The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 24.1 40, p • i Two 40;CKN.. OW _ SENTINEL,.. LUCKNOW, ;ONTARIO: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER i The LUCKNOW SENTIINEL; . .LUCKNOW, ONT ARO, j"The Sepoy Town" - On the Huror ,Brucs . Boundary Seeond Class. Mail Registration; lumber . 08.47 Established 1873 Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the, C.W.N A and O.W.N,A. Subscription Rate, $6.00 & year in advance - to. the U.S.A., $8.00. Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1971 what new WE'RE HAVING...aJOIN US! LEGION HALL, LUCKNOW: friday, December 31st; 971- SPONSO>R.ED BY THE'LUCKNOW: LEGION.•AND•' • .'LUCKNOW..F'IR•E 'DEPARTMENT . ' 1 • DANCING. TO '711E, COUNTRY MUSIC MEN .+. l pwarit :\GE18--Y-Arip-- .... Hats Horns Novelties ./SMORGASBORD • $10 PER COUPLE LIMITED 'NUMBER OF TICI4ETS: <<< cow er<; Ck <« C4. cc<46*C<< < ' k TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM BILC• JOHNSTONE,:HAROLD RITCHIE ;AND, THE L• EG:ION .STEWARD / DKK«< PRINTED GIFT'S serviettes, ?layirg cards, coasters, matches, etc:, thexpensive and' different, .low prices. 'T The 'Ludknow .Sentinel, '528- 2822. entifay 4-Hduhs Meld At HiIkrest Achievement'Day for ten 'local,: 4-H Clubs..was held on•S.aturday ,. December 4 at'1-iillcrest Central School. 'Luc know was. represented by three, c1,,nbs as ,Was ;i'eeswat•er:, 'with 1•iolyrood•., S'ilver.'Lake, Ktir- shea lnd,'WhitecYutrcla e�rch-wYt'h one club., ' The, theme of•the.club was "Focus on Fitness" and the p.crrtic- ipatirig clubs presented skits, slides and exhibits of crafts made- '• during• their. meetings. • . 'County.. Honours Were presented to Nancy Ritchie ,:.13ar:bara Stan,. ley.; Shirley Stanley, Kathy. r Purdo.n; and Gall Whytock., Diad ne Dore , Lynne Penn"irigton and Ruth Whytock.of :the 're.eswater Clubs. PreNinciai lloriours weiit to'.. Nancy Burt;• Elizabeth`.Ritchie and Elizabeth,. Newbold. /Advanced Honours. went to' Linda:Boyle.; • Mrs. Jim Butt 'rec.eiv:ed her. 5 year Leader's'" Certificate,' Comments -were ,given by h1rs.; Jean Lawless,: Ntrs..Greta .M:e•Ker chera nd .Horne , Econorn:ist • for _Bruce County Nliss, Judi Reasba'k of Walkerton, • CHRISTMAS CARDS — our ',our stock of . boxed ` Christmas cards w1 have something ething ' to' Smut. liking,' ' drop . in andmake your selection, a wide variety of designs and prices, The Lucknow Sentinel. - . rn • HREE FRIDAY NIGHTS 'PRIOR TO . CHRISTMAS DECEMBER .3, 10 and 1 UNTIL 10 P.M. LL DAY THURSDAYS hN DECEMBEI .2, 9, 1:6, 23, 30 • MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY,. THURSDAY NIGHTS' OF CHRI:STMA ;WEEK,;.DECEMBER 20,:21, 22, 2.3 TIL. 10 P.M . OSED, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24 and'3 T" 6 P.M. • .JJea•nnie ,Wra it,h',, the 4.