The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 10PAGE TOM., ,'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LU'CKN W4.0 TARR)' WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER,15th; �9�1 KNOW CHURCH TOT, RObeft,Nich411s, B! A.,, . Minister DECEMBER 19 Advent 4 • CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 10 am. Sunday school 11 a m Morning Worship The Luekndw. School Ban&wilL b play . efore the 'service POINT TO. PONDER "Men will .grasp; the reality of God and It will grasp them, only .as they see it as the .most real thing ' of their. world". This is the significance,. of the Incarn ation. ' _ John Robinson ICKNOW' CHRISTIAN REFORMED. CHURCH J' W, 'Vail Stenipyoort Pastor . Services:;: 10,00 a.m. English Service. •, 2;30 p:m: English Service, Except 2nd Sunday of; each month when: the .afternoon '. 'ce-i4.14-Dutch. VISITORS WELCOME:." Denominational Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To God Hour", every Sunday: 'CJCS:'(Stratford) — 2:00_ p.m.; CFOS . (Owen Sound)'.. .6:00 p.m Luckno* . . is • :• •; �• , resby�teriarn . Churc 'ANGLICAN. CHURCH .LYICKNOW AREA PARISH Tile 'Rev, R. Odendahl ..' Rector DE4EMBER,19fh IIChurch .NOW Bee ver Uncia Ne.x leek Because hof Space Limitations. eaks On H�bbv KINLOUGf NEWS • The Holyrood Womenf s.Institute held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Jitn• Smith. The ,president Mrs. Raynard Ackert welcomed everyone,, The Ode • and the .Mary. Stewart, Collect •opened'the meetrn.g.. Mrs: Lorne'Eadie'gave .the' financial re.port. The president expressed thanks to:all'who help- ed at,the elp-ed.at,the Suni,rnary'Day. at Tees'- water... Correspondence was read - which inclefdedt1etters from 'Mrs, Eric Parsons.of En'land Mr Mildred Frook. of,15t3 5t1 St; laanoyer. ;, both fornier, rrenibers; and from, two Sr_ Cittizens. Mrs. Margaret McFhcrsori.and 'Mrs. ,MarthaCox Mrs.. Ernest Ackert Rev. Glenn. Noble,, B.A.; B.D, Minister Phone 528-27.40 DECEMBER 1'9th 10 a.m Sunday School Morro. nhip . is and Christinas Carols; c RT uronYleW •The Annual Christmas :fair, an. event. which givesthe: residents arc opportunity to..do,some Chiristina. 'shopping ,:was..held. ori Monday Each resident is • given a credit . slip to select gi;fts.from the, sever- • al. tables which are: arra1figed in the craft :roomwith tea; and::cook- les served t.he_�,.udttor rim. This p oject is sponsored and ar- •:,ranged by the ,WOmen's Auitiliary. with contributions from various.' organizations: 4 1Glembers' o t e `. I. II.' were guests.at .the regional Christmas' party, which:•was held. on Wednes . day evening in. the ,Mitchell' Un- ited Chuith ' One n=ited,Church,One hundred and Twenty -fiver ie•mbers •and their escorts from Huron and Perth at- , • tended the, dinner .which included ,turkey and all tle`trimmings fol - St. haul's; anon; S:OO.pm; • 2nd• and 4th Sundays Christ Church, Port Albert 3 p.nl. • . lst, Si*and 5th :Sundays lowed by a sing=song and musical ,numbers by the Stratford Barber ShoPPers. ' Miss Laura :-Ing •lis. of Clifford .• arranged and directed a` progra rn presented. by the. Hi' Cg P rou of McIntosh United Church on .mFa as s•,. ily Night, Mr. George•H,arkness, introdUo:ed. the numbers which included a guitar duet:hy.'Wendy:.' and iSb%e E3usley, accordian • solos ,by Barbara 1141.kness , a: two- act"play "Wanted. a Eibus.ekeeper several Christmas nunbers and a Sing .