The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-06, Page 11ER 6----=th"-1- m. [GH ST AL,, :H. Minister WAY School t Service g Worship NIGHTS ... F `Meeting WE.DN:ESDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1971 .THE... LUCK.NOyII SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTAR10; CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO 4i.. CLUB EVENTS PHONE 357-3862' 1971 CHRYSLER 2 ,door hardtop power steering; and radio i971 DODGE 17i. ton; 8 automatic,' demonstrator. 1970 DODGE Coronet 4 door 6' automatic • 958 PLYMOUTH 2 door. hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering • 'and radio: 1968 FALCON 2 door, 6 automatic with radio 1968 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic and radio. 1. Church B;A,, B.D. 2740 10th Sunday KhooL Worship. 1967 CNE II, 4 door, 6 cylinder standard .1967 PLYMOUTH, 4 door,6 standard 1966 PLYMOUTH, 2 door hardtop 6 automatic' 1966 PLYMOUTH Sport - ,Fury convertible, power equip radio. bucket.:_seats .and -console 1966 PONTIAC: ` GTO ,. Convertible, 8 cylinder, 4 speed trans- mission, power steering. and brakes 1966 FORD, 4 door, ;8 ;automatic, 'power, steering, radio. 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic %yith radio Hi Steppers W i'i IT E.CH.0 RCN- NEWS- „- Whitechurch 4-H Club held their --3rd -tweeting •on : 'aday , at the home of :assistant leader Mrs. Wallace” Conn. The president Kathy Wybenga opened the meeting with the 4 -H - pledge. repeated in unison. The roll call wa•s answered •by 5 inerti d bers telling of an interesting' place they visited and giving a suggested Club name. The name chosen . was Whitechurch Hi Steppers. The leader Mrs Gaunt passed outpamphlets on. Keep- ing. Fit Physically. ' In group work all worked on the Craft samples. All took•part in the muscle; exer- ,cises. Plans were made' fora Weiner 'roast,' The next meeting. will be Oct - he hom cthe::hor e,.o"f Mrs. Joh-rr- Gaunt: • The roll'cali•'to be answered:by "Do:You Have A' First Aid Kit and where do; you keep itV The next meetingis on October 23. at the Community. H URCH hulls 13.A:• aid.: We closed the meeting • with the A• -H Creed The Fiddle Strings The third meeting of Lucknow No.: 3 was : held on September 28 , 1071•. .The vice-president Judy.Condy-conducted the business' :due to the absence of the preside": ent, We talked .bout nature nd , a. about personal health. We' were asked to fill out a page in our: member's pamphlets. The. members each did: a• sample of huck or swedisi weaving for their record books.' They were required to do 10 lines. The girls all enjoyed this new craft. Suhday 10th . l Schoo y Worship .h Group/. sgiving-Se nited Ch'ur`ch: dendahl. Low Minister - Lovers 4=ti Club was held at Mrs. un 0"o ri s. on :Ociobe•r 2 at -a: 9.00 :The meeting was opened with. •tie p e•ge ollowed by'the rilinutes•of the last meetfhg• read by Cathy Treleaven.. :We, discussed an' interest ng place we could go. for field, trip lis. 'Alex Purves from St ' • 'Helens Ca. e On October 2, •the Silver Lake Happy Healthy Handy 'Crafters. t1�1 e%r-.fonrtfr-lire'etin g Th:e- Topics of th:e meeting: were 'burns'. .and first aid kits. . We, discussed achieV.en-ienr day 11 ` and our book covers: We also did exercises."1141f way through: It -was a very interesting meeting_. 9NDER alyawo ways' self ,o r giying [ichael Daves lu following? on November' t . Look up your listing in . the current bireetory If yolii •wish to have it changed, dial `b" -(zeta) and ask; for 'Business Office: • Bell Canada i wilt, unaged ai d bw ed by Ca'nadiah . '. • W. Girls On' ike And pjcni.c WH IT ECH URCII NE WS On Wednesday the High School pupils enjoyed ,a holiday when their teacher tion.• 1-iere the 4-1.1 girls Janine. Purdon , " Ruth Elliott, Wendy , .England; Kathy Putdon,,Kathy Wybenga; and their leaders Mrs. John -Ga unt, and. Mrs. Wallace. Conn' e.n'o ed. a hike th PAGE ELEVEN. Tail Blazers 4n Nature Hike The Kairshea Trail -Blazers met Saturday,•October 2 at the Kair- shed, Hall at 1.Q0 p, m . From there two cars took the club to In verhuron• Park where we• wandered along the Nature Trail, The Trail 'wound .through the' bush.alongside'a river. We gath- eted severalTunds of. leaves and• r, other ' tants •which wewill•• mount in .our books. After our hike along the Trail, we gathered: in a circle and held ..our fifth'tneeting. Mrs. Young discussed care of the -teeth feet, arid hair. Mrs.. Burt talked about , skin, its function and care, and about the eyes.' We decided to..have a skit for Achieverrient Day-.-a-nd -we are -to- bring our ideas,to the next.meet- ing. It will be held. at Mrs Burt's on- Saturday -morning' Oct ober 16. The 'meeting 'ended with the - 4-H Pledge:, .. . ,ve : -o-t a ;-.eac tiv ere.-' :. Ruth Graham and Mary MacKiri- non, with the assistanceof the. rest .of us; built a 'log cabin' style fire. We then attern:pted•to• cook hamburgers. .Along with•. ' Purdon's bush on: the River side- Vhere they gathered leaves.;; twigs.•and' flowers. Dairy Queens.. On' Sunday, afternoon the same The fourth rme.etirng of the. Dun- , .annon .Dairy Queens .was held .at he home of:Linda, Young-. We opened .with' the .4-H pledge: and Lois' Adams read .the •secret >ari trepiYt. lathy ere t en gave the treasurer's report, Ore yellow coyers were passed out and,some got the,silyer"letters to put on., ,There'. was onemnember absent. Discussion°was based on ., ;Milk and People.. ' Demonstration was how to: make •butterscotch fudge For lunch we ate the.fudge•which'turned:;out to be'.ext ellent. The' next meeting.,wi'l1 be at the home of;Cathy .Culbert•on Fri - •day October 8 at Zippy :Trinettes The ' fourth meeting of the.' Zippy Trinettes was.held,Octob a grape drink as we i ai roa r Pt_rI_marsh mallows,;cookies, and to,top it 'Off, an, apple:. • ,• ;group of 4-H. girls: with Lori Pur- don. -and; leader: Mrs. .John. Gaunt• lenjoyed a picnic. at •th.e•10th :Bridge. The weather being ideal summer weather the girls enjoy -. :ed swimming and.concluded their ou ting-w-itha, w-einer-roast - . We burned..our garbage and put our, fire out with sand. A tired ,, but happy group of-gitli returned home about seven o'clock. ;Thanks to Mary and Ruth for 'or-. ganizing; the hike' and .'to Mrs. Marra-yLfor-•-ta n • a car. , SENIOR PUPILS OF LUCKNOW AND M..;. DDISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOL 4. Q0 p, m. 'The president; .Dar- lene ,Hackett"opened ;the me'eting _h with.te 4-I1, pledge._ .:`Joan_tiack et -tit -cad the roil utes. of last meet- ing., The.next meeting will .be Saturday , •October• 1G• at 1.:15 p. m. at Elva, Ritchie'•s,home. •,• ' • Rosalea Hackett. outlined her "day as a 4-11' delegate at' London. Fair, 1Friday, September 17th. Mrs; Donald Ilackett discussed .. '.• .. T; ' oo.s and I\•iilk•for'.ev:ery,a°ge and in conte''. MTS.' David.Hackett dis- cussed "Dairy foods in diets and: -dips and-toppinl;s--arrdxtras",`` For lunch we prepared salmon dip and made topping for a butter' scotch pie by.whipping skit milk powder., Firs: David Hackett had Made cheese crisps.earlier which_. :we enjoyed at the meeting, for , Inneh unci kits. Donald' llackett - made a h"1rttorScot•Ch pie; t� serve the *whipped s7.a.nl nril'k,powder ,on for`1unc1'i,. The•salilon dip— was "eaten along with chips. • , t,trs, David llacl�ett.closed, the meeting with•tliis''saying; 'When whipping, t'rcain to keep ii from splattering j.cut a hole in. w�rx paper 11Ytc1 fit it on to your boa=tel. • , .. . 'WILL .BE' CANVASSING LUCKNOW;•AND AREA I,N SUPPORT Of: THE CANADIAN, NATIONAL INSTITUTE • FOR. THE •BLIND: The smiling .young Harp pie � ud here � hail her • • sight through •a corneal transplant. on to the. ChfIB annual appeal, ridty underway, ,Will help coiitiliue the 'work 1 of the Eye Bank of Canada and °ther prevention of blindness programs:. .