The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-01, Page 21R 1st, 971 • WEpNE�SRA , DECEMBER, 1st, 1971 SPORT R •. GODERICH. • On siii day , November14 on•12th Con, , C*rey l'wp. east; of ;+#12 Cpulity:'Road., 13ruce Scott , .I2. R.: $ea'forth was irivoived in, a; - .le -ca -ePaision-resuItin-g- n .danl'tige'to the vehicle. On Sunday, Noverma:ber, 14 oil Con, 10, Nle.l<illop Twp; .east of Cty itd: , Wendy. Richardson • 23.3 - 5 Dome Ex, South Porcu pine was involved in a single Car collision. resultin ; in' darnage to the vehicle.: Richardson received injuries. • , • THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL LITCKNOWONTARIO On Sunday NQv,enaber 14 on . con, 6-7 Tuekcrsm tl')a• i wp, east of f#12 Cty, Jul,., I)aviG1 1�lilier, 63 East William Street, ;aeaforth was involved in a single rite •s o) r listen resiltir.t tri 1tr,t l gk tra the vehicle, On Thursday, ,;i,'on. o liwy. north of }:4l Cty, tui. Ethel Etue, 90 Youngs .Street Stratford and. John Lairiathe," 551Wanislia Avenue,, 'pronto•'. Were involved in a ca -truck col= lis .on resulting in •don:ta ze.•t° thc• :vehicle ' : �tl •t uzies, On Friday ,.Nov. ii an4.0 -sontirO Torii sboro 11arve\• Bern- ard ,,15.2. ,ern-ard,,15.2• Queen Street',..Clinton .struck a deer on the roadw ty re salting. in danmgc to his vehicle. On -Saturday, Nov. 2tr 'r.t !2 Cty, Ad,. at {,ic',: sic Broad , East • Wawanosh' i wp , Brian Pi:111urrter, ; R. R. 4 , (loderich vyas in‘,•olved in ti single car collision resulting SALE! SALE! LE in damage to the vehicle.. •Pfr.im- riser, Allan Fisher R. R, C:lirrton., 13renda Arclra;mbault I� R, i#l, Au.bur.n and Lois Wat- son;; liox 32, Stroud, all received injuries, On Saturday,Nov, Cty. Rd'. north. of #8 l`lwy. , Al- bert S1ertaon , 11, °'lZ. # 4, Walton was involved.in a single car`co1 lision resulting in damage,' to the'. vehicle. On Saturday, Nov •20 on, east o•f• #21 Iiw 'Joh Wubs,� 1{. 'John Sowerby, R. R. Goderich were involved in a+two. car collision resulting_ in damage td the vehicles. On Sat Nov: 20 o.ri 425 Cty.: Rd. west of ii22• .Ra Cty. , l=ied- crick Lawrence, Auburn was in- volved in, a single car 'collision. resulting. in dans ,r:•e to the vehic- le:. .. of MQCCL,I'ON; • •KINCARDINE On November.17 , at 12.30 a, m. Constable Wiwcgaryk investigated a single car accid:ent on the 2nd concession at Douglas,•Point,., Joseph Bertrand of Tiverton was` the driver of the vehicle which went out of control and rolled Over..striking an oil pipeline. In- 'jured in the aceident were Roger..' •Sequin of Point :Edward; ,and . -Jocelyn .jose1)h o-fT' • . s.n :' . , .Total- damage was approxirnatei -,1g,-;10-6760,, Y • • At 9.00 a.m. November 2Qn . Constable Poland investigated a 2 car accident on ## 9 highway. at Kinloss. A.• vehicle driven by An- thony Wisser of Goderich and a vehicle driven. by Mary Johnson .of R; 12' ## 4, Kincardine collided :at # i',County Road. Injured in .;the Johnson vehicle was Robert LE • • OF FURNITURE BUSINESS LE (roehIer Chesterfields Our stock of chesterfield's' was almost completely depleted and has. beenreplac- ed .with a new selection, se' we must clear :this__Iatcg assortment; bf-- TRADITIONAL. CHESTERFIELDS --- MODEF NI=STIC' -CHESTE1tF1ELPS —7Spacesavers -` DAVENPORTS, .NEW STOCK .