The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-21, Page 14•PAGE .FOURTEEN; THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO . y MINI .BEAUTY FOR Y . ".... ., ANEW AND MR NOME Ar.., Dayanport.SWes: $15",q (CHAIR T•AND DAVENPORT') Vinyl Spacesaver u�p�u�ei�o!ui„ii.�ir.'' .. Vinyl Swivel Rockers • LARGE, SELECT:I.ONsµ. $59.95. :Mackenzie • LUCKNOW. - .PHONE 521-342' WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT r5P-RI-NG:.0RT On Friday, Aril sixteenth at 8.15 p,m:•we held our'spring, concert..We openedour coneert with O 'anada, followed by two `plays by Kindergarten' Group One entitled , Peter Cottontail, and' The Three4B illy Goats Gruff.. TV Group Two 'Kindergarten pupils then presented a play, •Little White Duck and a rhythm number.. Some of the Grade Seven pupils • •from Room Ten did.•a45 sctuare, dance., The Grades one and two pupils from Roorni Five pang three songs Old MacDonalds .Farm.; I Like to: Live .on the Farm, and. Darley Ram, .then the boys:.did choral reading. called "Walking" and the girls followed with the. reading of "Mrs. lmpossble". The -Grades -four and five girls. from Rooms Four and Six. did a Mexican Hat Dance 'and both the • . We are -sorry: -to report that •Mrs': Bill' Evans was admitted to :Wing- ham1and District. Hospital on, Tues- day . • Her many friends in the • community wish her a speedy re • cover .1 ' • . ,Dave MacDonald was :ca it-elrene .riwine-sda l to begin conStruction work. . Saturday• visitors with Mr, and` s Ea 1--WrH ens -and family__.___ . ,..were his sister .'Mrs.':Jim Scott , 'Mr'. Scott , Betty Jane and . Valerie .and their. father. Mr. Arnsey Wilkens, all Of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs,. Victor Emerson were:Sunday callers on Miss,Lila. Emerson'.' • Mr., and Mrs. Wayne 'Farrier and Kirrberley.:of Hanover were, •Sunday visitors with his parents Mr.. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier.! •Mrs;. Edith *Own and Barbara of London were dalliers on :Satur day' on. her mother.Mrs.. Bill Evans; Y a patient at Wingham Hospital and: on Sunday her •son Eric Evans and Mrs. Evans of Hyde Park ;. called on her. Communion was. held at: the .' United Church: on Sunday April P.. 18 with .Rev. ;G. ` W .' Sach of • Gor ; • tie- :.officiating. IYtr. and - Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw ., Janet and Kimberley and his fath, er' Herb.• Laidlaw spent the week end: in their cabin :trailer. at Niag ara', Falls. They report a. larg . -•crow.o . tourists; at ..the. Fans. Jamie and Michelle were Sunday.: visitors with his, sister Mrs. .Dave Hawkins , '1r Hawkins and fam - ily'of Teeswater ... PRESENTAT1ON"• Mr. ,•and. Mrs. Elwood Groskorth were at.Niagara Falls on, the week end, where they were enter- tained `at: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Trainor :Joe used to be on staff with Elwood and'was a ;frequent caller at'Elwo'od's home. here at Whitechurch.. Elwood_ ` ,, :• attended. a retirement dinner• for several salesmen.; himself'.includ ed Each received • a • chair , scroll and: a gift .of, money., • Mrs.' Tom li glis , . Mrs... Bob Adams and Mrs.: Eetty..Flannigan'• 'we're Tuesday callers.at the home of Miss Annie Kennedy Wingham. Mr. ' and Mrs.' Charles ,Wood and Sylvia of Egmondyil`1e Were .' Sunday callers on'her parents Mr. DISTRIBUTORS OF SUNOCO PRO Area pleased • to announce. they are installing a neiv. bulk plant at Lucknow. 