The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-03, Page 6PAW! SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .:LUCit'NOW, ONTAItt 'W.EDNESDA.•Y,; NOVEMBER . ' p AGENT P .A GASOLINE; -.- ' ' , HOUR BURNER. ,TRUCKS RADIO . T#tYJ :�a „T 528-3006 LU ,., u: — DIESEL �STHER SERVICE; EQUIP>'ED KNO ""� FOR BP ..... FARM —PARTS.. OR ONTARIO ami .COIL LTD... HEATING Fog, PRODUCTS INSTR,AN VICE 528=361'6 :• i. J - :. ARE• ' , PLEASED• ...: �S;TA TO ANNOUNCE .: • ; TE TWE ... �Q��E'� , AP:P.OINTMEN1OF` • _ . ,.' , : ■ • . ` 3ruce Farmepor,fi. CHOOSING A PROTEIN •W. efiln{ ' getting cattle in. on. several questions enter their mi ds A decision is:net always easy. The Poll Whichdeserve consideration when whi?A choosin a protein supplement. g,P P. N; � • -,-. fiat.: concentrat"e. , to, ,buy _ , • .. L. TI'Il.JR. A • AS �Ew‘ TATE o 1`NTATI�V� FOR . 32 36 .4 '4 5 64 %,. etc: 'w �iat urea '1` ve 1,in concentrate e: 1 medium :high g • —ow tell ea-e�Dnten • f-E THE • 6 wa dTIYERTON_ UC : 0 n:1STRICT - Mr McArthur lies successfully passed the necessary • exam- mations set out by the Real• Estate • and. Business Broker's Act .. and is' now bonded and licensed .to trade' in all types of Real Estate. • Teuepnone.'Ripiey395 275 ' the feed. what price? tcost .ton, cost t lt/a , lb•, 2 lb,, etc, what physical: form? -• ' meal, ellets. bagged,.bulk• • P ...� —• .what method of feeding? -- mixed." in grain, • `top dressed , — what,. other , tngredients�' —. calcium' ,phosphorous, trace — neralCare, any �. growth :hormones: 'pre- . sent',. Stilbestrol,: M•G.A. *W ... s good Joseph's 'Hospital 1 was .f r surgery - lot's letters. and everyone asn•t re from'the °CHAIM'�,' home .from •St. to be • , Londa n where sixteen days following - - • With. lent ofgood.... F Y of company, cards, thoughtfulness on s part ,. the'sta� there ad; Others areatwho were.'hos petal - - BII� ... en'oy °ed •a en• Par on Frfd ty a:y.. , Miss Laurie Gibson en 1 many of her. ttle. frienc party Saturday afternoor • The Ma thewma.n fatti; ' f r 'former Herb Ensign la's getting. ac4nainted ne• ighbo Ma•rgo of C. and L)ou of London •a,nd .Dad 'are extended a we'1, . ..: `' ,.., ...d ., KINLOUGH .• I�allowe en Pa• —eine — o• ureaa silage, •ad ding tim . liquid supplements? —' Mor ; 1P • Some from .this area aste.nded' the opening. •of•the Luclnow Cent- P . know ralPu Public School'on. Thursdati. -F„ Or:Brownies ` / ` ,' ' The ls•tLucknow 'Brownie Pack nol,• Compensator -50,-, Prosil, rtrofsil .1V• , — Pro-sil and Nitro -silk how do they compare, what do theyKinc 1 izedat the �sa-tn-e time -were art.,, Jack Kirkpatr'ck., of • ; i _ .Stewart S e ' formerly of Lu'cknow. an , now �of . Sarnia.. - . Bill' Stewart has returned home from. hospital in •London and 'a . week spent with M'r, and. Mrs.. pe Norval Stewart' of Olivet- ' .Mr:• add',\lrs, 'Jim gracile), visit- >' 41, 1 , h 1 • Kiie 1: .evenin:?, Paul' Henderson 'Of, b Toronto . a former'Lucknow• boy E' , - ., and,a National Hockey League } ,alfalfa, player officially opened th.e n:ew• had:t.hec Hallowe' en Part on • Tuesda , October .2dth,: 'nnie }• Clarke was our Fairy Queen for. Brownie Ring' each Sixer contain•'v : �—• K=Vet, • Tender — premixes =.lean; etc, •• . - natural' ,'. rotein sources?' — , m , soybean meal,' wet brewers ' gr etc' • ' • - : • . addition and was th'e 'guest 'speak= ..