The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-08, Page 2THE L.,JCKIJ!IQW SENTINE ., 'L,UCKNO.W The LUCKNQW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • " ha S poy Town On the Huron Bruco Boundary :Second. Class Mail Registration Number 0847 . Established 1873 .. Published Each Wednesday Afternoon ,M.inbsr of the C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance —: to the U S t, $8.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher' WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8th,. 1971 LETTER TO THEEDITOR Bruce-CountyBoardOFEducation Position Re�i4�exander MacKenzie Endowment Fond Fo1lawing Story The. Editor , .Lucknow Sentinel .Lucknow, Ontario Dear Sir: Your lead stbry'in the October 6th..edition left ,khe impression that The Bruce County Board of. ' Education is responsible for cer- td'i.n• current probiems..in connec- tion with•the.. Alexander MacKen zie Endowment: Fund; ' The inforrnation„which you presented apparently came from. The•, Huron. County 'Board of Educa:, .tion and local sources. In order • to have all sides of.the story'yrour'. reae ers s , ou :•. 0 e in possession of the following facts:.'' . • 4..t Su.mrnary E.ay Twelve of tate ladies that'' took the "Ontario Fruits". cows under the leadership of hers, Alex MacKay. and Miss Elizabeth Robinson .of the Lucknow Wom- en's Institute, at tendO.St►nimary Day. in Teeswater, , ,December Mrs. P. A, Murray.,of Flolyrood denionstrated'a cotip1o.of•recipes• • during the'progrant, 41. Since 1866 no individual has had a legal right to, administer the MacKenzie Trust. The: Bruce County Board of Education• was riot advised of the existence of the.” MacKenzie Trust by those individ'- uals who have been involved 'in, its administration in recent y.ears. The' Bruce Board did not, know, the trust':existed until the h P h 'c`' u Trust- ee of the' inc . rovi c P , e of Qiitario took certainlegPal'stes to force those. involved -iii the admitristration'01 the `trust to ` re � a're accounts .of ' ' P P the trust •for .audit in -the Cou.rt,. ##2. The Bruce connty l3oa,rd . of Education: did not donsent_to- the• .ppoiriritient of thelitlron_County Board as trustee because the.'n:iaj- yi' of oritstudent's eligible for ..;• ' ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, th' We will not be responsible for parked cars in the road of snow removal or any other' unmarked obJects during snow removal.. • award's are' students•who reside in'`. Bruce County. The decision to appbint a; new trustee wars not the prerogative of 'The: Bruce County Board of'Education. The decision to appoint a trust company..was • made by a ,Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario; .fhe Bruce County Board concurs with the deciision.of the Supreme Court to appoint an impartial, permanent . professional trustee to administer 'the, 'MacKenzie Rind in the hest • .interests of all eligible students.' 'Obviously.; 'it will be, necessary. .for ''the 'trust c.ou pany., to consult with,education officials to deter mine who should, reoeive an • award. . • f estivai', these will all be.. --given a'•chance to• purchase spac.e, and will be a first come.,first:served basis, a:s„the space in. the arena, 'Will he solcl in.5''.blocks only. That is to say; 5', 10', 15' etc Anyone wishingto do ba kitig. for • the Festival -can obtain' a price list a nd, a sample size list fro111 'Airs. Russell Phillips: This hal' -, .ink , produce.'arid preserves• will be sold, for you on a` 10,:l. c.harge . KODAK INSTA'MATIC' CAMERA OUTFIT' 'REG: $27.93 $1$.99 ►NSISTOR 10 'BATTERY ;ELECTRIC I 4IR DRYERS Rep. $2,3.95 $i5.99: STEAM HAIRSET-`ER- • SPECIAL' $10.99 $19..99 >>ir> A>>>40 >>N :?>1 ?,i»> • tOrROLLS�—:'REQ;2:49..- : _.'_•_ . .