The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 16PASO!' SIXTEEN THE, LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO v..c..1I, Check-. Your Car's, Transmission t,. Now's' the;' time to check your car's • • transrnission for summer driving. "We'i, dig • deeply' into ,the: ,root of 'tr...ansmis- Sion failure: and sli in You.'II go• in, • confidence. • '*•***• **.*''*',*' A.ERTEs' LUCKNOW PHONE' 52$ 343.0::: c.cupIe.arried.'` At rid o A,NDRS1+t! CLELAND:: Mary.Susan Cleland:, daughter of Dr: and. Mrs, Brock Cleland; and. Donald Alexander Andrew,.' son of Mr. and Mrs, 41ex Andrew, all of Lucknow were rnarried on, Saturday, September 1th at 4.30 p. ni, at the home. of the .bride. The marriage•was performed by Rev . Rod M4'eLeod of Chatham_., formerly of Lucknow. •• is Barbara O•ameron-was maid= of honour and, Allan Andrew , j• brother of the "groom was best, man. Guests Were mem•be.-.rs of the two families. : • After'the Wedding -supper was served the couple' left on a trip to . Eastern Ontario. Donald and' Susan are both • entering their fourth.year at the University of` Guelph.' : TALES THAT HAVE BEEN T WITH ,MARGARET THOMPSON A. YEARS • JUNE 1951 Art Breckles .purchased the Me- EA'R JUNE 1911 • A'.report•:of S. S.' No.. 9 Ash • . Innes property .on MainStreet. The, proPerty included, the wood - wor.king shop, which was former- ly Reid's bakeshop and the vacant lot fronting on:'Main Street,` the building had been razed edby fre.a few years' previous. .M�4r.Breckles'wasbilding a 1 1/2, storey building,, combining a store. and apartment., • A:• 7. Wilson, local Massey.'. • • Harris agent the .Toni - Boyes shop on•`Main Street. N.ew•offic'.ias'. were appointed -by • Ashfield Council'. Russell John- stop succeeded Howard Barger as Township assessor; Donald Sirn:p son was .appointed to the combin ed' office Of 'Clerk .and treasurer. of the Municipality ;'duties to ` y commenceJune. C'. E. Mc en s field named the following pupiis: Jessie Stgthers , • Eldlbn Twariiley, Edith•,Johnston', George Twamley; - Lilian•Alton , ' Beryl Johnston, „ • Marie Baker, Reta Twamiey, Johri Glen, Irene Moran,: Vincent Kirk, Peter Glazier ,,,G.eorge Glen, Cecile Johnston Garvey Anderson , Laur- etta H'ac;kett , Fred Finlay. , •Tillie '. Hackett ; George T'w.arnle ,. Frank Moran, . Thomas C,lazi.er, , . Lennon O'Laughlin, ..._ Teacher, Mary 'R: Culbert:. • Annetta and •:1on','f a Carrick' returned• home to Owen Sound. after holidaying-with',their cobs ins Cath Beverle , Debbi.e and .� . • • are - - . ey. , • . Years service as clerk..' Alex•Mc.-. firs 'Ben,Scott of. Purple Grove Nay had held the posi''._�• . :visited - • with - - •.-far, t ern --yea rs Johir ga-rr: A, number • from here attended . . the Western Fair:. it London during the week Mrs. Rudy'S'ieloff'returned to her home in Detroit after visiting -reith�reiat v-es`lrere-~and-w-it•hrh r` aunt Mrs. " William Cox who is.a: patient in the Kincardine and rUN.E 1931 ;The line-up for the Lucknow Junior :Farmer's softball team was: Reg•Lavis:, of; Clarence Greer,'. '4314; ..\ieY 1ac kett , p; Sid 1 row bridge , s.s ; Lorne Woods, lst;• A. Thompson, 2nd; Fred McQuillin c; W. Hunter , if; G. Fisher , tf. • They were winners in Group of the Rural Softball League and. By,Rev Duncan. McTavish NO EGGS. FOR EASTER, .' "4 was shortly a fter: the turn of tiie 'century x'904 to . be exact.; • that we had a winter which for • snowfall was one of nth •WY -St ,: if" ..not the worst, that ever visited • Old .'Bruce. The ground; was blanketed. with three. to •four. feet • on the level. Roads .were filled 'from fence'to.•the other... Trains were blocked i''and for; three weeks ive .dead engines and a' snowplow lay:.ha1'f a mile, from' tkre-Tittle illag a Rip1 _r h e everyavailable: rrr,an shovelled snow, 'trying to dig them out:. Ther '.•was almost; a• famine Inthe land as:;supplies in, grocery'stores were cut'off,--and shelves began: '.. to .look like Old' Mother .Hubbard's • cu•pboard; " Finally, there came a' rain that lasted' Thursday night, all day Friday and 'well into. the night; causing'an.awfut flood. Rivers; ov'erflowei: ,,. covering -road rays everywhere, cutting off all travel.; and 'little runways became swollen streams. '`. Sometime through. Friday 1pight , the tempera ,ture b:e•gan•to.drop. ,,T•he rain: Stopped 'and things began to freeze at an alarming rate.. Swollen streams *drop ed as ra idl' .as the thermome er, , an y a ur• ay noon certain: roads could be nav- igated.on foot. Accordingly,.1 was.;despatched'• to the country store at Lochalsh, some two miles 1 1 .WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER. �TQ�S rUrlilg AAs�� . stuffy heads DRIES watery eyes. f0� $►.1.74 Extended Action, �Vledicatio• EJmTer Umbach scount Pharmac away° under' ordinary, conditions, .but on this occasion a trip' of four miles at least, • My mother was':still in. 