The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-28, Page 10PAGE TEN 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL„ ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. Area President•` Visits Lucknow: The General,Meeting of.'the Luckno{w United Church Women was held in'the churchparlour Oil Tusday, evening, April 20... • Mrs. 'Ernest .Ackert , convener , of the Stewardship .Cornrnittee.'was in charge of. the program- - 3rSrs,- Idissell• Alton accompanied by Mrs Ross Cumming., favoured .the lad- ies with a lovely solo, "Wtere • JeLis Loved to ',Se" . Q Mrs. Ackert had is the therm . for the n'eetin "Giving". Mrs. `Bill -Bolt told of how we could ?.,=.e ori 'iime1. Mrs. HCh?ard far^ - e< ,de=crib- : what =gal nr.'s and • lwaltet Dexter. e- mot money. .Youth Group • , The second' meeting of `the Luc' now''ouch Croup was held oil Sun- day; April 25th in• the United Chinch Pa*IOer, with nineteen ° r attendance, .This meeting Was devoted • entirely to ,discussing the drop- In centre. As well as the students six adults attended who are wilainr to. support this. pro?ect. ' The des- cussion was verb rewarainY . Doug Rittled^e fforn Hanover • iaJ.so attended'.the .:meeting,. �: e described the drop -iii centre in that town and its, success it • ! p. The offenin_ w 'eceaced, b3 etc =c Mrs. ,tidon, .Hende_rr4an•, It was dedicafed .b • ?;!•rt a. d ' c' e:'t G a -T'- ,a oared with a`beautiful:. s 1ectIon at the •,fano. 'Mrs: E ' ckert Bien told about Ste wards r and w .717.2.2.1-417-;c the reonle of our'chiireh. The • . •i e,etin$g"was closed with a hd-ric and payer. • Nfrs. -,eor,e' Newoolc:conducted ru n'es .and thanked the:ladies ti' dor .their. part 3i? the meeting. . She t. -Francis e.Gemmell,, a r esident of;njc°e Prbvter- , l Lai os• the c wilted Chtirch 1Vo men - at 1 Mrs, ill .of Ripley:: C -e reI1 broight•grreeti.- greetings from: the Presbyterial,. a" ; -'-n,y 4 vas Sunt: anti Ls. .Newbold closed Lhe '^cent=. with •;'_ler ' .. . LUCK.NOW NiTED CHURCH:. cre tinea• lace for ' e °,c;`n, people to g,o On week encs. It is ho 'to have 't e Youth and Pec - :cation Director fro_-:: Chesley at the rear. meeting. ,'. • The, meetzr?n was then adyou n_ - The,r e•et the hose of Joan Anderson.oi Wednesdaa•t'T.30 p . ' Dunganno vC W •Twenry members and six guests attended the United .Church, Wom- en tneetirag at`) ,.; H IehnstWf-s Brri oe in C•oderich ort L.esday;,: . :Apci1 9,C,•01,. ; ",`-•rs. 1. • Dren_nen DpenedOur - rrieeting with'a Hyr p. Mrs. D,. . Logtenbe:rg read the sccripture 'and:' sx 1 wmencontinued with dei=• otior,' on "Kindness ' 4 - R. Eed v �r L.t; . Mrs..- ,. and Mrs. A. Sherwood too'1 part"i a short skit entitled"Who. Cares... • Mrs. .. t'c:Nee asked' for. the roll call, te" r7.inu . T , andco . e pond ence, • Mrs:. H. Alton avethe tie -arrer'5 ^EDQrt. ,. 'Weare plartri.n. to hr'e'a Sake. -1.1e •and t e.'..`1ii .!..4:-..•,- v; �,' ohnsto r. and • ,,'_'.-s. C.' • ,F ri _r , Who have ..roved to 'God e:ic- foe -e ezented with gifts nom tne L.C.',... `ladies Collec - r. tioi w a :ced catec'bv 'Y'.:rsVc\gee• • •,Set:;`.`cCorre11 recited' a poe r:. written, I, ,' Pauline Johnston, aS the feature fo- be April " eetin '. • to A =;eIY' �lt-nclwa se:rti'edby j'_-_. . .Icon,.,t4i.D. Lo;ten- i _ndlfr_... !