` a r° doing, inspection in 'her own Six,,. . Brown•Owl then topk the Gold•-• ! ,, , Feel free 'to consult the Agricul-' . •tttrai-bf " ',.•.en The November meetm• of he Ladder Brownies 'for.'some p- drs d other. questions.•: ed in London with those from' -thar-ea=w-ho- .f,Te-hasp- t li-z t d ,there:' . a BRIDAL SHOWER ,. •' H� Ste e r p p ' WHITECHURCH:' 11. W. I. • will be held at• the:''home . of sirs. Frank Maulden on''Thurs- da• . e]�Fnin- ', and, wilthe a back- Y $ garner with several• of the Brown- ies . assin their test' for a•game -,� passing S: , .of 'ball•,and typ1o• singing: ,games, Bob `Slumskie,• B .S cialist ' Pe •' Lastwee:k. a shower was held ' at North. Ashfield :School for . Donna Ke'r'r , 'beide -elect . '••, Brad:' hlaeKenz a had' the cast removed from his a:rm on Satui- , day.. Brad is making. good reedy•- dayg. g � Whitechurch •.l'a'te pF - their'•meeti Saturda • ng } at 9 a :'tri,;' at the home Elliott . President •Kathy �+`, be ed •the meetingwith the . ,,.. ; , . ' � , •' wards., meeti.ng,.. Roll• ca ll Name,. • n nusual type. of fay min t4,..singing a u } pe. S P • '," . - . ' is pepart�ment' of Lands and . Forests. .Motto - "Faith marches ,ahead. of the wheels of progress; . Repents of the ,Ra`ll `and' Area Con- P° •}. '1�•w�-8•wl'and 1e firs :• Flans -a n la ed' :Whi, g P Y. ,. ,, •ga'mes ith,;the.'tweehies,•, Tawny. Owi, ha the Golden• Bar. '' Brow• nies' do their balancing: with Lorr'aine 'Little ' ssin this test.: 'passing $ Dawn Nelson Sang - 0 . ',,nada. for g2ibn-and Bcti�crle}°--Wilkins 'N•; � PLANNINGr: A •BASIC � HERD?• . ,, There will• be' a meting W'ed- aesday, • NoveMber Vith; in 'the e' •Formosa Community ;Centre, de- sig ed: to . deal 'with this sub' . ! jeer, as well' as Workmen Compensa- anada_Pension Plan, cry fro�e.cenE ..' t- Mr.' `and Mrs:•.• Jack. MacKenzie'" had a'teleph'one call from: sons : Doug and Gar , who for the firs;• g Gary time areboth,stationed at the. same•: lace in. Alberti' . since' P go'ing',to Western Canada', lvirs'.• Duncan •Sim"pson''was .• . ho•stess. to the 'Ashfield W' hs S. ! :an Thursda afternoon. Nirs. • ) w .n :: c ,, n was in Ewan Nig Lea ,. Charge; . j •om: arr • is busy, build- ing his. pew house in Kincardine . h Township 1Ie'.has been Staying', with • Mr,: and •'vis. Mc,Cor'rnic',k; in Kincardine,. .. hers„Eldon Beadle spent a,, • ••' ' •• r , d ; couple of• days. •in •Hano e . atten -1 •.g�dge repeated in u n lsc 5 girls' answered th'e.'roll with• a of a :famous story Ian and what they ,act.o,• `and an.ori� ina1 Safet\�.S . Kith Elliott read the .;;:i The'discussiori was.,, • of F'irst''Aid. `rules and' .,the home for sa feta J:e •• _' r=,, :, what is .to ,be• 1n' a f i,.... . .• AS a g�ioup the r' • quare.knat�s, ,. .T.h:e neat:' meeting ',;i ember: c at ''9 a . n . `a 1Y, pardon§,. 'The. rola; c ala 'a•ns.wered'' with ar. ide.. ,: for• the 4 H boo k..an� ,• fine a cood•'.citizeti, •' yen - uoti Cantesi . Know. your .; • woods Directors - Mrs, Dan •: MMacinnes `and •Mrs...:Ho card Harris. .. Lois Nicholson of Milton•sp a nt . Pe : • the week'end•with her .parents. Mr. papa.. :: •• and ?tics: Bert Nicholson,.'