The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-01, Page 16• • 'PAGE SIXTEEN'.' • THE, LUCKNOW: SENTINEL, LUCKNOWt . NYARIO. • WEDNESDAY,. •SEPTEM. ER 1•s14 WESTER SCO STEEL GRANARIES 1150 to 5000 BUSHEL SIZES, :ERECTING -JACKS. SUPPLIED AT .NO EXTRA CHARGE; AM$ERLEY . .. ....:................ Trc.ussea Tea.Held dor Esther Gibson PHONE 395-5286 .. On :August .14t . Mt . Samuel W;. Gibson:held a trousseau'tea• at her home in Lucknow In honor of her • daughter. Esther Ritchie, whose; marriage took. piacein the Wesley United church, London, ,Ontario: on August 21^�~ Mrs. Russell Wardle..Of London, • mother of the- aroorn,' Mrs. Son and Esther ,; received the`. .guests:, Two of Mrs. 'Gibson's little granddaughters Mary' Gibson of '• • Kincardine and Joan,Hamilton of c now were in c• argeo e gu.est_ • a e Pouring :tea; in,t afternoon were .three family .friends .kr John Gardner, Mrs'. J. W..Joynt.' and Mrs. 'Jacob 'Hunter; and in• the. evening. two aunts• of. the •bride .Mrs:George Saunders: and Mrs, Robt .. 'Helm . Displaying the gifts ,and• trouss'eau' were"Miss Pat a son. • Assisting: in. the'teaaroorn we•re: • Misses Valerie Gillies Cathy' • PURPLE GROVE A card party *and dance was, held at the community centre 'on Saturday, night in honour .of Mr.! and Mrs. Carl Collins and boys of aioar .. Mr.. and Mrs. Collins. Ricky and Gregg' are holidaying .. here with relatives. :Dinner guests. on Sunday of •Mr. and : Mrs. • Don' Dore and family were Major and Mrs..Ia•n...McNabb Chris and Sean. The. Mc Nabbs. gary. They, travelled .to Tobermory and ferried ,across to •Manitoulin'.Island: They plan to visit friends at Sault Ste. Marie enroute to the west, a 'f 1 1'I . . I.1 ► 4 '. Ralph. Hill on Friday evening were Mrs. Claude Dore and Cecil. •• The Be11 picnic ways, held on • Sunday at the Conmunity.Centre. Mr.•andMrs. Cameron Bell, Mr..and. Mrjs. Gary -Hockey and Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Pontiac ,'.Michigan spent .the week end..with : Mr. and 'Mrs. Burton Collins..' Father Was Once: Dungannon g Postmaster . • DUNGANNON NEWS MRS.. WALTER ,BIS17•19P • On, Tuesday', Aug tst.lO,, 1.971 •Mrs:• Rae Bishop passed away At. AIpha.Nu. sing'Ilome in Torbnto..• $h,e ih d been an invalidfor rtiany' :years; following a series of strokes;. Mrs. Bishop was formerly Rae • Stothers, daughter •of the late Mr.: and Mrs.. Thos. Stothers of Dungannon: • Mr: Stothers was postmaster in 'Dungannon for sew - era1 years., , Her husband• Was the • late Walter iishop•of• Chicago•. . ` The' burial service took place at, Dungannon cemetery at 12 noon. on 'Thursday; August. 12 with burial in..the-fam.14 plot:. Tiie •service was Conducted. by Rev. Stanley MacDonald of Londesboro .. Mrs:. _B.ishpp 5s survived by one sister--, Jane-o€—Tor-onto;: one -da agh-- ter•Jean, orie_son'Wi•lliarn of Chicago, five' grandchildren and• Mr. S. • E3.'•Stothers 'of : Lucknow and 'Mr.- W. J. Stothers• of'Coder - ichare'cousi;ns of the .deceased,. Gibson, Barbara' Hamilton; Mrs': ,Ernie - Gibson • Mrs.m: Evelyn "Gibson and . Mrs. Chris. Brown. , NOW THERE'S ONE MORE GOOD REASON recite Vingharn Hospita Donald Macintyre , Ft, R.5 Lucknow ;' received a fractured left tween a manure :loader, and dock while loading•;grain•at theTreleaw en Feed • Mhl in Lucknow. A two car collision, occurred .gat the intersection of .15 and 16 Side - road and Concession 14; Grey TownsIap on ,Au -gust 24 A car driven by :.Rona•ld' Thomas Steven- son , age 17 R. R. 2 Brussels; travelling North 'was ;incollision with a .car driven by Mr's Vera `°Weber . 4 R;- ,1 2BBruss:e-1 was travelling East: Bruce Weber, 17, passenger -in his mother's./car ,' received shock,- concussion, 'frac- tuned ribs, punctured lung, con= tusionsand abrasion to the face • and arrnsas well as an' internal verisin. injury.. He received emergency treatment -and was. transferred via ambulance, to:London 'c.. Hospital'.. Mrs. 'Vera Weber .receiv ed. multi abrasions to.the 'face .chest and aria a' fractured collar bone„:injured•'shou.lder and shock., She was admitted t� hospital. Ran aid Thomas Stevenson received/ aaria aceration'ana multi contta'ssion. He was also, admitted: to hospital.. O. P: P. 