The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 16• • • • • PAGE, SIXT THE: LUCKNOW SENTINE4, IUCIC.N ' LADIES DUSTERS MILTED NYLON ' .HOSTESS LENGTH • .M. and L. for .:$9,98 • ORLON, PILE, HOSTESS:' L $12.95 NGTH CHILDREN'S' QUILTED., NYLON: HO. USEC(*T .SIZE•4-..:10•• 53.59:-.54.49 • BOXED. TOWEL GIFT SETS 2.39 — $4.79 CORDUROY TOSS CUSHIONS • $2.29 `IRISH LINEN, MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, BOXED $1:19 and $1:119 10094: .COTTON COLOURED BORDERS 4 for.$1.29 ' . DRAW :WITH $2.89 PURCHASE / • WIDE SELECTION 'OF . NOVELTY AND CHINA GIFTS,: PUZZLES, GAMES, TOYS ,'Lucknow Phone .528-32:14 moss Hold K•inlost Tn t_n_hi ..Council'Met •• in regular sessionon December6 th., the Reeve and all Counoil'';' present Afterthe minutes of ;cher meet. ings'held an No;erx:be,r: lst., '15 i�th and 29t1 /were adoteems r - , the 'fallowing business vias dealt with•: • A donation of $15 00 was made to War Memorial Children's Hose. 'pital. The deposit'. cheque of. .Ed Wa echt,er for. pit•rti n' graVel ee rtra-c -w s--asked-col-be`re-rurt -ed as the loll .has been completed.;• Wallace' Conn ,was suggested .I as: representative to the Winghain •Hospital: Board for. the. year 19.72 so_ repreierir the ToWrr&l s -of : • Kintoss•; 'West' Wawanosh and the. • V.illage of Luc :know :,• ' As e, White urch Water S,ys-, tern well :and 'storag•etank.are On Township 'property , council approved leasing the .Township: • land concerned' on,.ayearly rental basis of $1.; OO per year The following accoints were ordered paid,:` Gen.era1',1701.'99, Drains 7699.95: Highways 6299.E .' The. meeting adjourned to rn•eeit again on, December' 15 at 7 p PRASER, \1aiKl•NrNON,: CLERK,. F�0 . Dies In c der TARIO� N .:.......wEDNESDAY.,DECEIIAB,ER ISIh, l9)I r. 'KEITH L, JOHNSTON Keith Leonard Johnston, Wing harp garage operator, lost his life early Sunday morning Decem- ber 5th,, when he was, accidentally: killed, by a car while attempting to pull another, car from the ditch,.. with his tow >rnek,'• He was '40' years of 4ge.. He' was•born in Kinloss Town- ship : one of nine children born to Mark` Leonard. Johnston and his, rife Mar_Yt ..Gonle-y: now residents of LuGknow„ ' A . Keith's death w.as the first break, in the family,, . He grew up•at l lolyr'ood , •where he farmed before removing to .Wing - ham in'194b. ' On September lst, 1951 he rtiar- ried Della Catherine Powell of Wingha tn: He is.survived .by•his'wife; "hiss•.., parents two sons ;and two daugh- ters, aughters, Leonard Robert:of Listowel.; `Jo 4.9 Catherine 14,.'Ronai'd Keith • 10 and•Sh�erry *tin 4; all.:a.t home four;brothers,; Clifford of Holyrood , Everette of Ottaw,a, •. Lloyd of Holyrood ,, Wayne of:Tor onto 'and •fotir sisters Mfrs: .:\tatirieP •(Vera') Hodgins of ,London Percy ,(Juin) Deyell. of Wingtiain ;\\Irs a Don (Mary) 'Martin of .Wh'ite - church',. Mrs'' I3ert_(Doris), \1oss:of Auburn. The (Littera 1 •s.ery ;ce was tie the -S, 1. Walker 'pullet -al FI.c n 'e • :at ,Wingham on Wed nes'day,'• Dec„ ember. .8th':'... Rev R. .H`.: ' ter P-esby�ter- Ian Church, of,which �1,1r'. John.= ston w.ay,a, member;`was minister Pallbearers'were 'Alex Sproal. John Sproal Art'13ryce 13;i.11 Gal- lagher, ROss allagher,..Ross Hayden,. Walter ` Flower bearers were Alex Cor rigan:and•,Doug Gerson:, ,Merhbers of the Wingham :Eire' Departmentformed. an:Hono'ur'. Guard 0 •1 ANS• . or Christmas, manualand electric in stock, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone, 528-2822 • • EFFEc1riv DECEMBER aLieased the Sunoco :Gana, flier o :Campbell and Inglis • • YES;, ALL GIFTS FROM. • HNStI and S • SOC N.ITI ARE SANTA APPROVEI M411 MATS • ti 1N:TINGS c OCCASI CHAIRS te CHESTERFIELDS COFFEE TABLES DOTSTOQLS STEREOS • COME :'I IN AND MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW HELLO_FROM'GRADr; ONE: ' 4Oracle One is busy getting+ .ready for ':Christmas... • We practice our col Wert every day.: •Our costumes make it 'Took better':„ • We have finished .out btokl.et: on. "The first Christtnas'. "' Ma rirboys and giris.areMhome sick with the flu. We hope they will be backto school, • ,Names ;Were 'drawn for Christ mas presents; We are•goi"nt to . lea'gtie,volley11,, Colling's 'team woii , .itnst 1�t len Trepanier's 1 .t • Jane . ng' s tesartt w��ii 1t:,i.iis' i ..'..• bic.\tagold's.re�atif`, lois•\c ed ..- 'ham's teairl w(3rn.1),Mtlti Prlscfila ipfc'•1's team:.l lei's lt,t�.c� rite score standing wi.i';.!Ay tt,(1.._...__ ham's tedtti and i...i,.rti c'�51.liriti,� :team still tied • for Hoyle • put our hilts under ii, Every noonfottr., we listcn''to Christrna.s records while''we eat otr lunch: 6 -fade One wishes revery otic �a Merry Christmas ,and ri happy Nev Year; GIRLS 1iG)'CJS1"L1:AGtd1.•VOLLI ,t 13AL1.4 by'Citeril Mc(,xarv.ey C)tt Wednesday,' T eeenfber 8th the girls ep.ii luded thcir'ltotise• - again, (.11 NIontl,t : , '• e. 15t t t pave �+trt•t'tll's t o .. Eli tc rtc'w Sheldon Stilottt;t ll' t c rStew it's t6,ain l7ts.14 ion's team. lit thy stewiirtts team is in !in.:. ri.'rc '+ In sccotid .pl i'ce is. t t toes ,tea rrt l'ti t ; l ti`s' to ilrave F mitlts t.e<yt r. ,t ltti i'eir t"i` n'Oentti is itr•14R`ti i.: dates,