The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 6LUCRNOW SENTINEL, LU;KNOW, ONTARIO • ►WISH ; TO A►NNrOt INCE THE. PFOI TMEr OF C IJ o Lucknow. AS. :OUR AGENT FOR` iE WCKNOVfr :AREA ALEXANDER.Ofld:..CW.P,.AN REAL. ESTATE ; I.TI�R GUUERICH, ONTARIO KINLOUGH /Mr :and, Mrd.: Bob Scott enter- tained relatives,from• here o.n . Sunday ara dinner , it being .their . 'da ter Jcrinifer•sl itthd'ay . Mr. and Mit; Maurice` Hodgint. retu'xned home' on Sunday after being with•Mr,' and Mrs. Jack *oft Qtt and also. With her parents Mr and: Mrs.:°.Mark: Johnston of Luck Those from a distance attend- ing'..the funeral of the late Mrs., William: Cox on Saturday :after • noonwere Mrs:' Etta Drummond}� Ale;, and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins',' Mr. .and Mrs, :Ellwood Hodgins, Mr., a'rid Mrs. 'Karl Boyie.,..l}.1rs, Pearl Lloyd Mrs.. Ruth' Mains , , all Of London., 'Mr. and Mrs Rudy Sr loff El o d 'K th • e • r and enne ; loff f ]Detroit,r and tiitr" 'S'piers• of. Sarnia; Ivan' Lloyd of Barrie . Mr and Mrs. Ra' '..Cox •Ba .y Mrs. Lydia Newton of Goderich and Mr. 'and .Mrs. George Gilbert, of. Stratford. • •• • ,.o . �1r, •and Mrs, Jer ry •C 11>; sgn .. . of Georgetown and Lois Nichol- son. of Milton. spent the week end with their parents Mr. and .Mrt, Bert .Nicholson. an s.sselLBarr - Darrell and .Cynthia' of Agincourt spent the week,: end. with `Mrs. John Bin'. On Saturday evening :a family' dinner was held. at •the h ranee `f . and -Mrs. or ey LA.'IDE: '.Sandra and ;Greg. Gardner' of Lucknow spent. the week end. with. their grand' parents .'qtr. and Mrs, Wes. Young . /Several; from the community attended and participated i nthe ._ Carol Fest, held at .the South Kin - Church' �u da v :Toss ... S n e entn Mr; and Mrs'. Rob Bregman' .1 0 . Bruce' Farm• Report :THAN FROZEN YS> SAFELY ' - Thawing large .frozen turkeys at room temperature can be clan- gerous. Thaw , frozen .:turkeyin the refrigerator or under cold running water for greater, safety. Thawing at room temperature requires* toil 1 hours: per pound. Wherefore, a: 15 to,20 pound turkey requires almost 24 hours to thaw.. In this length of time the surface of the meat becomes too warm for 'too :long. Surface' deter'iora _tion s_ _possible before the 'cavity. is completely thawed. • , ' , It is, important:te keep the, sue' 'face cold- while thawing. For `nnaximuin safety, thaw in the re- frigerator, allowing about/ 5 hours per pound.If space is ' not avail- able in the •refrigerator, thaw under cold' running water. Allow 6 to 8 .hours for a.. •turkey weigh- ing 12 to 20 pounds. Thaw the turkey in its original unopened wrapper.'. Once thawed; remove the wrapper, and '.take the. giblets from the.cavity, Re frigerate the turkey,. , wrapped loosely in•e .paper„. i't is. . Dose y •wax a p p r, >f not to: (le roasted immediately. Stuff the turkey just. before "'cook Ontario.•Food. Council TA -X :RI , TES. NOT INCOME There seems, to be some confus- about. the Tax' Rebates farm- ers are 'receiving.from the Pr.'ov incial Government. These. rebates ;. are capital items and:not income.' items.' • Last December some ', eluded—these irebate, on , ., with their : cash receipts: and 'paid • Lond' . CUT BY.•CHA.I.,N 'SAW Ken,Young had the;misfortune to cu t is Cairn' tette •chain saw . • while•cutiing• wood-a•t home •on Saturrday. • ' He was •treated at the "W:ingham and District Hospit- aland released Ken Young.visited at airs. Mai° Ri h idso i weed G'llace'•s in .Wingham Srinday.' :...The Langside Young. People's 'cancelled eople .- 'cancelled their meeting Sunday. evening.and' are having practice Friday' evening for the concert at the 'hall.: Arthe:sa.me time' they are goingto :decora'.te the'' ha11. arra ..6"lbsel*s`sxng- of her mother Mrs William Cox in the Kincardine and. District Hospiral ori Thursday b ri r1-Su-nday - G-' - 1 The,Pies y4e a-. ; y, -S k-t-cao- concert : was held on• Wednesday evening.: Bushell at Wittgharn, We are sorry to report,. that ` 1rs. Mary McLean, formerly,of here, is a patient in St.. Jo'seph's Hos-,._. pit'al , London:.' : ,We extend.sympathy:.to Mt 'A benefit dance wit held -on, Friday evening for Mr.''and Mrs.. Charlie Murray', who lost their barn . by fire., Ve will, not be responsible for parked cars in le road of snow removal or any other unmarked. ),'ectaduring snow removal. BUD HAMILTON, $IIKLE$,CQUPLE$ and OTHERS • TO ATTEND A DANCE AT THE A JR COMM1JN•ITY HALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1971. • MUSh4 lsY SCOTTS Oi CHESTEtA i 10 1 its PER.: PERSON Spoansotred by 'Mott or income tax .on them. They ;can stip get a' refund by writing, the District Taxation Office, •166• Fred crick Street, Kitchener» and ex- plaihing ,that the amount Of the ,refund was included in their 1970. income and' Should not, have been. • :.Fariiiers, receiving ':their .,cheq- ues this year . should remember. not to include ''tile rebate with their -income. TAXES ON 'CAPITAL GRANTS • Some farmers havebeen asking, us about ` income t'ax on the .