The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 4• 'Aid POUR TN! LUCKNOW SINTINEL, L..UCKNOW; ONTARIO. • wEDNESD/ ,DECEMB.ER t5tk,1.971 • V:•{:1::•{:tip •:':u.;:•;V;'.: • •l:.ti)vJ_ .'L......: .•::.:•::•. f:'•.::'.• •:.......... ... FOR SALE CHRISTMAS TREES FOR. SALE ROY'S ALUMINUM Balsam. & Spruce $1.50; Scotch SAL :S. -'"AND SERVIC.8,, win- Pine: $2.25. Floyd Milne 528-2712 or dows, doors. For free estimate call 528-3215.. Roy E'mberlin your local dealer. PRINTED STATIONIRY both: writing paper `and envelopes, large variety to choose from, see our sample catalogue,. ideal for Christ- mas.' The Lucknc w Sentinel, AUCTIONEER SERVICE . ' Grant• McDonald, • Ripley Wallace.; Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers ' • '' Sales of all types • • Phone Ripley. 395-5353 • Teeswater • 392.6.170 FOR SALE -- 1971' Ski -Do,' 440 TNT, cost price. of $1195, -priced to sell at $750, phone 395-2314 A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION For a Christmas gift which..: is different,. 'give Bill Thompson's record 'Traditional. Songs of Five .:'Centuries".. A second .reprint of •the.record has matc.them'available once again at The, Lucknow Sent - Iv llel,' BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R .3 Holyrood, phone '395=5390. HARDWOOD SLABS = delivered in truck load lots, 84:00 per card;' softwood; $3 per cord; Sawdust. We ban load you or deliver. Craig's Sawmill; . Auburn, 526-7220. PAPERING =- PAINTING. Floor Sanding , and Spray Paint- ing'. aint-ing;. Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck - now. FOR SALE Cross bred .calves, Peter van Dam, R.R. 5 Lucknow, phone 392-51.62: l'' A�''WHITE" CHRISTMAS;; SUPER' CASH; BINGO ., - Make ;•it a White Christmas,. Le ion ' Hall, Lucknow, -every With "White ' 'Sewing Machine" Thursda 8:45 p, n . Pot of Gold wth ag h'l ,.. Y from Bayley Sewing 'Machines. game; =, winner stake all.'14`, reg Prices start.at $59,95, 394. 6th ular games, $10 each. 2 :Share the Hanover,' phone 364-3606. Wealth gables. A $30 Special; . Jack- - • pot Game 'for $105.00 on 57 calls or SCORPION SNOWMOBILES $25. consolation prize. Four turkeys COMING EVENTS New models. of ' Scorpion snow to be given' 'as door. prizes;:. • • mobiles in stock, also parts'' and l- NEW 'YEAR'S EVE 'DifNCE clothing. USED SNOWMOBILE, Massey Ferguson 500, 1971 model' .Remember; in 72, the big "Red One" is coming thru•. • See' them at LUCKNOW SCORPION SALES STUART REAVIE AN ' ADDING MACHINE' •. • for Christmas, . Xn�anual and electric in stock, The Lucknew' Sentinel, phone IIIGIIEST PREVAILING -PRICE 5--52 .28 paid.:for . dead and disabled . cows' and ,horses.. Call collect '841 3459 Walkerton. Grafi Stock Removal. RE.FRIGE.RATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types price .$5. Complete -appliance repair -s -at .L.THE : TEESWATER NEWS available at The Lucknow, Sentinel; 10c per • copy. If you are interested in the news. of Teeswater 'and' Dis- PICTURE FRA,MING — our spec- ialty,' wood and, metal. Snyder iSnyder,, proprietor, 'phone 357-1851. FOR SALE — Beatty automatic feed -and manure handling-equip:- ment, stabling and • pressure sys- tems. ,Contact Beatty Forth. Ser- vice Centre, Cltnton .48279561, FOR SALE — used Leonard re- frigerator, medium size, good con- dition. