The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-20, Page 15R. 2Otb,1971 yottESPAY,,, OCT OBER: 40.0.tt • • .01,5tri.C.t.Pr:e4dient• • Is Guesf Speaker WHITECli.URCII NEWS. WhitecItUrch-.,Wonien's Institute • held their Education meeting , on. OctOber 5 in Whitechurch. • 01'nflitthity Memorial Hall at $.30.p.ro with the President•,. •Mrs. pael Tiffin •presiding 'and •,op`ening the'rneeting With the • ode and the Ccilect • Orrow, ,I)Sour irement or ppoint .1 • lui• estate or s •Victoria ryritnge ghty ,ears Mrs.' Tiffin e)c.terlded 14arm welcome. to the guests from Wing - ham a.nd"Wroxeter and her. own members; The, correspondence included an irMtation frorh'13e1-• , grave W.I. to attend their meet- ing at which, Mr.,13. Wenger will. show slides of his recent tour of Europe. A thank you note from • mrs, mac,Kepzie of Wingharn • W.I. was read for invitation to Maerh4ekinef,liag..1,The_BrUce_ CountyKally at. Teeswater, , Oct- ober 21,:was,.anrioUnced, .delegat- es,are Mrs: Wallace Conn and:. Mrs. Bill Evans.' • • ., , The roll.WaS called with the, re 113-8-9 4anager igston -7381 0,011. • iada' ,and • • to •.• •r ed and - -. • ; • • • a short poem. •This they did with' wticittow SENTINEL, ‘ucKNow,ONTARIO , • .Mrs. h4Gr...enzie secretary replying for Wirighatn• ' . • •• 'Misses Ruth Ellen and Sandra. Currie gave a piano duet Jesu , Joy of Mall's Desiring. Mrs. 13radburn Qi "Wingha.rn gave °2 mouth-Orgart selections accompan- ied' by pianist IvirS. Garnet Fartier, . • . 'The guest speaker'Mrs. Charles, 'Matliers, 1iuron East District preside.nt, was intrOduced, by Mrs:, . Victor ,E111e,rSciTL. MTS. MA.ttlei$, bipught: gtee tict,and,from 131nevale Institute. She choseas her subject. Public Relations which begins in the Horne with the family.. She quPt-, ed Mrs. Diamond stating there is a constant need for better ap- preciation of what Public Relations can mean to,an organizatiOn, for.. new ideas fOriproinotion and 'a realization that every member must strive to understand and communicate the objectives of the Wo en's Institute., The dut- :ies of the public Relation Officer . 'and every W.I. member is to arouse, the curiosity of the com- •mitnity as tO what •corning up, Be ,proud, of your organization, •, ual members should.try tO 0.0 their share, . • She gave 10 commandments for Good Public RelatiOns. Children •whp learn to respect the rights of others Kill never be fighters TOdays yott,i1-1 has so many ternpta • tion S but 4t isn't youth who are selling the drugs. 'It is the adults. • • . , She reminded- us:that 'the W.i,. :is, just as strong an or*ganizati6.11 •a s its in rn be rs,___S.o.g.d...a he a d and dbyourownpb1jc Relations - Mrs. Garnet Farrier piano.s.010. 'Mrs. Metcalfe gave,: .the motto "Priendship""•: Toiiye a balanced tile one Must have • friends of all ages; , Write •• • letters to older folks or the youth away. from •hOrrie In times of trouble and sorrow the hand clasp, of a friend, mea,ns so much, Friendship -is the highest degree of • perfeetion' in SoCiety.. '• , The QUeen and Grace was. sung.: The' hostesses Mrs+. Elgin:Johnston, Mrs. Torn, Metcalfe, Mrs. Russel •,‹ • • • PAGEFIFTEEN • . — • CRUSH WASHE CEMENT — PIT RUN •• • WASHED STONE ,,MASONRY, SAND: • WE DELIVER • ONTRACTINS;ATD. • ••••LMILEEAST OF--TE-ES1NATEii• PHONE 136276604 .t • AFTER HOURS 36575682 r RIPLEY HI-LITES (Too late forjast week)." 'WILLIS - In Listowel Memorial :Hospital on Monday, October 18th, 1971 to 'Mr. and Mrs.. Garry Willis of Atwood, a son. :BOYS' V 0 LL E YI3ALL The boys'team finishedtheir ,regular season in Wiarton, on •Thursday.,. The tearri, :lacking Borne Of the players 'frorn. the, . r • woorri :mottimmi•- . a .•••• Y• You arehaving a good time. *Individ- • 7. • Vverr, V , Miss Mary 1-lehn and Mrs; Johnston Corin,,served lunch. Amumilmirnimummasib, • • 3eef Dear :Friends; As 'this will be My . last. opportunity to "reach .you by weekly press. before 'Election.' Day, Thursday, October 21st, I would like, to take—tlii§ opportunity of thanking you •. • • for your kindness and courtesy during the , • caMpaign. • • • -•.• I have met many of you but there are . also many '1, have. not been able to meet • owing to hinited time, but' I do, solicit yoUr support and vote on October .21st:. • • • In the nine years that I have served as • .your M.P.P., I have endeaVoured to do MY .best in loOking after the affairs of this riding • .and also promotingit all times the ift.terests- of littron-Bruce. •• ..