• SLEEP QitL.OUNCE IN .A SELECTION OF SHADES AND. GRADES kcasonal Chairs: PLATFORM ROCKERS, SWIVELS, ETC.. ALL MAKES ' • t • Summer ,.,Fotnitute • BY SUNLITE.. ENTERPRISE; .. tllt'' TABLES • Cor>sble ,. eeffee, end, lamp tables . BOOKCASES•, E • Cribs COMPLETE, ,MATTRESSES Strollers, .carriages, Play Pens, Walkers • Bedroom Suites Mattresses= COMPLETE AND BROKEN ;LINES ..' ti�+tiwv • Lamin.y- - .•4-.a EALLY SLEEPMASTER' ar SIMMONS.. OF1HE N'E Kfthen Suites 'LIBERTY.•ORNAMENTA6 , • CL.'OTHES 14AMPERS ..__-f-ASSOCKS. �.i��-i.�4��t�. ♦t.��♦ �»��«�tti�i.�, w•+I.;�i'C.YvvbV'i. �'��'�+a.i. M1R1OKS PICTURES; URES; E J C ETC., .E/TC., ETC., 111111 /reuara • LAMP, •. Pole, swag, tree and table lamps • PAGE 'TWENTY•ON■' ;:Johnston of 'a. R. # 4 Kincardine . Total damage was estimated at $350..00. Constable McPhail investigated. la single car accident on #21• high- way south of North Bruce at 11.55 p.m. November 20. A car driv- den by William. Boud of Mount }'Bridges went out of control and • slid. into the north ditch. Pstrn,- ated damage. was •$100:..00, �. -.�• IT-ELA W , Provincial Constable..,. Dung:annon W.I. „At the :N.ovembe.r 25th, Wor • ens: •Institute rneet,ing 15 members., and 1; visitorwere present at, the home of Mrs Harry Girvin. The. meeting opened with the 'Ode 'and'•' the Mary Stewart' Collect. Since :this meeting was Public Relations,; .the roll. call was answered by nam• ing a responsibility .of a W. I. • Member. Mrs. Cecil Blake read corres- .pondence and the treasure%;'s report. s. "i- riser u ledge' gave a report, on'Mrs....C. DiaMond's. visit, which was ..rtiuCh •• enjoyed by: those; who were pres-; `. ent. '•A motion to give a, silver•dol-: ar :ba by. was kept'on the books. 7,4 Branch Director'.spoke• of • . • the'Christmas 'Party which will be hela on December 15th ,• yvi' .• gift exchange , For further ..infor- ',motionplease contact Mrs,. Finnigan ;or• if you do; not plan to' attend do get in' touch before December 11th,)a The.MottO• was. very capably: taken :ty.Mrs. Clarencc`McClen aghan and was entitled "conning together is beginning , \working together'is 'pro.gress , •The topic was' `on: •Nortlicrri Ire- land , The meeting was closed `with.the• Queen:and y:. I.. .Grace. et1eq,0gICE! ociety:Met In Lions Head The Bruce Branch of the Geneal ogicai Society met for their: Oct- ober. meeting in Lions Head'Unit-'. ed Church school room. � . A letter was read•by Mrs. 'Ross u r-r-ar 4from alatfy, ining- land ; stating .a Bible she had to give away hada new home with Mr, -E. -b; CJr-endoof-o-f London, •. member of the Ontario Society.; 1t consisted of 5 fly leaves of interest in Cene_al;e ; agica.T . A.`panel discussion was held with Mrs.. Rosi; 'Cumming ; Mrs..., Da le : McA.rthtix..,- Mrs; l'ere-y--- --•-- Warrilow and Bria•n•Clenierits giving their interests and begin- ting'of compiling histories. Mrs. George Downey reported that the llruce County Library • -had two books -0ite,_4st.T-narr�e-lye the •Settlement of tipper Canada •' and Country Life in Canada: She urged members to.request books .• • and the library would consider purchasing, same • �>nttc� Count=,.s.�ao�y�t:.-••-p -` chased a film reader and members are having'to go to 'Owen Sound for census records, parish records, .,. marriage and births on their film reader. Mrs. Basil Underwood was• in the chairand gave a report of the em. Mar held in Ottalv'reeel- tly.' . Twenty-two eopYe attended,, The next meeting will be held in Port Elgin in November,