The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-21, Page 17rSINESS WILL BE KNOWN AS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2ls#, 1971 , THE ,LUCKNOW ,,SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, - ONTARIO .PAGE' SEVENTEEN 1ucKNow REG AND CAROL JONES Wish to Extend a to- Peter `J. ;'Hanley the. ' new ro ntetor': of Rathwell Shoe 'Store which. ,the P P , will„operate under,the.`name of MARHAN, SHOES We hope that Peter .will enjoy life in Lucknow. We Know his shoe store will be a credit to• the business life of the community. Bridal Shower For RosaleneLPhii 1 ips • ''ST; •HELENS NEWS ' On. Sa.turd y evening, Rosalene Phillips was,guest 9111'06436r at '• .a •Corn•munity. 'Shower ,in the: St'., = n's k' 11 Mrs,J Jm . Ruther- ford prayed several numbers while 'the' 1adies°gathered,. Mrs'; Warre'Zinn •was •chairlady.for a+ short program including a reading.' by •Mrs., Andrew Gaunt; musical nu.mhers 15y Mary and Lynne •.'Anderson .with Mrs;.••Wm. Andrew accompanying a ' ..a t.ricrby-Mrs:. Toni Pritchard, -Lree. Gammie and Karen Kilpatrick. Contests were; conducted''by Mrs Wm., Pardon • arid ,Mrs: Alex Purves., Mrs, Gord- on Anderson read an:addr.ess of good wishes to the bride -elect. Assisting the bride in opening. •' gifts, ifts 'were Louise. McDonald ;. ',Mary :[3arger , Faye. ,Henry Mary Anne Alton' and. Leone Cranston, Rosalene thanked the/ladie's and. lunch was served. at the :conclusion. Mrs:- Ken -Greta r , Nancy and, Bradley. of Montreal spent the:past' week with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. ' Nine tables enjoyed. the final Shoot Party on Thursday night; High .prizes, went to ROyTaylor and Mrs. Albert Taylor and sec. and high went to Mr. and Mrs. • Pete Jefferson. • The "most shoot tie withY prize" was a "five -Way Frank McQuillin the' winner:. The nn ! i Jefferson. Everyone enjoyed pie and 'coffee at the Conclusion. ,•• • Mrs;. Frank 'McQuillin and Mrs. Don •Cameron'attendedthe Strat- ford General Hospital Nurses' • Graduation on Saturday, They. WHITECHURCH •Whitechurch. Y P.r,S, held a Record Hop in the Eommunit;y Memorial Hall on Friday evening , with around forty enjoying .the dance.. ..Dalton Schultz was admitted ,Wednesday to'Wingham and District Hospital; where he • would: undergo, surgery... He is', wished a speedy recovery by the community.. ', The, country members of . . Whitechurch: IN I ,:- are sponsoring an Old Time Daric.e ort Friday, April 23 in the Whitechurch Hall; GARAGE OPENED' Bill Willis opened up his garage.. on Wed nesday.•last: and •is .no. w Serving B.P.• products. The white lights on the gas pumps:'really • lights, up •this corner of the village, "The 0.C; W • have been busy. •this,week quilting a quilt at the - home of Mrs.• Dave Gibb. Mr, and .Mrs.. Gary Johnson and: boys.of Mildmay Were •Sunday' ' . visitors with her, sister Mrs.: Walter' 'Moore; Mr..lvloore and family, -Mr. and. Mrs ▪ Archie •Purdon, pd Kendra visited . Sunday with her mother Ivirs. Web- ster Jackli; 'of Lisaowel. .,also attended _their'class'reunion on the week end. • d Mr. and Mrs.:'.John Car -Peron were -S urday:_visitors with Mrs James.,Douglas.at Mitchell. .Dan Rose of Erno Was a. Sunday. visitor with Mr-. and .Mrs. Harvey.: 1Nebb. Mr. and Mrs.'Barry NicQui.11 n; Jill and" Scott 'Of Ancaster 'spent' last week 'end with his parents. M and ,'Mrs'. Fred IvfcQuillin Andrea 1vlcQUilfin of Kitchener has been visiting with her grand - .parents`Mr; and Mrs • Fred MG-' Quillin•, , • • 1 •:Mr. "and Mrs.' Dan Tiffin were Friday' e'"ening visitors. with''Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross and 'family'. Cf V TO THE PEOPLE.OF LUCKNOW AN DISTRICT. FOR -YOUR- SUPPORT-WHIL=] BUSINESS' IN LUCKNOW WEr' ARE CONFIDENT THAT THE NEW OWNER OF THE SHOE STORE, PETER HANLEY OF FORT. 'EWE,. WELL. PROVIDEITHE COMMUNITY WITH' A FINE RETAIL FOOT.:: WEAR BUSINESS: TERRY RATHWELL Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Kirkland; and Lana,of Kingsville spent the week.end,wtth Mi\ and Mrs Gord on Kirkland. • 'Mr. and .Mrs. Frank'Ritchie a•nd,. Mr:. and 'Mrs. Frank 'R1egling; of Kingsbridge ,attended ;the .Eriskson'- • Mr•and ,Mrs.: Jack MacIrtyre of Wingham were Sunday: visitors. With, Mr : and Mrs.. Robt. Mowbray and Mrs. A. E., Ptirdon. GRANDDAUGHTER PASSES Word was received here ;Sunday by Mr.. , and -Mrs. Robert Mowbray' of the ;sudden •passing of his' grand daughter. Linda. Seddon ',.;daughter of. Mr. and Mrs'. Ronald. Seddon of .Brantford. Mrs': • Seddon -is the former Roberta Mowbray of this vicinity and of.Wingham Ttx4. community extendstheir 'sympathy,: MSH: TO 4OUNCE- THAT: WE :HA ED: :'. E P'I1RCH A. S LUCKN MRS. JES • SIE STEVENSON'. WILL 'CONTINUE TO SERVE' YOU AN WILL` BE PLEASED-TO:SHOW YOU OUR NEW SHOE LINES, F\I/ �'' • � ,�\t � \I�i \��:_J� ��il/y�illi�lP��\I/'"�NlW� ���:�itl��\IIS,`ilr�\Y�-*�\I/ys��IJj-�\IY�\t/j..i\1/�yit/y`i/��\lli.��b4�\II�.. �, o i'tE '? 't00 �/1 t1 .{I?� o !/0 �/u % ri I LIItr iI t- �l1\� ij+\i' . t o rQP s.,g1�� 7,1i. q+ .r,1�C ilp M1j► .,1r lir `IIS .AND . :1:VIiE INVITE YOU:. TO RO . P C� , • 1e, 1%4•fC/ /�� 1/'� fC7,. . �`',iGi.i. }d • � �%G•►4i''.44C-4v4:P `11 _t' P�. �_ srV/I/�e�.«i� �w4, 0.'�i,/i in vii? '776Gr/1,s.16,*hi,1 ri'• . , PETER J. IriANLEY e old: Annua • A Pot -Luck -di yed.:' 'in -the St Helens hall. at 12.30 Tuesday:, April 6th by:St, • Helens' :'Women's. Institute.: Mrs. •James ' Aitchison presided• for the.meet- ing which opened •with the Ode: • and the Mary: Stewart Collect. Mrs:. Ross :'Errington read: the correspondence A donation' will' Abe :given • do the-Lucknow Agricul- ture Society A ,'short course was votedon.:' . Mrs . : Harold.: Gaunt. gave a -re - ;port on the. ex.ecutive..meeting ..held; in Goderic•h. 'The District Annual' will be :.held in 'Londes hero on May 31st. A card party 'will' beheld April. 15. with•a pie 'counter- The • committee in c are o "he card, 'McAuley''wedding,in Ripley Pres- byterian Church on. April 14th, Mr'., and Mrs.: Peter•Camp.bell of Lucknow visited on Sunday with • Mr ;. and'Mrs. 'Henry Gardner and Lane'.