The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-13, Page 7it of • by. fada Your. • I ' • • , ng- • 011 Fice the: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13th. 171 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO „. TiVerton. Fair pp .pri.day 4st , ;fano mi.'s, IvIa-e1;.;_ean, were ,at Mrs, Emile MacLennan., Flor- in Northern Ontario where they visited daughter MatiOp, ence and Sandy motored to Levee • Among those frorn'tbis area who went on the bus trip to • Hamilton sponsored by. the Ripley and District HortioUltural Society were Mr. Tom' Farrell , Mrs Ewan.MacLean, Mrs. Lorne • Luther and „Mrs..Warren WY1.4$;`. 'MeCharles, •',spent.afew days in ,Montreal with mr, and.Mrs,,•Allan McCharles.• • ,and farnily„ Sunday, October 3rd was .World Wide Corrnunion.Sunday and. • .Commtinibn Services Were conducted 'by Rev.. Ken Rooney at • A:shfield Presbyterian Church.„ Mr. „and.:Mrs... OliverMeCharles where they did judging in variolis sections. , . . . Tomf4rrell is making plans, to , . ontid a new nonse near Kincar- rea Native n Toronto dine, ..•• • . D. A. MacLennan was at. the. DaltonrSimpsoti wedding Wherv.he played the "Piper" forthebridal Bill Stewart Victoria Hospital in London, ' We are h pp to re ort that• Brad MacKenzie has returned., home from Hospital in London 'although it will be some time before he will be free Of casts for broken bones. • A i4relforne is.eictended tOnew neighboursin the, forrner Toin ,Farre1/1hoUse. • NOTICE ASSESSMENT APPEALS MUNICIPALITY"OF LUCKNoW The assessment roll may be inspected during bUsinesahours at the municipal 'offices located. in Lucknini,,, OntariO. Any complaint with respect to an assessment on the assess- ment roll may be brought to the Assessment Review.' Court spursuant to section 52 of The Assessment Acti 1970, C 32: as amended by Teetinn .10 Ars..sgrn.nt 47111 -II • 11A., lit Ae, 1971.. ' 81: • . Notices of Complaint • must be 'made in writing either by . letteyor on forms available at the Offices. . • For pur-pdses-ofTidentification; •pleaWinclude:Yeur name and .postal address, and the reason(s) for CoMplaint. If possible, note alsO‘the assessment roll number, •the street address, concession • and lot :numbers; and the municipality in Which the property under complaint is situated. . • , Any Notice of Complaint shall . be friailed. by ordinary mail to the Regional Registrar' named below, and, in addiron,,_b_y_ ;-registeredinall-to-any-person whose' assessment is complained of,.. not later than the ;1st_day of October, 1971. , • u • Mr: R. Ft. Fitzgerald, • Regional ilfgitrar;• Assessment Review. Court, •. 410 Third St., • • LONDON'.35, Ontario • • W. Jamieson Clerk, . -Villagi.of Lucktiovi ESPECTING ASSESSMENT APPEALS A -1; TOWNSHIP OF HURON L • • • .' , • ,• • • LL. TliFassessment roll may be inspected during business hours, at the Clerk's Office located at R.R. 4 Ripley. • .Any complaint with Yespect710 an assessment on the as- • sessment roll may be brought' to the Assessment Review Court pUrsuant to section 52 of .The Assessment Act, R.S:O. 1970, C .32 tainenged by section--10-&-Thessmenr-Ameneltiferif-Aei; • • MRS.. GORDON T. McKEE • • The fOrmer Martha E. Hanna , widow Of the late Gordon T. Mc- Kee , passed away at the Queens- way _Hospital, Taronto, 9n Wed- -nesday; Septearber.?9th.: She was Mrs. McKee was born on the. ' • 10th, concessiOn of Kiploss-Town,-----. ship ,:a daughter of the late Jos- eph Hanna and Helen Turner. After her marriage tOGordon McKee, they resided on'the 8th concession of Culross for several - years before moving to•Toronto. She •was predeceased byher hus.. band -Who died in Augpst of 1949. ••Left to Mourn her loss are two .sons and two.danghters•Norrnan of Brampton, (Ruth) Mrs George Harrison of Walkerton (Dorothy) Mrs. Monty Llgolini of Weston, • Alan of ReXdale , tem grandchild - rep and one gre'agrandson: „ .