The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-17, Page 20A4,SI TWNNTY 'THE LUCKNOW SENTIN L U. CKNOW, ONTARIO 'WEDNESDAY.t DRESS WARMLY • IL -0R .NEW SHIPMENTS. THIS WEEK WE HATE .YOUR SIZE • e Sentinel' TI -AT a meeting will 'be' held this. Friday afternoon at Whitechurch Conimunity :Hall for the purpose of organizing a seniorcitizens club for folks of that area. A member of the corn. services es branch will bein attendance• to offer .suggestions. The 'nieet , ing is sponsored by the •Kinloss Recreation ..Cominittee.Kinloss• ' Recreation Committee will also sponsor a, special class in the November 20th car rally spon- sored by; the Wingha rn Car Club: ,See the ,ads ir'this issue. THAT•.at the Sunday morning service of Lucknow United'' Church, .Rev. Robert Nicholls baptized Kern J`o Ze'ran , daugh - ter of Iv1r.,alid 1.vits Sterli,rig: Zera.rl: o f .Luc know and. David: • Blair Elliott, son of Mr.' and Ho,lyrood. 'Mrs'. Eunice'• Duns- muir, .ot Lucknow sang the solo, When.,Mothers of Sale:nm" THAT 'weather permitting, the. :, focal town works d.epartme•nt will be, flushing fire hydrants an ' Thursday of:this week. Ifyour Water i•s a bit dirty on Thursday, this is' the reason. OVEMBER• 17th, 1,971:• YOUR '"LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND WESTON.. REG.. Urg: $'1.32 s •.. WESTON • RE.G, 4 Wuener .rues : . WESTON,,-REG. 2 •' 74c Raisin Bread VOGUE ASSORTED ToiIe'tli!'sUe' SUNSPUN•, ►arga�ne :Sale SUPREME CRUNCHY' 16 OZ. Peanut : Butter SAVE 32c s SAVE• 32c s S'1 SAVE 9c • Loaves 6.5c LOW, LOW PRICE! 4 RoHs49c SAVE; SAVE; SAVE ounds 89c WAGSTAFFE 24 OZ. ' WITH PECTIN COMPARE! Rasp. or Straw. am.Pay49c OnIy • Men's S=M L -XL & XXL. Also. TALLS in ;men'ssizes. Black or navy, with matching trims Ladies' in brand new shades of purple, green, redwing; navy and black: All with matching true. S -M -L: LADIES' and MEN'SPRICED FROM . 429.9S, TO x49.95 CHILDREN'S:'IN STOCK >.- - -$1-11.95=to-$+5:95 4 to ,6x $16.95 : to $19.95 Boys' and Giris' ,8 to 18 $1,795, ,$19 95; ,$29.95 THESE SNOWMOBILE SUITS. FEATURE Sturdy outer :shell of 100% nylon . . windproof, water proof , ... locks' out cold. Inner shell of ..quilted polyester nylon .�:t . etairis ody 'warmth: Full length jumhosipper ipp e= leg opening on,both 'sides . ,lined hood .:.. elastic waist '. ' . windproof tab. .at. neck. . , or knitted turtle neck .zippered.. ; P collar, snug knitted storm cuffs foatstraps Also_.,somesuitsr.- ' with Thermal King lining. .FOR SKI-DOOE.RS; 'CURLERS AND SKIERS FOR ',LADIES`. . AND... MEN. A ..LIMITED QUANTITY Ot1LY. Guides parade . In �em�mbrance • On November lith ,. Lucknow Guides and their leaders joined with the Legion for .their .Annual Parade and church service to honour the mernor.y of those. who, fou ht for the defence of Theis'. . g .. • cou:ntty during: the Wats:. District Corrimiisioner Mrs. Ang u'i Lennah accompanied the guides. Flag beaters were Nancy Warren and Mary:Ellen Havens. Kathy Treleaven placed a wreath at.the cenotaph on.beh•alf,of the, Com- ny, • „ After the Parade was dismi%sed , the Guide returned to the Town • THAT Vandalism in the Lucknow '.area is