The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-16, Page 8PASO; `:II HPI LUCKNOW' UNTINEL, LUCKNOW . ONTARIO: We'II give: you a "charge" to put back your battery's *energy, and well do it° quickly, correctly; at modest, prices; Drive in for betterdriving. iving; HIMI iC. NA11t ' KINGSBRIDGE .Little Douglas Heffernan of Brantford is spending a week with; his ---grandparents;; Mr -,and Mrs. Ormond Heffernan. The Knights of Columbus 'Father Nagel Council held their Corpor- ate Communion and Breakfast on •Sunday at :St. Peter's in Goderich. Me nibers-att a nd i ng4ro ar-her e Were Mike O'Neil',, •Johri O'Con- nor 'Con-nor ;,_Joe O'Keefe. and Mrs. O'Ke efe . John Austin and 'Mrs. Austin,; Antone Van' Osch and Mrs. Van Osch. Bernadine Kenney has spent the past•:week.at her home here, VISITED:4 WEEKS IN IRELAND ,Mrs. ,Bob Howard and family returned .'home on Thursday after spending four weeks with relatives in Ireland. 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Mr.' and Mrs. John -Miltgnburg- who c e brated their twenty -"fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday. Mrs.. McDaniels and son lvheh ael of Detroit were recent visit: ors with Mrs. Ursula Hebert and John O'Connor:'. 1vYr, acrd Mr -s :: Micl-tael'_ Kivaliaii- •and' family of Lambeth were recent visitors with Mrs. Gene- vieve Kiriahan, GRADUATED. AT WOODSTOCK Congratulations to Rosemary • • • Demonstration On Use Of Driftwood] • Silverlake •.'Women'.s •Institute • met at the home of Mrs.'John Hodgins for the .June meeting. `' The; President Mrs., Clarence • Hedley opened, the ineeting',with . the' Ode and 'Mary Stewart Col- lect. Mrs. 'Edbert Bushell read . the scripture. ''Mrs..' Ellison Hod- . od- gins gave the . treasurer's -report. The roll; call was answered by . "Bring a friend and introduce. her". Mrs.' Glen Haldenby was con- vener for Citizenship .and •gave, the motto :" "World affairs. and. . how they affect you" and an address, on "Why ,the United ,Nations?'' Mrs:. Dan McInnes was guest of the evening and 'demonstrated using. driftwood for making inter esting home decorations.. Mrs. , Glen' Haldenby thanked ;Mrs. Mc-°: Innes and presented her `with a Mrs. Ronald .Thacker presented the past president; Mrs. John <e ' wodg ns ,nth •tl a .Warren's ' Institute pin, 'The program opened with:'a lively.sing. song' followed with a''contest on know your- County. BERLE.Y Miss Brenda Humphrey Ler 'of Mr. .and Mrs.. Cecil Hum phrey is enjoying a month's vac.a tion at her 'home . Brenda 'is a. nurse -in -training at." London's Vic- toria ic-toria Hospital., • Mr.' and Mrs.. Donald Courtney visited in the• Barrie,;area: last: • week end and called on Mr", and Mrs. Bert"Nixon of Cookstoin:• Mr.> and. Mrs s, Jack. Emmerton spent`a fewdaylast week in' Kitchener; where they stayed with their son' and family; Mr. and Ws. Chester. Emmerton: Misses': Wendy., Courtney . Dianne, Sandra and Linda. Kempton,' along with their' grandmother' Mrs. Wil barn Campbell, enjoyed a couple of days. in. Port Huron.last:week. Mrs'. George Messenger, Mrs. Art'�Messenger , Mrs. Bill 'Kemp- ton and' Mrs, ;Bob Courtney attend ed the music recital .for the .pup., Ls of Mrs. Ambrose'Gamble in Ripley on Tuesday evening, of last week. i'he pup . s .o : ire River 'Cent- ral :School, •:along with their teach- ers Mis. Huston and Mrs.: MacKen- zie and acKen-zie`and five mothers enjoyed a The meeting , closed with the sin -bus. trip to. Kitchener on Thursday.' g '•of the: "Queen" and. "Grace". g, They.visited the Zoo, .Pioneer ing Vil-lage-and-otherpoints-of inter= Lunch was served by the hostess and: est. ; her assistant Mrs, Keith Kerslake.. • � CHEQUES MUST -- STRETCH STRETCH OUT, "BUY-= THERE MGR SDR/Cf rmEAT JOHNSTONE'S E FURNITURE Phone 528.3813 The Pine: Riveradies trio' of Mrs. Ernie Gibson, Mrs. , Perri`n Lowry, and. Mrs.' Bob Courtney sang -a• Friday night. Mrs. Lynn Lowry accompanied, them on the piano. —Mrs, Lottie-Courtney'and Mrs:- Bill. Campbell of:Kincardine spent the week end at Mrs,. Court., nevi's Point. Clark cottage. ■ • ° Mr. and 'Mit: Len Elmes, and ''. .:a a Carates en3oy= ed a 'carriping=taut' wee,k:end: at Point „Clark., . 'Sympathy of the cornmunity is 'extended to :the Lowry families and other members of the farni1y of the- late Mrs. Carruthers. Visiting this week end with Mrs and Mrs, Duncan Thorburn, Amu berley 0. 