The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-01, Page 2THt LUUCKNOW' :SENTINEL., LUCKMO The LUCKNOW SENTINET.t; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO *' M Y Town...,_ On Os Huron-Bfuae Boundary. Second .C1as,8 AfidlRaglatration Number 0847 Established 187$ Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Mambor of the. CW.N.A.. and O.W.N.A. Subscription. Rate, $6.00 a year^inadvance to the U.S A., $8.00. Donald.. C. Thompson, Publisher .WEDNESDAY,..DECEMBER 1.00* 1971 • • 100 FOLDED SHEETS AND' • loo ENVELOPES BOTH PRINTED; 100, -:SINGLE SHEETS AND;, 100 ENVELOPES BOTH PRINTED 30 .• or your own: use or for:'gi•fts Avon Vellum.,,club size white notepaper`. printed • in black or blue `ink.' .' . with imprinted matching envelopes. Attractively -boxed, • . Checks, from thin*. 'Four Typo' Sfylis - , a�Eax•1'Rmon;F MRS 00NALD PHILLIPS, TYPE. STYLE A10 TYPESTYLEA12 [,r's-:jnhtt fl dersnn`..J� Mrs.:'DQy o6enSon TYPE:; STYLE A8 IER. _NO� ;FROM. TYPE STYLE. A7;8 'LOSES. BARN. CONTINUED FROM PAG'E,l Lucknow Fire' Department was summoned with a, call later"put in. `;ta tlTe Ripley Department, lines: _ g . were laid to "Statters Lake"; about 35 to 40. rods to', the west. th=e-west=sd=e#brr. A tractor, sitting in the. yard , was wheeled.•.to safety. The • frame" ,wbr on the roof of a pit silo adjacent to the barn was pulled. off;. Miirrays were'in the P I� tOce3s of pitting a roof- n -,the silo:which had been -built two • years ago and another good. days • work would have seen it •complet ed:. OMTA.R1 .WEDNESDAY,,. 'D,ECEMEER, Acclamation' In SarneSic.te . Ashfield Township. Council was:•returned by acciamation at•the. nomination meeting at the Township ,Hall oii •Th.ursday, a=fter- noon of last week, .,The period •will'be for one year with the next nomination. date, coinciding. with, that of the school board.. Gityin .Reed• was returned..as Reeve on a motion of Gordon Boyd and Alex; Juba; • Eugene . Frayne was also noininated for Reeve on a motion of John Austin and Allan Gibson. Girvin has ,served as Reeve for two.years.,, Deputy -Reeve for two years and Councillor for six years:. Eugene, Rayne, was• returned by acclamation as Deputy -Reeve.. motion was by John Austin :and: Tom,Helrn, Also no:rninated for. Deputy. -Reeve was :Larne •Cook.on a Motion, of Allan: Gibson and Torn .Helm. •. Eugene has completed .two.. years' as Deputy -Reeve and was a councillor'for five years prior that •' • The •Councillors' were :returned by accla ma tibri. on .the followingmotions: Finlay MacDonald by • Ewan MacLean and. Gordon Boyd; Warren' Zinn by Russell Alton and -Russ.e1 Trvin; Larne•Cook by .Fiig= ene Frayne 'a,nd .Warren Zinn. Lorne Cook is the senior 'Coup-• eillor with five'years'vn the• board; ,Watr•en: Zinn hat. four years and, ' Finlay Iola Donald .two years. Donald. Simpson; clerk. -treasur- er of the township,, acted, as chair- •man.foi; the ratepayers ineeti.ng 'which followed the norni.nation; period Reev i7rvin-Reed pink-O—f '- - work at the .county level and. the new bridge ori the 9th of Ashfield. completion of the bridge at. Ben - miller ,and the $100 , 000, spent o:rr. the •Saltford hill road. .He,spoke •3t, '1971; on; the new ofacial plan for the. county and the regulations for land severance now in. effect, In 1072 a. new dump.w'ill have. to be looated'n' Ashfield and the anticipated site is the township gravel farm%on concession 