The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-08, Page 15!or ng ver rnq .WEDNESDAY t sERTEMBER8tk1971 • '‘I,i0KNOW :SENTINEL. picKNovii,,,...00TARso pox FIFTEEN • Dies:At Home . 'Oarnet pcluther of k, R: rod, died.pc'his tiornV Thursday of last weel<, 73. • Ile farmed in tile HPlyrood ArCA: ail of his life, Suiyiving are his wife., the forn1 .eTn/vIary S unders; two. sons, Ivan • of Holyrood and William of Walk- erton; three;daghters, Mrs. Clar- ence, (Ruth) I.aniont of Thunder • • Bay, Mrs. James•,(W.ilda)Yates.of Walkertol) and Mrs.. Clifford (Hel- ena) Pollock of Montreal. one • isinster.; Mrs., Wilfred (Eva). Brkider 't5f Greenock Township , 13 grand, ,children and scven great grand, 'children. • ' The body was .at the Tanner and: Pearson' Funeral,liome, Walkerton, where Rev, Arnold Pioud of Tees - Water 'united Church the serviceSunday at 2. Bdrial v4as.in crecnock .Baptist • Cemetery. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1.8 and• afd otge• s par - . • .. • acm ma050NALlit • Private ROO. Mac Dona atpiey native , is' being posted to Lahr , Germany With:the Canadian Ai:riled Forces. •• - He, i -s -a rnedicalaisistantand will 'be working in the baselhospir- alar'Lahr.. : Rod has been in the 'Canadian Navy -{r 1 1/2-years-and---tra:s-1eerr7-- Working: at .:the -National 'Defence: Medcal Centre, at OttaWa. He . a t t erided-krpl S.Chool Madill Second* ary School ai.Wingharn..before entering the service,. . ,ROd is the sonof Mrs. Cla,ytOn •• . . • ..• • . . Germ�ny Posting • Ti -IIS SU:10Ni ER: ,. • .• llld ' p . • • • . •••••,-•••••••-•4:efftw,r- ' •,..c•zz--;••44#" •• .." • •••;,..x:i;;;;,..-v.:!..&•;•-.4;:$44:17.44,,,,,;;wes •Or. • .Nicholson of 'Ripley.. LOOK OVER THIS L(ST. OF VAIZIOUS-41.4 ENTER AND THE CASH PRIZES.OnfEN. Best Original National Costume .6400 5.00 , 3.00 •. , . worn by Lady visitor at the fair • , . • , Best Copied National Costume worn ' 6.00 5:00 3.00 by Lady Direetor at fair. , • • • • :• Best Copied NatiOnal Costume: -. .6.00 • 5.00 • 3:00 • worn by Lady Visitor at fair • A • Bes • t Original NatiOnal, Costume worn 6.00 5.00 300 tly-Director-at-tair , • • • • ' Best National Costume .worn by 1 . 6.00',i-5.00, • 3:00// Gentleman visitor at fair Best National Costume worn by •.• 6.00 560.. 3.00- , Gentleman director •• • • • • • •OldeSt.Lady af the fair OldeSt Gentleman at the fair 5 .00 . • . Km oss Resident • RODEO EVENTS - • • • ''• • , • . • 1..Potato Race on Pony • . ' . • 4.00 .3.90 2:00:. 1:00 • ,• •• 2, Musical Chairs on Hor,seback„...00.........4-00-2,00LL-00- 7-7-Entry fee of '50c per entry in each of the following four • events to be paid to the, secretary by 1 p.m. on fair day • 3. ..:Barrel..Race On -lorseback. 6.00 4.00 200 1.00 4, „Flag. Race on Horseback• ' • 6.00 4:00 .2.00 1.00 5: Pick iipLRace-on-Hor-sebaokr ' ‘6,01) 4,001-2.00- 1,0°- 6. Relay Race, on Horseback •• 6.00. 4,00. .2.06 1.00/ ELEP• HANT, HORSE 'HAVE.. Ariiy,4iotoepter it in the • Lucknow Fall Fair ' Parade? • rl Decorated. Bicycle ' $3.00' $2.o0. $1.00; hir Rivet k end. jtiS ork igfitet ey , Sec° Howl, am. ecorated., Tricycle . 