The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-21, Page 16IXTEEN OCl THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW 'ONTARIO • IE.D:h1ESDAY,.:.JULX' ,21st, ge ass DAIS iICHARDS CONTIKIED FROM PAGE 1 , the reorganization ofthe cu1rricu lum in agriculture at, the Univer- sity of Guelph.. -He also cited Dean Richards`many research con_ tributions'in the field, of soil Feelings are running high in th e • final days leading tip tb the grudge match between the Muleskinners from.the Luctknow District Lions u'b-and, the=P-low Boysiff m, --West-- ` W'awanosh , Kinloss, and Ashfield' Township Councils.: science. Fellowships are presented annually by.the'Institute to mem. bers' who'have.. attained profession- a1 distrnction-with- outstanding --ac- complishment in any field.' of agri- culture: Fellows must ha' e'attain- ed recognition for integrating scholarship, knowledge; leader- ship and experience. Dr. Richards., who has,.been Dean of the Ontario Agricultural College since 1962, is a native of the Lucknow` community.. He .' is a graduate of •the Ontario Agri-, cultural College', and Michigan, ,. State. University. In 196.7 he was. awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree from Laval Univ-' ersity. .He is a former president of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists. The Lucknow. Recreation Com mittee ha's searched for various ways to pit the strength and can Hing of these/two groups against, each other andfinally decided that a herd of jackasses would be. used, to test the ability of town; versus country. ' A donkey .baseball, game, in • which the ;participants ride don,' • • keys, .will be held in the Lucknow' Park this Sunday night.' The don-: , keys wrlla be preceded by a'regular softball game'between White. c church and Ripiey Intermediates:. The evening'starts' at 7 p.'m Last Winter; in the Lucknow arena.', the Township boys suffered aum'iliating' defeat at the hands Of the Lions, in a..tug'of wa't on ice. There have been' insinuations' that there were .some "slippery • dealings" •on,the'ice last 'winter and the country boys have request:. 'ed -return 'match in surroundings More suitable' to 'thee "Put •us on the back of a 'donkey and we'll really. show the town slickers where we shine", one rural,coun- cil member is reported to have said. Whoever the winner; proceeds of the evening will go.towards a long range improvement;project' •at Pie town park..,The infield, 'lighting and seating: ate high the list. of priorities • ��T 1 THAT The Sentinel has complet- ed the printing of the Lucknow Fall Fair prize lists and copies'• are now. available from. the sec- retary , ec-retary,Mrs.. Robert Struthers or at. The Sentinel. . • 'THAT Jim MacDonald , son of 'Mr. and Mrs...Leonard MacDon- ald acDon-.. ald sof `Lucknow ,' suffered a badly gashed finger onThursday• of • last week. Jird•; who is .work'ng; at Silverwoods forth summer, caught the finger in a printer at ' the plant.. Stitches were requir-. ed to close the wound. near the end of his ,finger and a.•.splint was applied.. ' It was expected 'he could, return to work 'the first of the week. THAT Eugene Pritchard, son `of Mr..and Mrs. John. Pritchard°of. R. R-1 Lucknow- a ,P osition with the Woolworth._ Company in. London THAT Family,Brown from Ottawa: hasbeen engaged as entertain 'ment by the: Lucknow. Agricul7 ;-tura:l Society, and,wilhperforin • Saturday eveningydurmg the Miss MidwesternOntario/beauty. .contest-at-tir •Lucknow Fair.. Lucknow. YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND . WESTON "SWISS" (4 IN PKG.) Mini RoIIS RASP. OR CHOC. HAYHOE LOOSE :. Fp Budget Tea EAXTE, 19 OT. . Beans wit Por CANADA. CHOICE LARGE 28 OZ' Tomatoes on. Sale • ''SQUIRREL BRAND ' 16.OZ. SAVE 17c 69c Fun EXTRA SPECIALI Pound 79 SAVE TO )9 Tins , 79. SAVE; TO 14 ins:. 59 (,EXTRA'GOOD BU: Pay :Only 4. y KAM.12' OZ. Luncheon Mea' THAT Mrs. John Warren of Luck - now .has been assisting''inembers of .the Lucknow Post Office staff. THAT.a ,fire ;about supper.tiine'on_ Thursday of last week took Luck-. now Fire' Department to the home of Dick IvicC ttillinon the ';. 