The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-14, Page 3wEPNESPAY, ItIT „ • ••, ••••,..• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL' tUCKNOW ONTARIO • • WREN A • ,1174"774•77711•1141."1"1"77.."77177 "trt.,,•!••4 7. .77 .":*: :9!: :7••• 17 ". 7: 7: 7:7" "" "I" "" " "1,77r" " (171. 21 BESTBUY!. t 4 . BEST BUY! • DIXIE PAPER PLATES:- -99c FEATURE! ALJ.PURPO8E .TOWEV3 • .; )..CLOTH ' • ' • 12 to' pkg. 53i . • • ., • . • FEATURE! WESTON - ASSORTED VA1ET1ES • • ". • • fg.c FEATURE! — HOUSEHOLD KLEEtiE 1 .SUNSPUN CHEESE SLICE 140�W.! BATHROOM . • —ROSE ar • 7V2OL CelIo• •1 32 -Oz. Jar. SALAD DRESSING ARI 'BEST -811W' RED & WHITE • ' Pardiment Pucks • 'PICKLED: ROLLS59 Ib.: FEATURE! TENDERFLAKE ,MAPLE:., LE FEATURE! '•• ROASTED oz. pac age . . WESTONS. CHELSEA• BUNS ndensed Veg. HtMl SOUP Regular .49C , , . . 10 oz. tin, 2/25 • • • 5 -oz., jar • , 14.b. 14.b. B.11 HAMBURG. BUN Supreme At a Time. Dispenser • GARBAGE BAGS pkg./$1.00 ZIP DOG FOOD l5oz tin 1 leAt440A0141$140.416441kitieRilimOi‘0401400040140140A..144.06001101101s4040. .111044.4040,ii ""110.!" ilii""r"..1‘161 401441. 14040840441461111401011' iii'leueita' 040171 • . . . . . . . • . . . • . 1 . . .. ~ . . ,, ,,,,.• 1 . , , , , • . , • . . . " • . • ,• • • Mr.. :and• Mrs.. Lloyd .Mo Mahon ' of St Thomas, former Wilda . ..• Irwin:of LucknOW, arid daughter • glenda have heen holidaying .for two weeks at the Thompson cot- tage, Arnberley Beach7:: • , ,George Colwell df/LucknoW has returned home from .Victoria Hos- pital, London where he was.a • patient for ten days. . • ' • . ••Mrs. Min MacLennan 'of 'London was a caller in LuCknow on;Fues- ) day of this.week. . .• • • in aysori returned •p Jul.y 1st to her LUcknow hathe. • for tte summer months. •': Her daughter Miss.Anna Firilaysbn iS spending a month here ,and her, • son.,Drmid They are both of Toronto Where there •i•nother 'makesher horrie with thein:• •••:' ' Mrs. John 'Keith of Livonia Miehigan retently at t • henie-pf Mrs. Aciams. • •Mrs..Ken. Mowbray of LucknoW alt -411---4#18- irat riot Hospital.; ` , • •• " '• • • • Ere.41040.iie visitor 'for three weeks WIth Mr. and Mrs. 'FnssRitehie, R. R. 3 Lucknowand with other relatives. and friends inthe area • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. RObert Moffat returned on. Monday of this week to their sun-inlet24941e at Point Clark after spending a few weeks in Barrie at the borne of their daughter and spn.in-law Mr. and Mr..,and Mrs. Hugh Curtin -ring and Mr. Gordon Steward of LOn-',, don; and r. and 'Mrs. Chas Hend erson of Toronto were recent Visit - •ors wit . their mother Mrs.. Chas. Steward, Lucknow. . • • Mr " Aar and Mri, Ken 'WebSter and •lvIr. and Mrs. Art Duberry of Lori. • don; Mr and Mrs. Tom Jordan and family bt Mitchell were week end visitors' With Mri.. W. G. Web' ster, , Lucknow.. The Jordan. fam'- 1/371=1--jitis ' returned from a trip. to,Thunder Bay.: • IVIr-cPairicia