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone Lucknow 528-3112. BOXED STATIONERY — for Chrittmas giving, /boxes and box- es of stationery, all styles 'and prices, hove. just arrived for hristmas Welcome to have a look. The ' Lucknow Sentinel. BURKE EIECTRLC • W ingham 357=2450 r Fresh Oven -Ready Geese Reduced prices ori , rubber •boOta LUNCH couNiiR NOW oPgic NeW Life Feed Dealer Try an ,Electrohome HumidiiiPr from Greer .T.V., and Electric. We also stock Electrotiome filtera and THE. LUCKNOW .SENTINEL makes an ideal Christmas gift,, $6 per yeari $8 •outside Canada, an at- tractive gift' t tractive':gift' card .wilt be sent,' at no extra cost, phone 528-2822. A_ TYPEWRITER for ' Christmas. all price 'ranges: -starting -at. $5 95, lay. away, yours noW and don't be disaPpointed later, The LuCknow Sentinel; Phone 528-2822. " playing Cards; coasters,.• matehes, priceS, The Lucknow Sentinel, 528- USED'ADDER 'FOR. SALE ' With Subtract Looks Like New-WOrks:Like NeW, Oirethauled' at .the Factory . THE, LUCKNOW, SENTINEL Dungannon Agricultural Society' will sponsor a ; New year's Eve Dance. in the Dungannon l on.Friday, December:31t.,Musc b Dixieland Brass. Hats; :horns'' and lunch supplied.: $2 per'. person. Advance ticket sale., from any .of .the directors. BL,:YTH BINGO' Come to Blyth Lions Club Bingo,' WANTED — ,a male • st---^o • . WANTED WORK . WANTED - - tile' ceilings, paneling,- remodelM r; al'', carpegnG • €� _, I er work, ,pit' silos, concrete rates. .walls, 'and. floors: Reasonable, a Schneller, Kinlough, r kes. Rey.; g F�h4.ne Ripley 395-2221,: IMMEDIATE PAYMENT for. good: Standing timber and .bushes'. Writ Robert Eagleson,' Aisla Craig, :, riv gv• . ing location and' telephone ,number. or 'phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m;.or. after 6 : ANYONEp.mWANTING , information concerning the grant un .deadiel m and having them cut; contact Del bert Nixon, phone 528;2:324.. WANTED. - 1000 bales first Cul hay.. Vincent Austin, :.phone ,.529 7240. white 'kittli an,. mas at'8:30 p.m. in'Blyth 'Weiner- • Will .be glad to pays for it. Mrs. ial''Hall. Admission :$1.00;, .12 reg- Stewart Taylor, It It •'6 •('rod ertch ,ular games of $l0' each; 2 share .-, phone' 529=.7614 the wealth games; $25 special; door' prize. .$125.00 jackpot on 60 calls or, under; if not. taken. $10 added each wee -15 FOR ..LUCKNOW-AREA Canada .Ma.npower and. the OnC ario Department of 'Agricultureand course. on the Busineess • of Farm- ing The cOurse Wills start on Jai, be Elmwood: 'This courSe !.s strong- ly recominerided to any farm. Op'. ‘ered will deal 'mainly , with, Farm ManageMent. ' Approved students, will receive a, Canada MonpOwer' retraining allowance. For, fUrther inforMation and application. forth, 'contact your local Agricultural Re - FOR RENT SMALL APARTMENT FOR "fiENT''t Phone 528-2126 or 528-:2176. -- in LUcknOW, furnished,. electric. FOR, SALE — droppea calves,' Hereford .and Holatein., Alex 'Far- I 7305. TOP SOIL AND GRAVEL, all; types, leaded and‘delivered,. loader! and dum truck rentals, 'demolition CHRISTMAS, CARDS Our stock something tO your liking, drop And Make your--seleetionvide LyosmT,Ista e, man hat .4heknow Sentinel- . , Hall Donee ast Fr day' FOR SALE --'-'Orders will be taken (:133:wlnee..arv;, snaammee,at jo.thhne Lm 1-.1y the' tucknow 'BO Scout's for LOST ' CHRISTMAS CONCERT.: Kinloss Central Public, School: Christmat.. Concert will be held !. p.m..in the Lucknow Central PUb- adults.. 