=a -long byi,th.e- C:hor4*of; twenty young people , 'Miss Fran- ces Inglis,. a rnernber of the Me Intosh U. C. W. expressed . the appreciation of the residents. The;P:amii.ht_ptograrrt w'i11= beheld on Wednesday. at '7 p ,rn December 22 :instead sof:the• reg- u.lar Thursday night for next week only ' • . , `, •; I E -STATIONERY THIS CHRISTM Luc Irs..IarcI4Gaun as WI. Speaker WHIl'EC'HURCH-1 'NEWS: Wh'itechurch Women's .Institute held. its Christmas meeting on December lb at •St. Andrew's,.'' • Presbyterian 'Church , Win ;hard where :31 ladies enjoyed ;a delic ious turkey'hanquet at 12 'hobo'. :After the banquet,the caterers 'Were thanked,.by President. Mrs:., •,Dan T.iffin'. All,threta.rerirec! tQ.the Osemb fully decorated C'hristmmias: Tree., under which the secret sisters put their gifts: The first Vice President Miss Merle .Wilson' presided'' in the Christrt�as thoughts. was, is love, snO.w ; cli ldt . u.. trees, holly , pine cones , •pti1,cortt , • •turkey.dinner, crataherre s.t.uce• and Christmas puddin .. Christ- rms •is,'ftin, carols:,i 1,liil,,'ie3,.' '.Christmas is la�;tat `11al:r> color- ed lights ; shraitjt; st t rs , .;;►l'inin, faces,;', Chrisunas•.is a •pue.m Better to give :th n to is •eiv.e; What does. C1�ristnla's , ,'r;in to Vain IS, it a celebration cif tt,tc Isirrir•of Christ.. She .Suggest . rrtn,t money .to :the Sit-lv;i.titvr::r:r;•t• ' for their•Cheer l'tin, .tt,M to Invite sortie:10nel 9u.r •Chrrstriia Y s. w;as� thanked t y..tiirs.:'la:t-•sri•l and told she wotild fiorii the free. 1\liss Ou�ghtori il:ci, •••11.:.• k,,:11•11- 1S.'. „:h;rr ri is i' 115: •'111c , .cc;ir.;2. . c.lAsed-�r-r`t•1 • r _ ` ' ItL't � and sang the carol "Silent Night”. The committee • for the Christ mas: Cheerio boxes is Mrs..Morgan Johnston; Irs: iornetEadie , 'Mrs : Alex Percy, -Card part*. will be held in' the hall in the �ew Year, Cornrnittee :to •arrange. these are Mrs. Jim "Smith, ;hlrs: Jack. Scott', Mrs. John Maxwell and tee siOal • Nus. Baynard Ackert, .Mrs Dan: McInnes,; h1rs.''G1en Hodgins are to get the. 411:leaders for the Course."Sports` wear from knits • iviernbers' and visitors. res.P, grilled • to:,t•he roil call whiclr:'was singr , .say ;pr payandmade a most inter *sting rca. oll: . Judges .for the place card con'- test . were Mrs/• Ena flenderSon and: Mrs. Art Haldenby :with prizes, gtiingti to:'Mis Baynard Ackert and Mts .. P A., Murray.. ' .The topic Christmas i.n other *Os' was well .given' by'htrs.• Ray c • •; :also-condue-t •ed'a•contest• Mrs, •P. A. Murray gave'the' motto on Christmas .which was, weliHp: epared with .many worth- /allowed. .Mrs. Dan Melones read the story of a fruit cake:• 1`trs., Jack Scott .read. !!if .I' could . be Santa. Claus for..a . Day" : Iti1rs. Lorne 1adie 'read "Harmony. of •shr'iekin angels" r • There was, an'' ex;changp,of recipes ' Mrs'. Ackert introduced the: guest ifor_.the a..:fter-noon-M•rs 'l-larvey Webster.. of Lucknow.. She cx;pressed'her pleasure in being . ar this irieetiiih and E,ave.a, most" interesting •talk. on her hiihby "Souvenir Spoons" which she has collected for ate past - twelve years.- Mrs.. Webster in herpleasing manner explained • herhofslby, frortt.th.e heginniti and. „later all had the opportunity of viewing the display which was' FOR EYERYONE.ON`YOUR t.IST • Murray thanked ,Mrs'. Webster. and presented, her with a gift`.. And also•.ga.vc thc.cOurtdsy rertrarkL .., The rAeeting closed with. " b .Ca -nada" and Grace. Deiicidus refreshments were serv- ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Harold Snaith.. The Sttnshtne Sister gift exchange ,this took pla.ce Dan Tiffin., who had to. return to Work.. The, meeting opened with the Institute ,Ode. and all.repear: ing the Creed i'n unisrui;.