The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-01, Page 20• . .pry, 111'' 'TWENTY TMI$ ';tUClNQW SENTINEL,• LUQ AflON.IE.:F..Y THIS • Francs Boyle.Alaced 2nd- [rt 1971 Bruce fo. ensilage Corn Competition. Francis Boyle of the tenth con-- cessioneast in Huron Township placed second.in the 19'31 ensilage. corn competition .in Bruce County: The results: of this competition were annbuncfd• at the'meeting :of the Bruce County S..oil and • Crop'Irimprovement. Association held last week,in F,or-mosa, In--' cidentally Gordon Patterson, . •'' also of the tenth''concession is the president o'f t,lie organization and will 'continue, in'this position for another terra; . '. Entries by. Fischers of Mildmay placed first and third; ;Everyone• entered in ' this 'ensilage competition was required to keep cyst ,records of.• • Francis had an approximate net in the compettion.had ,22 tons'per acre . Francis planted his:•corn on May 14 in 3'0 inch- wide rows and it• was a• new and "corning" variety namely Funks•G'4082. 'The field was .prepared as follows-•disced once cultivated,once:, fertilized- with 200' lbs. per acre of 18-46-0 fertilizer with 500' lbs. of.potash, ,total cost••of`84 dollars per acre ' fot growing fit. Thus:the: cost. was . • four dollars per .ton of ensilage The, market. value placed on:a ton - is about seven dollars The win' •'6 per., acre aqua nitrogen..;preplanted The crop was sprayed. with. 2'.lbs• of atrazine and one gallonof corn 'oil per. acre He, estimates 'the cost at the going customs rates as follows • •. • KNOWN,. N'ARIO • WEDNESDAY" DEC. MB,ER 1st,,• 19x.1; BEEF gib: • • BRIAN ESCH• • • Brian Esch has joined the staff of Ripley District High School. as teacher of Classics and English. ` He is. a '.graduate of the Vnive.r- sity of Toronto and the Ontario , College'of Education::. His inter ests •include a "wide: variety of sports and English L'lterature.r` . acre, of cern. His total yield was 42,600 lbs. or 211/4 tons per acre:'. • Next year,the 'Bruce' County Soil and Crop. Improvement •Assoc-. ia-t -ot a- e -e 'dollars, corn seeth5'do1]la.rs, =disc mg a•nd cultivating 4 •dollars,, • ing' tars , spraying labour 2, dollars , spray chemicals 6 dollars, fertil- izer•18 dollars, rent of land r, peacre 20. dollars, and finally. harvesting. 20 dollars .:This•,totais• r. • • 0 •:.g oe-rn- they:are dropping theyield per acre `barley competition whiyh ensorcd •ttifs-yer; -_ CUT, Wi ,CE or.. HALF WRAPPED AND QUICK FROZEN AT NO • EXTRA CHARGE THE LUCItNOW " SENTINEL makes an• ideal ..Christmas::gift, per year, $8 outside 'Canada, an at- trrctive gift card will be sent, at no extra cost, phone: 528-2822: • DOUBLE DECKS $2.35,'$2.50 and $3:.75 EUCHRE DECKS`2 Decks For•.$1.10 JUMBO INDEX For Poor Eyesight $1.1.9 SPECIAL: BUY 75c DECK WE_1 LS° H� • P.LASl'1_C. COATED. • • GILT EDGED •GOLD BORDERED • PLASTIC CASE e MIX OR MATCH', DOUBLE DECKS "'INITIALS OR NAME' • IMPRINTED' IN GOLD SINGLE DECK. DOUBLE, DECK' N�i. cNOTICIE•. tore wi be :C. 0504. DUE TO WEDDING' IN THE FAMILY SINfi�L-,DECKSB5�c, 1 1 1- an lt98. 5-29 R°i. P L E' The :Senior Classes of L icknow Central Public School. are :busy with preparations for their 'Christ- Inas•Concert; They wi11 be pres=• enting: an operetta • - "Red -a1id1" ;- for. parents' and friend's to enjoy. Practice is a hectic turnoi1 as. we are trying to in- clude as many youngsters as pos- sible - whioh,t•rmeans about 125,. The Lucknow School (land is alsd., a'heehive of activity as they. are "preparing for a concert. in Wiattor_z , -Decernbef3xcf i71,. ' • .. besides playing for Santa's arrival in that town on beceinber 4th. Along with 'all. of these extras, the boys and girls received •:° their first-r.opnrt:gards-•lac On January 8, 1972, 'our Senior Girls and. 'Boys Volleyball Tea'rris will. be en eril g.. in the Invitation af Tduinarneht.- Ae'tri!on teams we, know you're good even if the teachers do beat you in a few gartmes otice iii awhile 11"6MElyCONOMICS CLASS. A hrppdweating .a'oap., i :ligator with glasse"s; p'init pig,. g,inghani,cats, d lourfril' !'ro _ies and a•'giant:teddy are a.::(-. 'Jae`• finished' grade ,8 toys on dish1 ' sir.• the hall. On a vsit•to'She•!'o`e: .• :Eiconotimics room you can !Li . the attractive ponchos and shohILIc•r bags that some girls hays during the first school' wing ' Contributed by 1luron 1�rm�t Swingers-. Once aga-11'11fe iTirton Swingers share their With you,.' We dance edc'h ,A•t•ti- nesday evening;' in the i,n(.'l;t10 Public School group again whictr rimeet i:': th!... Luc know.to,wi.1 la ll. on evening y Trach groul3LLr its' '.rvi tIt: many enjoyable evertin This Saturday evening bei 4', the lluron=(3rirc :; l+a er` are having a dance in thi riow,l'ublc School With lt,t:•, t •+:, • as' caller j Theyhope square ;dancers from obit ; lu?' etjtne to ,join..rli the (roti,