The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-07, Page 111971 )0y r• ay- 7oups. WEPNESDAY•, JULY 1th, 1'1'71; Harri,sOfls Hold 36th Reunion The 36th. Annual Harrison picnic was held•at Seaforth Lions Park on 'Saturday, lune 12, 1971; • The oldest person; present was, Cecil'H'arrison of Mitchell and the'youngest was Scott Hackett Of •Lucknow. The couple .travelling . e firthest:w-as Mr. and er l e •Taylor of• Ttllsonburg ited Dint ited •.Durmg'the business•;meeting it was decided to continue to hold 'the°annualpicnic on the second Saturday in June with sports rout-. tnencing.at 2 p, m., and supper only at 5 p.M, The slate of officers for 1972 are: President, Bud Hunt., .London;» Secretary -Treasurer Amy Hunt,. ,london•Director.•s, Jim. and Eunice Aikenhead of Brucefield , Dorothy and Art Airdire of Clinton; 'Ken and Felicity, Taylor of Tillson burg; Cathy Adams of London,'. ;Leroy, F-iarriso'tn of Goder•ich.: Sports results: Draw, prize,; -Renes Harrison' and Murray" Sie on; Lucky .attendance, :Ian Hac ett;• Guessing Jelly beans , Ken»;Taylor;' Heaviest couple, Mr.. and Mrs; ,Bud »Hunt; Couple „•: nearest 330• lbs,,., ',Mr. and ,Mts.. Art Airdire. Races; Girls, '6• and under, Brenda t1ackett,, Peggy:•Willett; '•-`Boys; (T -and under:, Allan Penning - it ton, Scott Hac,kett, Girls 10 and ip »under , ..Eirenda Hackett , Lois Pen- ., nington;. Boys 10 andunde,r.,_,lamie and Hackett, Greg Hackett; Girls, .16, tan and under Bernice Willert ;::Beta ugh Orr; Boys 16' and under Bill; Col rch.• t lins,Jamie'.Hackett Young worn - 19; *` 'ens; Bernice Wilkes' , Darlene pow . ' Willert; Young men; Bryan Hodg- 'iota C'' err .Bill Collins;.Marriedwomen, Olive Siemon , Orli» Married men Art Aird:ire Bruce. bat loy.. and. zgh • THE..,LUCKNOW EUT .NEI :, !UCKNOW 'ONTARIO.' savings Eloltda s are. happy days_ IN, Q ..n owyou u r. 'savings at -Victoria and Grey, Trust are going Tight on working for you,`. earning interest while yo.0 enjoy your well-earned rest. So put your money.:. whe.re•it earns high interest safely.: Do it today at '.Victoria and Grey. 76 Attend Osbc,»rne Picnic Qn Sunday , June 27„. 1971, seventy-six people gathered at • Lansdown Park,. Kincardine for the Osborne Picnic.., During the afternoon the 'regis- ter .was signed and' na hie -tags:• given to, everyone:, Mrs,; 2illa „Hedley .and Gordan. Vance,' had races and games. for;the younger ones.'' , Aa supper tirin e,-erv.eryone en- joyed a delicious smorgasbord style picnic»supper, arranged by the lunch committee of Mrs;. Mildred 'Johnson; Mrs. Edna Mc - Innes, Mrs. Beatrice Hyde and Mrs,,, Pearl MacPherson•. . ' .After supper• a business .meeting was.conducted by,President.gra ham' Boyd of Port 'Elgin, 'Several prizes .wer.e,given Dual. -the oldest lady, Mrs, Susie Atkinson 'of- Paisley;the oldest gent.,,Mr.. George. Osborne of Port Elgin the youngest:.chld , Cheryl ,Vance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Jim Vance of.Walkerton; .the person' who .came the farthest ,.Jean Thompson of'Kingsion;.parents• of T.R.UST COPAPA NV .SINCE..1 089 Zealand Hill, : Manager.. Elgin and, Kingston., Streets Godes c 52;4-7381 Collins; Adults1lucky spot, Belle . Hackett; •Wheel =barrow'race ,Jam. re. I.Iackett dud. lah Hackett; Betty' Orr. and Bernice. Willert,' Balloon: ' toss',,; Leroy Harrison and Cathy Ad'a tltss J ohn Hunt 'and Jackie. Aikenh&d ,Filling bottle. with •straw , Bud Hunt, David •Harrison;• Ladies k'ck• the. slipper.,.iDarlehe Willer' ; Bev 'Orr; Mens kick the. slipper,• David Harrison; John. Hunt; Elimination, . Peggy Wihert�. Mrs, . Bruce MacPherson of^ Tiver ton; new married couple , Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Vance (1968); long est married couple•,.'Mr.'and -Mrs. Tom Williams .(48. years). of 'Port, Flg'�n. II The •new officers. for 1972 are.,: _ President , Bruce MacPherson,,. Hon oraryA President George Osborne; Vice. President , Mildred .Johnso.n Secretary=Treasurer , JeLyrlyle-Lea=n; Lundh Committee, • 'Mrs., . Beatrice: Hyde, Mrs, Edna. McInnes, Mrs. Myrtle: Sawyer,aiid Mrs .Grace MacPherson;• Sports,:Don' Keith and ,Harvey Eva'ns.