The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-01, Page 15wEDNESDAIt'',,' ECEMBER 1stR. 1Ill TME LUCKNOW—' SENtil0B. 0-CfCROW, ONTARIO; °aski is °BETTER. BUY.., Some people say It's the all new. aero.-dynarnic design ! Some say. it's tie `new.Salsbury automatic drives ! Others • claim Ws the gas tank cap with gauge., Others still maintain, it's the longer chassisiOn the Mark II- wide -track. ' . There's sornething special about .. Boa Ski all 'right and. that's the people .who build it. We -put more into Boa. Ski so',you get more otit of'it, ;7. SDAY,• Sl: WEEK, rum ,Itihle�'w'as h� I'..1.C, to 1k it1 Torontu • c;f .i itiZ•en§ re,. ri iaininj (`lass tfit','{ i nirnunit\ . tales hart teWer 1 rou.ping m rvices better. r5r1,' •conlarni.natt4 .,purchtased Was and • ,prtivpked' in tirf n t : Tins 1"t l.It' Rind t u1 �I't P('°Ple.' ('rso•n Icr..ease r., hies in wile: a1 11•is• inc.reas'= TSI • tarty u1 the :irt)ti c9U114., in at Soutli•erly isu,11•act ions in ri rn:i is•should e t re c. -111.1 r l,fea}tli. rep -Oft '4 1e county Farewell. Party for'Leo C�urts it 1C,SisRIDGl? 'N Ws . A farewell party was held, last: Mlotid:ay evening in the Parish Ilan in - honour of Mr, and Mrs, Leo:Courtney who recently ,rnoyea to C; )c rich, At least a hundred: friends aril neighbours c n joyed' an, cvcnitl; of play ng cards• and. visit rr}.�. Leo and Marcella were cal- led to the front a,nd any addre ss Was• . read:h, ',0.la,rvarl :coat= 7-kre-court;= nc 5s, were presented with a large' pot of tilutrls and' an envelopeof coney by Iloj•d RObh .arid.;John.. IIU1,•ard. • gratulatioiis. to Mr.and•Mrs. Ilcrinari Riling (Zena Garniss) who were n'arried, at St. Joseph's Church hereon `Saturday;., Novem- ber .20th, Mrs Carl Rfe.gling 'Sr.. of Tor - _onto ha.s- been visiting with her; soil,and f tirirll lr. •arid Mrs. Marl fur Klin Joe C:durtneyis a, patient ih. the • .ast 'Geiie'ta.l .l losj ita.l• '. Toronto'; .wl:rere it' is.cXpected he will .undergo ergp, Surgery;. r ..•an • ,.irs; C .lbert Frayne rio\e.d recently•to their honie,in Luckriow ,for the Winter .inontlis,. •Several eouplcs, frorn the 'area .:ttrtrided. the da:ice•at Saltford.•, • \alley i.Lali oLSaturday,,eve.nint; • s'•sUcCeSs' Ill :with rr�t Ct dv: itti ;tq help .'' c �idcs, baoy`Scou'ts a• rtil:Cubs A itifeld ('of; ;llnrts, L7� L :CkTr5. FARM EQUIPMENT ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 528-3530 .NTARIO528-3530 enr OUR_TRIP TO TORONTO: On Friday; November 19-, .1 the pupils of Grades Se've and'.Eight: journeyedto Teronto., While. there we visited. the international. ens ; a the Royal Winter hair.: At the ,Airport we saw: pla nes corning and going.%, We were for-` tunateenough. to be able •togo. through a D..0 9, Air Canada,,. At Maple Leaf Gardens we sw:. the California C"olden Seals pract= ising. We !net Paul Henderson It 'was very' funny. 