6th ofKinloss.' A firecracker' ,;�lgty..toQf is 'hPl i Pv ed to'be th.e cause of the blaze. -Some young people had?been using them a, short time before Ronnie. McQuillin noticed the • outbreak and extinguished the blazing toof'with a garden hose by the tirrie .firemen arrived: It is believed that the fire had' been srnolderin for some time • •^' ! • SAVE' TO. I9 Tins 99 HeOdqUUrIeNF�r1 Fails of Chemie VALUES EFFECTIVE •THURSDAY,•. FRIDAY, SATURDAY JULY 22, 23, 24 PHONE. LUC'KNOW '52.8.342 COUNCiL:NOTES. CONTIN•UIED FROM'. PAGE 1. be notified that all .burning at the. inunicipal.du'mp,was to be stopped on t _'e recommendation of an in- spector from n=spectorfrom the provincial goy = ernment department in charge of air pollution: control. �.'e• 4 r • * .• o A third special meeting was held on;June`.29th at which time councils and`clerks Of Ashfield a Q. e, ore it was noticed and. Mc - Quillit s .consider thernselves fortunate th'a•t they did knot lose their, house . THAT Mr and Mrs :]Dou Allen end dau-gliter.. Daw.n.of;Datt mouth ;' Nova Scotia are visiting with the forrner's grandmother Mrs. Ciao Webster . Lucknow. On Sunday Dawn was baptized Mr. and Mrs: John Wraith, 'Luck• 'the administration of the Lucknow arena. It was moved .by: Reeve -Gvin Reed`of -Ashfield. and sec- .onded: by` Reeve .Orville Elliott.of: g Kin loss':that,J J. W. Jamieson' of tii•rknow be appointed CPCretRry treasurer of the Lucknow arena operational cornmittee. at an annual salary .Of .$400 , subject. to the approval of all councils: • now are the.:god pa ie rit's INION AND ARMSTRONG USHIONFLOR AND INLAID ,:;,t 'the regularJuly meeting of council, held .on Tuesday, July lith, a 'inotihn .Wag -passed to a_u h- orize the court of r'evision.to rem fund a portion of the taxes.on'the barn of 1`1rs, Ewart •Taylor o'f Lucknow which was removed; ,per' rnissio'r'•'was granted to Canadian YOUR COMPLETE H0ME DECORATING CENTRE DRAPERIES' FLOOR COVERINGS nay C011atOrS WALLPAPER AND PAINTS LUt►W ONTARIO PHONE 5284414 • FARRELL in Winghia ni and Dist-, rict Hospital on Monday, July 12th , 1971 to ?v1r, and Mrs. Dale Farrell of Ro R 2,..Ripley, a son. MARTYN - to Jahn and Rote • Nlar-• tyn of Kincardine; in Kincardine District Hospita l , on Friday , July I6:,, 1011,; -a daughter, Paula 1`ini- berley station building from itsr:present location.. It had been: advertised and C.N.R. required foriai • approval frons the village before removal could '' be made. t••444.4••' Council discussed the purehase of a calculator for the vi'llage;of- fices, One was on Display• On a trial basis and the elerk was itis structed to r;et Other preen at in, • formation before a•.decision. he Made. M* ***•o0* 0: • Negotiations' have been iri,p ores-t-establrsti a--z"rver on the. south ensi of Havc;'ldck, Street;: The'Department offll ways was to: be'contacted rod Mine if their grant wouldappl such a'diversion. , If the diver, arrangement Can be negotiate would be a big saving to `both, :Lucknow and; the Departi ent Highwa 's as no bad' e .world needed "on the tout fen ock. ;o 4:.9 * '_9 4 * 0 A' ¢' 4 .. ;... A matter of prirn'e concern council at :the present trne is arqu.isiitinn of .r site for a 11,11111al dump Regulations in frrc€ the provincial level have indic -ted that the'presenc d•u,nip, is' of bein a roved on a month to month basis f3urnpp inc: has bee prohibited . Lucknow has nisei the possibility of sharing, the oof a new dump site'with the t ship -of Kinloss -1 -t -41. -ogre ti able. Nothing concrete 1ias bi done in .'this •regard lwinloss is presently in the same si uatibrl garding the 'necessity Of an ail •ed dump site and.this is tilta E�`a'12d:�t.j�-r•�t1G regulations, While a• trench baCkf:tll cyst is the• most• coniriionly 'wccOrnr ded , Reeve Joyn.t of 141,C100w f ours a high plateau, with, off on three sides 'Which would able 'to be continually pitAe,c1 What is required is i li :ltt ate which, Can be ctisii.:i'.ovetJ Couricil planned a tour 01 the on Ivionday of tills wet°it i li'et1 were to be inspected.,.