` • to -picnic-'text : year= -•is; t -o -be= held at the same place and the same 'time , »'the last Sunday in June•.. leadership in nutrition feed and animal h !th service ARE THAT MONEY N'T BUY... 41 continuous continuous Yesearch rldgen skills growing animal health service E4 ELEVEN *OTHER MODELS' 1970 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop . . 2 1970 MUSTANGS', 1970 PONTIAC. Parisienne 4: 'door hardtop, 1969 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop 1969 FORD custom, power steering 7 1969 PONTI'AC Parisiennes, 2 and 4 door hardtops 2 1968 PO *1TIAC Parisienne,. 2• door lia r Itop, 1y equipped` 2 -- 1968 'CHEV Impala; 4. door hardtops' Used cars. from '65 to .;'68in various . models, sedans, hardtops and 4 door 90% of all cars are V8, ' power steering and all automatic 1969 ,FORD Country Squire,:, 10 passenger stationwagon 1969 TOWNSMAN statioiwagon . 1970 F .» 1/i .ton pickup,: up ;• _ 2' - 1968::CHEV .'-t ton 'pickups. with ''standard' and automatic'. transmission , . 0•! 1968 CHEV 2 ton with. 12 ft van.. 1967-FORD--1-ton-pickup .. 1967 FORD 14 . ft stake body 1966 CHEVROLET tilt cab,: 1.4 ft stake body 1966 CHEVY, lh ton panel Anumber• of» Econoline. and Chevy. Vans from '64 to,'67 » standard, and automatic: transmission, IY•ii,*#4444A4 .e4/VA russeit OtOrS BP Service Station Phone 887-6173 graduation Heid For Kindergarten June 28th and 29th the,two Kindergarten classes • had grad.ua - tion ceremonies and a prc gramrne in» theirclassroorn••. '.Their teach: ,er .Mrs.. Durnin lddthern in some verses and finger -plays Mr.., Cameron ,helped them some songs and Mr. MacLennan present- ed resen -ed the Kindergarten Diplomas. Parents. and other guests attended the. gr�ad�uations . - _ . On. .SHUR-GAIN SERVICE.. Good service is just a. little ,more`,than carrying out a_ job. It's the little. extra care going 'into sing the service':that really counts the second look at :an order .. . a .re -cheek on a load; an ,.extra,phone call to ,make sure sornethir4g is 0.1‹ things. like that, i2i7nivtTX.FTFT T�,1P:-__. •On June 29th Room Six:and• their teacher, Mr. Errington, went to the. Goderich• museum: : The children were divided, in groups of six; . The tour lasted about an hoax' and -a -ha -if. The -y _ all enjoyed cool •refreshments When they stopped at -the Sky' Ranch Inn on the„way,horne. }'nean we won't make ,mistakes. We Tt:.doesn <.. pro •ably will: it does mean • We feel badly: 3r' Congratulations to Mr.» and Mrs,;., when a -ringl,ake is m-ade-ardd i -t also -means R+iy-Coil�ns.. do t1te; ,birth ofrlrei � that Cate. is taken. that it Won't happen again. daughter Jennifer Moreen, Major and Mrs, Ian McNabb returned to' their co•ttage'at »the lake this week end where Mrs. McNabb:'and boys• will spend the.: Airtime, r . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Melnnes,• Dianrie, Linda and .Karen visited' Mr.. a nd. Mrs/..Don Dore and fam- ily. , Dianne plans to,stay.a,few ' days with Cathy. Mr. and Mtrs. Arnold h% Masan.,, Mr, and: Mrs. Francis' Boyle, N1r. and Mrs, Earl Elliott , Joyce and Ian and lair, Cecil Sutton and. Robbie were »visitors during tic. weiek With Mr, and firs,' Don Me� RPLE OVE That's the kind of care vve pledge to give you and all. our.,customers. Yo,u get it *it'll. every order'.of Shur -Gain. LUCKNOW 'NE : 528.2026 Cosh. . Frankie Dore spent Sunday and:: h•londay with, 'Chris and Sean lvlc Nahh, Mr. anemrs..Allan Rnod}have moved froth Ripley to,the fartti. of Francis. Boyle on the tenth formerly the Frank Currie place, 'Men and women of Purple Grove hada clean up bee at'the ' Co'nmunity Centre on Thursday.. Jim Dore its having holidays at Port Severn .with his grandparent Ivlr, and Mts, W. Wood'.: Mr, and' Mrs. Don McCosh. were Sunday visitors of,Currie. Colwell and family. Sharon> M3olte and: Lavonne Devitt visited,on,Suhday' with Vicki Dore. on•r•atulations to all studet#'ts ,passing their exan•is.