The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 6• 'A4 $IX 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY', SEPTEMBER 15th•. 1171 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CLERK -TYPIST• WANTED '. . This position, for the school year • September. to June . requires a person having the ability to . accept: responsibility • with a minimum of supervision, Ability •in the operation of various. • types of duplicating machines is essential.- Starting ssential:Starting salary will be commensurate with. qualifications and experience: A full range of cost -shared. benefits includes- O.H.I., 0.H S.1.P. and O.M.E.R:S. Pension plan.. Applicants shouldsubmit 'a' .' • resume by September 24 to: • W. D. Kenweii, ; ten'ent 24 HOUR APPROVALS Student Services, Huron County • Board of Education,. 97. 'Shipley Street, Clinton,. Ontario: R. M. Elliott, Chairman of Board . ' D. J. Cochrane, Director of Education.. FREE,' ,DIAMOND AND . STONE :RING, INSPECTIONS AND, ULTRASONIC CLEANING' ro ,- , Ap o Arrangedin the convenience of your home. You can _ call to 10 p.m."•:today for helpful courteous service. Prompt In- vestment . Corp.Ltd., 330 Bay St, Toronto. Call collect. 366' 1 HELP YOUR RED CROSS Fv,o:Seek: Wcuden's Post Two .aspirants. .f.p,r the'19f1,$ruce wardenship are i-3'arrvey Davis of Elderslie Township anckJohn John •stone'of St,. -Fd nundss In Breiee the wardenship 'is alternaied 'be Bruce 'Farm ;Report: tween rural 'and..utban,' reeves. FREEZING PEACHES George Grant of Paisley is the:_cur- There .is "much ado" about .rent„county counci1,headanti next peaChes andsnow �_ ar's choiC.e will."be •from the ':: s= -the time= -to Y- •' --• start ..freezing. The ' Redhaven, considered one of the',best peaches for freezing, is . now on the mar-- ket. There are several other var ieties suitable, for freezing -; Vet- eran, Envoy, Loring and Madison: Although these varietiesare not. grown as extensively and are. not as readily • available as Redhayen they can be purchased at smaller distributors. , The freshest possible fruit is essential for a top quality. product. :It . should_.beLfirm.. but, ripe. The food. specialists with the Ontario. Food Council, 0.D.A.F., 'suggest the following method. . First remove the skins. To do this, dip the :peaches -into -boiling water for 15 - 20 seconds (the I' length of time will, depend upon • diat-ely.. in ice water to stop the 'cooking pro- cess. The skin will slip off, easily, leaving a perfect peach ' that .is. ready to prepare for freezing. One of the easiest 'methods of. preparing peaches for freezing is the •use of dry sugar and ascor- • bic acid The ascorbic acid is used to prevent discoloration of the peaches,. but only a 'small. !XANDFR.�� : ' . NOTICE L have now established a complete Repair Service WATCH and. CLOCK REPAIR. RING.,and. JEW'ELRY''. REPAIR DIAMONDS REM UfTED Fast Personal Guaranteed Service All Repair Done, In ° Store WILLIAM A. SCHMID'S SALE Trill continue until October 15 at which time I will take over the complete business. AND Pa EALTY LIMITED GODERICH . 524-9662, OUR BEST This 40 .' acre farm has 10 acres which has .been surveyed . into lots which can be sold separately, plus an attractive modern new home with electric heat and small barn. JUST LISTED 50 acre farm, brick house, ,barn and garage with new hydro service recently installed, also . 50 acres beside the above property, plus 95 acres -just -across -the -road: --This property can be bought separately alfa or Trefoil or 16.oz. 2 4 D in. grass fields. This will also -control bull thistle: amount '/a teas . to each 4 cups of sugar, is required. Use-um-min-- of se on cup - of . the.,,sugar ascorbic acid com- bination to each 5 cups fruit: Coin- bine the fruit (sliced or halved) and sugar in a :bowl, allow the sugar to dissolve and the peaches to' -make their own syrup, then pack and -freeze townships.., Both Mr Davis and Mr; John- stone are beef farmers. Elderslie last hadthe warden- ' I'm spay 1 have a date for:' the Deans Confrontation, but 1.arn:free for Saturday's Ecology disruptkil .ship in 1954 whet; -William Oswald held:•that post,. John Ransbury of St. Edmunds was warden two' years prior to this,.'• ANNOUNCEMENT OFANfI(iENSION LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO 1QUOR_STORE TENDERS. DUE: • Wednesday, September' 22nd, 1971 OWNER LOBO, . Properties Department, Room .438 There are many other ways of •freezing peaches, but the/'dry pack method would most likely suit the - Homemaker's' fancy at. • this . busy season of -the: year. Judi Reasbeck, Home Economist, Bruce County YELLOW ROCKET Remember all the yellow rocket last spring?