The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 21;ter r hos e.. s,ate rued . 3'. pos., ouiV nee. nd. •e 'thus be. trhe ' lected- ,;,1? • !ryice fiou lnada erinter wn. • .. ED.I4SPAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, . . THE LUCKNOW $ENTINE14.14/CKNO*. ONTARIO ` PAG! 0,4440.•....,..**************9.41•••••••••••••?* LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH TIIE ENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET 'THOMPSON 0........****4/44444.40.****************••••••4 . • RS,AGO JUNE' 1951 E, V, Baker bought Balph Hort- reSidence-in LucknoW and '01itled. to convert it into a con. leseent 'home. The property as the former Moorehouse Mft- ell residence. • Alex Smith, son of:1\4r. and Nits J. J. Smith -orTe-eswater and form 'erly of LucknoW, was appointed' inspector of public schools. fol Hastings County with headquarr, ersatBancroft. , • The grocery business of R, Thompson and Sons changed.. hands, With•OlivetGlenn the new• proprietor. Mr: Thompson had taken over -this buiifieSs about thirty years before from Mr. Bark- er. Prior to that Mr. ThonipsOn had. been employed by A, R. Fin- layson, , • '40 YEARS AG.,,,O; • JUNE 1931 A double schedule was clia1111,uP.: in:which Lucknow, , Ripley and lc.incardinewere representedin hatdba 11 league, .Tlie-lodaLlIne-- np was Clark Finlayson,.; ,klugh Ctming:, p,; Russ Johnstone ,‘• 1st; Art McCartney, 2nd; ROy'Finlay=: son; s.s.; Robert Thornpson, 3rd;. Andrew Thompson , -Art And- rew', ef,; Corn Thompson, rf: The: train service on the. Palm - son -Kincardine line was cut • .mmimpuisser., 0 1,444*".eogo0e,.. IWinter wanneys. Just what the kids need for trudging through, the snow. These boots are long on wear and cozy comfort. 41 VP to Cr Cr CO CI. VP CD 0 0 0 CD CD 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 CI 0 CO CO • ,•• y-be— sueh •• generations of daughters were on hand!.at,the home of Mr: -• and 'Airs. prville• Pinlayson. 'Mt 5, lAlek,now• to do sm"' celel)i'atillg* \: • Crowleft:: F;lcin-:Thompson, -ItR 2,7 Kincardine; seated, from. left: Mrs:;:susn'tiAlooeyj.•RIt 1, Ripley, - Bowers, . 3 months Old, and her 'mother.; Ia Robert Bower's., \ . • Phone 5Z.3111 Luclaitive with oily 'one 'passenger trainin eac way-eaCli day. The early': morning train opt and -the noon, incoming train continued to set-, vice this area.. It Was reported that the 'change w'as-made because of autamobile and truck competi- tion Carrying passengers and .par/.. cels which formerly went by ex press. 0 YEARS . , The Sodth Kinloss Presbyterians were busy with the;erecti.on,�fa new church to take the place of a frame building that hact.been the home f. the congregation fOr. Many years The basement .. - Wall Was up and was of concrete with -the superstructure to be brick, ,Lucknow.,Coirricil 'granted priv ilege to"the Huron.and-l<inloss Telephone Company fbr a petrad of :ten years to erect poles on. the Streets of .Lucknow.. Ripley Fairls This Weeken Plans are beingfinalized for tbe'llipley -Huron Fall Fair on ,. 'Friday and -S-atUrday-of-this-w-eelti—, Septernbtr 24 -and 25.' The Ripley Fair ii billed as "A friendly F.4.4,12.Nir in the ,country and, a homecoming weekenti''!. President ofthe Fair this year is Lester Ferguson.Ab SNt itis'is secretary and Mrs Russell Brooks .treasurer. , ., ,' • : • • • • The main day Saturday i11. -COTrilb-erfee with a para -de with band music by -Hanover Girls pruni Corps and liCe County . Junior Pipe -Band. An advertisementappears.in this. issue. • to SPONSORED BY DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL 'SOCIETY AND :HURON TRAIL mbeits. 810 RACE or damn 1 Non whiners Of $500 up to September lsto-197t•, 'PURSE $125 FREE -.FOR ALL -RACE oottst $150 Norse entries to be In mt tater than 10 Lin. Ott •'.September 3L• peels! ALL CHILiOREN- FREE FOR. AFTERNOON PROGRAMME West PARADE AND SPECIAL EVENTS • BY .HURON TRAIL; AIOERS-. RIDES FOR YONG ' U 010 OLD. 'SHELDON MANN'S- .• ORCHESTRA • , $3.00 PER COUPLE LUNCH PROVIDED • GORDON SMTff, PREADEN'r krt. 2•AUBURN • T. M' .t SECRETAttiraTREAStlitiV buNGANNON