The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-01, Page 131.971 IESPAY, SEPTEMBER lit, 1911 •*; . ' • pent :s • : Wen. • ns 0[11 here • day shell THE LAICKNIPW SENTINEL, LIOCKNoV, ONTARIO • • PAGE THIRTIIIIM WestWoWano0: Council Lof Toidet • FO(Niiiin.Proinqge orks T114' SCSSi011 W:$t Clinion tendered on the tile, nor" wawanosh Towilship collocil was tion'i'llonc for $1,794.00 .111(1 Rob- • lic,41. in theii1J crq week later NiCholson ConsttoOtion of Seb, '.0)anuSual,‘Oit August 10, ,so that ,riugyille submitted a Price of o'nienibers Might 'attend. •• 1 $1,190.00 fer,tne open•Work, • 'The minUtes.6(the Jtay .,r4 road aCcOunts' were•Q“e.ett w .„;,44„,a1.4.,adopto, oil..., • paid 'On' motion' • of ..'COuneillOrs ••• rhptioref-eouncillOrSHPu-rnin4neL, 41-c--*YL'auiiiih.,, • • • • • , The. 1971 PUdget was Ziisctissee'. .:,GoruicilybAFinfOrined-ot-: aPd'.councP decided. stiD meet .At, the Hall on Tuesday., August 17.., contents of a letter feCeived from to make a final decision on it' and the Departnient of 'I'leastity and •Economics in connection :with • to pass the necessary by-law. set - Tile Drainage. Because Xing 1971 rates rot taxation, the.Bor- • rowing Boaw.. for $2Q0,000„. pa. , The .following general aecolints were passed for payrnent mo- sed•in 1966 was not formally* ap- tion of Councillors Aitchison. .proVed until 1970 the Depart - and McDonald; Havey Culbert ment'will Honour that by-law to fox bounty , 2.00; John Rutherford its limit of.$200,Q00.. Due to this boillity, 2.00; Loi on :Free Press', faot'by-laW #13, 1971, was not • • • given third readingaa., Dutiiin Drain, 17.39; Joe ••• •- •,. Ray Travis appeated beforKerr Ltd. , bulldozing dump - • e. , Council in regard to having a .-May-'-'40,'0O;HN;. H. Pallahel' Fengo:flew ers' •Award. enfOrced bulldozingdump,August , 36 06; Fawcett Metal, Drain cul, The Awatd was made last Sept- • verts, 276;82; Fawcett Metal,. 'ember and the fence has not yet ' • Forster Drain Culvert,63:, faw-- been erected 'between LOts, 19 and Oki Diain cilverts;. ,20 Concession 4 where the Fence - 210.96; AmosC. Martin, • 13oyle Draintile , 511.7.0; 'Huron Pipe • Ltd.1, Boyle:prain, Conciete 1465...15;, e.ter Time s Advocate,' lining Collector's roll 19;40; • . • Ontario Hydro, hall poWer, 9:75;* Welf,are accOtmti'; '290;46; .Rec-'' •instructed to.write by registered mail to negligent patty. A tetterpni Mrs'. T. C.., And- ersen rearding a right-off.way into the Anderson farrn .0.11 Conces7 roblern was discussed again. The 'Reeve stated. heyould .try to ascei- min through law'charinels what be done., 'to re5filite . 6 G. & E. Sales, tractor and mower 5.792.75; 60, QII Ltd, , 311.53; N McDonald, hauling fill,. 70.00; D. R,M., Co.. Ltd, , supply parts, 53,74; .Rad for(.1's Garage tire repaii, 13.50: Clinton Radiator, , heater repair, ri • 50.; Colt)orne Township 12,ound- ary account , 1802.41; 0, 84, Sale,hoo1<s and welding; 5,70; ,A.,:.1<irkconnell„ drain repair (A0bu.rn), 4.50; Lur�n County,, Eavel (A I:JN.00)u 33.6Q;. LW. Alldiews; repair drain (Aubitrn)p Awirews., 'bac 440.. 14 0011-11.-C-VfoW-SrritiTier..-tender, ads, 7.7(j); 13ert Moss, grayel». 