The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-03, Page 13IBER: Ord, 1911 1urnent ly up, ONTARIO ON'ESDAY•.„ NO. VEMBE�t 3rd, 1971' 'E 'L'UCKNOW SENTINEL,,.1 4 H. nshrp ii :•: til !lie. h'at;' „t livid at 1(.Elneh on !iii it 1•.1)t•: r,.'., ipei,t•ki With the" ,: ; t ttl: read ' 1•' eeet ill, t','t .t %.10:1' be: 1.1 ,it IP. ..k) 11. 0\ir. cr;ift:,,, i n itttu t1A.o NEW CROP NATURAL AUSTRALIAN RAISINS Sibs.for 89c ASSORTED COOKIES 3 pkg.,for $1..00 .FRESH .BREAD 4 for -$1.05 WHITTICH'S SQUARES. 45c ea lbs.3.Cabbage for '65c 65c' .. q ad. Allimps BEANS HOME GROWN • :GOOD PRICES .ON'POTATOES *** 111, 74,r. **,.**it***** • HIGHWAY .84 - 4 MILES EAST OFA•: LUCKNOW Du,ngannon. Uti .October 28th the Dungannon Wonen�s iiisttate tttoeting On Candian Industries was. held at the home of the President Mrs, Wilmer Rutled a •on a fine were given on the .Area Conven tion by Mrs. G. McNee on the . ' first .day ,by Mrs. Ha'rry.'Girvin. ;on the ;second day. lrs.: Lorne. Ivers gave a well.prepared report • of the Rally. Te-= o "Ntthin Ij Inst on a. Tourney by stopping to 'pray or.. to feed your, horse" , brdugh't' faith, merraories and' thoughts as liven •"` by Mrs. 'Lorne.I:vers, ' tomatics, ter equipped iatic,' power 3tic .' er equipped ver'steering 'er ::steering; uric; 'power'. 'summers' :evening. Ten' members two: visitors the joined in.opening exer- ' . Peni g -cises using the*`Ope:ning'Ode' and •'' the I�fiar:y' Stewart' Collect. The rs Were' -Mrs. Gorden;Fear and :Jean Rutted Vie.: .'.Roll call, waste,. answered giving "A Favorite Use of Cheese"... The=sm..Correspondence was read .and . business disc'ussed•, which• includ ed: a fetter from• the• Iluronv iew • Auxiliary on,their:Annual,Fall • Bazaarof Crafts 'and Bake Sale on Noveri>.ber 10th. Donations of ba;ki 4. • ueste• rom';our .rnenihers. A motion was . made .to `purchase one copy of 'The Ontario Wm -nen 'Institutes 'Story", :for our branch. follow•irig business , reports:. Girl Guides Hold HaIIowe'en.Parte.y The.Lucknow Girl Guides held,. their Hallowe'en `Party October 29 from 5-7 p. m'. . Each girl *brought. a child to en .tertain: Linda Campbell, acting as' hostess entertained,. the guest's witha ga.txie''until everyone had. arrived:. , , • Mrs,.. Barry Hackett .was invited' todo the hard' task of judging: costumes.. ' Prizes went to: `First lbassel Treleaven; Second •, Tracy 'McDonagh;; Third, Helen Maclrt tyre, •. The, Guides prizes went to;•First Lorna. Boyle; Second , Sandra, .Fin- lay; Third, Edith Greer. ..The judging was followed b'y a game,; 'then the:children were taken through a "Horror .House" .Lunch was served .after which Sandra Finlay'read• a:.Hallowe'en story, and some ch~ildreen' tested their:skiil at "Bobbing for ;Apples" Ar11 •enjoyed .a fun time. ' QROO PACS T MMM LIBRARY AND A°CJ,rIO VISUAL. ASSISTANTS This year our school will have Audio Visual and Library 'assist- ants. • Many students applied for these jobs ••arid they will 'be start i t "e ' n h i x o k'soo g w f.. .n. Library, assistants will check, out books,,' shelve, ther'fi., and"do other lobs in' the library , including 'dusting.' shelves. Audio Visual assistants will set up televisions , record ;'players, projectors, etc:: indiff- erent 'classes that want. them This should really be a big help • for our: teachers this Year.:',„ HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE 'On Friday, last. week, we had •a masquerade party,at our. sbh.00l People were dressed as ghosts, •wi'Ches, a'nd.asother_funn__creat- ties or. things. Prizes were Silken out io-people 'with.;best, costu:mes. Sotne. of the senior: classes had a • room instead of joining in the rnasq;uerade In the gym the winners were:• grade 'one and two girl's, Terry Brown.'arid: Joanne Culbert; grade •one''and'two boys , Scott Wilson Arid Roy Jacobs; . / ' ree BaptizEd At D.wiganndn Church 'rhe TP. ana ian.0 eese' Industrrews,, given Clarence M.cClena:gh'an,, us taught. several .new 'points on. cheese, .nd• cold of the. 2(4.,000 1h.' cheese from. Perth, sent to•the• Chicago: Exposition , td advertise' ;Cariad: ian cheese. • (:I'tlis. is the •largest single cheese. ever made.) Mrs. Rutled 7e t•ha D'UtGANNON NEWS • At' Dungannon United church on Sun'da'y rnorning,'a special:' part" of the. s:ervi.ce waifl�is_-T-- of three infants, Sherry Anne, ,, daughter of Mr. and•Mrs Terry ;lodges;, Jacqueline Susanne, - daughter"of Mr. and Mrs:••Dav:id•.. Dawson; and Brenda .Lorette , daughter of Mr. and Mrs:. Eric cNcc. Nir.:gild ,Mrs.. Wayne Durnin are 'god parents• for ,Brenda . .1\1r.' and: Mrs. •A11•ari'Mc'Nee and :Eddre .:Ajax,spent'the week end 'with relatives',here. Others, .who were dinner .guests • and ,Mrs. •Graham McNee :and , :.Mr...and` Mrs'. Eric 11c,Nee, were and Mrs, Neil Rintoul of St. Helens ,• 'Rev . And lrS.