The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-08, Page 10PAGE`' TEN:.' 'THE,.LUCKNOW SENTINEL,; LU.CKC,NOW ON1TAt M • church rt � flibr . x ATS 1 ' .IV GUEST MINISTER 'Rev. Glen Wright, Exeter. SPECIAL ,MUSLC • EVERYONE 'WELCOME .. WHITECHLJRCH Mr. and. Mrs. icetchurn of Flor- ida and - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon '. Scott of Ripley visited. Monday . with Mr: and Mrs Earl Caslick: Mrs. Ketchum is..a daughter of '•. • the forrner Ida H h; lvlr. and Mrs. John Willis of ..Toronto spent „the holiday, week end with her parents Mr,, and Mrs. Bill.Caslick .of Culross and his mother 'Mrs .•Doris Willis and attended the. Taylor -Ross wedding:` on saturday, .We:ek_e_ndvisitor .with -.Mr. ..and... ,Mgrs. Russel McGuire were Lee . Me, • Guire , T'orbnto , .tarry McGuire .and •Linda-Martr'n-Of Elmira; Mr', and Ivlrs, ira Wall'and Mary Lou:attended the.Hewitt-Wa11 wedding at'Langside Church ,Sat- urday evening and the reception. at Holyrood Hall. Mr. and M G g C: ' . . Exeter were week: end visitors with his. parents .Mr. and Mrs, John Gaunt.::George is:;now work•-` •'ing on construction work in the Port 'Elgin :area.and this week he Will be residing and boarding in .a trailer which he�,anda'friend are purchasing. ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Russel' McGuire attended. the teed -Bowley wed- ding on Saturday`at, Thornbury List ;Churc:h�art f.'9199c-k`arid. the :dinner. and. reception 'in the. Thorrbtir,y Elementary school. ' The groom 'is a nephew. of Russel McGuire. • • ' Mrs.' Inez Cameron of Brussels spent the week. end with Mr..and , Mrs: Tom •,Morrison •of Lucknow and 'Mrs. FredDavis of Windsor Nisi e• ern on ^esnes iay.. Mrs...Webster Jacklin of•Listow. el.came' on Friday to spend a . few days'withTer daughter Mrs.: Ar- • :chie Purdon,' Purdon and farnily. ' • • . Michael Johnston o:f el -in on visited last ..meek .at the home of his uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs, Clark Johnston. On the weekend holiday''Miss Janette Johnston of Mr.; and !Ars.' George Carey of Chatham ,were Wednesday visitors with' Mrs'. Charles .Tiffin , Wing.- Iiarti Mrs. Clark -Johnston, Mrz •'and Mrs. Bill Srown ..of Lucknow. John Gibb: of Walkerton spent • :he holiday week end with his LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH,* J. C .0 IS J. W. 'Van Ste pvoort ANGLICAN. CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector SEPTEMBER 12 Trinity 14 St. Paul's 'Ripley : 9:15 a.m. Ascension Kinlough;• 10:30 a.m. St, Peters Iucknow * 11:45 a m• Church School — 10:30 St. Pauls, .Dungannon' 3 p.m 2nd and 4th "Sundays Christ Church, Port Albert 3 ,p•m. ' • 1st,- 3rdlland 5th. Sundays, WEDNESDAI(, SEPTEMBER i `au th Kinloss • • Mrs: Harold Austin of Luc,kndw was "hostess at her home on Wed nedsay;.September-1 where the rnernbers'of South Kinloss r Wormlen's Missionary Society. held their regular Septerrmber'. meeting, Mrs, Bruce' Iiarnilton presided and .welcomed everyone to th'e...fellowship. Mrs. Gib. Hamilton dealt with the Study Book•'How the Word Gets Around'. A._'piano solo by Mrs. Jack Needham. was enjoyed.. The Bible .Study on Acts 9 was taken by Mrs.` John Mowbray.' The :Thanksgiving Thankoffer--i ing meetingwill be combined with the regular October meeting. and 'held 'on October. 6 at' the home of 'Mit--; 111istefHughes. Therdir ectors will contact. a"s,peake.r and have a special program.`. • Mrs,. Annie' Mac,Intyre',,.Mrs. Ted Collyer,:, Mrs. Philip Steer took part in the prayer •Circle, Mrs. John,Mowbray .gave the courtesy. remarks.. After the closing hymn, Mrs,...Douglas:.Gra am gave ecosin The hostess and d-irectors-�sery-ed lunch.; Services: 10:00 a.m. `English Service : . 230 p.m, English Service :Except 2nd 'Sunday of : each month -when the -afternoon service 1s in . Dutch. VISITORS WELCOME': Denominational .Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To' God -Hour"., every 'Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) 2:00 p.m.; ' CFOS .,.'(Oen Sound) 6.00 p.m. Lucknow ` Presbyterian. Churc Rev.. enn ` o e •sb Minister, •.Phone 528-2740 SEPTEMBER 12 • •�10 a m. Sunday- School 11 00 �a.m. Morning Worship Preyte.ri WMS The Afternoon AuXih r Women's Missionary Soi, the Luc'know Presbyterian met in the' S:unday''Seboel Wednesday afternoon with tendance.of,19 and.4 visit Following the call to•.wor; prayer by the president,. Noble Johnston gave the 1 Study "The feet of Christ ing the Scripture froin isa. and Rontans'lOth chapter: ca11. was -answered with a verse' containing the word The visiting committee.[ having made 18 calls. Arrangements were ma:,hold. the Fall' Thankofferi the evening of -the -first -4 in October. Following th ing,, Mrs. 1 . Smith gave tory prayer: Mrs.. 'Brisbane and Miss et. Henderson, who had b( gates to the Presbyterian in Guelph on the week ci. g. prayer, •lune ,24th , gave a rirusr .ii -repor-t-o-f the: meetings,. v., they had ' found tb he: a m eratiia�g experience, and i d Mrs;. Dave .Gibb. Mr. Victor Wybe'nga , student: • preacher, and •Mrs.. Wybenga had a. busy ,day on Saturday, They. attended the Taylor -.Ross wedding. tiere at 3.:30,with dinner after' at, m the Legion Hall., W.ingha, Where they had to leave�.at 7 p.m: to be. at;'L'angside';Presbyterian .:.` Church at 7.30: to attend the Hewitt -Wall wedding with are sept on a'fter,at:Hplyrood Hall.. Bill' Willis: and ti:r,• and Mrs', Earl Wilkens' spent Thursday in. London. Mr. and •Mrs, Bill, Evans' spent • Thursday inLondon.and Called. on Mr. and Mrs. Eric .Evans 'and family. 1rs. Gertrude Schoatz atid�Mit.- and Mrs.. Dalton Scholtz on Sun- day .attendecf h•e Scholtz family reunion held in the Nile .'vc'ini at the horne of 1z, and Mrs. John. Fielder.: • • Mr. and Mrs. Elwood. Groskorth'< spent a few days last week 'at' , •. Toronto and` attended the Exhibi- tion and' visited with her ngother' . Mrs.. Emma Bagg. 'On Saturday they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cla yt-orr tind Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Bailey and friends of Toronto are holiday,ing,.. at, their farm home here.' Ir. =tinct rs- l=lg i Sl ightho-lirt of Toronto left on Tuesday.for,` a nineteen day tour of England and other European countries.. II LO Gli:. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ... Rev. 0. MacPherson, Minister EVERY SUNDAY 10.a m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship ' Service 7:30'p.m. Evening Worship WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 8:00 p.m. Prayer 'Meeting LUCKNOW U NITED CH�'U RCH Rev:. Robert.Nicholis, B.A. Niinister SEPTEMBER 12 10 a.m; Sunday School resumes. for fall season (classes;for all age, groups) 11. a.m.. Morning Worship POINT TO : PONDER Not .everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can 'be changed until it is faced. James .Bald "r i rt _'r,•the ,.:., _. rid -11 much enjoyed; The. thc;i Congress was the 'Crux Matter'. There., were .yd;' gates from across. Canada third of th'etT1 were 'clder ladies' sang: The Thciiie 1 "He shall forever. rem n time and space: .L;cd st .of men. S%n, in the .h face•.. We give.expressio Creed,., In love•, in;thou ,1 word. a id. deed. ' ,Mr.s: Morgan' Ilend c'r;o. the `ladies -;for tliel,r • k sharing' their c tmthtisaas:n: Aics.. ltobt.� ltuid and ' , Miller had. the pr,r Ivlrs.:W . Por tt°dire. •c 1os.ed ing .With prayer For "sound counsel and a fair 'price, on; a' monument correctl designed ned. from . tialit material, rely on y g � y _ MEMORIALS Pad O agate, Prop. Established Over -Sixty Yeats WALKERTON' PHONE' 881•0234 ONTARIO 3.fNVITATION:S . .$ .A N.NOU,NCE�NIENTS �>� INFORMA:LS • r r ©•�.O'R s• 'LET US ASSIST• ,YOU• WITH YOUR WEDDING .PLANTS ME IN ASIC FOR YOUR FR. E.�' �RIbAl GIFT. REGISTER SENTING!