1 was loyking'. all around the ca;r'to see: witerehe • was. .I oou:ldn't see }i'irn, • The car horn be ped tiut the. ca r. Lou Ant!. What I liked hest 6.1 all wcrL, .the sfnbtn.ktoups the �' 1 r,es';. and. 'the free sa'niples >f• fond;: 1arli'et I` enjoyed' the floc, all. They 'wcr,c also. l•ilied.the arriinais sc,cl, as foXes squirrels, lrorscs'i,.,ttle.... there and soiree got b-i.s_-•aru;togr =ph r=a-nd=sh ip---- • -- iereare sonle..conirr •ents. made• 'the•. � • by, pup }: s on the. Royal Winter. Fajrt•_ 1h0ecdthe talking police•car; LANGSIDE . Mr, `end Gk's. Dav Moffat were Sunday visitors with Mr'. and Ctrs. Bah Struthers and` faintly: of '1,ucknow, Mr, and Mrs. 13ob Struthers and`. fanily.of Luc know were Sunday- evening: visitors witli``Iv1r. and Mrs. Jini;Young'and. fa icily, tlo c apt in and Sp' annual I'm Ltuek Supper. landay Scllctzsl achievement i; 1,r70 to of the' .Lgrigsidc K'reslayi ria 11 ii•e err •11 Choreic was betel, ,1t1d 1n this, t?uc1 is pas` lrsedse Irl Is.picious ani` PAGt' FII IIIIN, WE yHAVE.• 3 MODELS IN �as low••:as; 000990909900 999999999990 9999099999 IP 99999990909 JUI1( I liked the Sports Ila .11 tai becaus 'it had tell tht S.tie 'th'e A11 Star hocks y•1`ia) ers • 1 i Stanley and other, tro1�l11c tures of all the hoehr •'I'la ;c r; ir; colour. • J. es s: See our • large ' catalogue of Personalized Gifts forr or—person—on . . 1 • 1 yolur.Chrisf nas List. • b Dying dards SINGLE OR DOUBLE DECKS PLASTIC' COATED . IN__ STURDY :ELASSLC. CASE SING E'DECK $2.75 • .DOUBLE. DEC•$:4:95 �„Personalized Matches.• $ L :COLORS WITH WIDE SELECTION OF TYPE STYLES INI,'I'IAL OR, ULL; NAMES AVAILABLE 100SPA CKAGES $5.45 sO R:y4E-i k.GGS $3,:55 Fo1lckinl 'the slipper the Sunday �hoor, %J sand C.0„t.`, held a pro, $tmnie;, .'t is--�j r-1 seals and pins were then t:rv;etl out, 1�1ry' and `lis, Bob Yoring.of ilith.over '• then showed s1i(1( 'oh their .trip to the east toast,,, .. l'1ie r� �nlsd�;e', iot11t1111nity ex'. • tends ices Synrpatity to the AsJic's. fancily in clout t'he'� � of Mrt. John Qertnis 4uinlan. He�dsY�o: �t Kingsbridge • A )":otitli Club 11.1...i bc'tn t ,,, - reed at. c,lt ; o'cote"( for 1971 t,c.,o.`1 era ,.i)(41,1.11$ (,nin1,1t1; \ ident , Anne' 17.11ton4r St e tt t 11'N'; Ja.ri.cYttt;..l' lc�krt> tt 1c .� wrr, t._�.:.1 cL11r Tihtenbtrg. An ti•ippoi11ttncnt,on. tl,i`.\ R,;:•- ory.13oard of tji' Josi,hfi's 1titt1. - bridge Wil S itch v \t111C (.)1 RED. CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR. HELP. f•1r: gasters 5 COLORS ,PTS S• WHITE 'WITI~I 'VV'IDE .S`ELI✓CTIO�' OF ,:TYPE STYLES' :.VACK • OF 501 •S a, 5 PACK OF 100 ,$3,251 PERSONALIZED $TA 1!QNERY A.VD. FULL LINE OF XMAS. CARDS BY'I`OOTHILL, 0RDER EARLY TO 'AVOIb, DISAPpoINTMENT'