'Foulon invest igated Geoffrey Alcorn•, age "l3, son a 1rlouglr, • Karen Durni n ,•age 9 ,' Londes•- boro, d /aughter.of• Mr, and .Mrs. .M.e�rv.yn� '�rnin.•was•thrown•Off: a `pony and received a fractured left arm. Laird Currie,• age 6,ingham, son of Mr', and' Mrs. James Currie dropped an iron grate on his right. 4iint a hit a i- son, R R.. I,• Wingharn fractur-toe. • ed,his left arni v4tien he fell out David Scott, age 69; Luc•know, of .a Able at his horn. . was' found in the 9 mile creek , on .Mach ael Schiestel, age, 1, On South Havelock street, an Lucknow. Of Mr, ;and Mrs..Francis. Schiestel Neighbours heard his'call for help. fell and received a deep:lacera- and pulled him out of .the creek. On to nit tl Philip' Heard, a e.17:. "Win ham , Injured light ,arin 'and ed scalp,. p , age � g g nd� rib injuries son of -Mr„, •and .Mrse Edmond when he. fell off a bridge .into. the ,Beard, -fractured.. his .left ankle water , He lay, there for sortie playing football, time before being' discovered4 He Mrs, Barbara MeC ween r ages was adrnitted to hospital where Toronto, suffered a whiplash and his condition is satisfactory: Wings head injury when the oar in which ham police gd l a:er it vestigatedi WHY YOU SHOULD CONVERT YOUR PRESENT EQI11PMENTTO AFE;ICONDMICAL OIL HEAT It's easyto convert to oil. We have a complete. line' .of top quality Esso Heating, Equipment to choose from • Esso burner -31.85 :a month +' Complete Esso oil furnace unit—$4.95' . a month. And now, with Esso heating equipment,: We catrarrange for; you to get Esso Home Heat Service,' at no cost. ' guarantee Your best guarantee• :for ating comfort. continued hole h' siflttalled to your ex�reir' ROY HAVENS "The -spoken . Word is• Juke: ,the •-air •but the printed • word is always there." OupI� Mark Anniversar! .AMBERLEY NEWS: •Congratu1ations - to Mr', ,and Mrs; Lyle Oliver on the occasion '-fteeth-Wedd ngmAnni er- sary.. •Their .family held Opeh1 liou,e for them .on `Saturday after- noon and evening at their home, south of A.mberley , •w:hen many... friends called. • • i Mr.. and ,Mrs. (pill Kempton and farni•ly`enjoyed a' few'..d.ays camp im lastweek at 'the MacKenzie the fair. Dennis Courtney and.L•ynn1 motored down on. Monclav acid retur,ned on .Wednesday '-at 2. fng,die E. :and vrsrtith., 1 Leona rd . . Wendy Court•riey•spent:Tues. and Wednesday. in .Toro:nt.arii On.Sunda•y Kitt Einies, hrip Reid and Pat :Courtney it i ell to,•Toronto , apent a'. few. days'- the C.1\. B. ; retu.rninv:cin We Mrs. 1N"ilfredJanissc�' s a.ha • in,;Kincardine'General } fospita ran er camp.. This past' week seemed to be the time 'for :attending the C. N. E. in Toronto:. Misses Dianne Kempton and Margaret McKay went by bus on uesday and enjoyed.a..fullday at she was ridingskiddedo a ditch g into somewhere between Fo'r.tnosa and. from Gorrie was struck inthe mouth by a swing', lacerating his" mouth.. L-avernef=W hi t LLB`olgrav=e , re_ — _' c;eived'a deep scalp laceration.. when a board struck his heart' while at work. . , -•• Kent Thohlpsoii, age 6 , son of Mr.. and Mrs. Williani•Thomp-. Phone '"528.50112 • L.udkno v • O OlU BURNER SALES and SERVICE H0, HEATSERVICE Mr. and Mrs . Bert .Nixon of Cookstown.,: and forrrierl'y :of tl area',,vis-ited here:this_a+�.`i�l; 'They spent ,one night with ,NIr and :Mrs Bill Wilkens, rrothr with. Mr. 'and Mrs. E1iiicr'Stm zerand also called on other, friends in': the neighbourhood... Shannon Lee and Nlicitael Courtney visited this past to and Mrs.. Ellwood Irwin, , Mr:. and, Mrs. Ji:rit Cornish. family—Spenlaseek ciid ztr Kitchener' visiting with'Mr.. til Mrs. Harold Cornish and Mr. Mrs. Roy Cornish'. Mrs. ,wlai t Crowston from Lytton , who has, been, visiting the, Cori amutes , reitrinutriv hnr- r ' •Malton on 5tinday. •> iiONOt.JI'llrt ON ANNIV'ERSAR' Mr,. and Mrs,: l3ob Courtney were treated' to an enjoyable evening at. the Candle L1ght 1. Goderich on: Friday on the ea Sion of their twentieth tveeldr1 AnnikierSary, , Their ltost,z 1ot'.l dinner were Mr, and ;Mrs, (1i Doy4 Mr. and Mrs, l,ynn .Low 1V14,a'nd Mrs, pert•xn l wry an Mrs and Mrs.: Ernie Gibson',