$1.99 Tilley Billfolds, Keycase.s Travel Cases n:bach • OFF • LADIES' AND .MEN'S.: WESTCLOx 3 WTD. %z., PRICE' >ryh SCO ry 13. Any and, all action taken •,by. The t3ruce. 'County .'13.oard' of • Education was taken withonIy . y one .thought in mind, to prot4. .•ect'the rights of Brucc Cot"inty' students arid', to perpetuate. this frust of--Bftwe— Couirty students: .We ttiisa that thc.'abovc'inforti.a tion wlll'clarifythe.position•of The Bruce ,County Board of, Educa tion in-this''raratte'r..,• List vea.r's festival was a.decid ed :success',•with Agricultural Society -being $1200 richer and • $c)00.00. being retained iri 'rlae cornniittee• bank-, account• to keep d.ebts paid .until Festival 'tittle, again rolls arou.rid._ Iteceipts'l st year totalled 3;,5:74 witli':xhe .tot4•1,expetises" \1r. ,,. C:i.iphc'11,.i. the helno5:,1U) ct ,rrrvr�•ir� Member . f ;i'; four on: a.nd '•.1r ILTON... .. . rOR 1a k '12 C,Ul1P1i "c"CSON.TINt;11IZ•1'itQNI'1'At f 1 tinned' to work in the 'bush, lll,i.ri; ho.nie for visits with tlii,N As' woods i'ia.nager for Spruc ! 41 Power 'and Paper, Cotup.irnti at u kasing wh.kn he rctirc.li ,.i►c � .i: tiot.hor;lle longi; until he.w,l> c•aIle back into service .iti 4i"1a .ad\ capacity at the Long, Lar do 1(•101' nt',of Kimberly-Cla•rl c'incr,•i es. Eriipl"or.,rs.at tta.dt.AL•1ur., merit still rOiaetnhc'r Ira t;a :..I -. bell.•and .his kiio.wik.d. 0! ` the "hU511; •' C.an:1pbell•,to.0,, he �,: c.liai hard work and kc haavc• coritrihu.tcd'to'tllei: .:in: 'ha'Ppy' lilarriape. She her garden ;ct;'iJ w,.•, .especi.tlly interest•t d i n t ltt`i, it Costs p1 ..ilt•y'•t;o it.it t Zi 1:kSti '” Litt of t11isall;l�tt y {Ttl� tlf4;fe'u1i were' re'tiyardau, ',ind It i5:Lio cd.',..: tt1a1 .l'raa�",il .I'1e' hie 4111(.1'. be:tter 'fast .die ., iti R. R. '21, `t ritsseldied c' tlrc last stir. I\ or of l;hc;ti; fi�i� v ii.i�•'il tuLli�� . . 1'dwin (1t'\)',�itlsle‘ ;Olin itiy• died iii. i.i�,tii tit your• support 'il w say _Ciadh A1i•11t� •iFealte. Ro.la;r�d R. ,Sw.ansori,, Superintend.cnt = :}iu;i. mess and 'Finanee -The. Bruce :County Board. 'of,Education. . 'Ian 1:972 .Summer :raft Festival Plats are 'progressing: for Oho. 1972., Lucknow" S`u.rYiriier' (.raft Festival :.Ara` meeting of the. Lucknos :r\t ricultural:Society.Mr, and .N'lrs. Oliver A1cCharles'were na used Conveners, of the' Festival. CO'Mrnittee, with.:Mr and . �Irs. Dan .,'McInnes. keeping:the same. positions as .last year in. capacity of the Finances,. O tti e,-rtte.r tl: be r -s. -o faIle,Ceint:ryfi-t -- tee are to inclu'd.e Mr. and Mrs. . ' Robt. Struthers : - .Mrs.:Struthers ' . the .Secr'ctary.M .. a .LMrs,: }Zr'iss� Rit'ehic i.n,charge of the Produce depart;me'i t; Nirand Mr's. Om r Brooks,, who Will look' after the commercial•feattires.and preset: ves; h1rs1'Russ lh}llips.and, . •Mrs, : Alex Purves willagain he in charge of the baking section, t�i'rs R.ob,''t• 'tTr -lel-rri3t %s' tcr Tn , c• posters to, be sent to Toronto in Pet ruary . ' Roht pilc heist ,: Prei ident,df tlac_A rilcultttta14gciety.- will he helpirlg.prepare'arena Robt. Struthers will be Making . - signs;fot the Festival and Mrs. -Elaine, 1}.rringtori``wi11 look a ft r catering serVices.r'e meals during the two which is slated for. Au ust the ,CjVic Holiday weck=•enr i Atthe. first meeting of the; festival Committee at which there was 106)0i, attendance,, the various committee heads were. rtarned and thesc'cou.ld in'turn get new Members tohelp. T1reic were over 100 names of Crafttrs who hid: indicated:'ttr'eir de`n`t to take part iri .the 1972` • TREE FRIDAY NIGHTS.' PRIOR • TO. HRISTMAS DECEMBER 3, 10 and 1 NTIL 10 'P.M:. DAY THURSDAYS IN DECEMBE ', 16, 23, 30 :e I A -TUEESITY WEDNESDAY,.' [URSDAY NIGHTS OF CHRISTMAS TIL 10 P.M. L -OS -ED -f lUHAY, DECEMBER -24 and 31 T 6 P.M • MAKE UJGk'NGW " YDI HRISTMAS .SHOPPING CEIJ'Y: