The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-06, Page 3• 1911 WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER it, 1l 1 ►ns ane :was su1t rnp • led Ind had , ►;d: Greer. •' HE,; LUCKN,ow SENTINEL, L.UCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREI . • ' IIavarra COOKWARE LAY -AWAY - PLAN A i-AWAi- PLAN DOM: '1r, and 1vlrs.' Phillip MacMil- Ian of West :Wawanosh.' and Mr. ' ' and Mrs.: Glen Sinna:rnon of Win - ham werein London on Saturday . and thad;,r-y=a nd-al er►d-edltr= _ Arniy Service_ Corps Reunion. Mrs Harre WWebster of -Luck• now is .a patient in patient ,r Winghatiz Viand bistrict ilospital.' . • Dt Jack McKirn of Lucknow attended the annual' Meeting lasth s' week end ,of the bntario Anae t etists Society held 'in Orillia :. Mrs. W..„3,, Attig returned to Powasson last Thursday after spending a week with' Mrs. -Annie *Jewitt,„ While visiting here she led on the Mccharles. relatv.es., • Lucknow Worri.en's. Institute will meet -in the ..Town: Hall, oli .Friday;, Ootai�'er. rh� 'at -2 p; m. . Special speaker Miss Mildred :McClenaghan of Whitechurch and Mts. Grace , Campbell of Lucknow Visited last week in Kenora at the home of Mrs, -Blanche Johnston and sons.., Mrs. Johnston accornpanied the -Fra horde --a. cl*t.v-i iti ::. now and District. m the .area . Mr, and Mrs. Graham •Mac.Nay 'of Ottawa spent a•.few days with Mr. 'and Mrs. Kelso 1vlcNay. and. • Evelyn. in Ashfield Township. • Mrs. Clara., Webster returned: to her Lucknow home recently after spending:two weeks at 13yron.Chest Harold Londry of uek Ln'ow , pro 'etor.of li. .and B. Discount,( pri has-been=-a7pati-e-nt ire- t -oma -- Hospital in London for the. past two weeks. Harold is to .have heart surgery, and the surgery was. set for the early part ofthin week 'Although the day wash definite, titter , . • Mr, and Mrs. Jbl'in. Ross of Cay- uga were callers in town over the , YD. Wilaiarri Gollan of Lucknow is a patient in Winghamand District Hospital. 34, 3 Mr, and Mrs. Don Cameron of Lucknow visited on Saturday .r wtth•Mr..'and Mrs.. Wayne McIn- tosh and family ofSarnia. Dong attended an all day. Music 'Work sho in Sarnia -o YS.at -Witt • Lucknow 4-H Calf Club •'achieverrient day. was held at Lucknow Fall Fair; . The: Sentine exper.iericed a• delayin,'securing rse—r-esu-]s Top: three :winners in :Dairy . Mss -Ethel-Brown-of:Goderic-`h---� js spending a few days at the M1liorn'e of Mrs. Grace Campbell .. Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Clare ',Johnstone bf'r iit kno ttended4lie..-oh . ing: servicerecently for their grandson• Jeffrey Howard' Dagg, son o b. an• e en (Jo nstone), Dagg of London. Also ,attending g . were 1-iu l� Johnstone and Susan Cla_r-k-a-nd ot-h-er gr=a-ndt.nathez • -Mie. fiowazd iiagg and an .aunt from Kincardine. Rev. Robert Johnstone of First Westminister United Church, London officiated. He is a .son of Mr'. and Mrs,. Har - „old -Johnstone -of -Parkhill. Mrs.' Gordon. Ritchie recently spent ten days visitinf with her son Mr, - an d Mrs. Harold Ritchie and 'Lyle = of St. Thornas and her grandchildren, Mr.;and'Mrs.. '.George .(Muriel),I-iodgins and . family..Yof.Belmont and 1vlr and . . Showmanship Were Nancy Alton, Lynda,'Waideny,"Nancy Walden. Junior Holstein Calf. winner .was Barry Elliott. • . Senior Holstem:Calf winners were•June. Alton';. Lynda Walden,. Nancy , Alton .' Beef Showmans'hr3p winners were Ken :Mewhinney, Allan,' The awards for' Senior Beef Steers.' went to Allan Murray, Ken,: leWbinney, , Dave Mewhinneyi. •Juior Beef Heifer winner,was . Ra 1ph_Morrison . The Champ ionshi „4-H •Trac : . F p. . for Co.ipetirt.ion-was won -b -y Barr. Gordon ; 'Seaforth with second` lace goingto im.Fairies .Gorrie p J - Mr. and, ,Mis, Frs. .�raser .,.Ashto: :'..n. and 4ntoine,are`Inoving from' Winni- peg'tc 'Ottawa, where Fraser is • employed by the federal govern, mem, He is. doing research, work at the Canadian Co . mnrunical�le . . tiseases Centre in Ottawa . ,Until living accommodation ornrtlodation is acquired in'Ottawa Mrs. Ashton arid Antoine are Visitingit W h Lloyd Ashton xn izroknorry er at_ "arrty is to -theme' effect that Premier' Wm., Davis will be in Wingham on Friday, morning., October 8th at whicli time a press conference will be held forarea newsmen, week olid., Mr. and Mr,$;. Tony Bedford, Martin 13edford and friend'Ja,cikie Crock., Mr, and Mrs. Crayddn. PowleY and bo•s, all of Toronto: .Y, and Mrs..pat q16ss of England were Sunday visitors in Lucknow with Mr. aind Art,. 'Ezra tan,ley . d Mr. and ISS. Stanley.T.hortipson of Kineardine.were Sunday visitors in Lucknow with Mr., and Mrs. Walter Alton.. •• Jing (Ewart), Webster of lirkland Lake was a visitor last week end with his. sister Mrs, W .�+le ed and Mr Reed of Lucktitiw..' fle is now retired from the. police force p , retiring last duly, Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell of Luck- now has been visiting for the past month with members of'her farm ily in Dundas and .Toronto and Y also -attended the wedding of tier granddaughter Gladys button., ,d aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Button,/Dundas and Brian Glass of Barrie, Mrs. 13arkwell returned home with. Mr and Mrs. Bob Bark w We it of Toronto'', who spent 'the ‘veek end here.,' _ The Lucknow! Scou.t::MOther-!s1 Auxiliary metat the Town Hall Wednesday, September .29th at 8 o''clock fora general, Meeting. A Past President pip was pees ented'to Mrs. Jim Arnold , now of Ashfield for her faithful set Vide on the obnimiittee.. ' The presentation 'was' Made by the new President Mao, fttttss ttutton on behalf of the 'atilt.: of the Attciliary.