The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-21, Page 8PAPE: . EIGHT; • TIIE LUCKNOW SENTINEL C.KNOW, ONTA ,RIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 21st, LY On. All... ISCOU Cash Sales EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT FROM 7 - 10 PA - THROUGHOUT THE SUMER e 528*3117 Lucknow AMBERL!rY :NEWS '• Mr': • and Mrs. Harvey Ross •Jr. • 'Of Kincardine have purchased the Amberley home of .Mrs. Clara Courtney. • Mrs.` Courtney is'resid- ing now in Ripley, and Mr, and ,Mrs. Ross will, be moving to Am- berley .aboht ni-berley:about the first; of August... We , extend' a. weloome•from 'this community to the young, people. Miss Judy" Thorburn.of'.London Spent the week end' with,her parr. ent-s-3 r nd.. Mrs,.. Duncan Thor.- . burn. ' Misses Shirley Reid and Carol':. Courtney of Kieehener visited • helve at .their homes':o'n the week`• ends The , Reids 'Corners. Institute catered to the Hamilton Elliott• wedding in the Cornmunnt. ;Hall on. Saturday I'he.Junior; Choir provided • Snndav norning at. Pine River. LOCHA..LSH Mrs. Thomas MacDonald,, a patient. in Wingham and` ,London .hospitals for thepast, year, passed away early Sunday morning in • Wingharn hospital, Sympathy. of the community is' extended the MacDonald families. Mr. Tom Farrell-spent'a day in G'odetich .with Mr.' and Mrs. Mur ay McGill and family at •their new cottage, • Mr. •and Mrs. George McGr"e. g. Wand' s o Ha n Tilton ,: Mr. -and Mrs. Meyers of Ottawa , spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack •MacKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Ewan McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Doug.'Martyn spent Thursday in Sarnia .where'• Mrs. MacLean's mother is, a patient in hospita a: , Mr D. A. MacLennan has, been enjoying playing•the •bagpipes in the Kincardine band on .Saturday. -evenings during the-sun-i.mer a.nd... .one has dnly.to visit Kincardine on Saturday to realize the enthtis- `iastri shown'in the weekly parade.. Mr,' Oliver ivicCharles spent rated lurch, Mrs.' Lynn Lowry Wednesday,in:Kincardine Town Ern(e Gibson la ed the ship judging:the .Pasture -Field Cro .organ and piano. , es are generally in good condi- . Ornitted from last week's list of tion. candidates for confirmation at ; `. • •Mac:KENZIE.PICNIC Pine River United Church was that. Due to an errorby the reporter, 'of .Linda Joyce •Kempton,;daugh- the MacKenzie picnic report ter of Mr. and'.Mrs. •Bf11, Kemp -appeared in -last we-ek's paper "and. ton.,Sorry Lindal.. ' actually the picnic "was held this ger iso Drive in` hete•whereyou get quality ga=s, plus fast,, complete service no matter what', your auto need! .You'll like`. he.differente, and our prices, tooR :UCKNO:W Saturday past,July-,17 at Ashfield. Mr, and Mrs. Donald. Courtney' Park,' when over s0 members.of and •Pte David Courtney Left on ' .. theme an gathered.' Wednesda mornin of last week . y.. � Visiting inthe eommuriit,y' for for a motor, trip to the:.East Coast, the week end;were:rhe, Kemaers David has been home., forthree:, and Com tons from Michigan:: weeks'holida .s and his'parents_ arentsP $ Y F They are• relatives of'.ihe• late. were' f•aking him back'to.