The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-21, Page 131971, WEDN SDA' JUL'1f 210* '1971i• is C ..n Irs1 if t'!eSthul1 �miner (r $ Masi911 11cC:114de .• The 'executive' of the 'Lucknow Craft Festival to. be held in Luck - now arena July 30 and 31st; held' a rneeting .at St. Peter's, Church hall on Tuesday evening to final. labs.. A11:conrmittees-reported good response, W.I. groups are prepar ing to serve lunches in the arena', Kairshea on Friday, July 30 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. July • 30 from 4 p: ri.' to 10 p.rn. will see the Lucknow W.•I. in the. booth. On•Saturday , July 30 from 11' a. m. to 4 p: m..the Holyrood ladies will look after things while St. ,Helens ladies will d:o the Sat- urday,-July 31st 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. shift ,and thewind up. • Omar Brooks of Luoknow, is or- ganizing •the 'soft drink .boeth'and will have, many helpers,for various` times.. Russ Irvin and an assistant • will look after it from Friday noon until. 6 p.m. 'while Omar himself;, along with an.assistant , ''will do the evening hours and will have workers for Saturday day tittle. • Bob Finlay and a'•helper will take '..:Care of it for Saturday:evening. • '. The, ice cream' booth will. be, ;operated by M. Wm Rogues rid k and: Mrs. Raymond Boyle. wing THE LUCKNOW • SENTI'NEL, ;LUCKNOW At on two quilts and a beautiful hand made picture; Continuing the stories of the crafters , in booth nurriber ,51 is Mrs, Russell Pear of Wingham.who helps herhusband'by selling the.: Money-tha.t they-hr--a=s-a--business- ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN! Strptford Bus. Itp On Thursday July 15 , forty. four; members of Kairshea Women%. •Institute and their. x: friends from Lucknow,Purple Grove and Reids Corners, enjoyed. a bus trip to. Stratford. • They visited the Jani Art Exhib:- ition;anct after: shopping ,and din ing out they attendecrthe perfor ante of "Italian Straw Hat at the firstbegun as a'child. . .von,eatre. corning, from'• Waterloo is _.Mrs. _l-ATh S . L. Christie- who excels in Mrs, Allan Maelntyre ,.Mrs., hand weaving:.. Frank. MacKenzie and Mrs. Ted 'Collyer were in charge'of the Talk about fame for the Festival arrangements.' • in as far as distance and talent is concerned , •eomes Mrs. Moira Couper , who read the first parts of the:Festi-.val story in New.Zea, land and contacted the•�Pu,b1ic. Zea,- lations officer for space to exhibit, demonstrate and sell her beautiful. hand spun articles:. • In New Zea land ; Mrs. Couper waslearning the perfection of spinning and.• dyeing wool and'will'be selling for the 'first " time. at a• Festival in Lucknow.' She now' living. at Hensal'1. " Doris Pagon.of 'Goderichwillirst tiine. a Sorry to report Mrs:: Jon, Topp isa patient in the Wingham and District •Hospital. The Commun- ity wishes'•her a speedy reeovery. Some ladiesfrom the, Langside area accompanied the+ Kairshea Worien's: Institute :on :their bus trip' to Stratford'; ,Miss Shirley Johnston of ; Clinton � booth with Mr. and •Mrs., Yn booth 54 with her hand=poi ted-, - G :articles viewed at Colborne eor.ge Young and family. Township, Country Crafts , well known hi:n the area. for their annual. Carlow Fair.days.in'the fall. ding ea.' The conveners of the produce division, ' Mr.• and•Mrs, Russ Rit chie; Baking, •Mrs. Jean Phillips s and Mrs. Kitty •Purves; ' Preserves , Mrs. -Peter Cook and. Mrs.. 'Omar •Brooks 'are all well pleased with the response: for•help and'have +' hopes of •regP. Y ceivin dent.' of .bak- .. produce d,presery • 1.. Mrs,. Anna Meyer of Wmgham ' is to officially open the Festival: Invitations are .being sent to the Reeve; mernbers'.of;;Parliament and many dign'itaries' of the area.+ •Ribbon cutting time•is. at 12 noon, the .30th : of July,. Many, newspapers in ,the area have carried stories of the Festiv- al: and many are carrying .adver-", tisements'sponsored by various Promotion of the Festival has been carried out through appear ances on TV in'Kitchener., Lon- don.and Wingham and through interviews,from'many larger pap- ''. ets by the committee,.in 'char:ge:. • The'r'e will be: tickets': for sale • Antiques will be shown by Mr.. •Ray.Clark.of. Mildmay. and will. be -one -of the-rea;l treasure . troves' of the •Festival.. As well;., the, This and That'Shop, operated by W..J..'Eaton of Kitchener, wilt exhibit. • • Mrs.Shirley Wayland of •Kin= cardine does crocheting', weaving and dressess dolls •and• will be in booth 58. Cameo,°Pror3nrctc .. for liquid demonstrate her talent. Miss Mary Hehn of Wingham • •-usesp-la-stie-•bott-es to nikhioVeTy items. • Man people around 'Lucknow 'Many P,.: have? e n some of'MF and"Mrs.. • Ewart MacPherson't'hand work •. but all can see • it in; booth numb DON RE.ED,. PROP,. 