The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-02, Page 17yiEDNESDAY . UN
fry luckn
lican church
-- tueltnpw--Ang-licah_Church.. pro -v-
id'ed the setting for the evening
marriage of Debra Lynne •Gibbons ,'
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon
Saunders of Ashfield .and.Allart
Gerald khody,, son of Mr! and .'
Mrs. Gerald: R10dy: of Kinloss..
Reverend R. Odendahlperformed•'
the dpu1 -ring.ceremony
.• Given in marriage by her father,
the`bridelooked radiant in her-
white chiffon, floor -length gown.
train of net trimmed with lade
Her'gown 'featured a high neck,
also trimmed with lace,. and short
puffy sleeves. She catried a
bouquet of red roses:and white
Reg Jones„ second.ed by Mrs,,, Huth.
Rev-.: Glenn Noble, nominated'
by Mrs. Ford Cunningham,
Seconded by Mrs. Glenn Atkinson.
.Barry Hackett declined the nom-
ination. in favour of Rev. Noble.
Nominated to the Supervisory
Cornmittee fora three year term:
Gerald Rhody..., notninated, by Ivt{s.
Cunningham, seconded by Mrs..'
Glenn Atkinson .
Nominatedto the Credit Com-
mittee for a three year term:
Grant. .Chisholm;'nominated .by- -
• .Mrs. Barry.'Hackett, seconded by '.
Mrs. Bryce. Elliott.
Da-wne Maxwell , daughter -of—
Mr. and Mrs. Jack MaxWell. of
Holyr•ood., was •€lo wergirl . Dawne
wore a.. turquoise floor -length dress'
rnade of .velvet a.nd she carried a
-bouquet of white and yellow
Barry Hackett , nominated by,
Alvin. Alton,, seconded. by Reg
Jones.. There was originally only
one vacancy onthis committee*,
due to the expiration of Grant
Chisholm's'terrn of office this;
;year , however , due to. Rev.'
Noble's nomination to the. Board
•this left 'a vacancy on the Credit.
ocrimitte e , _ asRev_, Ndble's
position on The Credit Committee
still' had two years to .run.
David Rhody brother' of the:
groom, was best man and John
Hogan,, friend Of the groom,act
ed as usher.
, The .bride's motherchdse a
pale ,mauve:, crimp -knit dress'.
• A brief discussion took plate 're
canvassing; for. new members.: It
Was pointed out .by the President
tlmt'the. RO 'mern'bers w.e-have-arre
a11. active , members; with, at least
one share in the Credit Union
All names on the list of nie,mbers•
who had paid the; 25¢ to join', but
hadnot purchased a share, were
deleted'from.'tlie list.,
with'acorsage of pink mums.
Dressed—in a pink and white. fordel•
dress; . the 'groom's mother wore .a
The groom: , . beist Man . and .usher:
wore white dinner jackets with
black trim,and' bow ties: They
all; wore white: boutonnieres.. ' •
Brenda MacLeod of R. R. 1
:Lucknowacted as`.maid of -honour `
and. Sherry Gibbons, the:bride's
sister of R: R. ,7• Lucknow• was': •
bridesmaid; .The girls wore yellow
floor -length' go i,ns with dainty
handr-s_ewn*flowers on the high
neck.. Their dresses were sleeve-
less'with low -cut backs:.:. Brenda
and Sherry carried bouquets.of.
White. and yellow' mums:
N.F.U. News
Farm prices have not contribut-
ed to the inflation spiral. :This
has been admitted by the Federal
pikes. .and .-Incomes-Commission ..
.. While overall living costs rose, by.
5% in U.S: inn 197.0 , the cost of
living rose :b1,1 1/20% in Canada
"as a result of lower food prices".
Part of, this lower food price is
attributed.,by_the Commission to
the supermarkets' discount war,
What's thediscountwar ail. about?.
It "isa battle of the, giants , seek
ing a larger share of the market.
Ina short riin, they are prepared
to take. heavy losses - for long
term gains = higher prices
An article, in th'e. Financial.
Times„I-ebrua-ry-. ;-195-1, stated
that`the pric.esat Dominion Stores
Ltd. ;. whose "deep discount” pol-
icy started the war in November
.1970, and Miracle Mart;, had al-
begun, to Move prices up,y
• At'the farm level, pressureeon'
tinues:to keep the 'price low to :the
Amer. That's what the Rederal
Government's "Sig Farm" policy
is all about,- lower prices to the
farther'so the appetites of the
oveteianded chain store super-
rnarftets can be •satisfied; ',
' only through organization can
farmers counteract'th'is national
disgrace, of farmers for
SOhleotle else's gafri.
p . A private reception was held.''
at Hcfrlyrood: following the :cere=
mny in -the chinch.' -
For a':honeymoon to Nashville ,
Tennessee; U.S.A. ,.the bride',
chose:a-blue fortrel dress 'with
HIGH' SCI C) L PR0ki;•
by. Janice 'Reeves,'
On . May 21, 1971 , the Ripley
'High School held; their annual
Spring Prom . The ,Grade'8 girls
:and boys -Of Ripley -Huron Central
School were invited:,' Thy en-
joyed the dance thoroughly and
wish, t.othank't.he High School.
by Debbie: MacGregor and,. Carol
The girls of ,Grades 7 and 8 '
,play against Teeswater.. ,They've
been practising batting, pitching;,
and catching. Good luc k 1 • . •
GRADE1_._ NEWS_... �....._.. .
by Grade 1
Our spring co. ncert: was on May.