+C.lar- enc:e. IvlcClenaghan and Mr. and ;Mrs.: Wayne; DU Min Later' Mr: Er, of S,ir., and.M.rs. Wayne Durbin: Mrs. Joh'n,Ryan who has spent the surnmer ;months in her Dun- gannonThorne moved to. George town to: spend the winter with her... son=in -law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd, who'carne' for her on.Frida_ . Next s'Uninier . w.e'.11.be.lookin _. or and .to seeing- her caring' for.her beautiful•flow -' er .gardens a'gsin I\Ir. Fi'a•nk .Austin ; ,from Ashfield , :has rnoved.'to Dungan tion , and a welcome is extended him*.. Ha11'owe`en was enjoyed by' the children on Saturday evening. v heti• rna.krng their calls frorfr ' door to door.; Siaine had 'tiNICEP boxes, \its;` 4V-rHlle�iej , Eiitharn:. 1 grade. three and :four .girls`,. Janet. ,Wilkins and. Kim Cooke; grade • three and four boys, Bradley y Y Humphrey and Carl Morrison; grade five and six ;girls', 'Ruth' Alton .and Grace Alton;• grade ing. part and later was thank•ed'for. her tror.ne. . The Queen and W.•I. Grace•closed the. meeting •Lun•ch•' hostesses were ?\,trs'. Z; ..'\ic'1\.ee•.1 Mrs., W. Rutledge and ,Miss 13.' McConnell FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1971 one of our representatives R. J. D. BRINKLOW will belt T• -H -BEDFORD -HOTEL GODER!CH. In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firms in practically : all types of businesses including. " n'ission Agriculture' Tourist and Recreational- 'Businesses ecreational-Businesses • Construction, • Professional • Services •. Transportation • Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing haveobtained loans from the.IDB to acquire land, buildings, ' and .machinery, 'to increase' working '•capital, to' start a new business, and father_ purposes --1 f yo -considelr that lD$ can be of .service, you are iiivited to arrange an •appointmezit with the IDB' representative'by telephoning Telephone: ,524=733 or in advance by writingto INDUSTRIAL DEVEIOPI ENt BANK A , treat, c: otiH 12, Ontario 197 Y'01 is spending a few days with,l\•lr. and. firs, Jack.McGee, 'the latter being her•dau hter. Mrs. Laney! 4 si-present :err t.t e-:bapti$nj-of- Sherry Anti 'Hodges', Irel 'great, great ,gratlddaugIiter:: • Coni;ratulations true extended '' rroill' this,Corll,llllfn'ity to` Mt', and :11s. Donald Caesar., wlio were :\1r, and :stirs. Mark Bergo'f' (.:rcwe'spcpt :an evening last. week \wifh the h'Iake fatnily. \its. Ilam\ Watson visited M,tr: Gild Mrs„ L1cyd• ;lodges and oilier 'menthe's of the family on: Suri- An Ecurnenic i1 Seminar for •niinisters of all denoirtinations Of he Minigterials of (,rodericir, lytic:know and` CVinglianl was held in r tnga11non art Monday with Rev. t.,ordon .1limt.er of 67ti'i'miit 1r'i. leader. • t five and six: boys , Murray Lyons , . and Greg Hackett; .grade seven ;and eight girls •, Lorie Dellen and Janet Whytock; grade seven and eight boys;,: Elaine :ggitt.and: Kevin Black;' best Hallowe'en Costumes la" s limes., Shaton;Sprou ndtGhis�. lain ..Lovell; ; best .national :• • costumes;, ;Bobby .Hackett.and, Sharon Alton; and best. couples. Annette. Hodges and Susan Tigert with Lila Stev'iart and Chris. Cooke second. • ' The judges were Miss Elliott ,' MI's. Bakker and'•Mr. Liddle. Everyone had a very enjoyable time.. - HORROR HOUSE' During the noon hour of• Friday, October 29 Roorn, Twelve• pres- ented a •Horror• House in which :eros of the senior wing took part Ari adrnission• of :five cents was char ed with the; none . to o•to our foster child Ever o e _ too ----pail haas most scary. time._ FRE - NCH ASS EI+viBLY� A. French, assembly was'held at ,our.:schoo1'on.Tuesday', 'October, ,22. ' It consisedof French .tele' phoue conversations:which' were placed in-4i•ffeient. scenes -fora variety. . All classes' .Mr Orr teaches.' took part in this assembly..:. After each little play:; a'll. classes'' " took part in repeating the conver-.• • satiori: ... FQR• BEEF -H G You :Order' Co-op; Beef, .Dairy and Hog Supplements - t and at the same time protect yourself against .'price increases. Take advantage ,. of this money Saving ' offer right : away and convert your full granary into extra, profit with a scientifically pfanned CO-OP Balanced Feeding Program. As you .know, grains . are deficient in some necessary nutrients. But CO-OP Dairy, ---•$eef and- •log'Con entrates more than make up these deficiencies to give you increased milk and meat production '.' . and increased profits:.• 4tr-oduetoo-offer-is--good-unt tpoethbe SEE'. YOUR LOCAL istrct Co-op JO' Ns28-2125