The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-08, Page 14• PA FOURTEEN. T. E SE LUCKNOW NTINEL,L.UCKNOW OPEN•9 9 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. Wed.., 9 -'6 Sat.,.9 = 5 OYOTA 334 Huron• Rd. .• Goderich' ` 524-9381, INT. RIO WEDNESDAY,. DECE Honored Qn 25th Annive rSQr 1CINL6tJG1-1 NEWS The l<inlough neighbours., friends and relatives gathered at the hall on Wednesday evening tct honour Mr. a'nd.;Mrs. Weir Eekenswiller on. their 25th 'wed- ding anniversary. A social time was enjoyed' with cards and,a short program Prizes for hi b lady went td Mrs.. ,Roy Graham -and high: ge-nt-to--C:liff. Jahn&tan. Thelucky'ehair•.psize went to F. A, Murray.. All joined in sing- ing "The more we get together"•. Mrs; Toni: MacDonald. was' in the chair and also conducted a musical contest Mrs. Mabel - Welsh gave two suitable readings. Mrs. Jack Barr read inverse an address'of good wishes' to the honoured couple.' Mrs; Alex Percy.•presented them with a :• gift of 'money.as w.e'1l as ind vid uah gifts.. Weir thanked everyone for.the pleasant evening. •.A11 joined in 'singin "For they are jolly; good fellows", +Dear. 'Weir and •Grace .the.glow , . Of,,,a Wedding date a. quarter cen- ,,'tory 'ago. 'Frons what I Wear, the -day was', cold" there wasn't..tnucli: snow sosrvc been. told . . The seiyvice.•,was over :yau!two BER•8th 19 RIPLEY ABA 1.1 Custom Butchering — Curing. and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping, -- Sausage Making Fast Freezing.• HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS. CATTLE ONLY 'ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in .on Thursday for Friday's kill Allow With Two Big Coolers{ We Are Able To Hang Your, Beef From 1. To .3 Weeks Whatever. Your Requirements Are For }Rime I r eters We Sell. Choice Home Killed. Beef, Pork and ,Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest 'Marketing Prices ALL MEATS:ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED,FOR'YOUR., PROTECTION • �-� CHAS: HOOISMA; ' PROP.. ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE. 395-2961 Were wed And off to -the Knotty Pine you Sped . . • Aniids.t the confusion; as ntost• weddings are`', . It seems .the best trran.got in the wrong car. Now. 25 years have passed since that day.,., , So to -night we're'411 here -, so• happy and gay, , To help celebrate this special:,: occasion , Not many of .us needed very 'n ueh sionr You're. always'ready..to answer • our ca11 : If we ever need help for 'any•• reason at 'all. N_ ow• please accept this gift,, though sr1>>all, And buy somcthi-n -w-rd i errr - ember tis. all. • Your 'frtecid.s arra ni i ,lthour$, and' Mrs.. Stan Mr. and I�trs t :raul� °',:atrlclen ani Keith 'were 'Thursci t) .0.11rri,;. dinner guests with• Boyle.. 'hlei. hers of thi'i:! i ,\'•;1, ittend, ed'thie •Surnirr.lry '1),r,,•. tl, course "Unt,arr 1,rt tt".hi I; lrcld a't i -c. vswa ter otr 4ftcrnaon. and ?tlrs. ;l�lc� ; 1 h nswil•: ler (Jr'. r.iro7.i.z; .the 1 lc()illivra.t: trou.:.( oir c. rrce. THE'' • LUCKNOW . SENTINEL .