The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-08, Page 11MBER._ • 8tli,� WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8th K�thy Purdon GeT Co, Honours.. CAROLFEST cork and' sup - Included he„..er ati ely b S , .t 1Idread 11rc 1'e•LF •l'il• Alristii•,,, 1ve" sere sririi 1'� hri<ti+li 1� :tore e in t,iit;trio•' '1Iu: icor;, . 'n i'l)l.iu Iltll' i. Ps of i' . aitCca ,.of ire ;iu[ed a111f 'C' ', Itt•dl?V, Wi1l;T?ECl tiECI-i NEWS: Whitechurch Hi Stepper Gibb. . attended Achievement Day at. Teeswater,achool ori Saturday for the •project "I'oc.u.s on Fitness". Under the supervision, of their leaders Mrs., Jahn :Gaunt and Mrs. Wallace' Colin they put .on an Exhib- it "l landc`raft are fun" With' Kathy. t ybcnga' and Janne, Pur -don giving ' the conul'1e.ntary. Kathy Purdon received County Honoursfor having completed G projects. Kathy. Wybenga •and. Arlene Purdon received two year. • certificates. They all received.' their •spoo11S. • 197!. Ripley Iris#itufie; XmasLuncheon: An enjoyable afternoon wa-s.. 1100'04- Fr-iday in the 1,ebian Li ll Ripley when the Ripley:' Wotnien.'s lnstit.ute,hc1 i their. arrnua1 Ca rist- THE- LIIC NO -� K VI( ENTINEL, LUCKNOW, *ONTARIO; mas, luncheon and pxof;rarri. • A lovely turkey tneal w•as enjoyed by :about. G5 ladies,. • Pollowwiig the. luncheon. Walter Vis' Lock, eonvealer for the • progra n1,, tOok .the chair. Slie called 41t Mrs. Uherhridge to bring a sacred Christmas 111esrage 'Her thoughts were otr'"llope and were well received., .Carols were enjoyed with Mrs; 'loss Malaya. a't the piano; h1s,• .Myrtle •1.1c- lean gave a C'lristrraas reading w _ A pan.el of Mrs. Ora.h f&d , Mrs..J4n .es: Kuhl atric k,, Mrs, ',Donnie 19cI).ottal.1.-ai'1ci Francis Gen:ltltt:11 wttl 1`>rs', LoC1E Lock as Master of Cer.erlionics, presented several, charades. Which well acted: 'file; -door price .was won by bars; cilli s; :Iv'urt�,c}r ous other`prizes'.were presennted 7 The Pres• Ilei ..Mrs;' t\lcLea n , took the 'chair and coitducteel'a brief businr:ss meeting.. Boxes for shut-iils will be packed on • 'De'ce'mber 1'th.. A diseu.ssidii. dna ersary c•el:.hr.ataoti'will he• he,,ici' in Jamar . n.klvrtihi:Tswere aaked'to hrin •. idea : for tire. °r i lehriition:. inectirw c!osc'd ?Lai ti isit, Santa an then ;go . to REE skating while: your'.:.. arents ;shop in Lucknow's friendly .stores.. Black Preceptory Elect Officers, Joshua Royal ,Black Preceptory No. 132 held their annual rneeting . on, Wednesday, December Pitt the Amberley Orange 11a1'1t There. was'a' good turn out. T.he. , preceptory;had a .good year." Elect; on of officers,for tile' coming yeaf wa41'te-ld:-fir Knight Clarence ,1ael;6ran took the chairf'or tht-e-leerfoir. 11re fo"1=. lowing ware elected: ,Wor ful •Preceptor,,Si:r knight David 1silac- Le.j1nail;' Deputy Preceptor, Si_ :Knight , •Kelvin Henderson;Cha - 1ait1,, Sir' Kui h P �, t Janles't3roclle= • bank;' Lect,ur.es "Sir Knight 8i11; 1 ioustotl,' Sir Knight 13111 Mc - Qui11in; Financc Registrar, Sir 'Knight, Clarence Maclennan; • Treasure r ,. S;ir Knight. Art Mc CorniaCk; Tyler Sir ',Knight• Bob Nceley. Sl,.r_K.night Maci:em-a-n; inst'a-11-ed-- thc offi.eers a11d a1:1 made .plans' • for tla coiliinl year, 4 social :8 PAGE ELEVEN INQUIRE Al3OUT OUR.: "21 T COULD SAVE WATCH NEXT 'WEEK'S AD' FOR OUR' GRAND: OPENING: Your .Headquarters ' For Immed><a#e Oil Changes, Grease Jobs,' 'Tune-ups encl Car Washes ' LICENSED MECHANIC .AVAILABLE' L: UCKNOW ='.525=3401 Member '1 re arenp. for: in the Former Silverwoods Buildin N LUCKNOWS MAIN STREET TO:MEET .,AND TALic WITH THE, SMALLEB• CHILDREN TheronWill :Be T(....eat.s.'..'For liqj VIAKING • NTS LUCKNOW ARENA .m. usinesS:111100's, .Associltion