1101.80; ,Harvey Culbert , truck ; allowance , 400.00'; Bank of ,COM rnerce, C.P..13'. and 1. Tax, 178.01; Receiver General, 'Unem- ployment InsuranCe ; 23.50; Fa w cet Metal, cortugated.pipe , • •23(8.611;,'FaWcett Metal , Orrogatgd pipe (Auburn), 76,67.. . Council adjourned on.rriotion„, of CoUncillor•Aitchisont Next regulat-tneeting,wililbe„held Sept ember 7 .at the, Hall. • • Jo.4N ARMSTRONG, Clerk. eiver General, postage stamps, 0.0;--Kerr-L-e-d-d•6' SO • ,ernma.l'OrMr Anderson: • Three tenders received by the Clerk for 'the DUrnin.Drainage Works'were opened: •A, motion by • Opuncillors McDonald and Aitchi kin accepted ,the tender.of Clat- • epee f3iie,knrarretsibringyil1e. at • $2,620.00 for Open and tile poi, • dons Of the drain. les; Postili�f. ROAD'ACCOUNTS H. ,cu'lbOrt. salary; 37403 G, • operator ;. 426./1,l; A. McDonald, operator, 307.00; Wm. Moss; • labour ,• H. Gallaher, , • bulldozer and scraper, 2610„09i 6-gurge-,-Ro-t-iyht , ,Auburn-cdfm:uc don. 6398,25; Don Flunking, lOad- ing and, hauling gravel,-• 3470. 6 7;, • CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO ' • F'llONE 3574062 • 1968 PLYMOUTH 2 (icior harAtop,8 aut*Otio, powgr ',gering. andradio ' 1008 FALCON i door, 6 autoplaticwitli radio, : • 1968 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 atitOmatic and radio 1967 CHEVY 11, 4 door, 6 cylinder standard 1966 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury convertible, power equipped, radio bucketseats and console 4966 PONTIAC G'T0- Convertible, 8 cilinder, 4 speed trans- , . •mission, power steering and.brakes • 1966 OLDS 4 door, 8 automatic, power steering, radio • 1966 FOR;,. 4 door, 8, automatic, power steering) radio 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door, At automatic with radio 1966 CHRYSLER, 4 door, power equipped 1965.F0141474 -door, 6 automatic, radio • Si)e prvcesses in local industry WHITECIIURC11" On Tues-: day,afternoon Of last week about rnembers and 'friends .of the • Women's Institute gathered at gtate Marketing Centre to. see the refinishing of old furni- • ture and. antiques. • Mr. a -W- Mrs.- Jim Currie ex- plained the' different processes of the Work involved in,the induStry. •The • host and, :hostess, served coffee at the. close' of..the tier. •Mrs.. John 'Currie,, on behalf of the institute, thanked Mr. .and • Gordon Ritchie... 1960 COAVAIR'4. door, automatic DUNGANNON Hold Reunion At • Recent visitors. with Mrs.. •john ••Ryan.included .and Mrs. Gord-, on' Kidd of G.eorgetown•and and Mrs. Ryan Kidd and baby boy of,..13rarriPtOn. ' • Mrs. Ja0k Cacsal,.and ' Jan are having a motor trip • . holi- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rab- ' Det-roit-,L--' ape. at,the home of the latter's parents; 'Mr!. and Mrs. W. A. Stewart. ' Mrs. Roderick. Macl)onald has returned home foll6wing a visit in Lucknow with her sister:, Mrs, Mrs. Currie for their' time and presweni.,nted,. thei:with A gift from the . • • • H�ckett:;Homestead • Forty-nine descendants of • James and Esther Hackett helda reunion at the Hackett home- stead ,. the .home of Wilfred and Virginia Hackett on .Concession 10, Ashfield Township on August 14, 1971- A smorgasbord dinner' • '• wa erved ''_g_t_heLcAilin'e„roorn • • and a Orden -party, supper on the • . lawn., • Games and contests' throughout•the.day were directed by Mrs. Jim Hakett.' • Those attending were: Wilson and Lena 'Woods, :red., Joan and ._________._______Nttc.. . • .. ,wel7i10,;,ph.r.333.y...rd. , ' A hridal shOWer is being.planned, Nancy and Sara 'O'COnnor. of .• • 1 for Miss .Donna 'Pentland for,Eriday. • ° . .Whithy;•-• Ralph and Virginia Hack:- evening'AugUst 20.01, • . • •-' et:o •NaShville ; Georgia Mrs: Mr..and Mit: Bob Ott and baby Matthew ofkitChener spent the Marion (Hackett) Tyler and Bev -; . ' . erly., Donald and Pearl Hackett of week end at te.parentaliiome.of Mr,„ and 1vks. Irvine Eedy.. •: : Detralt; Edgar and Dorothy Hack - Mr .