The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 1ECEMBER 8th mi Aarke[ $6.00 A, 'yar In Advalpc .0 .00 Extre To V.S.A. WEDNESDAYDECEMBER, 1Sth, 1971 Siegle Copy 1Se 24 Pages; et` GOOD s SPECIAL,; ►unds 79c STOCK UPI Tins $1 SAVE lOe Tins 39c •r SAVE 22c Igen ',Escape Frc ve:rturne .d School Bus 1 !c era pi.,raCitls; 'ltirre*df them . public :seltool, pupils;. escaped. seri.ous•injur,,• '1`hursclay of, last :wed< !: •iri a collision between a • school:bus alyd a transport truck , earryiti�: '.:U tons hof structura:i: •steel: • the accident took• place shortly att(r.t0^a,iJ• on .Illgliway'0u • abcitit `:.':tmliles cast•o.f An.tber.l'ey attd opposit.e•tite.farriii of Welling- ton tti'ebster; l e students and drivers. were taken to \Vingli nl.and T)istr Linda Boyle; 20 ya>v old -lough}= ter .of Mr. and Mrs: Jim. Boyle Of Luc,know received specialrecog-' ' tuition at the recent.4-H Club Achievement day at Hillcrest School. in. Tees,w.ater. • Linda was presented with an ,Advanced Honours Award which is in' recognition of the completion '. of 18 4-1-I. club`•courses. Linda first Started' 4*H work at about' age 12 and this past few Months, took the 18th course while also acting as.a'club.lead-. er for the '•Lucknow. No., 2 Club,: .She• is.pre7ently a student at Western University where she: ,S .in her second .year, Free. Skating Again ospita for oh~iervation' a•nd .re- leased short.1y fz,er:wards•., . (O•N'11N1':1:1)'O\ PA�;1 222 SE�L'L.OUTI Jar99 rom aimmunity Involved In resentation Of {arolfest At Kinloss n Sunday Eveflin� se's s yterian 1'he •Ca'rol•iest , ,;J• •prolraa of. •Chrisit'nas +;JLisle.'was held ' outli l'inloss. Presh••teriail: (a,frcli• on. Stittd4 ember 1.ti1. :\•capcicity.'audience 0.10 14) l,r ; .ind p raici- pate itr 11tc :,,%e11{nf;s p;t'o;•r.aiti, The pra.:c,J•J.i, cit uitilerw':t +proV'lded 1 ue;.now ::Concert ;1,01b'y'the:c'h:oirs. the'flil'0- e'a;.i,i i i'r ii'er hi the , SATiJRDAY..; KNOW 5 ::34lt t e's d:r; t•wee{< end. re.a tire, husy re'' �li11 J;J1 c(i;ntl1Un' 'lt ta kec •price • nno)pc-eHalid�j tai},Service Holiday .mail service at the local post offrce:ha's been an- tiourired: • ' • There,•tirfll lac, no trial' delivery or pickup•'it1 1014'11 or'•cttu Ole ittr.tl• routes. on S+J,tlrrd.1y , L11l,i i� al.Jid Nionda'y ;. '1)r;cc u h€r ,:. , •• 1'uesd,ty. 1cot her 2.7,,wicket will''be open fro•t1J .� .,,U.t6 witli'tio rural route dcliver� . ' "The 'sa sched.ulc' will .apply on .Satt1,rdtty, SuridS, Jtaitttary' 1,_':`'ttrd rrclit,y' , Detre{tibct ,rel e and Margie jo��:_, ,i dtuchter, CT:yt. Iot L ,11111 n 119d 10i1 -Iccsr;s(Irltl; �hte�� hc; ' , )05 rtitqo Inde Nnt, Week's issue of The Sentin re on be the annual ChriStmas. rea take the opportunity to. ex=. ' nd season's*g re et ings to their._ ustorners-through the pages of is 110,:tspaper M at the messages of htistmas greetings,. it will siill We the advertiser the :OPP:MI:Oil iq use the'paper for regular adver'. diredted at the Jatt Next week's paper.will he pub - • .inas •Day",su'n'j'by'..the community choir to' t;l)USie from»8eethoven's'. Jth Sy. iiiphony. . A iii ing in the. service was. tinda Sparks on 'the Piano;', c,QNT1N'tl`CD .ON .PACE r • Free skating Will continue in Lucknow again this Saturday, December 18ornpli:np^.