. •* Mr. •and. Mrs: Karl Bor�le•of ' ,' Landon: ra it.ed' .on Sat�:'rdaw Frith •.ario .. `, relatrres herd.: >`fr,, and mis,• t=eor,;e 'L kber;t, ' • ., - f . , aria' z anrlchildren of S'.trat,ord., " . passed her., rest for running; an ' errand,•for Brown Owl; "' The Br wnies then. ut :on their„ p . costumes `for the. rade"and to' let. the ''udge choose the winner; • : 3 g � and this'prov.ed •a=different'job a all the Brownie's had ;done a real 'job az' . sett nk' costa rnes,:.: .' ;First prize, for c,onite :was Jill . 9ur= ray' 3nd'second �,,as; Laurie 'Clarke. . DAIRY FA�tMERS SH�OR'T CQI7RSE . a ' . CentraLa, 'Wednesday, Decem- ber.8 and'Thursda. g.• Y, December. , 1971: Dai- tattle nutrition: ••and Dairy.g .feeding Improving reproductive :efficien mak all :Interest- �' ed persons stiauld 'contact the Ont• - Department eat:tit Agriculture immediately as'. the number of "entries is 'limited: - GOLORFLJL GOURDS ,.. . visited on S,�tu �-.�-, a ft noon' ..• ' .. � will' • *; _ Was raticti 'deco ,"first r. a. •Da'wne1- ' .' ,.... - _a'vailahlp now '• , ,son ?� :. 1�'ilha... cox. -The::B.o�+niea. v z, tots witt? thei. • rand are�sts •!qtr. ;a tae ,lis,• Jack Scott „mere : :. ,- .. _ : • ,, let�ae, _.ea er'anc Jer:-Lif:e °� a n� :.econ• • r a n'na omson, R ' ;'ere then.sewed :-c '. and'eae'. '-e -ec i�ed��a I .• 1' o. a t:eat be.or.e.1'ea\tnk,tor home, Gourds *ill'be availableii your; ' food market' at this time. Spilling from ...Wicker baskets: or wooden'. 'bowls, :ornamental gourds•' reflect • all the.colors of fall.. Team them- ,: ,•• •Scott ct cricessicn -._ Mir,; 'Allan' rope , o : , Orc h.-.. c? -"len and , \tIS xo:' it t ec dyi in z the • , t i _ • and \. r.-. -_ .. • : week aia.c, �.�. �n...,�s. �>.atik, 7tZaU,1Cti•ra st2d 'f3nr lv: '; • ' • . • , • an c an.Service. will. be • h • t • ,• drawn next SLnday, overt:- . withdrawn _ '• be>..ti� in' far ed:: o the t:resbv- , , V. with Multi -colored Indian. corn: for , a fall centerpiece that will remain months,- • • Gourds f come In . a. s ariety of S: ,shapes, size ahd. s saes: to sadd” in',; the t'.I. area Me'etin,Ts, • , ; ;Many a'tterldetl the :.SacDonald- . ...• •�_ ' . . Frank' , v'u den .��. . ,.. 1 �n� .,mss, - - - �; •Merz l c c z :.et�:esen�ed.:�:e'• Ole `1oc`�'4'c 'er!5'Llai t�3 e. at. • 4r` �. r: . ., ,_. vend, .: Cie , a�a e...._�• �.on e .�,�Y. a� •:, •. nOver this wee. . ,,FI_: ;l -r. Ha .:,. ne.. .. r .. .4 .� ... Halaenbj ha: ane �e�e���e .:o:•-; :.z. '• ,•rt... s _ ;.� •� ai �.. z a. e�. •l>.o a • .s a n :� �ic'h - _Pre. ele ocgirls \isite 'on Sunday ,'•., ,'I_ r Citi, ., a L7�..,:as' ,1yowaiLi T � Tho,..o.or. , '• _ , • ,: e4� �e en - � i�alC 'r �.:s aT'he � ,�. S.r.:.4a,v• e eri4. 1Tnne ..e,. _..• a th are•at=ta' e•relati .es of the inelo` squash and ,cucumber.•gourds"are inedible,• •Kite' 'Dr • the gourdson , } a sunny sill: Then, they .may be simply buffed y p to high slime.:or *,:axed,.,...� uick q - ear w •th' shellac another idea. �bt t e .' Cturch'on Sat.urd !�u.' and hies. Robt•: Parrish of spent the •weekend in F , the'2rea:and . tended at In z t e.w d` Children'• I\arth'• hfi•eld�. '`' of The ::eeti a, : ti. , Zippy. Tiinettes'•ti,a': ..e. FF,• ,er 3uth:at•Cher�.l•..:.,�: e at 1.3c7 ;. �: ane r ._•. p t. - � Da:r•lene..