` Now 'is the time to spray • your. hay fields to get rid of it for next year. ` Usee20-oz:"-2-44DBBin Alf-- o"r together. • ' BUYING .V.L.A:3. This is for .you. New home with full basement, electric heat, plus at -- tractive ° kitchen. GIVING AWAY Just about, ' 2 attractive school.. houses: JO.S, AONEW • WATCHMAKER -' a •wiLER_:. DIAMOND Sra`rER. : A► A** * A * SC t,IIDS EWELLRY AND, CHINA LUCKNOW FARMS, COTTAGES AND .. RIVER PROPERTIES * * *. GERRIE GLEN AGE DUNGANNON LAWNS An application of Mecoprop (MCPP) before October 10; will. give you a .weed. free lawn next summer. ,• Lawns also need• fertilizer and. -ani=apphnation=--of-=�OO�bse acre of 10-10-10 will give you a good lawn. • this • fall and' next .rig• M. olto �R.�B Agricultural' Representative Bruce County .. • ARCHITECT: Moffat, Moffat and. Kinoshita • 55 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto 12 ::Tend ner until 4 0 .m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 22nd, 1971 For the construction under contract of ' a government store for the sale of liquor. Plansand speciftcations are available at the office of the Arch- itect," above address, on deposit of a certified .chequepayable to the Architect in the amount, of $100: This deposit` will . be refund- ed ef anded on the return of the plans' and. specifications ' Plans and specifications” will be on display at the Builders' Ex- change in TORONTO and KITCHENER .- WATERLOO. n•. • Tenders must be accompanied . by a bid : bond in ' an amount in excess of 5% of the contract amount The Board reserves the right to reject any or all tenders. Nonce r DEPARTMENT' OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS UIPMENT OWNERS ' For `-`Winter Maintenance Operations; 1971 -. 72 Season" :the fallow:/ mg equipment, is required: 'with minimum G.V.W. 27,000 power sandingunits are. following -locations: 29-792 4 HENSALL`t :1'VEST'O�C1 `SALES onddy Evening, -September 27th • 7 :00 p.m.: • Consisting. of Steers, Heifers, and Ca1veS FOR 'CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT TE MANAGEMENT' • ViOtOrl Hargreaves '482-7511. (Clinton) Doug Riddell — 237.3576 (Dashwood)' Jack Ridde11• , ,_ 2374431 (DasliWood) • Auctioneers• hector McNeil •and Larry Gardiner. BRUCE COUNTY JUDGING COMPETITION, HELD ON ' ,FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1971 anover air p ay osr for the second annual Grey -Bruce -441-and:-Junior--Farmer--Judging Competition. The Competition this ,year , was a great success,With 117 competitors taking part. Winners An the_ competition -this -year ---were; the . Novice Group, Brant Weber of R.R. 5 Mildmay; the Intermed- iate Group winner, as wellas ; the overall, 'winner for • the • day, was David Detzler of:' 11.R. • 2' Tees-. Water,: and the Senior Group win- xi�e�.: s ce -Aitken f� - cardine.- ' e participants in the Compete ition had' the opportunity of judg- ing 5 classes of livestock and in- ,,door classes including corn, bar- ley, ,hay, weed identification quiz, tractor parts identification test and general agricultural quiz, A new beef sire evaluation quiz was ,given this year in place of one of the livestock ' classes. This quiz worked out very well. Bruce Stevenson, &tension Assistant, Bruce. County lbs.' suitable for.,mounting required •'at the 2 Trucks - •Guelph West, Guelph East, Erin, St. Marys,' Exeter,' Grand Bend,.. Goderich, Harriston, Mt. Forest, Shelburne, - New -Hamburg, . Clinton, -Mitchell, Galt 3 Trucks Listowel and Arthur: 4 Trucks `Kingham, 1 'Truck, - - with minimum ti G W. 42;000 lbs. 'tandem 'required for Galt.:. The successful bidder., must have . V: License or apply.. y • for same within'? days of nem notified. LOADER;yard bucket: (-without operator -)--at the following locations: 1 Loader Galt, Guelph West, Guelph East, New Ham'. burg, Listowel, Harriston, St. Marys,' Exeter, Grand g Arthur,. Bend, Clinton Win ham, Goderich Mt. Forest Shelburne, .Mitchell. • Sealed Tenders on forms supplied' by the Depar men be received by. the District Engineer, until 12 o'clock noon' local time, Wednesday, September 29, 1971, Specifications, tender forms, and envelopes may be 'bb= ained n person or by mail from`the District Office in' Stratford, 'When requesting tenders please :specify location(s). The lowest or any Tender, net 'necessarily 'accepted, W' b., 'Neiilpovillz, Dlstr'ict Engineer, • , Department 'of TraNspor+atori and Cdnrlrh unidatiof'S► Sol Horon Street, Stratford, Ontario Telophent: 271.3550