60,'The dump Will have to be supervised': and' covered daily. The:Port Albert,du4atilLbe clos..eci and the North. Ashfield du•rnp may be allowed • to operate another year. He spoke of discussions regarding an area medical centre, Deputy -Reeve Eugene Fra yne 'spokeon his work this year•as a member of the Huron County '•Lib,- rary Board., He.spo_ke of the high cost of snow •r.enioval last year, • approximately $4.0,000.. Fie. said 'the township needs a shed and the estimated cost is $.:0•;,000.:' . He praised the work of the township recreation cornntittee , Taxes will likely be collected' twice' in 1972, commented: the speaker. • Councillor"Lorne .Cooit, uteri'; 4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 22. Graduates Fkv• daughter of Jvir,: Ilrla c l;.a 3' of IZ. R... ed • from the Eiam• Schooa of :�led'- s«-- for two years: .Uliver- on Friday:„:; I\ovem• lier parctlt's�arid : • Dyed at tlt4. �l:it- • s19ospital rrj•i�it- gh. School: . ,. and Mrs, Allister 4 Ripley;gradual ilton and, District ical Technology where she Pia been attending • The'graduation was held in the auditorium of McMaster sity , Hamilton . ber 26 at,S pnr,. sister Margaret attended . • •Nancy is, employed chener, She'is 'a gra dila te f. Ripley District' Hi L.ETRONIC' LUCKNOW PHONE 528.3115 Two itieinbers'of 11>.Vila county '•' '. council have an'nou.nC d their in t;entions of•;ciutnili,. for ,19 72; They are J. P. Johrtst.ont Jr Re -eve _Q.f Sr. Edmund .Ior%tslrul and'Harvey Davis, ree'• of:ila'er-, slie •Township Thelsucecssful• carn.FkIate 'wi.11 .succeed Warden Georg e t.rci{it of .Paisley.. TIN/ o. o..ther_c.aun:c.il16,rs • ikeo e' brville;Elliott ofKinloss Town-• ship and Reeve •13rucc •Parfer of Brant: Township said th�};�%oultl . run ,for va•eaut :eat on tlie., highway§• corT1111itt.el 1Ji;council. • The main barn, 60 by 90, •was• ' Firemen were on the scene- ,-' Charlie built a new addition tb into, the early hours of Friday • the barn this past -summer 30''by morning with the ruins continuing 60. The original barn size had to break out in small fires for t 60 by 60. many days4fterwards �Caus`e f " the fire is not known. It broke out in the upper portion of the . barn= p. W . grain, y,- mixed rain 7000 bales ha A ut t e t years ago, Cha r -� -- �. li s urra of _Ki n.7,..., rn fro n a Y w �. ' • y ' • and ;a roller.-�loss , tirchased .the far m , Lost in the fire, besides the. one cattle beast in the stable area, was 45 tons shelled coin, 35 tons • . Firemen saved the houses w.. which was threatened fora time; a steel grain bin, full, of barley sitting at fhhe''corner of the hair` barn; a pig, am with 50 sows and some small pigs sitting at the south=east corner.of the barna' drive shed contathin$ A combine,. ' seed: Orig. baler and 'ractor Oft • Denzil Stattets. Charlie bought: the farm from his •dad about this-' teen years ago:: Charlie told the "Sentinel" that he. plans to build a new barn, •possibly in early spring, ^ . PRINTED GUMMED LABELS '- an inexpensive' .Christmas gift, b0 Sentinel • 52 28x1 v for $1.75, ordee now. The Liekilo FOR ALL CHILDREN IN THE L There wilt also be free' skating Saturn . ay afternoon December •11 and 1.8' `at'1' usday and Frid ay 'afternoons ecem e an take i om; �r:hi e� the family i$- kat ng , take ia` lvanrtage-, of• t free tate and . skop' it L tic�Cno�v's ;well-stehcked storeao LUCKNO SPONSORED BY " BUSINESS MEN'S A$SOCIATIOP