-year- old l'2'- yearold .daughter of and airs:. George Wraith:, R: R.. 2 Goderich , has,returned to classes at Elaltnes•- y 11e Piihltc S'hcitil fnllnwirt _ painful scalp.iniury .November ii. The child'shair was caught rn ari,aiiger a.t the. Wraith farm; She wa•s••taken toAle'xarid•ra \ia:rint and General: Elospital and 1 ie.r transferred ,to London's �4'tir • �';c r 1 'or[al Childreri's,1lospital,: \1rs. Wraith reports Jeannie isan fine spirits 'alth:otigh' she' does h i to return to London 'periddically• for. •consultarior t^rirh dlirrc1 . There. will also be free. • ee: sera ing Thursday and Friday a:ftenoons while ithe, family is skating, take advantage of ti free .timer and 'shop in: Ltieknow'swell-stocked e stores. 61-6.1 SPONSORED BY BUSINESS MEN S ASSOCIATION MAKE LUCKNOW *OUR • CHRISTMAS SHOPPING CENTRE C: A RO•L E 1. S'T`' C N rL 1lIED. FROM. P A 1 Ers.•• Bruce Hamilton on the Orgy �t•n anN1 Miss Betty •Colwell as.• 'a:'rra:tor, • reading. the Scripture . lessons and "Everywhere Christ Inas Tonight". by Phillips 'Brooks. . Contributing through her 'work with.th& Junior ;c.11,0i1 was. MiS:. Don'i3e11.Mr.. Noble, w•c-lc-orr'ieci'- tile people a nd' E;a:,ve the Offer-. tory:•prayer: .'i"lie Community Choir, .trtade• up of. people from, South '.K:in1oss', 'Lucknow•,: and',nngside•broil tl'1t. tlrre=ev-e-nirg-t-&-'ii-rp ea It will., "0; Holy Night", '1n addition they sang ; "1: Heard the 13e1Is on C:1.trist - ttiit$'.1:./a•y, Ring .Christmas Bells; Roundelay, Westnrittster Carol.; . hepherd� S'h•►ke-C•,�ff yotr.LT r -Daisy Sleep .and Nly Sheep Were Gra z ing", Je11c DeJoii sang' a verse. of ',Silent Night" in Dutch after whtc'h the_;jun oLchairsa.ii Ghc first ,verse and then 'were joined. by the cot munity'clioir The Junior Choir. of South Ci loss Church was }ed.. Ati.ne ng .,, f t t •e Children,. C,a'tt. You Telt?, The Seven Joys of '-la,ry.and• Drummer l3oyr'` .,Bttliatlft1t.ott:$ta_4ed the clibir on "Aways.In A'i<•iari cr" bar Singing :the fittist verse., ',The congregation Joined the choirs the c.itrols , "'hie Pirst Noel Artie ].s Prorti ,tire Rca irns of Glory ; it. Came tlp,n, a Mid- night Clear, Ak With Crladlress Men of Gild And 0 Cotne'All Ye ra i th ftri'Yr„, • • 'Those partici. dt,. r,.t ITA NJ. Frorrl the ktit')v, L; Cornet , F'ric 1�eit11 Janet (;;iyley.,'('cij'itr..t •1t�;�;�`1=; .�.i EleanorJolrnstout, •1 r . i. E3renda' Joliii torte°.; E3dirha; ! t'• C.laclrlc.t , I,�lrtIt.1lert Reid; )gaatlr�e 1,titG.1-i.�� };,r:.i c' t3ria 11. Keith, J l' /Gilt .i •i t(T Frdrlt i,}ttltcll`, Laurie artd t..LN,1.rr Aim Elaini•ltoti; !c1,' Dorothy (,;Iarke. Jt Macl'ut,yrc , art}rut �itld;'l7riv%il Gibsc)n., r; :t 1,1 Paul N1aelntyre all , (SMt!orps?n,r> at(nt;oiee o , , fMrcirss': .cijxtcrohihcn; 1`',r r, c 1,�', Ntrsr 1 tank 11 t�rtti me il..rrry all, �1r`s; E'ltp. er • lacKiiittcsn' 11!i✓abet,i ,,New bold , :'le i' �ircl 'Firs.{ t;lc rtr •Nobir , Robert Nits tcxlls, ;v1ra..J,lr•r; ter`',, liorta'1d1i ii, 1 r;,ri-Mr: Delle I)elong, Robert Nichols, (Yl:otti E;iiss, Robert I3regrn n, .1011 111 erson, William i.)ic'ku. , imr;,' 1).icl iey• C"lt rlttfst, Nl'rss, britt e. Hann] l�iaPl st„ ICtissr Linda spar; : �r tor.; it , J3ctty . olwtiia Itir6 Mts Lor nie: S,parlrs .