'ASSOCIATE STORE: 'TE•.ESWATER Barbour Runion:He:IdAtSt, HeJens The :annual re -union of the and prizes for the kiddies, the Barbour relatives was held` in the • teenagers:went ,fora short swim• Institute Hall, St. Helens'on At Donnybrook Park,' while the Sunday; July;11 when'around fifty: older `folk sat on the hall lawn. ,gatheredenjoy another. get -to and enjoyed. visiting • ethere; •.As. each onearrived theyAmongthe.attendants was six • were given�their name tag. imonth:old Paul Douglas, son :of' After signingthe register' ` j Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacDonald ,:: everyone gathered in; the hall 1; who is, the sixth. generation of:'this -where:a7bou-ntifarwd'inner�'was ' `:gathering.: Girests :.were en ` ed after:whish. Austin ' esent from Barrie , 'Orangeville, eville loy..P g. , Martin,: President', called even►- '.Guelph; Brampton, Kitchener, on'e to attention"for'the:business St. '.1hornas, Plattsville, Lucan, : for' another year. It was decided Bl 'th, Ripley, W.in gha . Y. ,Y . P X•, , g m, White-, to meet in the same..plac.e:.the; ; 'church ; 'Lucknow, , St. Helens. :second Sunday in . July, for the' . : ' At the.close of an enjoyable 'Coming ' from Toronto is Paul 1972 reunion- with all officers day everyone `enjoyed a cup. of ine Lumb �'in booth 67, and committees left he sortie. tea '.and lunch before leaving for Y ft ri / , - arm their � • Like home madp•car�y?.; .rveil, t The a er oon was spent rn g s het respective homes. '. Joyce Dunham' loves to: make it '' and will sell plenty in booth 68.:.:� Mrs. Blanche Garrett who lives near Carlow in *The 'Store House", makes Pioneer 'Preserves, . Bob and Ruth Critch•field of • Walkerton have antiques for` sale and if you. area collector; `then here is the collecta'le corner;', • G. E. Martin of Mount"Forest has ift roducts from his stud': Ivlis . Regina Burk will ha-ve ai4 collection .o•'f her. oil paintings and 'textile paintings as' well as some'. antique items Rugs are :the specialty of -Mrs. Phyllis Walton of/ London. • These, and many more'skills such as silk screening, batique sketching.,• .drawing, •with.d.emon- 'strations continuously; and plenty. of home baking, garden produce and preserves such as mint jelly.? `elti�b rr jelly', wild cherry jam ;'apple •butter ., r.edCurrant. jelly and dozens of other kinds to --w h -e -t- fou - ppet-it-e-•will be 'for • sale at the 1strLueknow Craft. Fest ival. • embroidery., will be.sold and dem• onstrated; by Mrs. "Nora Currill of 'Goderieh . r. Miss Marg Machan:of Wingham .and teacher at Ripley'District High•School, will have:many • typesOf artificial flowers and • will demonstrate them for anyone :interested. Garden enthusiasts will enjoy Gwen's Garden. sho. and Mrs Russell NeedhamoffRipl:ey,;;who wants to make use °of her 'tirne and• creates beautiful rugs from used woolen 'materials., will.be in booth 62. • ••• • Janis Rose; a young'lady'from Toronto,, makes. bead •work her. hobby and willhave a booth to • Leave Worries Behind When You Drive Your Car! r et peak- 'er formanc `�- Smoother Rides Drive ih` For every car=cq're.needl• PERT t • Members of the Lucknow Agrie' ultura.l Society' have been a real plan to make the Lucknow.F'all Fair this year another festival for; ,Lucknow with the proceeds from _th.e_ata-ft -show-. , This completes the last of ex - hibitors'to date and the Founding committee of the Craft Festival' say thanks to all who have set the stage for what promises to be 4l-11.,- :-sow--o ' . in these parts and perhaps.all of Ont ado. " The publicity conveners.haven't 'the words or the know how to say their ,personal thanks to all who have :given promotion.;. ideas and help in the taskset before, there:: Only with this help could the job' be done and there are' dozens and dozens of people who have helped; Thanks is a si`rnple word but fin,,, cerely said to everyone, /1 ,L,nsh spring and summer pastures provide adequate bulk and protein but are low in energy On pasture alone, a cow can produce. only 30 pounds of milk. per day because of her limited capacity to consume. a: isufficient quantity. of, grass: Additional energy is required to maintain ,body weight -an ' , ; ... uc ion: The new'CO-OP Pasture Ration provides this all-important extra• energy that is required to supplement spring and summer pastures.. Feed CO-OP Pasture Ration and you will get more f - aster cow aur-_ er IMPORTANCE OF FEEDING' COOP MINERAL. IN SUMMER Mineral consumed by cettle la' utilized three' three more efficiently' . In the summer than Is that consumed In winter, Much,of the mineral required for 'winter milk production must' come from the. cow's rested• C'onsequedtly, minereLbultd=up In -the -Ohl '. w —occur-whilfrettiffe on pas urea For a healthy, profit-making herd, feed Co-op Cattle'Mlnerah free, oholce; througho.Lt the entire year.. ' " Luck Istrict Co uN;