• PAGII-11P11111 • • Custoln Butchering --, Curing and. Smoking, Cutting end Wrapping — Sausage Making — Fast Freezing • , HOGS AND CATTLE: ON MONDAYS • • ,CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on ThufsdaY for Friday's kill •••s. ••••••._ —••••.— With Two Big Coolers, WO:Are Able To ,Hang Your Beef Frail 1 'T0,3 Weeks — Whatever • Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Rome Killed Beef, Pork „ - and Lamb In ,._*.iyiQuantityr,ALLOWest.Aarketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTEI5•FOR YOUR PROTECTION ' HOOISMA, PROP. . • 'ABArront 39572905 STORE 395;2161. Ruth. Th�rnpson. SpeCtk,,Onf,Prog*'. • Th,,Oc.tobei Meeting of the HUronTovvn.hip.• Huron Township Council:held Lucknow Women's Institute was regulatjneeting:on October presided over bY•Mrs.',Alex/M4o- ;4 with all Members present Min Nay who welcomed the Members .utes of last meeting and .special nd lead- a short poem.. The -meeting were read and confirmed..'l Mary Stewart Collect was repeat- , Motions were passed to; pay ed in unison, .and Mrs,. Wm, , 17.00 per can for persons Using. Helm read paperon the.ori:in Also surviving ate two sisters (Edna) Mrs. •Morley'Bell of Gorrie, (Irene). Mrs. MorellBelJ.of • one :I:other Ernest oi -Stewart o ect loss Township• ... , • " 'The'. funeral. service. Wasconduc- ted by 12everend A.rnolc1;.-Prond on •> Sturdy, October ?nd , at the 'MacPherson Funeral ir.hpel. TePs7 water. Pallbeared.Were nephews.. Bell--of-Rri.e., Har .old Of R. R. 1 Wroxeter, bOnald R, R. 5.Lucknow, John and• Lloyd'Hanna all of R. R. I..Holyrood.. FlOWer..: bearers were.,Brian.McKee,. David. 'Hanna ; Wayne Bell and grandsons Wayne Anaka, 13111 McKee,. :Mark and Paul Harrison. Interment was iafcs etery, course op :"Fruits", is to. begiven,, .by,:Mts: Alex. MacNay and Miss • Elizabeth RObinsonOn.October1. • ' , The RallyistO be held -in: " • Teeawater,:OctOber ?I, and the - Are -a Convention in Hanover -.0etobet 23.• The roll call -was answered by "Don'ts in the use of Orugs". :‘ • .• 1v1rs. S. B. Stothers Convener. for 7Horne,EcOnornies and.. • • :Health" ,,,took 'Charge for the: .. program and, gave the motto, ". "'Wen* does More than give'us a • living - it gives us Mrs, ;. rnCollins, on the-rnotrth.' one 9 Elect 1972 Officers :The Fall Rall Y of Zone •9 united' Senior. CitizenS of.Ontario was hel at Kincardine Anglican 'Church, ' Parish .Hat-611-Wednesda, Octobe , The very interesting 'program enjoyed by Senior. citizens Was arranged.by the convener Mrs. Ed Schaefer; Kincardine. The meeting opened with the National. Anthein Caliada"foIlowed by pray-er:lyy ReV. W. P. ToWnson, • •'Tho Zone OreSident Thorn7 .9„ - ..Notice of Complaint must be made in writing either by letter .• ,T on forms available at the Municipal Offices, . . '. • , ., • FGr: -, 11.SeS- ofidentification please iricludeiyour-narne and--.