• elm •tree - grants.. The 'worstpossibility. for:the farmers, is true ,:in this case.. -llm, tree retrieval. grants are . to be treated -as ;ordinary in come'• just like 'selling, grain and cattle.; However, if ',you, hired someone • to cut '• them down for you; that is• an expense like cus- tom combining. This expense can 'be used -rete your. income tax. Other capital grants are differ- ent from the ehn: tree :grant., You subtract the; grant from the cost o% the <iinproveme 'and: enter;ahe remainder in your books In the capital section. You then start de- preciating ..' de= preciatingths amount each year: depending on Your own. taxy sit- uation; it uatiott: DNESDAli,, DECEMBER 15th, 19.I1: LI i sof; Commons Standing Contmittee lie House � • TRANSPORT' AND COMMIJNICATI0N .: This Committer Visit -South'. Western Western Ontario durtng,.the; ,. last week ef'.January 1972 for the purpose°of inciuiring into`.the'` adequacy Of the: ''rail or substitute passenger .service in that • area: It is intended to hold public hearings in the following places at, the times indicated, TILLSONBURG, ONT., Monday, January 24,' 1972 Council Chambers 9:30 a.m. and 2:00'p m,: CHATHAM, ONT., Tuesday, : January 25, 1972 William :Pita:. Hotel ;(Marina Room) 9:30 "a.m. and. '2:00 p.m.. " STRATFORD, ONT., Wednesday, January 26, 1972 Victoria Inn (Victoria 'ROOM) 9:30 a.m. and.2.00 p,m: WALKTO.N. N.,.• Thurs, Jnry ; , HartlERey Hou,OseT( Bruce Roodaym) 9a:30uaaim27. and 2197200 Organizations or individuals who' ,wish 'to make presentations to .the Committee and -• or submit a brief 'on the passenger..ser- vice ser -vice are asked to' inform the..; Clerk of the Committee as soon as possible. The .' are also.requested to forward 40 copies, if possible, y9P ,. to the : Clerk for- distribution', to Committee: members .rior to -January n e. even a . in ivt e u . s' o' not have. fac- 'ties-for—provid�ig nultiple- eopiesr.a gle copy will. suffice. • Requests for additional information '• should be °directed to: R, ''V. VIRR, ;Clerk of the.- Standing Cornitnittee ' On .Transport. and: Communications House of 'Commons,. Ottawa, 'Ontario KA OA?' Colin Reesor'• Associate Agricultural Rep, A. ten Week Business of ram= ing Course• starting in Mid' Janu- ary in Elmwood..'This is a Depart, meat of .Manpower.',and Immigra-• lion:. adult retraining program. For "further information contact the OD.A.F Office in Walkerton. P Sympathy is extended to the t"a:ttt:"rly::��:t,---bU i -t -1x a•��==�.o x--wltr. . passed, away last week Many from here ,atte'nded the benefit dance held: for .Charles.: ' Murray on Fr•iday:even tig, A card party was held -at the 1 y. entre on Saturday irtnaay :elebrated Frida i.JN St3RI1)GE NEWS` Congratulations .to. John lace' who .ee;lebrated hist.c1i bit:th• DeccmbelC' John.liv;es`wreh his older br,otl er.'- .:bare:y in kinlshridge 'in the:after., Mrs. Jim .Sinnett , ;Llrs;: i'red Vassellii andtIrs.,Theo \'an• niep. en visited \1r,. W'•allace and brought him a birthday' cake • a Mr. <►nd• qtr's;. Orinand 1Ieffer.s nali returned home on .5undiy after'spend'ing five days visiting' with Mr•. and .Mrs. Albert l-ieffer nan`.ald:family,'it Brantford, .Mrs. nennis',Dalton is: spending this week at; le horde and rs :•Br:ian ,b i It:o> and fa.ni ilji. of Guelph:: Mrs, C,e to rrayiie and Lis.•i visited on Saturday with' tier `par- ents fir. and Mrs..Kra hf mice of i•lessot Dan' tFo.yne ••of the.University: 6f G.uelph.iand-Jirl'1 Prayne of .y Western ,University, •London ,.. are iiortfer r. • b• home'their parents Mr. and.. is Wtied; • ' r .:��t'tid v of Portverti on nilTriT y, •', N:it, and Mit, Bill Robinson. of, Oak\`ille 'and Mr, and Mrs.,` ,,Gordon ra tterson visited wity. . Cherie Colwell And .fa'frilly on ( r">;.da:yam . ;and.. :1lrs•. I cit i� li tr., grid '..irs Attibro' c of 14ickLrow'.isit d•i,t;!, �`1rs'.. Carl 1�lekli,n 1r; . of ate wit11►t•er:grandpaT.(' i • c e home wiixii';thc , ,1011 iG o in 1Vitr.riiper; .is a:de1 t i'' Nat.i�- � a•l: le a.l Convent iOtt, evening with. a good attendance Mr:-: