The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-21, Page 18' PAGE, EIGHTEEN' THE LUCKNOW "SENTINEL,Y R ,� .,.;.: .:..M.....•_. . ......- 1st 1971, , .�.,UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; NESDA ;X� APRIL �, /% • 4 FEET z 8TEET z % American.. CheXrY. � Random Grooved E • 4 FEET. x .8 FEET x' 1/4 .INC C�lofli�Uirch..4:Rafld�m. PHONE 528-3118. LUCKNOW BEEN TOLD By Rev: Duncan McTavish GOING TO THE DEVIL •A -HORSE. BACK In .my boyhood, days ;there lived in my home community .a,number of boys who had come from the Old• Land ; wards of the Barnado Honie, "They were spokenof as • "rli:Offie. oy ,''by most people ,, and; ,worked on. farms round about for a mere pittance. Some of .them- .were well-treated.. SorPie='f-'t ren - I am sorry to say, were not so fort unate,,' but very few of them rec.- "he ^lrbert -a'nd the -freedom - !accorded the average boy in the corrirnitnity, `Most :of them• were kept under a rigid discipline' and• could hardly call their .soul their .own. _ him as alba. folks .like :to be treat- ed , • but • Johnnie didn't know. how to.react to this. ' He bought a• bicycle and began •to roam the country, far and wide He got - home' in the;.wee;•small hours of the m'or'ning; flung:himself upon. 'the bed too tired to undress•,'and in the 'morning his boss could ' scardelY.g .et hirnzrI3 2at•a11. •His .. money was, soon gone , and a thoroughly industrious boy Was.... ' fast .be:corning. a .soCiall problem when ,an. neighbour. worsan'expres- --sed lierse f. alJout"hinin.ifliese� words,.' "Poor Johnnie." , . she said, "He's just going to the Devila- horse -back:" : " Johnnie, w`asn't the only boy to• • do this..Not 'fa•r away was who11:did • the same thing. Nor was such conduct confined solely`to ':Hbrne Among, thein was an Irish lad• named' Johnnie, Johnnie worked his three years fora man who kept him under his thumb. Only: once a year did he ever see town, and that. was the occasion of the Annual Fall. Fair, when Jghnnie was given a trickle. for pocket money; the only money he hand- lei-Ati year., Well ; the term of his probation ended and Johnnie was now his own boss., free to hire where he • liked and do as he pleased. He. had also in his possession a hund- red dollars which had been saved , for him , •to give him a start, But he, because of the. past ; was fitted to use this new found liberty, He hired with a man hi the neighbourhood , who treated Boys". 'It never is. It reached out and still reaches out to'all' sons anddaughters who are no given some. liberties in• early child- hood; and taught from the begin- ning how to use.„them.Discipline rtiay haiie; is place _ but a too.g- id discipline can do more harm; than good. The Law can be laid down so effectively in the ho'rne as to destroy the very qualities it; hoped to espouse S. WITH PEI, FECT ATTENDANCE WI. Elect Of facers At Annual Meting. WHIT•ECHURCH NEWS ., Whitechurch Women's Institute held their Curator and Annua.. Meeting on Tuesday 'afternoon April 13 in Whitechurch .Common=- ity „Memorial_ Hall with. 25 in attendance: • • The 1st Vice President Miss Merle Wilson,: welcomed all and opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and repeating'the Collect in' unison. A thank you 'note was: read from.Mrs. Russel Ross,. The roll call was answered by a ,by-law from the 'Hand Eook., . Payment of Fees:•and a donation of Homemade Candy to. the Wing- ham. Hospital. Mrs .Russel Gaunt. w.as alppointed.to represent. White church W.I.toassist the,•Hospital Auxiliary. . The inottiy, look back, live in the present, plan for thefuture was given .by Mrs: ,Gertrude Scliol •tz; Fame arid acclaim are never else *ial to -the -bet -ter -me 'World,: Human beings Who. glor- iously give of themselves as they Perform their best in their, own • way, .are•irue benefactors aiid they :need have no;,worry as t know how the Districts and Areas report to Mrs; `Walker by reading`• her report . She also read: The Fanning Mill.. Mrs. 'Mclnnes conducted a con-• test. What age? Mrs Emerson was, taken by surprise and present ed witty a corsage. , After much thinking as to. who the .donor was she, found it •to be Mrs. McInnes.- Mrs.- Robert R6ss; Mrs,; Gertrude Scholtz, Mrs. Dave Gibb and.MrS. Fred •Tiffin, ,with Ivfrs, Farrier, ;a pianist , sang, When You and 1' Were Young, Maggie and Loch Lomond. The ladies were dressed in old time' costumes. • . '.• ' The' election of officers fol1o.-v .ed with Mrs. J. McInnes in charge Past:President, Mrs. Y. Emerson; President., Mrs., Dan Tiffin; 2nd Vice, Mrs.. Ezra,Scholtz; 'Sec.. - Treasurer, Mrs. Russel McGuire; 'District Director, Mrs. Victor. Emerson,; Alternate Mrs.. Bill • Evans;. Public, Relations Officer., Mrs. Don Ross; Branch Directors Mrs. Russel. Ross, Mrs. Albert . Coultes , 'MTS Garnet Farrier ,,Mrs: Frank Ross; Press Reporier, , Mrs. ` a Victor Emerson; Pianists; 'Mrs.' Garnet..'Farrier, Mrs pan rs. Garnet. 'Farrier , ' Mrs ` * Russel Ross, Mrs Wallace Conn; •Mrs "Ed -Walker Auditors , Mrs'. Elgin .-Johnston, : ; Mrs'. Thos. ''Metcalf;, Sunshine;and °' Cheer,Mrs.' Fred ,Tiffin , .Mrs their permanent plac-e' in fte 'ar Thos.' Jamieson, Mrs. Dave Gibb, y,ears..:•Wh.en: we live in the Pres ent that rneans just for to.da�`y 'o take care of your body exerc'i'se it , case; ;nourish and .do not:. abuse nor ne,glect: it . • T.oday strengthen .; your. In Ind. study and learn wrll act ,courteously;, be liberal with' flattery andwon't citicize nor find fault.. In planning .for.the' future' ma ke:. i`t. a habit. to .look for:. ward,' By'..kee, ping perfection .in the rr id we ligtit a lot of guiding•. •lamps along the ,way of life. Think :forward ideas and you will go• forward and never stand still; The curator Mrs. Victor, Emer- son and. her comrriitteeMrs Jas:' Mclnnes and Mrs: 'Bill.Evans had. • planned•topresent the topic in 'a panel discussion;. Mrs :Evans ;was unable . to 'be present owing to ill tress, hence Nlrs. McGuire read •. Spring and Mrs. Mclnnes from the.. Tweedsmuir.Histofy Book. told of s the •Pack Pedlars Grindstone and the •Boot •Jack.• .N4rs.• Emerson Ashfie.ldNa1ive DieaIn Regina Frank. Gill died in ina ,'. Saskatchewan .On April :13 in, her 91st year,. She was the fornli~t Fmma ,Johnstone , 'daughter of N�, and. Mrs, John Johnstone field Township and.. was.bor•non January B. x•1881. ` She taugh 'school for a few,,, . •years" before her marriage Frank Gill.. They ,rrioved.to Sask-, atchewan and farmed at Jasmin:. ;for many years. F Mrs... Gill is survived by her family, of four daughters: and two sons, .Edith , Mabel, Bertha ,"J.ean Richard and Robert.'They all., live in Western Canada except Robert at .Bowrnanville , Ont.. The funer:al•took. place April, 16 at Jasmin, Saskatchewan. Mrs.' Gill was an aunt of Mrs, Lloyd Robb of Ash -field;,: Elmer Farrish .of Gorrie , Lorne' Farrish and John' ,McDonagh•of Luc know . . 2,. READERS WRITE.: Delegates to District • Annual,. Miss Merle Wilson, Mrs,.Rilssel ; McGuire; •Mrs. Victor Emerson:', Mrs. John Currie; Alternate, Mrs,::• Albert Coultes; Delegate to Con vention, Mrs. James McInnes; - Alternate; ;Mrs. Sen McClensghan Standing conirn:itte'e conveners are:. Horne `Economics and' Health Mrs Ed Walker; Historical' Re- search and. Current Events,..Nlrs.. Jim Currie Citizenship.and Educa • • tion, ,Mrs., Thos..Metcaife, Resolu- •tion, Mfrs.:; Russel Ross; Curator. ,• •. Mrs. Victor Emerson Mrs V: Evans and Mrs. Robert .Ross A.gric ulture and. Canadian Industries , . . Mrs. 'John Currie.' • At the close of.the meeting'Mrs; Emerson, • Mrs Russel McGUire, • • Mrs :FrankRoss, °Mrs Johnston. Conn and Miss Mary 'Helm were: presented with 'gifts for perfect. attendance The during the year. meeting dosed 'with the' singing of the Queen and •the answered rhe - uestion How doyou : Institute Grace The lunch. • .December 1970 •Mr. . D. t. ''rhbrnpson , Publisher , Lu cknow Sentinel. :LZear.Sir, I.am enclosing;'cheguCfor a;r� 'renewal of my subscr:iptioin..Whil 4;'an3-rxiissin lae—nafl -- ,,,�;a of my old Earl ds, and n.ii,, lihoiir and see sev,ral rre"�r �andinnfarn- i1i r; nares; ,I. still look forward to n y Old Hornc'Town paper, each' wee,lc I, wish you and y'oni <{ rt pleasant New Ycars and',ill the best,in 1071. .A special Hello`to: your' Aunt l lele'n.. I` a iri' thinkiii .of, her now'' back' when'slic was teaching in our S.;, Scction'onAiu lOth . of ` Kinloss: . Yours sine ciclt ; Mrs Evelyn c. .0 heCl; (n'ee tilts. tiirrr.hl�,j. Rexdale': ebmrnittee Mrs-.; Ezra Sc•i;olr', Mi s..Rolnd 'Irk 1t n. Currie served'lubertossnch.:a CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH 67-C E•YY- -1 4-doo standard 67 CO, 8 automaticrpower sieering and brakes, 'with 'radio -67 CAMARO, 8 automatic with radio 66 : PONTIAC GTO Convertible, 8. .' cylinder, 4 *peed' transinission WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE p w steering an 3, ! 3. e 6 2 6t RAMBLER, 4 door, 6 standard 65 'CHRYSLE'R, 4 'door, Power'..:. ui0Pedr" _ - 65 PLYM • OUTH 2,door hardtop, '8 ., � matic • with radio automatic 5 PLYMOUTH, '4.'dotor,,6 automatic ...aw..ith....r_adio 5 FORD Galaxie XL Convertible, 8 automatic;: power- ,steering tnd brake • L 6 standard with e 66 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic with .radio. 6 ' FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hard= top, 8 automaticand radio , 8 autom 6 : F. 'ORD 4 door � *tic, power steering, radio i t.,, raaio • 8 automatic, with radio 63 . DODGE, 4 door,. 8 automatic, poWer ° steering •