-. Johnston. Bruce Presbyte ee incardine: WED SDAY, APR, L,, nth 1971 .UC YTE;.F.11 REV: GLENN; NOBLE, B.A., B.D., MINISTER MRS. WM. SCOTT, ORGANIST ANNIVERSARY SERVICES MORNING. SERVICE'— 11:00 a.m.•.•_ EVENING SERVICE SPECIAL: MUSIC • • • Soloists Lloyd: and Allan' Stewart, Choir'. and Quartette GUEST SPEAKER pr. Charles Hay, • Professor at Knox College, Toronto ' Everyone.. Welcome No.Service. At South Kinloss. er D ngannon Ch•a'ltn'e'rs•WM S •;WHIT'ECIIURCH NEWS ,; Chalmer's W.M;S•,. held their': Apri•1 at, ,the horite of :errs. Andrew,`G•aunL The -president Mrs ' W.a11 de ' Cann :presided. and .gave•t•he ,ball' to worship, a poem Because ,He• J. -.rated Church orf' Canada , .meet- Kissdine: Ci t.ed Chu ch,' April 2i'tli, oi� :'• Communion conducted by Rev. Cu i nines, chairman., aSsL•- ' by Rev. .+ A :, 2.4'CDow•ei . • •Rev. �. David Rees: es,`;Exec..tive Di ecto .;of JklcohOl and Druz ' Concerns, and his colleague Mr. Ronald S'YtaLstOn,•addressed :assembly of n in ste s and 1=.v del -7 crate. `te'S . Ree"es• outlined; •he of Alcohol .and Con -esns.and it \Outr. :e tioP .iTc-- e•oee.bedthe Work o the M'obi'e Trailer u it ^." -^s 7 oast. '•' 'r",'.""': E.r � . -4 hoped that r' O.j 2'Y e ;_o= tris '_ddictr.b ye_earc a Clitbs this trailer Unit will tr.'a el to''• • s_ nailer centres of Ontario . iving arsi`tance during. the :niTM-r.er:• } e • deplored the' • fact of recent' -o1 etn.'`:ent ,curtail- ntent•or} i.no when so much; tax: i `e'�n".: ee is :e'cej ed •frog:: Lqucr taxes alone in Ontario'. a f An:at_rsterit,y l� ncheon e soup',: trackers and c e'ese yr a_ served by the 'iw'o.7- en of the church,the t':o.it o �C •tC r•'_:e i� otic De;-elop ;nest and Relief :=und":'of the Called C urch•e-,:anada: The a..;i,ations•Co.-� �-ittee' report f ii s. iS e':+;' : r 'i. _ r.e�' , ti eorze �^._z1 t.o °'_ot.:.f rc e t as the new R -fi- •.torr •r.:e c• Vit• �o�..t.'ti��� t�e..Es'.`�:w`oC�d rices ;we too sha11•1iv e: '°..,. The roll call, was answered by 15 telling :" What. Easter. rreans to ,nle".. A thank you card was .card from Russe.l••Ross An'invitation was.., ; .received frOril $e1'grave to attend. theirmeeting Mays 5. at the conr munity'centre ., to• see: N1rs::•tiotd'. on . ,1cBu'rn'ey'°s Die tures .Of 'her`trip to Germany and tell of her 'expert iences. • A letter''was, read' from fir•.; and Mrs. Esterbrook since he had reached: here a ,few Sundays as: Supply. and is now in the Phillip Fines: ,the -Conference coaling to St.,And ew's' Presbyterian Church •.\vin° ha.'1 on April 30, :\1ay1 and: 2 was announced. Nirs. Andrew Gaunt :and. Mrs.' 1ewhiritiey were appointed to: interti•'iew'`Pinecrest 7, MAY bid '1 sm. 11:00am . .Was :30 :p.m. Youth. LUCK'NOW CHRISTIAN ;REFORMED ` CHURCH. J i 'an Stempvporf • Pastor • . 'Sere c*s- Td MUER A ' - without' a' 'n. drudgeiY; a n a task is a dream:; 'a task visa is v. Os • ANGLICAN C!jURCH ., 111rr1 Cbdendalii. 1: 00 • a..m- • 22ti Sunday Dutch �" srroRS iwELGO Deporninatithal Radio Broad - ...L. it .. : `-To Chid Hour eve St:.mdav:.CJCS s. Stratiord • 2 A p.ra. t CTcOS J.CiWeri :c _ transfer -.ed fn.n the :�_-Ct', .._ 0: 1 % :' S e cc -:.c --.Fol teen, sho .ec ,,' 10. tri : ice _; _ the ear. - c si'.:o ec inceases. ti - ed Cf Ca _ is set =t • MAY,2id: EAS'TE t 3' THOLIC UR(H1ES: SUNDAY MASSES T. JOSEPH'S e:1a sr A. ,1O:3tt a..m, _P rs t 11:46 ate. Pads,:� Char* Port 3 p.rd., trd'load Suri S"y. o � ° .:"r" __tee +t ,tri • • S.1O n ce t :. j nd. S2::t::- • e.a L- •• - r \�'.