Gaynorand IVIISs Verna PalnbeSkie of Tavistock returned home on Sunday havingLittle. . spent-e-w±tIr-Mrs .. Eliza • • ' • . Jack Leith of tiatniltOn andMr. and Ms. Jack Leith o Ver-e-eets-reeet LucknoW., , • Mr. and Mrs. George, Carter • • . . Mr. and Mrs.. Roy, Hawley., Les- lie and Pamela of 'Oshawa spent' ' • 1 :Mr. and Mrs.,George Twarriley* !of•GoderiCh,: accompanied by Mr, • . -the past week visiting her mother •and. Mrt.' Wallace Twamley of • trip, via US. A. , to the East • . •• Mistes•Flora and ()litre •Webstet ,Coast, visiting the Maritime I • of Toronto are visitors thisweekPiOvinces and Quebeo. • in Lucknow with Miss Kora And :s rew and other relatives and ..' friencIS. • Mrs. John Kelly ofKingshzige and 'Miss Emma Richardson of Teerivarebiow ifithresIdents of Pinecrest Manor Nursing Hme • Lucknow. , • ' ' Retent visitors at the home of Mrs. Lorne WPodSwere Misses Ann and Bertha larkSOn Of Wind Sor; Mrs. Chas.•14Odgins of Wing - ham; Mr. and Mrs. M.lauen- °hite and, Mrs: Mel Br wri and Mrs. mrs, •Alex Murdie Kitchen- •s rown an • . Mrs; Murdie have just returned from .a nionth'g tout of Britain nd Western Eurok _____..A._-;--___6-eore-F-0 r -ler------------. . . ._„_•.,..7 lidly.r.octrSlt....fan s._. eter_ . ' . . Carter Peter and Aileen, of' Walk: he . • .• . • • recent.week end witli•h, es family .wit.,Nir, and 1\,118, wiTi,. T, ii 1 I an D n in . • Spartansburg Pa •, also TV Mr. • • Mrs. (has, Steward spent a . erton visited on the,. week end •Mr• and Mts. KeitliA.itithieLof • lave their trailer borne .. at Meneset Park near Goderieh , Wheethey spend their 'week ends.. . ., . • , , , . Mrs, carnieb ta 1 Tardonburg of &its., Stella t ltitchitlson , Mr. and • . . . .. • • Carter, N lae d on a . Cain cram:M.3 dnarl,111-1 • • Lucknow is a patient in Vitingharn Scott of Canadotha Lake, PA. and District liospital. and Mr, and Mrs. Bud Sorenson, Orry, Pa. They alio visited • At the Lukow, Men't bOribles ,..: Tournment.on.Monday tqht •6 f this weekprizefwent to ist Wail" ter r3urt of Tvistock; 2nd , Jack Macbonald of LueknoW; 3ed i Lee yan �i• '6Oderich 4th, Jael Potter of Teeiwatef. • • r.: • , . , . . .. . . . . . . , '. • , . . . Grand Mane ,•. 46h-41in in r 11 w ' NifS. Fred Itutehinon, Ronald, . • „ing her Sentinel writes., .1 '0144 Bradley and: Scott and Mrs, Al- . getting the neVqi frotn hOme., . hett MiddleCamp and' girls in • please 'keep upthegod '4ork„, I Iiia miltdn ,. 'Ontario.. 13111' tatter . is, 1, hope sonctitne. I can meetsome ; n brothr fa f Mrs.Pter Carter and. of yon.” Mr 1 latdenlitttp. died N11"8 a 8 teila ItutehinsOn is the July 1th arida yar. . • mother of 1Vls, 0'eorge C'arter. THE LUCKNO SENTINEL cirt atiOading antiblincemepts styled for the discrini-, • inatino ask frit: • • „ • • • • . ' • • I!' I . • • .• .407; 7( Ili I • • Aid& ,•:CHOICE.MT 'RUN..: CEMENTGRAVEL CRUSHED GRAVEL SAND, STONE AND PILL • HAULAGE t • Dpngannon •Ontario