arrangement continued until 1890. At . this bine Bethel ' tis from the 'circuit and_"; Clarke was. .added* In 19,14 Moitnt Zion'was from the charge ki•n a three oint circ i ' g tea.. g. � p , at of Ripley, 4.11v�et�'n :. After union C1arke Was changed .to. the .Bervle char > > . d't the Ripley charge in 1954. hi coming'; 'After holding services.. at Virdun 'and Clover Valley on al Sundays the members . of the • community decided that 'a more place. of worship ; was needed. Olivet church `was built of tri struction and several years later was'eovered with. trick. Olivet .church was : dedicated for worship' in August ,1889, M Steele, Ripley `aiid Mr; Chas:•�,Sm_ith, .Winghari� ware �imat, those for the.,opening service::Mr Smith has been..prese,nt at,ever "'ante of that occasion. " Between .1912 and `1919, : five young .. men:. frtirn; Olivet ente ministry: No doubt. the influence- of the . Sunday, . School and the League contributed to. their decision to enter the full time se the. church. After' union .' in 1925;' thework of 'the' Epworth • League was on by the Young: People's'Society `which played no; small partin of the church;: This active society was instrumental in installing new ing: equipment in the church. Hydro was installed : in the .c many o e, ores eing onated In: 1954. the • interior of the church was. remodelled : and 'a choir was bail Following=the_.re: dedioatton. of .the church a p ,► week: w s held with Dr: 'Mumford, 'formerly of " Luc kriow, as .mi . Gowns were purchased for the choir through: their ov..n effi 1957, an electric organ : was installed.. Our .choir members., organ organ contribute •a. great' deal, to -our 'service':of. song.. DENT a :tes a1ate ise .rti cil, s the't .0,0 of. it was we- e! ineel One EST II: w hca purc•h,i, risen tC s there dust' a n. esegted td last t'of v good: i; o up in 'the t and he insi:kht�.i ds thowe, iuced•and mode lle.d' demotist'r tioiiitno,hi presenia t MUSIC -AL. PROGRAh • South `KinlossPresbytedan Church was fi11ed :to. capacity Sun day evening .or the Anrt.ual Carol fest, A. wonderful musical Pro gra'rnme Was -presented: Mr. 'Ir. and Mrs.,,4lenry.Har•t•enmink acid Monica. r,eturied::las•t we'ck rom .a holiday' i a Holland:.The.y,, report the weather rlrerc wa's ,- Hutchlike we experienced_ last week',.cloudy with rain most days. i\1r l ob`i Yileli ist is supply teaching for Ntrs • Gerald .Murray. at., Kir loss. Central School fpr the Month:of December.. CIIIMMIvf gip. F11U .There was ach untiey.,.. firee t th:e. home of Mr �lrs.ar and' .:ayes Sat arday ;afternoon., 'bait foru as t' . ly.,it was brought under coiitrQI� and the h'ortie�saved,frbtia destnie- tion, 1'. Harvey, llouston'was itt Toronto last Tuesday at 'anExecu tive meeting of tlae federated • Wor en•s Institute •of Orn rio' at the riayStreet office. • ,p. THOSE.. FROM .OLIVET CONGREGATION. WHO, ENL'tSTE • tM THE MIN1STRY'.'AND BECAME. ORDAINEED MINISTER s is er ug les visited'. in Listow:ei;rece'ntly. With Mrs, Annie Kennedy.`. Mrs: ,Etta Drurnmond -daltIrVititing withTier sitter; Mrs: Douglas Graham and Mr, GGrahan'f in Luc'know. . M the Sunday School Concert' at South Kinloss is close to Christ- eels; Gifts will be received ort Sunday, December 19'so that they can be distributed before Chr.istmas Mr: and Mr§t tail: l3lckie and Steven and,Mrs. Alex Jones and Christopher -of Hope Bay,: Douglas Dickie of Guelph and Walter Diekj'e of Toronto viere' dinner gusts Sunday with M`r, and Mr. , ba Dickie, Denver and Wilt l rt'i:, ' LEFT TO ••RICHT, — Rev. Fred b. McTavish, Re'V. 'r Chester W Rev,' Edgar. J, Roulston, Ilei'; John C'. Ni �.'• _O. L ;FT- Rev: Albert V- Vi atderi' -?OP RIGH =-1 ll un�nKlc Rev.. J..C. Nich� . .i ber' of Olivet congrega • ,was not .a neem .. ._, o son.., . . ,' .-� i�,,,. vterinn; �e grew. up in the community, Although he was a f ►es,b� to have' preached hS' first 'sermon in Olivet:. WHO V,VM 'McGuire Jas Scott Jas, r owney Henry Pritchard Israel Jeater Trustees 'tG N E:D nit.DEED 1889': CAI