• This area has tremendous potential for . tourist, agriculture and industrial growth. Z ook forward to working_withou.1 ing—a,:rar-Tt-in the further 4evelopment of • these vital industries. ask for your help and support on October 21a. ' SINCERELY MURRAY GAUNT •. . 1.29110P • Wiarton 'boys., The team's record . • arried both gamesat the hands of the �f. two wins and. three IotSes, leav- es thern'in fotirth This,, ,entitles: them to enter the league • • Knox Chapel ton, D,H.S, gyrn on October 19 • • , ••• Re -ire -fend p. Lockhart Royal . • ,' • . at 6'30 '13*tn. ." '‘ officiated at the weddrng of Mita Loilise Cline andJeralcl •• • • VOTE FOR Op October:6. RDHS was the • Only high school in"this area to have 'three POlitical candidate§ ..:speak to.tis on party.pOlicies. . From the Liberatparty.v4_ Murfcly•Gaurit w.lio..spoke on: cent7 raliZ,ing;tendencies of government • and regional -government, ,Lou • Boyce, representing the ProgreS Sive .Conservative part y.,. spolte ii favourof founding industries to canipete with United States surcharge-taiz7,4601j1-1-C)."pipprt- ance of senior citizens and Youth. pr..bon' Milne for the New Dern- ocratic Party talked about the emplOyment.problem. --A question end answer period.. • stimulated thought On social prob- lems; separate School's; law; average "i4aes Of rnernberS of • ; •parliainent',polltition and the • r1CW!v.oting age. •'•" • • 4 • • • • • DzEN . • , 99c • 10.111111°. Murray GAUNT 0 • Sponsored by the Huron - Bruce Liberal' AssediatiOn • , , • VOLI.Fyau •bouglast-layter, in Knox Presby- terian Church Chapel, Goderich• :. • on.Saturday, '8epternber.'25 , 1971. at 4.3O'O'clook... The Chapel ' waS•decorated'With'ani arrange." Merit, of whitegladiola and ' Mauve-murpt • ••• „ The' bride .is the daughter of •" • Mr and Mrs..Lloyd Cline 'God- erich . The groom is the son of Mr. and •mrs, Douglas Hayter, Thedforcl.- • • .'• Tne. bride chose to. wear an • , etnpire7W a isted go n, of. lagocla • with a stand up Collar.; long full sleeves.:endingAn butsoned, , • cuffs. The skirt 'gathered into a train at the back She Wore aishOulder length, three -tiered. v eil held by 110,4a ,IDiece., She carried nosegay of. white • and variegated rriiniature carria-, , tions and. lily, of the valley with • long strearriers. . • ' „: • , • Mrs. Hazel Leech of London, as bridesmaid wore an empire• • • • Wai_ste_di.',:ownil_st, '•* * IPLEY VS:WIARTON • October 7 the Ripley Girls A 'volleyball team :lost 'to Wiarton.:. with Mary MacCharles', Bonnie Boyle , Ellen Elliott, eMepp elder and Shirley Mccleatti ' acquiring points.; • • The Riple.y Girls' B team app- • `eared to be in a,rtit Boyle lifted theni,out !lanai rally,of ten points, and • litcrarly won the game. coring were Barbara 'Grubb, Pat- ty MacDonald, Gayle..Huston • 2-ad--KLITLEame3114?"-gi. , _ a."Winning score 0'15 The next .game Was, a repeat• • • effort with•Ripley again'scoring. • by 15 10 with Joan Courtney chalking up four points, Barbara. • Grubb and Kim, Farrell three each, t of polyester in,shades • of rose, pink and purple...She' , carried a nosegay of white mum's., ' and variegated miniature carna- • tiOns:with long pink Strearners. •Morley -Maddock -of -London :was the best.man; William Cari1 ,erori of Goderich was the organ- ist. The uthe'rswr -ere the-brid-e's • brother; Angus Cline of Water- -'downand the robin' broth Hayter' of Sarnia. • Fatty MacDonald ilj-67417eil us - Con two each and Kerry Boyle :one... • . The bride's mother wore a for • trei polyester knit dress in shade. • • r-pleT-nrante-Od7-whireVith 'a corsage of white miniature •• 'carnatiOnS. The groom's, mother •chose a chiffon Woot dress in a .cranberry shade with a corsage Of • .• white niiniature carnations. • • • FolloNOng.the ceteMony p, rec- eption was held at the home of the bride's parents., For traVelling'the,bride Changed toa printed brown-and--blar-k-Silk INVESTMENT CLUB The,RDHS, InveStment Club bought twelve shares of Abitibi ,5. 518: . Shales are Still being „,,SpAalt. slam, atet_alt&„w,01,%4, dress with black.accesseriei. F01,, • lowing a honeymOori to the East Coast, Jerry and Anita will live in LOndan. The groom iS,a chart-, ,ertd Accountant with the' firm f1nandGordona id -t bride i"i4.1th the Commerce &ink, •"4.,,taaf.a...40,4•4.•••••••44,a*a •