-- Pcital address, and the reason(s) for complaint.' If possible, note also the assessment roll number, the street address, confession and lotnumbers,. and the inunicipality in which the property under coMplaint is situated. '. . , , .. i LI. Any Notice of Complaint shall .he. mailed by ordinary mail tha-gogiona • • - • :..11, Psi -.X.ig: . . . i • 0 0 0 0 • • registered mail to any person whose assessment is complained of, not later than the ,31st.'day Of October, 1971. ' Regional Registrar, Assessment Revjew Court, 410 Third Streit, 'London 3S, Ontario Signed: Earl Tout, ; Township of fleet ri guests followed bygreetings from: Mayor Dbug Young of..Kincardine. , , • . Spet-ia-l-gtrests-were-then intro, duccd, Mr: Ross: Whicher, Bruce and,Mr. , M. 1.,..k..-,--•-.G'rey-Sotith-, Mr. Murray -- Gaunt , L. A ,• Huron -Bruce ; MP. Lou Boyce., P.C. Candidate' fOrtiu run 13nie,e &an candialre- gave a ShOrt addreSs folloWed by .aq'ucstjpn.and.,a.nsw_r period.- - The guest. speaker. Mr. J. Lerette ,. Toronto:, President of O.S,Co. also 'president of Nation- organ, and lylis."Ross Cumming on the piano played several lively Musical. numbers ...Miss Ruth Thompson, guest speaker, ,.spoke ori "Prugs", from their discovery hy the chemist , then io trieTpharmaceutital houses where: they are'.made;'. the. maga 7 Zines and papers which do. the advertising; the physician who prescribes the drugs; the‘'pharma;* cist who fills out the prescriptions and finally the people WhO•are:the •consuthers,• • • Mrs. :S. B. Stothers thanked Miss ThOrnpion for her very inter- esting -talk and 'ptesented her with a gift. An enjoyable solo "When you - look in the HearLoi_a±to 1-• sung .by Mrs. Russel Alton aCeorn- :panted by Mrs. We Ritchie .on the piano, and..Mrs. J. L. MaeNlil._-_.' lan gave.a, reading 'My„ Favour- ite Prue.... . : . . _ ,tiirickwas served by the hOstess:- es following the ,singing .of the • e.QUeeni' and "Grdee.. pne&flefl.LOL ens FederatiOn. rdprosenta4ve from the Can- dian Apothecary. Drug ,Wholesa le Company Of London and a Ilearing Aid agent diensged topics With t Litizens. , Entertainment was provided by. ,Mrs. 1D 11. 11enry , Mr. Norman nimsmoOr and Mrs. Jerry 1\.1eLeod, 'the 1Zally clesed with the "Queen': A business Meeting 'followed when officers were appointed for. next ycar. President, t Ed sthaeffer of 1<incardiric; 1st Vice,11isS Char- lotte \*inliArt of Neu8tadt; 'and Vico, ,Ntre. Kennedy of Chesley; Secretary, Mrs. i L MacMillan Of Liicknow; Assistant Sec`y. , Mrs. Allcnscn of Hi -.1 r, Mr .-•ROWe.of Kincardine; ASsiStant, Treasurer Mr. John Strong of 1 a • Ls• • .• fly•treatment upon presentation of paid receipts. • To call for tenders for tile for :the Rutledge . •, • and Mobreprains. . • 'The Ontario Municipal BoaLd' • .gave its approval for a Tele. hon' Debenturein the amount of $125 ,.000.• and council gave the By-law third redi.ng. • .• Township accounts of $2,401.241 Rad accounts of $24,598.46 and Municipal Drains $7,,076.19 • •.were ordered paid: • Council adjourned to meet.on ,October 18th at 1.30 p.rn. and .again on, NovemberAst at the same . • • . RL TOUT., CLERK.' THEREARETIMES --I'VE' EN EVERYITITE NEEDS SOUND INVESTMENT E.4 ESTATE COUNSELLING When yob need,the . • --competent-services of a- 'trust company, let us help you on, such items as Tax Matters, Succession Duties, Planning and Administering Estates, nvestnientS, Savings • and High. Interest Certificates; •- Attending the-meeting.ft-tnif Che Luc know Club were Ivirs, J. Adam§ Mrs, E, • Barkwell and Mrs: lan.. STERLING 372 Bay Street, TORONTO MONUMENTS ,For sound connSel and 4Lfair price On a monument correctlydesigiied froth ,quality Material, 'rely oi SKELTON . MEMORIALS • Pat \O'ilaitit Prop Utidt • hay Yeilf4 WALkeliT141 , PHONE i814234. "ONTAlite „.,...• •