75c, .students 35c,' public sehool children free,' make short auto trips are will .Our top ieri 'in either ports: oi- COnta.ct ctiatoniers :-.)round Luck. S: K 'Dickerson' Pres • — would the party Who took' :RECEPTION at *Leglon A ,reception will be held for Mr. • • BIC PENS buY•two 49c .pens, get:. ! sonable. Price.' Contact Ross Err - PERSONAL LABELS ., yourlranre--and ad -dress on them in BARN 'EQUIPMENT — complete line of Acorn EqUipment and Clay. Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing; 1.-t .Westeel-Rosco Granaries;' ,Chore Boy Milking •Parlours; Alse Complete Line 'Of Corrug- ated Metal Culverts; 6 to 24 sizes en, hand at all times; larger pipe by order; LoWry Barn .Supply, SILO AND ROOF ' EXTEiSIONS Anyone wishing to have exten- sions on their tilos or roofs, please call or write. This can be done mow. George Wraith, Box 950, God- : iiclu—Phoneftesid or Shop 524-6511.. PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks from $L19 up as well as double 'decks and euchre' decks (euthre cards DrOp in at The Lucknow THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL — is for sale at Mel Stanley's SUndee, tirnhaeles Pharmacyo and B. Discount and Johnston'S ,Stipertest 10 handy re-u,aable plastic hox,' :$1,75; Presson LabelS, white, gold,. 'silver, 200 for $275; Makea 'an ex- cellent Christrnas gift. Order neW. .-L-ucknovv-Sentirrel, -phone 528-2 FOR 'SALE. Holiday: Tape corder, 'model .TP162i 4- track ster- eo' with wing speakers, Julian Srnith,--Te-es*Iter-392=6 r34--66 Fe FOR SALE --- 197o Ski-VVhiz 500 SST.i $475, phone 395-2320, • PRIN'TED GUMMED LABELS an inexpensive ehrlstmas,gift, 300 for $1.75, Order now. The Lucknow Can you sing,. dance or play ,a Lioni Club is. interested in eying ;, y;ou a chance to nerforriv and Corn: pete for cash prizes. "Talent Hunt" ; February and',Mareh with a final cornpetitiOn of Winners in April. for 'an. 'application or infoilliation call Winghern' 357-:1206 . or Write. • • AAEOWNER BIOV:11 -APPROVALS Low cost 2nd & 3rd rntges. Arranged in the convenience Of your hotne.. 'You can 'call to 10 p.m. today, 'f Di helpful -40.uttous,:s,ervice* Prompt In. vestment Corp.Ltd„ 330 Bay. St., Tefonto. Coll collect: 366; 9586,. evgs. 231-8146. — a e ans • For Folk School , In the Legion Hall, LuCknow Oh Friday. December 31st,,1971. Spon - Sorer/ by .The Lucknow Legien .and lance '18.. years and,'over,. Dancing couple, Tiekett available 'from' the. Bruce, ColWell, Rhone 528-5402. 5 Lucknow.,, PRINTED GUMMED LABELS an inexpensive Christmas gift, 300 for $1.75, Order now, The Lucknow Sentinel, 528,2822. 'BRUCE COUNTY HISTORlES :From 1907 to I968,°a sequel to the former book, $7 per copy, an ideal Sentinel. PleaSe• add $1 extra for. trialling and 'handling charges ' • . DEMOLITION , WORK SPRAY. P.AINTING 'FOR ESTIMATES,' ! NOticE BINGO CANCELLED There, will be regular Cash bingo at the Wingham Legion Hall oti Wednesday, December 22mi The nekt regular bihgo he on Wednesday, January 5th. . SHOOT PARTY Helens Wornen's Inatitute, will be held at St, Helens t-Iall on ThUra- day; December 16 At 8;30 sharp. Ltiph will be ,erved. Int., for Id or 1.1.er , t abc6t: al: tat dr,teqjtS. d‘f r: lel P 11.1s ,:experfence. 111E .,,zji'•)gf.:.:•.r:Ci<PTItiri:1;',1,,°1:14'N•flirliti:atr,rril,r(i:ti:hr.:f'ice.i;