•. .G. Hunter on; Saturday were. Mr . and Mrs.: Ken Laidlaw' and Miss Joyce Laidlaw • of London and. Mr., Bill` Shepherd of Sarnia. Ladies of.Zion and Luc:know en- oy a- ot--i day:in Zion -hall. A very enjo able.,program followed.. Special. thanks to'.the Zion L.O. L for the . . use_o: the_hal1 _ • ,• • �Vleet'w.i1 Presidents from Across Ontario • Bev McNay. b;f Ashfield ,. Presid .ent of National. Farmers' Union . : Local 335 , attended a meeting in 'Oshawa -on Tuesday, April 6th .with N.F.0 Executive and Dir- ectors and Presidents froom; all ... ' .across Ontario: ' • Later that evening 'a meeting . was held in Mitchell with• Presid et -it : Roy Atkinson• and Wornen's • 'party will be Mrs:. Allan Miller, ` :president Mrs. Evelyn Potter.: as •Mrs.• Frank McQuillin and Mrs ' 'guest speakers. ",Bevand 28 mean=. Charles McDonald. Final reports ;bers from• Local 335 attended.: from--all-officers.... for.. the year. _Mrs.: Potter_.: spoke :of the .N, F. U. were given. , as an •important:vehicle to enable ',Mrs. Harold 'Gaunt installed the`'farners across Canada to work and new slate of officers' as follows ' talk together 'Communications Presidents Mrs: Allan'' Miller;' from National Office in Saskatoon Mrs,. Rus e1' reach-Exe::: TyrL 1 Philips, 2nd Vice President, .Mrs.. •across the country each week. Peter Chandler; .Secretary Treas- Food and related industries are 1rPr''-, Mrs 'Ro.bi. Aite'h son, Assis- responsible. for 42',%0 of Canadian tant Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs ,wealth; Mrs'.. Potter saidThe Lloyd Whytock; District Director', ,farmers,., 7 % of the populations Mrs; Jas Aitchison, Alternate , tare responsible for $23• billion Mrs: Harald Gaunt; Branch :Direr 'della s tin Carrada; Most other tors, Mrs.` Ross' Errington, Miss •' people realize this more 'than Isobel Miller. and Mrs. :Gordon ffar•niers do„ MacPherson; Pianist and Curator;. Speaking in the same vein, Mrs'.' E. W. Rice; Assistant Pian-° nt. Roy Atkinson said that ` • '• Preside .earo-he'approx.imat-e 50 • people •in. the room probably rep- resented $1,00,:000.inv.estmerit , a wtotaLof $35410.O,.000__,_This_is�th kind -Of tee -Ara -11c p_bwer `stat negotiate, wish . Complaining to. ` governn`ient is not enough; we 'must be vitally interested in the. 'organization and do something about it. We now have bis corn- • panies'instead of small to deal - . • with. •Small ''milk plants were e given rn'oney to closedown, big , plants were given money to ex • pand. Everyone benefited except the farmer, In ,P, E.1. a farmer • receives .720.for a 60 Ib. bag of poatatoes. Ina Toronto Super • market the same po ttieo brin .d;l'o' fir a IQ lb, bag, The N. i U,,, is. oi1t to eotrect'tllxs. • •.. ► .. a �. Mrs.. Harold Cooper, Miss Isobel • .Miller. Standin Cam iittees, Citizen sharp and =Education , -Mrs. Pete 'Chandler;; Agricultureand Canad- ian ian'IndustrMrs, Harold Gaunt; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Wm:? l Re urdon; Historica, ,search and Current' Events , Mrs. uordon'Struthers; es lufiotis, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt; Public R'ela= Ross- Camnli .tions.,. Mrs, e.+ On behalf'of the Si, Helens • ladies, Mrs. Ros's Gan11nie thanked 'Mrs. James Aitchison and firs. Ross Errington for acting ,. as their President and'ecretary•- Treasurer for the past =three years,,• The meeting, 'closed' with C Oa' nada,