The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 20is • 4. PAGE. TWENTY • LUCKNOWSENTINEL, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • AVENPORTS. AND, 'ACESA' 1N. VINYL • . AND NYLON COVERINGS' tit occasional Chairs 'HAVE- ALSO JUST. ARRIVED • Ch►ester.f eld Suites THAT HAVE BEEN USED IN • "THE -FUNERAL HOME JUULIWUUULLIUU WI 'WIN LL CK.NOW- ::PHONE -528-3432. GODER ICH On Monday ,,September 6 on. . Elizabeth Street at intersection. of Sarah Street , Londesboro, Aontonie Duizer, 'Londesboro and.. Marie Simpson, 91 Sirncoe Street Exeter , were ,•involved in, a two car collision resulting' in damage to the vehicles.: #4 Highway., south ,of'Londesboro, Pauline •Duizer , R. R. b; Clint: ton was,involve-d-in-a single car collision resulting in damage to thevehicle.. ,Pauline Duizer rec. eived injuries. On Wednesday-, •September.8 • On `6-7 Con.' , • McKillop Twp. LETTER TO THE EDITOR OANADA COUIyCIL OPPQRTUN ITY ' • We_.recently endeavoured to, • ;show 'our concerti for mankind by; setting, f orth a list o f: pro jects • fox .:. consideration.by the Canada Count which: awards gra tits etc, appro ved enterprises..' •.This supplement ary list is given to illustrate.furth- er the possibilities.. , There are certain natural phen omena , custoMary' for countless centuries , which have disadvant .ages •in this enlightened age:: They are subject.to misunderstand ing,' and should be modified. For instance, the sudden and .unexpec.t ed call of the cuckoo at an inap- propriate mnorne'nt conveysan; expr.ession of disbelief and incred- ulity. This cohld be disconcert- ing at the least, and in extreme cases cause damage tothe ego, requiring psychiatric .treatrnent Properly managed, : We believe that these birds could be trained, to utter 'theirery; lcw ds--- 1 result would be a sound suggest- ive of.Surprise and •astpnishment much more. acceptable to sensit-. ive souls. And the tradirinrial' rii11, of the • duck is most unfortunate, parttc- ularly in the vicinityo hospita1ss and 'medical clinics.. ,Regrettably simple'.reversal of this sound would not .produce. the :desired effects, and it would be necessary to alter. thhe vocal cords and: the voice -box to change the.sound completely. Greatcare• would be required In the first place, all'.' westm-f-#14'•cotint�y-&oad__..Douglas'.. d,uc-ks-would-have/to:re-learn their. language; lack of propercom•mun- ication could result in their, extinction.. Secondly,, duck hunters couldb'e disconcerted by. hearing 'moose -calls or elephant trumpetings, above the clouds'. `Other phenomena susceptible of Jennison ,.:.34 Onta;rio'Street , Grand; Bend;. was involved in a single truck collision•resulting in damage to the vehicles: --On Wednesday., September 8 P .on: #8 Highway ,west •of #15 County Road, George Louth, R. R:''#.5 ,,., - Go Ierrch and Joseph-Nig—h—;755 :Louisa Street , Sea forth were lin volved in:a car -truck collision resulting. in .damageto the Nigh. vehic le On .Saturday , September 11 on Con::2, Stanle Tw: at #30'. Stanley iwp. si• eroa• , o n • Beane., '192 Albert Street; Clinton and Douglas Dale , .R. ' R. ## 4 , Clinton were",1nvo1ved''in a, twa' car collision resultiig in damage, tothe vehicles. Passengers, Vera -Dev-ereaio u -a -Sheryl-.B-eane both . of,192 Albert Street Clinton and`. driver, Douglas Dale received injuries.. • e WEDNESDAY;, SEPTEMBER 22n improvement include the glare ; of animals' eyes at night , and the unreliability of glow ,worms. In the latter case it should; not be. difficult} to stabilize the glow to make continuous, and heave' more useful. However, somm animals' eyes at night are red some are green? and some'are amber. TIuis resemblance to traf- fic,-light patterns, coupled•with their extreme irregularity ever-present hazard •t,,:•night travel A't .the .very least-,' it . would be helpful to standardize. them all with one distinctive col our •perhaps, mauve , or brown„ Among occupational hazards;, one of the least understood is the'. iarnbic Foot , to which poets are peculiarly subject., Its cure 'will require considerable, research perhaps reaching even into the habits of'troche.es and dactyls. In. any, case, .a great -deal remains, to be done to make relief avail-, able to all concerned. . As far as can be d'etermined�. there. has been virtuahy:no study. of the loon'ssense, Of humour, Possibly .this is' due to the super stilton •that loons have a siu view of things; their, ..lauglit been. described as "deni4ni, or 'simply "'maniacal" ,• A grant for this research; shout} sufficiently large to.