• 18th .and 19th. Each grade did
,something different, and we liked
it all. Grade. 1 did' a play about
'"Stinker Skunk. and His Health
Helpers" . We want to thank •
,Miss . Campbell., our music teacher,
.for helping us and•aiso� everyone .
whti wish to be .on a basebalateam ;for coming. to. see our concert.
have Pried a series of baseball Most of us were careful and had.
.skill tests.. The tests included ;fun on Victoria".Day with our fire
hitting a target, catching fly .
balls-, catching grounders and bat-
ting. The girls acquiring the most'
points were .placed. on the A and
13 teams. Mr. 'Armstrong is the
.baseball coach,:' The best team
will. play Teeswater girls
At noon. hours Mr. Stanley has . •
been watching the 'boys play base-
ball ;in order to pick an A team to.
The, President'rodurced
the guest speaker, Rev.. •;Odend ahi. ,
who •showed some very interesting
colour slides on -Turkey.Reg
Jones thanked Rev. Odendahl for
his presentation.
Rev.: Noble presented a Cian-.
berry. ;glass: vase ;to. the Treasurer
WS.. Atkinson ins appreciation of
her services. duringthe past year.
trig—Was—then adjourned,
corsage of white Mums.,_
1I • • 1
Reg 'Jones acted as Master of'
Ceremonies4or. the evening: Rev:.
Glenn Noble Ied in the blessing
and Reg Jones proposed the toast
to, the Queen. A;• delicious turkey
dinner .:wag .prepared.and served by'
Mrs: Glenn Atkinsonthanked .the.
ladies-, and. Reg Jones.` introduced
the head- table, Mr; and Mrs.;
Alvin Alton', Mrs.' Reg lodes ,• Mrs.
Barry. Hackett , .Mrs. Ford Cun-
ninghani, John.Skiplack, Mrs.
Dora Skipjack, Mrs.:Glenn Atkin
son,: Rev . and. Mrs.. Glenn Noble,
Rev and Mrs. R., Odendahl,. and:
Miss Valerie Morningstar. •
The meeting was then turned
over to the.Pr.esident,Mrs' ,.ford •
Cunningham: .The rninutes of th'e
3rd 'annual Meeting. Were read by
Mrs: Reg Jones,_secretary, :It. •
;was moved by hn Skipjack, sec -
onded -by• `Mrs. 'Bryce Elliott., that
the minutes .he adopted as read: •
Cunninghan:i read 'the,report
of the Board .of Directors; the' .
Appointed by the Board of Dir-
ectors as co -treasurers for 1971-72
were .Mrs. G1enn. Atkinson"and
Mrs ; Gordon Johnstone,
Penny Carnival
Nets $1;6.OQ:.
By 'amie'.Youn� .; r
J gG3 ,student;'
On Friday, `May 14, 1971 Grade
-8=o Kitilc ss Central; Public School
had a Penny Carnival. It was
held in the piayroorn frorn .1.00.
!until 3.45. p. m. Th.e.teacher.. is
Mrs.. Carolyn Hodgins. We made..
out $16,: U for. Red. Cross. The
games I liked were " Guess How:
Many 'Peanuts" and "The. Puppet.
Show":' Grades one, two ;, four
and five and the.•Opportunity class
"Congratulations to'Wanda.'
Hunter who .graduated., May 29th
.at `the Urti3tersit -f 1n/indsor• w rii;
a. Bachelor of Arts degree Those,
'fromn this vicinity attending' the.•
.Graduation with her,pare.nts Mr.
and Mrs. Jirri111unter were ,Miss
,Nancy „Bushell ;. Mr, and Mrs.. ,•
/Frank'Ritchie and Mr.` and Mrs.
`Bill. Smith aid' Robbie. of "Seafurth.
Following the ceremonies and
informal reception, 'a srnorgas;-
bor:d dinner was enjoyed by 'Wanda
and her guests.
feed and animal
health service
report• of .the Credit Committee
was:read by Re'v' Noble, and.'the '
report of• the S'upe'rvisory Coitrniit-
-t Mrs,'
Glenn Atkinson, Treasurer, gave
the T'reasurer's report.,' These'.
reportswere adopted:.'
It ,Was recomrnended`. by the
Directors that a dividend
• of Direc
Board ��,q
9a `�rcd._ot--th •
rninitrium quarterly balance , be
paid, :.Yt wa -erioved by: Mrs. Alvin
Alton,seconded by John Skipjack,
that this recommendation be adop•
ted . . .
The Meetingwas then turned
over to. Mrs. Jean Whitby for the
election of officers. for the coming
year. '
Nominated yo the Board of iDiNN
eo'tors for a three•year feria:
'airy Hackett, 'nominated by
leadership in
growing animal
health service
ice is just a little more than Goods service an-carryink'
out a._job: Jt's_the little.:extra care going into
the service that really counts the second
look at an order a re -check on ,a load, an
extra phone call to make,sure •something is
,0.K. . thins like that......,
It doesn't mean we'won't make mistakes. We ,
:Probably will ..It. does. nean we feel badly •
"when - a mistake -is 'made and pit also means -
,that care is taken that it won't happen again:
'`That's the kind of eare4we pledge to ,give you
and 'all o
ur ,customers, `
You get it With every order,
rson F
• .
ro:ducts Limited
PHONE .528-2026