� •r✓.. ..'tea.:. ._r BR-EiE '« . _ ....:U • • Whitechurch WHIT-ECHURCH :NEW Qn S.unda}° ev.ening Whitechurch ''ou•ng People's Society 'met at the horrre of fir. • and °rs. Jour,• de• Boer. • The president: Ruth • Elliott psesided•'and 'N.i s, loon •-. e.•st e . _ a e The worship ser°ice•'was by Jim: deBoer reading thhe,5crii - tiire and Kathy Purd'on led rill crag,- er :A 'discussion on the opic;. "T•he'Lord''s Supper and: Sacrarrient" was'1.ed b}'.student:.' • preacher ctor •W\'benga, • ln.the absence bf'secre'tar.. Dar''' lens, Simpson th•e minute wt' written by Cec-i1: de •Boer-. 'was an attendance of• 1 '. 'I l.c... s' 'collection ,wa,recei�`ed:'. TT'.' eeti'no. •closed. with'pra' h tt Lunceas seTv'ed b the 1.Ost ess.. Jane.Laidlaw ave esy' remarks :tirano at iLuchriow:: to see, when• .they Would wish a'po`=ramnle presented- Mrs? .Andrew Gaunt, sirs.. bill Rintbul, Nits. Robert Ross .arid. Its -...Dawson :Craig;were appointed to:look after; flowers for,. the' church for anniversary se toes . , •.• Johnston Conn ';;acre •an: int. e: e t i na re_¢o-Lar the Syhad l_ she attended at .Patters,on; M;emor. ai Church Sarnia: on April,13`and 14 as a delegate, from. Whitechurch �_:oup and:one o -f the eight ite:churc e , M;essengers WFiIYEC} ft RC1 ::'i .i4 The' L 6rted'Churc'1 held''thei' April gestin •on ::�:'e da\T:during church sen ic.e , 'ht. Sunday School• roor-:.,' The ca11; to worshir okra president Murray •:-idar7:s call to worship and the the.;:i of' • th-e `meeting w s Learninz te o - .• ales .;fro• i .`,`,citland Presbyterial. • give. rhe �cctptue kd:. c,a . ' The' 'th'e :e ofmeeting esting waas union.Clare tCeber la'` e ,';'. l+h ir '•o rn -Fu n ie"a{e- to` told ld at t-1te--' Fr i e F'- \.slit,s) decline in the,nut ber oof Glad the o€fering whichi •was C:c'-eecc.i4 ; . �� x r;:. nog, hero:, issued and the by<raltin Qu'ipp. Linda ' t.`4 '` Sartre of the sup l\ nones . secretary read the ;"inutes a,. k' -s. bill.. nteulgave ,a, read. called the r11 11 are to �. r:d Y vf• arri��r` Padre Yount:,/ Mrs. ;.rttli•�e.t .'LL.r� ,y� `rs a'''!ti'a 1_lace Conn - :Mrs. gigs. Dawson Grai:- sank :vet .:ie -rid lit,' the LC'e. e5..8, no not one,. • Robert Ross zave.i a• poem The a�`.., a•Y•Y 'ron't b. 4 Zs.,. Ea.11.Ca.1it_k to i , .=..The' Crave in the lit their mite boxes next \irs. uit avt' the story and •,'rs' 'Clif:o: .:Laiwla�. i'a t'"`tt-1e`3tir>to sto; The nteetriw closeu after'whieliaij wont tO1:4:i:i" day School`clYrsses. • w ST. AL;a:STIN E:S: :''ST, AUyGUSTItiE ;' . 1! ST. SIA Y S- L U cK,N OW • .r • ryY • • • .. Y } YW r Al aa+ "e_ r .ser. etas :;_igen. kv Mrs, \•it 14 .rY ...e`"�a', •tr3r5 �• Al�c�tt,. Y•,c'cr�tilll'irt ."r::ar:".$ �te rxa,;td� w .�.. Andr•e�n; : r,. Y:,1 * •ti:he • 4w �!. :'.C•F ,aY i� •}CSJetts tt`-s ed : ;Ouch ,' �:..s p•e`(o ':v YY n % Y s l�t.�", � 'tS:t`:'e �� txsaY • Y tvit..w' blind ...et, l 1 r �^ .ti Y4 f�t:ry� +�G ':�lir4:4 L'wt<4lti.td,'�` si .sir • sol ie touche�3 .y�• �wY��q,. �l.:. rY. 1 Y„YY • `W 4iay t6 ht flame i4-• OA.. ' v.�y�yy. j y.� '( '.lit Lt 11-,J Y.'i'Y ,,ML$i ave the clogin a. rta.; Thi 'L...adi't iAi4u cd when. Jahr,"'r t . of 3 tyinttd tri?y:w.i6': tL� act F1,14e t a,.N'Y ia'isY is F.oing to.;ttiini:`'`., to ;Ls � 'r•w . v. t ;'r te The hostess .43L,.,`•'.,��u.Y.t s�,. , l;yitlbY; i .t cotyttisti rt;; .4:4- Y4.5