<compe for possible danger,; A great deal has been lei by tagging birds "arid anima study their movements, bu1 sibly, more direct bene fits ' result from tagging germs` bacteria. 'Nobody seems ,tc until, `it,' is.too'late , w'beth'e; have Spanish, Asian or Hot 'Kong 'flu, as just one insta If all known germs, bacte:r ,perhaps even .enzymes , we identified diagnosis would much easier and quicker;. In assigning priorities to multitude of possible proje the foregoing, have been'se in'ord'er t'o maintain'the, hi standard of hunianitarian s( already demonstrated by C -Council Grants, :TTiis hst be sufficient to enable oth ested persons to add their c ON'LOO'KER. ou !DUCATION �dIII: ingham. Tel; Secondary Scho -1:a PRCiFOSED;!PROGRAMME ARTS: AND: CRAFTS GARDENING & .FLOWER • ..ARRANGING 41/2 -course -1/4- 2nd'sission only) CONVERSATIONAL,FRENCH GOURMET COOKING . . MIL1ENERY- PHYSICAL FITNESS (Ladies PHYSICAL. FITNESS (Men's; SEWING (Basic) SEWING (Advanced) UPHOLSTERY • CO. IRAC_Tr,. B_RIDG'E COMMERCIAL TECHNICAL TYPING (Basic) AUTO -MECHANICS ELECTRONICS (Base •WOODWORKING :(Ba: PERSONAL FINANCE RUNG HOOKING (Yz 'course fail, session only) ACADEMIC ENGLISH XIII 11AATHS=X1t�---- _* Tl .. ., y ese `2"courses an � an` --oilier. Acade�tc :'Courses-rn offeredif the initial registration indicates the need, for courses: '•run over and.pick up m` unemployment cheque and. then' Hees a rerilib4et to all motor. vehicle drivers, Our girls and drop off at ,the university. to see what's holding; up my i'ed'eral < . $� eq " research.-grant-chequ-e,--Y-oa-go--boys- o2ng.:_baek-to.shoo1.::It s PCIuCattOn-(ill �.ie._and`..100-1►:--!nfh t��r r . � • , s . , .. your a. gfree— ' ree to the.free VB�"cfi'mc and Check -Tin your t.ests�hen o �o the , heath clinic and pick up ,my glasses, I'll pick up. the food stamps aei the welfare office, hit the•• drug ehab ,office and re'Il meet at -the, fediral 'building at noon' for the nia,ss picketing of the stinking'i estilblishrrlent,t'' . . particularly, important now for drivers' to watch for children along routes to and from school morning,. noon and.after.noon. Many children are at school for and: from 401001 can be hazatrdous, bus'= iness` for thenen. They'll settle d own soon, but right. now " g e, first weeks of school, a carefree child might forget to watdh out for you. irttenhet,;t. school's in,so: watch out! Al- ways drive with extra care so you you're always ready to save the lige of a: oarefree child. W.' MOULTON piov ficial Constable, For sound/ counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed.: from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat i` 'Hagan, Prop. to11r ' �►' d fiver Sixty Years 'WALKER' ON . PHONE 881.0234 ' 'ONTARIO INSTRUCTION PERIODS Classes will be held.. each Wednesday 'evening: from 8 P;1 10 P.M. The first session 8 '. ' . ' on Wain October 6, 1971. The fall session ends on Wednesday, 'December 8th; .19' sston begins. on Wednesday, ,tanuary 5, 191 Tile•wtnter se . and ends on Wednesday, March 15th, 1972 FEES. $10:00' per course of 21 sessions $5.00 per course of 10 sessions (1. course) ,REGISTRATION 4, i. ;Advance registrations will be accepted. by. phone, Ca11l5 .between'9 and 4:15. p.m, . ' ' ' 2 A ` didtional � Registrations ,v�ill key � accepted `between 7. fib, p. . on opening tight. NO FUNDS after' the see• end session' except for 3 circumstances or, course cancellation, : Materials and any texts required .for any course . ai responsibility of the student, • Additional courses will be considered if sufficient it it indicated and if suitable instructors are available. •