•:' . .i. Mrs.:Lorne ,Erpmertori ect .0 mit; Ivii.-chi-goari; Herb, . • , '.-: ... • . , mr's. J. Bogues, LtioknOW.,::Oh . and giils.Weie guests' gf Mi. and ', 1:1'.Ulvlsi%aillgacin1H.;i.:4rs.tIlEsbbthinesrg(H allclelytt;).:;4. '.. ..:'..,.;......: ''''. Sunday • . , , : ., . .Greenhow and daughter 'Susan; ' . • -.. • : . ..., • ., --m-i—ti-e-d-i9--J,w6111mn,sg,t?pm:11.:1.1..L.0.15e_jet_ari,17:. a-141_:. and Dr Joan Hackett1_a,..._fg.ai. jfaeir_r? w . , ..—_. . , , , . . _........ h wAsti hirn'a,spoedy recovery.. : : iGreenhOw.of London, Dori and • ". Eric McNee is"dOing well fol- : Etta Wilsie of $elthorit; Walter', lowing his aivendix.operation rec- •and Lavonne Lane and Jim and ently:: .• , ' •' . • Trix. Hackett of. Toronto; Toni .4' The Hurgn•TraaRideis,held .and Tillie Hackett ,..Caswell.,and... .•.:,. . a successful rodeo on Sunday after -1 Mary .Hackett; Barry and Diane . noon at Dungannon A.gricultural.. .Hackett., Don and Shirley Hackett, ' : ' • . • Alex and'.Ella HaCkett and Helen ; ' '•. . i • • . • Think about it. • •. * TPIce, a good "O. ol 4t your . ,. When you play tennis, you . . I. sj10es...19.4e sure they re, we . te___•±r sliaes Whem: ouLwalic . . 'not' ettineauhado9kniatiho. . . you wear: good wiklkini-. .. . ' heel Change fraying laces. ' ghoes. irt:(1when you , . : And check the soles to see . . -work)'OU weat:prOpi!i • that they're Frigood COndittod.' •,- : • , . ' lootWear for comfort Sure fOotycirk•beginsWit'h .4, protectiot , pri)er f-001-we-ar. . . • • ....—.... • •4, ••••,•*-4\,, `,,,•:;;•; 1. •• • • • once. I works. Your Workmen's Compensation toard and Safety Assoeiations, Ontario. • ongratu.ations to . an'. Mrs. Arthur Wall o.'n,..the -arrival o 4:,baby girl:' • ••• • 1. •-Sympathy of thiscommimity is exten4ed t� the..relatiVes'apd•: . friends:of 1C Fred Ba'echlet,; te late Mr; Mrs. Baechier resided In DUngalinbil• about ten years age): • ' . • • Hydropower was off for 3/4 of an houtonStinday evenirg. a number of relatives in Lucknow • at the ,Log Cahin.in honour of her husband's, 75th birthday. -,4vir • • and-W-1-1freci-Pehiland and Lorie have returned from an extended tripwto Western Canada. Friends of this area extend sympathy tot Mrs. T. C. Andet Son , and sister S of the late. Mr'. beitr1=-- and raised jtitt north of Dungannon' A VelcOthe is extended to M. and Mrs. Paul Eedy newlyweds who. are residing on. the 4th'COttm cession of Ashfield. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Vilbar and Bradley and Mit. 'rio S. Fines returned to Toronr� th Sunday af- ter holidaying at their summer home here,• Mrt. Maty (Million) cousins; • 1,=__» - • ' , • Lowry of Ripley... • • • •• - • • It's .the Stick -to ether •famil ••• that; rwms • . , • . thejoys'of earth, Thathearsthe sweetest music and • that finds the'finest, mirth; erne roo at s e ters all the eharn1 that life can give There you find the gladdest la -• • growns, there the:happiest spot . • to live... • if contentment yOu would win, • Come you back unto the fireside • and be dor-tirade With our. kin. . • • (Edgar -A. Guest). • Detroit the week end with Mr and,Ntibttle...IVett,' • • •7 -an s77-7 ongram„. ,i<itcherter visited reeently and Mrs., Lottie IVers,„•'1Itity.took them to .Attibetley fOr. a day at their .00t6.ge1 .• Da/id MaatiPiS had a ;frighten?, 7ing'experiente4when visiting his' cousin at HolytOod 'the cusin wa t ittU6k by lightning in their •••' yard.:and kilOCkeetio the ground.' After feW.dayt fhaspital , • wag. abit tottatt h�nie •