- The.' secretary :treasure.r.',Mrs. Russel..: NlcGuire gave the financial 'state went r•The 'roll call was answered.,t y ; many mettibers bringing the rec- ipe and sample of their Christ ma's coo•<its.. Thank you ,notes • werer,rec:elved• from Mrs.. Russel' :Ross: Mrs. Jean McGuire ,' Carl . MC1cClenhghari, Miss, hie I=eta tizdy. The. next .4.-1I proj.eci•is: Sports Weir .f=rom Knits ;,:and :the ;: leaders. meet 'Fe bruar '.l: and 2 • and February and.:`5 at Walker-- t'on Lead'ers were not obtained..._;.. at the Meeting, It' was decided., to conduct •a cancer canvas in':.the Spring. and to. again_lhave-Secret '- Sisters: ;Mrs.; 'Torii .Metcalfe thanked the i embers for favours/. y . the had done farther:: • Carol singing was enjoyed by , 11-1 with firs. ,Garnet f arr'ier.pia'n st. .• The motto "God' gives ,accord ing to our needs not our. `wants` •w ' as given by .M.rs,.•.E1Ain Johnson,- wlio ,said whoof us hasr't at Sante time or other wished for something we 'didn't.need, She illustrated her motto' with • stories one of which was concern- ing Laur.a Collar and her mission • work in ,the Eloly'Landsat Christ= • Inas .tittle..: She invited folks.:who were alone totter _home .for. Christ.. Inas dinner. Before. Cluisttitas she just. had on lone bachelor -who. •' + come •ut w en C ristr1 .is day arrived she:; had 7 guests, : o Arab', American , Scotsman, Per"- Sian , ;Ind :Others., 'they -sang Clrrasii rhos• on rods ,a f d<'t`f e Aa b a pastor, told ast'ory and she said it was the t Iappiest Chri•st'tttas she lead for Put tty'yea rs:. / : 'miss Ou • htrton gab 0 1101 I l'E Tlrt. accornpanie y•pianist. 'Miss Merle WilsonY Mrs. Ben McCClen- aglian, branch delegate to the • ceey-i3ruc.e.!Area. Convention at ; •° lfanover% gave the convention •. report .Mrs. `V•ictor Emerson then intro.'. duced the guest speaker ,Mrs, liar old" Gaunt, Huron West District. president She told the members sortie htttrrorVotts stories, gave th.e wishbone pde'rn , and then garre • Mrs, Fra nI 'ltoss .t uk.; ' "r Jisr. C -orcin :passed but :OA., t_he mem bOrs ,trrffl tL. !o: scant' sisters', All. 'lien exltti,ite'd tiler;. gifts and•trarrted tale: eet.c•t s RINT.ED GUMMED LABELS - ,. sive , rr:s 'Inas gi , 300 for $1.75,' order,:now. The Lucknow Sentinel, ,52.8-822... ' P.RINTED.,.' STATIONERY: both. writing, paper and enyelopes,large variety to ' choose from see' our. sample. catalogue, ideal, for Christ nuts... The Lucknow,Sentinel PERSONAL GUMMED LABELS La eIs- Iabeis -70 afl,easy•to•lose items such 'a's, stationery, cheques, cameras, Ioy YoU'iLf;rnd a fhousanduses ' for' thele gummed la'belr • packed to a handy pfesttc reuseatile box: • :OMAR • NOW. .' 'a•ted..ersonal phonograph 4 T Th.e l4ucknoc . held In'. tiles corned. t lbraiir Stewart: p'Ogr r n 'Anniver; T a.r se'rt brill Roll 411 •idea for er of. t.he. the:pro t with yhe ,carol`s; two read �i� iisttn A cont. tarts:was art r�ith .'acting as tttouth' ort; I\J4, Ross played twt seleetians' "Silent.Nt Reports held in.:Te Irs., t; r f i t r;r$. till witty rt "Queer and' oflated:b y. •A('ihe col wnt, follot Qhled' 7,not is $ tt down qt It luppot' :