'Decorated 3,00. .2,00 .1,00 ;50e: . • • . I ()spit .. • • -:•MRS'i ARCHIE BONNETT Archie.ponneett of Kinloss T.oWnnship, PatSed ;away' in Victoria Hospital tndohon Thursday AuguSt'26'tkin her 65th year!, She •wa S. the former. -Annie Georg-. etta.:Stariley, daughter' bf Joseph Stanley and Nancy Ann, Ha rina h •and.was:1?Orpin Kinloss Township on Septrnber 3, 1906• :• 'On March•16, 1927.1.je.WAS ntar.ried tO,'Archie BOnnett ai Tiv- ertpn • ../• • 'Bosides her husbaLd Bon nett4S survived by two daughters three SOns'; .1.10 d:at.honie Mrs...Pon Ripley,.Robert �f Stratford James, .irid.Jean at ,horne; fur sisters and twb'brothers.Mr$.: 'Ernest (13.elle),1, pepper, Of•SaSkatchewart;. Mts.. • • EARN ;MORE The top-dresting of established • hay imrnediarely after first cutting• is an accepted:practice with profit- ; conscious farmers. Here's 'why: a $10,00 application_ per_acie.,..will, •on' the. average,. give at leas,t'a....1 • $20.90 per acre return, The use of • fertilizer on pasture at mid-Seas9rr is equally profitable. . • ' • SAVE MORE CO -Of Bulk Spre'ading saves you 's time and effort and actually costs little. Your fertilizer is spread at approximately bag prices. With ..CO-OP modern,. tquipment you • are assured of uniform, distribu- tion of the fertilizer. • '1.41egis!tred Trade Mark • • Tractor -drawn spreader see your co,or • • and arrange for the most practical, most economical •. . - • spreading method for'your:frm Bulk Fertilizer Spreading is another CO-OP*Service.to the Ontario'Farmer • • . • • • ••• ••••••:: mop SERVES yottglEs71., • 7 law "Win. "(Ida) ShOebottOin ofLonclOn; I: G. (Hannah) Shoebotroth of ,London ; Mrs C. R. (Margaret) Scott of Royal Oak, Nlichigan; Clarke .of ilondOri and David of Tiyelloq. • She was predeceased by her parents, three brothers:Eddie , • Ernest, arid :William Stapley and :two sisters: Laura Pollock end, Miss ' I • ' • - • . • . ' , • • • Sadie Sta nley . . ' • The funeral service was held at• • . iviaaKenzie Memorial ' Chapel, • . , Lutknow. on Saturday August, .•••• • , :28t,h,with interment in KinO,rij)' ••• • ' •,' Cemetery• . Pallbearers Were 'Harold Bonnett. HOWard.,Reld Hugh. Bonnett, • Grant EckenSwiller, , phonse,. .Murray, WM. MCPhersOn. •• • ' I.est Costumed Rider ori decorated pony,. • , (Animals will not be judged) • ' 4. • • • - , 6.60. 5.00 ,4.00 13.00 200 turned Rider on decorated saddle hOrse., Must ride in parade) 104.06 8.06 6.00 .00 2.0o Sehoolg Pataditig in dostubie .: 8.00 6.00' 4.00 2,00, tiblia-SehoorliOnis i'aradi Jima 10.00 s.po , • tiig,0 Sco1 Floats in Parade 15 00 .10:00 5.00 :3.00 beeorated Cars '. 10.00 'IV -SAO 3.00 4t,iiti9tie Ott PAO to 1830- • 12.06' 0.06 00 et Society Float 25 00 16;00 15,,00 Best 25.00 'PAO. • Mitie • , Best Patriotic ripat WA( 18,00' , test .. '61* 166: • . . t • • • Lege color TV picturefult 2" Size - plus rnatrix design for extra brightness. • -Includes Electrolok automatic fine tuning, • Electrotint color -control, six-year e tube warranty plan', beautiful Deilcraft walnut cabinet, White . -• • s1o:041-as•-o-n-l-y •..,See our complete selec- .•. tion of Electrohonle • • color TV floor , •• and demonttrators; tie OW nowat • • . r ' • . ,. , . r 1 N • • a.V • • ' • • .;•• . r