being„investigated by Provincial Police as'a'result of ` some week end antics. Five mail boxes in the'•area 'to.. the •. west ofvilla.Le were torn of `and completely destroyed in a senseless manner. Some'main street property was also the tar, - get Of vandals as •newspaper __lzox-es:had their c at4.ew_n.., shrubs were, uprooted; and others private property disturbed The' incidents happened later Saturday night or, early Sunday, morning. '. THAT ftirther'sidewalk reconstru'c • •tion: wasdone in ,Luc know' the fFsr-th week~.. lee °ls —} were poured on Havelock "Street South from the residence of George -Whitby Booth-toHthe. residence of N 5, Jack NicKen-_. drick.on the west side of the a"v HEY' KIDST - JUST HEAT ;AND.. SERVE„ Try Libbyland Ready -To -Eat Suppers • VALUES 'EFFECTIV THIURS.DA.11• ; FRIDAY, SATURDAY • NOVEMBER 18, 19, ;20 PHONE LUCKNOW 5283420 THAT .Linda,Dawson, daughter of 'Mr. and \1rs,.: Huntley ..Uaw-= son'of Kinloss"a,nd Susan Currie:,: daughter of ,Mr. and 'Mrs. ;John Currie of Wingha ni , recently. returned from aweek'•s{vacation' in the Bati'ama' .Islands. .- Linda is employed in the:bank in Listowel and Susan is emplo�ed in'Londo'n: .employed in the bank.. ingwith•Arthur, •Wire 1i.4`; fiar- ,riston', Mount •19ri'st.tin. 1',1: .- side:. .If you art ilitt:ri -ILL!. playing on,.th' s• tea,n 1ct A1 pr. 13a'rry know at oirct'. It•!` hoi:cd' that practices c o.,ai,te icc, soon. • • THAT Al•,l arnilton and l arry.'N,1c i pnagh'•a a attempting to: organ 'iz:e an Interrtmediate'• hockeyteam. in Lucknow`.and district• this year. .'I'he tearn is entered in'a :group- 'meeting of the • Bruce ', 'new. fra-pe-publist:rers-a-ssoc i a - tion was he•ld'at Walkerton on friday. .Don ThOmpson.o.f,.the Sentinel was 'tett rned as presid- ent•of the ;group, Bill soil of Chesley Enterprise is vict' Presi iu,an.dLiakrn a -er- _.'- n• hl. of the 141ildmay• Towh 'and .Country Crieris secretary -trews- THAT da.ma e• was estimated at was spent cornp:letely ori' 'test work. • Four recruits completed their: tenderfoot tests and will be enrolled,: ext week.. Various • other. tests kept the girls busy until well after the appointed closing•time 'Thanks were ext:. pressed froth Madam Oorri..rriission.-" et fbr.the fine turnout for the par-. Ade., Lieutenant.Earbara Heim closed the meeting with a thought • r the day;." . tor .•a out ' s to 'the 'plate glass w.ind:oW Of the .Supertest•C;arage in Lucknow on Sunday as a toot orist--was4n. co1Jision; with the front ort the. building. THAT 'a meeting is be,irig tailed' for thursda'y o•f, thi's week at 8.30 p.m. by the 'Recre'ation Committees. of Lucknow , West. Wawariosh Ashfield and Kinloss . to arrange interniediate 'Ruth League Hockey,.::..... TFIAT registered. la,.t afternoon with thi, I It.( Ir.� Ice Skating (JIul, icy c :+nu Power s,kattrnz; cl i c =. i =c• Will bcgiti Sund;� .:�•�,, it wla� soon.a's ice.•is:,lv..lil"G?'1'i,..t.itrtlit?r re4istrittioln will t;;i;t first, night .of c la :c > , THERE WILL BE A ' BUSINESSMEN''S MEETING Novernbera t :30 P.M .Ili THE )W? ;HALL . • ALL LUCKNOW BUSIN'ESSM'EN ARE URGED TO ATTEND' • • L . ' n Kiri i sie s r Assocratron