'were Mr,. and Mrs, .Tom Wiltoft Of 'Gait and, Miss Judy Thorbt r'n• of London. • H.oga.n ,daugh Relatives visiting ,with Rev. and' Dennis .Hogan. who.graduated . .. ive: Join .t: Heyns Church ST,. HELENS NEWS tigspAY, JUNE lith, 1911; iofl r ori ower OC- ALSH NEWS; Five young people joined the St. Helen's Church on Sunday Morning by profession of faith.. • They were Kevin /Black , Sally Dorscht, Debbie Errington Janet MacPherson, and ,Lori -Miller, Mr,, and Mrs'. Ernest Gaunt,. Donald and Karen, attended' the • DaTah-White ,wedding in GKitchen er on Saturday. and the wedding • reception in, Breslau in the even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald borscht were at Malton on Sunday to meet their daughter Susan, : Mrs. Donald Wheeler, Kevin and Murray; who are visiting from Calgary. Patients in Wingham'and' Dist• rict Hospital, from our community are Mts. George Swan and; Norman Foran.; ATTEND GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cope • recently attended .the Convoca- tion at the University of Western: Ontario at which their, son-in-law ,. David walker eived his degree ,' Doctor of' Philosophy in AppliedMatherna - tics. : A ,family reception was held afterwards at. the Walker home in London. frorrr: Woodstock. General Hospital school of Nursing • on : Wednesday , June "9, ' GRADUATED AT 'KITCIHENER .:Also:Congratulations to,Mari'a Dalton; daughter of 4ir, and Mrs.,. Dennis:Dalton who graduated from, Sr.. Mary's• school of'Nursing,. Kitchener in May. Mr.'and :Mrs. 'Frank VanKemp-: en Of. Toronto 'were •visitors. 'on. Monday with,M Vanr.'and Mrs-' Jack. Van Osch. :• and Mrs. B.F Greendur ng,t e week were Mr... and Mrs.. Erland Colling of Burlington and Mr. The North° Ashfield, `enbhc School was the scene; of a gather- ing honouring Miss Jane Moncrief - u on Tuesday evening, Friends and nfighbours showered •Jane , brid 8e_,elect.,-with-gifts-ar d .good-- -=-- wishes.. t ,. Mrs, Jake Verhulst was hostess`'' on Tuesday evening to the Ripley and District Horticultural Society meetingW. . Thei . M. S. meeting of Ash- field Presbyterian Church was.held Thursday afternoon in the'church:...= • Mr. Thomas Parcell hashis. farm listed for 'sale. Mr, and Mrs. Paul. Emberlin df Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and:•Mrs. Gordon Finlayson. W. and Mrs. Ian Morton and family: visited. with. Mrs. 'Emile MacLennan and Florence for thee'. week end'd M Ivir, anis:•'.D•uncan:Farrish spent the week end .visiting; rela4 byes in Michigan.. Miss Linda Wylds is on' a vaca•- tion--trip-down-through-the- tastern•` States. Anniversary Services were held on'Stday at -Ashfield 'Presbyteriar: Church. • Rev Lockhart Royal o.f both morning and evening Service., Mrs: R. ;McC jium :of;' Goderich. was • gu est;: soloist. and Misses Sally,. and Louise .Mac'-, Donlald•of ,Windsor were visitors in the, area for a few days: ,••' Miss, Mable' MacDonald of Windsorspent the week endwith ,. her: sister.:Mrs.' Dick ' West: and her brother' David'MacDonald' Mr and •Mrs: 'Oliver.McChar. les'visited.,in Sarnia. a.nd.Petrolia y' :On Thursda.•. • Mrs. John Harbottle, of Hamilton. MissMarie Mewhinney of St Catharines,.is spending a few days with her parents Mr.' and Mrs'. Frank Mewhinney Mrs.. 'Wm : Purdon and Miss • • Beatrice : lick@ . Past week•with;Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Gauntand Barbara Purdon.in. Waterloo: • • feed and animal health service leadership in nutrition MONEY CAN'T BUY. ■'1TI1V-1#�- continuous research HUR-GAIN SERVICE. Good service is just a`llttlo more: than carrying out --a- job. It's--the--little-extra-are going -into • the service that really 'counts . . :the second, look at an , order ` : ..a re -check on a load, an extra phone'call to make sure:' something'is rags :like that.:. ,. :. . management skills • growing animal health service It doesn't Mean' we won't make mistakes. We robabl will. It d es me. n we f• Lbadly when a mist;:ake is :made and it also means that are is taken that it :won't: "happen again. That's the .kind: of care we pledge to give you and all our customers. You get it with every order of Shur -Gain, Anderson. Flaz Products Lirnitei L1CKNOW P1-1. 528-2026