-thee- Luckziow Business 'Association; There will also be free skating on 'Thursday and Friday afternoon prior to Christ;mas:, 'December. 23. a,'d. 24; Narita-riade;hs visitKto-Lzrck now, last week: end distributed: treatsrforihe children i • • ' Irecto ' or theeV S ;..1or'uc 'park: , of ,1n1t Arid • choir. director at the L,Quth •.h'inloas, .is"dtrect,i11' \ars. • "1 1 iec l lis i'I'c��.i< irc�tti the .%,lessi;ih ht lid: % ote'tlte.l\'ords iild Music "for ,• ;'les r ltri' t It Is't.1'ne; : :•I 111 and Choral benediction" , • choirs,' , c?thz'r ii�e.,,1 t~ilcnt fe ttut%I • ••the. j�rt) ; I to :is 'H e11. \iiSs NNorlila `,!,lc7tit,yrz r,rote,the t 0rds`fo:t'' "L111'iSt 11'as• li0rn 1,cliich.wFas sung h t ' ' 't't•rs NI.) r ,nr�` et , .Norma i1.1 and \141 rily tine to haus it <<rittc11.b'' ;;Irs. Sr irks; Dol- krre [tolls ry rc1Ct'"lot 1•11 sers fished: ea rlier arid he' tin *0: e street on Tuesday inittNid •Vhcl .rt .Ciiristinas•greetil Of :th week-, (Jeadlitte Those, who ntight wish advertising, classified i‘lv,ett.'ii.t).; or any new •items inserted wee kts pa per please contact 11,1 by Saturday 'of this:weei4 at the. • • The reromder of the ofht,:e v news tan* be there, will he no .issue hdtween c'.1.tri:g.ftias and New Yeays,, Dec- e;:nher wtth the first issue erve ;.Services of.worship will Pease , at Olivet. ,United Church On:Jan; till,IPAy-;•••-0-ffv-eftliiii-cti-is log at - ed at the interSection of the:•*21-rd. contity road:., ,e-fter :serving, the cOMmunity for the past 82 years; it* ha's, been found' that because;of thesmall numbers of families attending Olivet , it js not practical tOcoh- .A. meeting' was; held on DePern- ber 2rid.at*.Which the minister Rev; George; pall Of presid - .ed, and Sandy. Iviacalarles„i.: of ses.sion; was appointed seorit- The yote Was strongly in favour , of cfosing' the church and.join- The OliVei:Unilted Church WOrrr en decided on becorning*a unit of Ripley United. churOh. WOrnen, CONTINUED ON PAGE 18, fother:onct ,Ezra tattley of Luc knol;,/ and ,ptireTia.sed two tueknow properties They.porchased the Albert' west.Of the United ChUrch, The ing:in the three apartments are 'tlyther Reavie, Peter 'Campbell The second property which they purchased is the Sykes halite On (Swam Street, forme'rly the' Flanagan', a teacher At the the rear portion of the dttplex _presently being renomted, From Eases , . Parents.. Concern Mr, and Mrs. Clark Finlayson from their daughter j'ariet, Mr6 !and, a group of tourists QII a hon. - day trip which took them to the India Pakistan area",, the 'centre of the present fighting! • Janet's parents kneW She had ibeen in the W‘at.area, , The telegram on Ftiday stated ,that they ate safe.and.comfortable, with no initnediate prospects of getting opt of the area, •