•Halifax'. Dan R. MacKenzie and formerly` :from Lochalsh: Mr. ai4.1. Mr . Eldon. BFadle> are holidaying' in' the lake. Head dist- rict. Mrs. Pe.rrin ,Lowry.,. Mrs. Len pries , Mrs'. • .George Messenger Mrs. Bob Courtney ;a;nd :Mrs.' Bob Campbell joined the •Kairshea' ladies on. a bus:trip to Stratford '.,. •on:Thursday.' Everyone enjoyed seeing the play "An Italian :Straw Hat" During theevening some of the ladiet chas'te ith Rev and Mrs, Br Tdon anew;. and Mrs.. Meikle john 'who were form'' er ministers at the Lhnite.d` Church - in Ri _.lei' and Luckndw, • and who also:happened to be at the • theatre; Mr., 'and Mrs. Harvey Steele:. and Robert Steele' of Detroit were week.end visitors at their Point Clark .c:otta.ge Mrs. Leonard: Elmer;w as in , Sarnia on Saturday and attended the 50th Weddin' anniversary '.of• her aunt and uncle.' KINLOUGH M ..Dick Orr of. Red Lake`visit� ed with-lits-brother-Bruce--0rr-and -- other relatives and friends here .' Marjorie Burt ; who has been'+at. Carrrp at, Braeside returned home. during the;week.., .. . ;Jeannette and Susan' Barr accorn panied their aunt` Miss. Betty ilton•on a trip to; Moosonee. .En route they' will visit with her brothi ex Donald Hamilton Mrs. Allan Rhody was a patient in• the •Kineatdine and •District Hospital following an .aceid.ent` at. the Kinlou:g h intersection on. Tues. day night when their car went out. of 'control,„ Mr::and Mrs:. Roy MacKenzie of Whitby visited On Friday with Airs:.• Mrs..Agnes Hodgins of K: dine• -spent a ..few, days at. •he! here.. Members :of. the. Percy fat attended the annual picnic cardine'on 'Sunday afternoo The Wall :farnU r•e - n,o held at Kincardine on Sund The:Haldenby famines •frog village attended, Miss Betty Schnellerarid of `Kitchener spent the wee. at herhorn.e here •• • •Mr.• and Mrs. ;Donald }'.c and little. •son of Gue.ipr v witti his • parents Mr; and. John, Hodgins,: Jotin Barr.. •Mi . and 'Mrs: George Gilbert and grandaughter Susan and Mrs. J..Saunders of Stratford visited .,. on, Wednesday •with Edna and; May, Boyle. , • • Dinner .guests on Tuesday'with Mr. and,,Mrs.; EiiI 13urt were Mr..: nd `Mrs, ha,�lr :i ur sof ".dine and Mrs. John Barr. Mr. Alex 'Maulden ;who has been visiting with M. and Mrs: Frank Ma 'Aden and Keith for the.. past six weeks , left on Friday on his return` trip back to England, ' ' S R.IPLEY INTERMEDIATE SO)F'TB GAME • M JLESK:INNEi .S FROM LUCKNOW • DISTRICT LIONS CLUB VS PLOW .'BfA'S FROM WEST • WAWANOSH, KINLOSS AND • ASHFIELD COUNCILS The second gable is billed as a grudge match, The rural boys are out to -avenge the hiumiliat ting' defeatsuffered . at the hands of the Lions it .a tug of 'war •tri. Lucknow arena last winter;. . On Sunday last Mx . and. Mrs . Frank : iaulden arid •Keith,and „Mr. Alex A aulden visited With Mi., and: Mrs. 'Arthur Phillips •at, Fonthill and. with.: Mr. and Mis Douglas Palmer., •Ch+Uitt•i.e arid ~Cort at Welland 'and also went tO, Toronto .before. returning home, \firs, May Rutledge at ?wlatritoha visited during the,,week •• tii h,relati,vrid 'friends. in this CAN'e Luck is w Bali Pari THEY $a�Be � find .find out; .• 3 evening • 'peetocEEtlS so E US'E6't. .Su mtt.t ptototto's1 las soRE.. LUCKr4OW . 'tckEA'rio i coMMrtTEE.4, Deck : ew.rr; C1,1 4 .lc ..•L& "x W ., y. ct ttif. St,: L.,f tharInes were recent tIpio8wW,••••••:r. ,1r ,. r Cdi'r.r bla Oder' and Keith and w•t1i'4C,'i1'. Ale), '.,.,a t,le 'n. .Guaranteed. investment. Certificates Get. yours today r y, v e..z$• thE Hetilt l' 'C' r ' cawing the wCcl wits !cli4 3vts. ir, Tor r1tt illi, ke' gi901"'u {`'f visite , wit. VG .0 Zealand Hill,• Mat • Elgin and King:t Streets Goderich 5 2471