-- makes an ideal Christmas gift, per year, $8 outside Canada, an at r-tv�r frac-ti ck•-sectt, a no extra .cost,' phone 528-2822. • P :th • Dy DE 5, Grade 5, pupils took turns turns, this month In ,decorating the bulletin board in the*foyer. We choseto announce. the Qper"- etta "Red Candles" which is being • presented, by the Senior Pupils l Friday, December 10.. We cut out red candies. These ,testedinholders constucted'• by Nye Nelson and were •sodn, aglow. • " . under the deft fingers of ;Joan Hamilton. Glenda:Jamieson drew two green bells tied' with bows' of pretty red ribbon. 'Janice Van, Stempvoort made a large poin settia•and des•igned'the.lettering. Tom Henderson' added some fancy s� .o,.s-. Su sa n_.Thor.pso iii: cut out and decorated.a Christmas -tree which was .topped with a:star.. drawn by Doug Treleaven.'. These .things were mounted on a `white background in keeping with the :festive srt.easo s. an pi O r When you walk_awriy, frc�ita: _ w' Qk fTor, the.I est time • siitite.' secure in the , ' 1 no.wledge'that your Vict0ria.and Grey 'retirc- nrent saving plan :starts working. for yo.tr. the 'day , •.yott. (110 1- work. —. We have three tax sW/ifig retirenierit plans.from which to .choose an "equity plan designed to give you greatest capital• iipprectatt•cr'n n'"f . ct11.. ice gets, you'high cumcilative ih'conic, -'and a high interest .__ f_I�1F1Cklt]td Lt1L't;5�111�;nt . certifte•ate-funel fully guaranteed as to principal and interest. Start retiring' tod.fty; see Victoria'and' Grey;. In connection with :the unit on Ou'r.:Conmu•nity",. Grades 1 , 2. and .3 built a• .grocery:'stor6;.at school., Leaders' taped an inter view. with. Mr. Brown: about. grocery btlsiness•and made -price•::, lists , which assisted us in :pricin•g •' our groceries. Ever.yonc enjoyed shopping; arid making .clla rige : •• Grade 4 are busy snaking book' lets on their, study: of Iceland:, arkl w.e,'a, warche a ' ilm .on.tfiiis unit. Mrs::: Cou l bee k showed •the Open Area, a film - "Paddle -to- the -SP:," , and some'of-th-e hQ i-1 lets we Made aS,a foliowu•p are •an displays in,the Li}.rary, Everyone is enjoying the Christ•:. 'rims music, and activities.. . • I RUCE COUNTY • 'HISTORIES : :From 19�7t�1968, a, sequel to the _former book, $7 per. copy, an ideal Christmas. gift, 'at The Lucknow Sentinel. Please '•add $1 extra :for mailing and handling ..charges. , ' VG KI NLOUGH Ego Schrl,ller and lei started last'wee•k building a new trontie for :,Mr-.: and Mrs/. Liortald ` Earl• O,largaret Schneller) at Inger- a Sugges; . See our large catalogue of ` Personalized Gifts .: 'for that ha rd -to buy. for person- - -o- n Y your: Christmas List, SINGLE OR DOUBLE . DECKS PLASTIC COATED IN. STURDY'PLASTIC CASE • IN E=DEG =$ ?5_. _�-DO LE DECK $4. r • .--.�-••-M-.A;I�i�•--BF�AL�TIFUL-�-EOL(�Rfi�WIID-�: . SELECTION OF AVAILABLE STYLES —INITIAL � iNiTTA ' OR' '• FULL/ NAMES •AVAILABLE • 100 PACKAGES $5,45 50 PACKAGES 3; 'ersunalized'. Matches Sympathy is extended from Kin - lough friends to'the, Jofrnsion fan fly, in the' sudd ?, death of:the-Lite`. ,Keith Johnston Mr, and ,Mrs, :Allan. foody were' ,ciockdbich 524.7381.. • wedding on Saturday. Ladies fratn.here attended the Mrs: lack Barr and Mis. Delbert Hedley Were -leaders of the rcourge. Priends of John llodons. w ill he Hospital, London where'he`has been a patient, Coat1er 5 COLORS PLUS WHITE WITH WIDE SELECTION OF TYPE situggs. PACK OF 5.0 $2.75 PACK..OF 100 $3.25 • •