}•lacne. rt i..e: e.: 1 ,. : � sow' all points in � the same- s direction: Also a to t of:' crawling oN�er pens"'to .tend to the little i is elm. mate pigs . _ Any system has weaknesses • . _• hors er�er: Farrowing crates ` are quite , , mus be expensive �consideration.tto t Fr m the health •. ;r _ .in sllh "- +1 �. Y, � . ea Ro ;helsix.tl< „eet of ut . HaC�e4 e..' • irk... l=a re" �. 1: •,., ► ate:; :�Ic�s ::tic- ::1.� - • 7'e .p�et�le� e, .':c:.. �`: ach '".i � _ !� .. .. the Silver: La keli ffiae. ' '. .. •as , , . • . • � XRr'., an4 ti� _. 'a a.ola 1�. 1o.E�.�i of Sa><raa , ,,.a , end .,u.. C ,. • _ .. . .. .. ' '" . . De �srt�iih anC t*b.e o. 've::n78,2.\''.� �. . . - •, :..: r , ... t. ' „ : •� � i, ped v, ilr:. e•� ..1, e he. e c,r,•e.. �_ ;.:,,1..I an ,. l 1 ,i.�= leek- i es. a'. • c �'ioH , •,. �� ,, x C ';, �' ,; •u. and :-..,ce � � , . �. •, , ;,!�ss.F,er�' �•,•�e st.enaeC t he ` 2 'A .as counci et a' . `fie -is- I f � ot] :with' for •'a lon� h t e pod,ecu.re lrgm b g Inthe har hanging them in a ar•��! coo•1 airs basement' for about a wont h� ann�•lon�st.ocltin s��`he�t mar be :. ,.... - .• ..... �• •' .. , the:tee:ti ens.. " , w ,ea . '\ ss' .a net Bushell c,..Llsndcit ..: it . y _ ,. _ - � _ rot' •,2.' .- ii be -1' oC:. Salcey ek a ra . `' , W . E� % o�,.e �. i- r i.ec to ttersd . • the.Ike .....e.nbra ice .Dar. Services, in 1,..-,- -�.. _ , ^ �.. .. • dipped in a preser<<atire of die=. ted :formalin ' and a coat of Drax' ad :ed after a • few :daps'., dards--sera-�-i�a�e�C'•�e � .., � i�.J :-yC. .:" _ �:, ,� •:,.r�•� _ _, stand otnt.; - oodt rnana e P g g merit must be used to avoid. in - e� stan'c , of constipation. Some s« eason of. tempetrnant.' just aoq"t adapt to such strict C Several nweeks,,,_ago...Mr. •John .tee-. , .,,,-.� i, ...,;;--•• o` `'',, ,. , ti t'`''�t `t eic ` w . ,ked .' Arita.. .... T., y, ,.r. - • x_ . .r,. .,. _ , ,• � tints ,�>�-. �nd .,,s,. �.a.y.,;;!:�`tl 4 . r.: aLi:. G: . _� �,..., �� mai- � p'111 rises. coo'-�ov t P P p e rl pulp and lace' aplastic e`at'er . • ti :..��, CRUSHED GRAVEL ..W HED AS CEMENT GRAVEL ' - . ,1 / •, . .. container inside. Fill with• it . g. eeri oro o greenery n, tarl0s•FOt)d Ont. Dept. 4 icilttlre BoFood ;• ti" ,o�; Y /��F `%' K ASHED STQNE ' y,. •y• SAND , rros ing • are e .prised 'farrowing being instead of fair wrngpens The crates o o seine rr akent a ol'e a floor Beth a . �� aIl:erfon area farmer,: Was guefit • speaker at a London meeting of ; :Quality* . Se=ine ,pro- ducers. The flew, name of the `or= ga Qti t } operatic en of Ontario and Swineis an farmer Owned Co-op, i'.Vr. Belk spoke on increasing the net return per' sow and on: e ..r` ieneet '4itth earl` weaning in-• his herd. • , .�eesors . Ass` , AgrictiltitatRep, • 13ruee County :., cr. �: e ; 1. C i,..L. Fill : a ;;y . • et t a ;gid : c . ; =• onctrated �7 ,.:� .,. Ala •. ' • �a�lt-�• ti*.i:.. c , : i .. Alia la r:,a �. �r .'. •� dq t clsse�c .y.e•t written lw aft-„ 3rerida Tar. of „ . ::independent •• G ESC BA1VNRM��V L �VT`RAC`NG ,1`D M1E EAS OI`E'ESWATtk PHONE 3g6& . ASA' rfOrS 1i ., ., 3 _ , es of pens spacemu' t s is urportantt when, aepe sort �. prig �,• tev�, arty or 'pttttYr,g• 1.�:pe r���� ���.� the �,• ire to seine s late. l�� :had' in the' ,old a�:ne Less, lad. s •onr is another zther factor in fa otr of the ,crate. There is no great ean-out • problem,because very little Jj/ yan:} used