'bed, following the birth of ,my. 'young= est'brother. .She was bein,g.eared for by a neighbour wornan in ,the per -son --of i`-1rs.'.. J. Roulston -while m•y` father, .attended`:the funeral.of a sister;: E4tripped with an:eight :quirt pail .in which-were-4ve dozen newly laid .eggs'; l,started , • out, to be joinedby my friend; !'Edgar' Roulstoi., ,on the' fifteenth sideroad:. • He carried a little dinner .pail, in which Were thirty' good eggs, to be exchanged fora - g few rocerie-s . Those -were. .the days when eggs'. were eggs., and: the.poor •old.,heris were very :cant nous a bout; ov,erproductiornthe Winter. months:: When a hen' cackled, everyone ran to the barn often to find it was a false alarin But.as•'Winter.wore away. and the sun.began' to, warm things: up, cackling'increased.as.did egg production.. By Easter we had reached a place, 'where 'we were allowed a good feed of eggs. It Was a sort' of .ritual,and it was considered as one •of'the.' Many: achievements .to be able to•w:rap yourself, around a dozen eggs. at. a mea .,ender such conditions' youcan. • readily .understand .that we car- r'ied precious cargo that day, but, . wad n 't he most . treach erous' nature. "Two great ridges.' of snow -stood out ;like mountain • • ranges, where the"sler h.tracks • had been. The snow had settled •down two.feet on either side.. It was a.perilous'journey arid one° fraught with gtave;danger to the eggs;, 'We had reached what was, balance he swung his am air with his little pail of :Down it carne upon the 1 road. Hastily , we reriio lid, to find. a sera rii hled of.eighteen out of the th It' was a. terrihle disaster Easter .in the offing ; like on A/.a1L Street... 11th r,;.1 ti the rerttai•ander we procce •otrr4 way. There were twa .stores alsh in .those, days. 'a he:, dealt with'.the'one 'farthe I decided, to go•with, pal, h-isltetc. Opposit.. the f store was a 'regular:l•i•ttle covered with shirr` ice: I. felt my. two feet. oiuc. _under tine ,, aud• the next••; I was ,ga.zing::,into ttic : hlu 'seeing; stars that 'Weren':t, Bu•t I hadn't 'forgotten the My right hand'was held r which the Pail oteugs'w ••ended , and -not one was Poor. F4 l•;, He simply 'cc understand My good ... g of our. fe:wg �: roceries ,anc •, for hone:. ..As we : 'neared ,Roulston home he invitee come witlihirTi co t}ie ho was an extra •half mile of bit I went, : for he''explai tine—.that if I was t'lere tht mightnot be wife •so.hai They weren't. -Hiss-is-ter With . some dismay what r happened ,but took a "ler tude: to it all,. It was an and quite unavoidable'ui t n� es.• •Snow In �ircu.ms a c •. had caused a lot -more d. than. e' :hteen e�;••zs in tht ,ig s. days..' Ed was totd"he .sht ZnDw1I as`t were proceeding slowly upward When, Ed •slipped from . the snow'' nage :and ,started gniic* descent"` to a lower, level. Thrown •off sentence? 'It.was very: si, serious enough His sistr this -w -ay ''The re'wil,11�e for Easter". `That was ei District' Hospita:I'.. ENTERED SCHOOL OF NURSING. Miss hMarjorie Burt has gone •to:: the.horth----ork Regional Nursing,=> School at Willowdale. 'We wish her every success 'in her,chose'n,. profession. , . Mr. and Mrs: Douglas Palmer, Christine and'Scott of Welland,'` Successful students' at. Toronto, Medical' College:'were"Clarence• Maclvlillan of Kinloss and Alvin Woods of St. Helens, both• in their final year in rriedicine. Grant. MacKenzie: of:Lucknow passed his second year in medicine and Jam- es Little , Kinlossr successfully pa3sed•his first year Dental Co1- lege work. 1r, an&Lirs. ArthUr Phillips of Fonthill Spent ,the week end ;with' Mt, cid Mrs .Frank•Maulden and• y Garry Sutton left this week for 'Western Canada where he 'wi11, spend'a while., • v1r. and' tufts: William tilling- hare, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ,..lac— Donald Kitchener visited over the Week end With. Mr. and Mrs', Torii MacDonald. GEORGIAN COLLEGE • OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOG' 330 -'10th ST. W., OWEN `SOUND, ONTARIO FALL You may earn' a diploma or certificate in Business, Applied Arts' 0t' Technology''. by attending credit courses in: - HANOVER Child Psychology ITistory of Art Introduction to Business: Business Law CLASSES KINCARDINE WALKERTON. Sociology Interior Drawing and DI Paintin . T Market •Research'- TeFh j B DURHAM . Introduction to A:ccbufl •Socioioy �. START WEEK OF: OCTOBER 4 - 8 Telephone 376-0682 for 'iregistration forms aria! details REGISTRATION NIGHTS' r' • IIANOVER LD,S.S., Se "t, 2'f 7, ' 9 int p p CLASS SPACE 1°S • Business' Systems and Procedures' Mathematics IA WAL ERTON W.D.S $, Sept. 27, 7 KINc'ARDINE' i 'i S s.,, .Sept, 27, 7 IMITED, 11'PPLY NOW! ; ........:._....:.