1 * *Jr,* tOi* * FOR.TOPS IN SERVICE TO FARM AND HOME AND.FOR WORLD FAMOUS CUSTOM BLENDED SUNOCO FUELS PHONE 529-7524'OR''524-7681. Free Burner:Serv'ice — Licensed Service Men ✓ Furnace •Financing, Up To 10 Years; * Custom, Ja1ended H of Burning Furnace Fuel" . • Budget'Plan Payments -- Furnace Fuel, Parts Ins, Plan Famous Sunoco ' _ e and Diesel For Farm 'add Industry r 2 Tank'Trucks W'itii Dual Pumping Systems: For Prompt'.aind Efficient Service ' *, 20 Vears•.Experience In Petroioum Business • • and Mrs. Gershon] Johnston: of Wingham Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wilkens'and ,family. were his brotlier Mr .Lloyd Wilk- ens, •Mrs, Wilkens, • Sharon and Michelle. of Listowel. „ Those attending Ashfield •W.M.. S. Thankoffering last week were'. • 1..PPENI gir.is, and.boys, sang. four songs. In the Plaza,• Ceil:to Lind©-, Caring` en Carnella : Chiapenecas and a pantomine,' Manuel: del Palpalo'. .Some 'of the boys from grades 'four.: and five also did Gymnastics Rooms ten, twelve and eight prep= ented a minstrel .shove. They - opened their show with the theme 'song ,Down •Yonder.: The interloc- utor; Murray Irvin,. greeted' and introduced the..chorus and, endm,en, Terry Olson as Slowpoke, Tom Barger .as Honey Boy, Bob Ma'cKen• zie as' Mr. Bones and Gordon Black 'as 'Lightning. 'The chorus presented, many songs Bill Bailey, Tavern; in a Town, Cruising down the River, Swanee River and'•I-iey, Mr. Banjo. Philip Black'.9n .rhe Washtub, Donald: Ritchie onthe slide whistle Steven MaeNay ori the: washboard:, Debbie "Errington:, Frances Logtenberg'and: Barb Culbert on, the. Kazoo'sand lvlr,: . Finlayson.,playing his, guitar and. . . mouth .organ presented two songs,;, Turkey in the Straw •and' My:_. deo`lvlEatl. -Casl'ick,' Mrs,' Robert Ross and.• Mrs. Dawson Craig:. The guest: ` speaker was. Mrs. MacLennan of Wingham telling of 'her trip. to Japan', which•to our. group was Very,interesting:. , •' ' At Chalmers Church, Mr. `,V. , Wybenga. gave a Preparatory Ser- vice'and next Sunday,. Apri120 will be Comniunion'Service with Rev. G.: .Noble of, Lucknow as • minister.. Mrs.'.' Johnston,' Conn of Wingham represented Whitechurch W M..S and ' Maitland• ;I2res.byterial at' the :Synodical meeting at Sarnia on• Tuesday and. Wednesday.: `Mr.:' and Nies. •Joe Thompson of'. Goder ch -we're Saturday visitors •withher•sister'Mrs. Lawrence or Tayl;;Mr. Taylor and ,farraly. Little Cindy -Moore, d•ati.ghter. of Mr: and Mrs.., Walter .Moore , was at . Wingham Hospital 'Monday forenoon where,she_Lhad .her le attended' to, having caught it in •• the spokesof the wheel of a bi- cycle,on Saturday.` • She is.to.rey. main at home from. school for a eouple-of days:.' r ..."Mr. and Mrs., Carl Bartman of Palmerston ;were Sunday visitors w-ixh-Mr. 'and -Mrs -.--Carl. Weber: accord an selection and'Li'ghtning. our baritone , presented a'song; ,, Minnie.the Mermaid, The . 'chorus then sang, Darktown Strutters Ball, ;Alexander's',Rag* time. Band and Five. Foe WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2104 1971' • Along with the song ;Five 'Foot; TW,o; Lorraine MacDonald., 'Brands MacLennan Flora Simpson and, Barb 1~arrish did the Charleston,; Slowpoke sang a song entitled,; • The CareameBack with the other pupils Joining in the chorus' A quartette sang' "Good •Night Ladies" and "Now is the Hour" was:sung.by Frances Logtenberg and Flora Simpson..' Brock Hasty. introduced'athe intV'rlocq-tor-a•nd endnien and our Spring Concert. closed with.`the Queen,; •, LIBRARY. ASSISTANTS ' • During the year some senior .pupils have been helping'Mrs, ' ' Blake in the library. They take. the bookcart to different rooms,. and take charge of the circula- tion desk during:recesses and noon. hours.. ' They help <to, keep the library :tidy by dusting or straigh- ening books on the shelves. .'They. help repair' books , put up displays, and keep filmstrips and 'books in •order.' The.people who are library:assistants are; Barbara Far - ash, Flora,Simpson, Marilyn •:Wagler, , Debbie Errington; Sandra De. Graaaf, Lori Miller, Janet, Whytock, Susan, Hayes, Cheryl a ly-Darschr ; J oa-n-Fl a r en., Debbie Maize, Ruth 'Noll. Sharon-Young, Mary Anne Alton, Kathy 'Bere "Donna Frr.ington, Da.yle Mac Donald , ; Na nc Alton , Y Paul Blake;,, Kathy Pentland and ng- FRESH HAM.ROAST 9c LB. FRESH' LOIN PORK CHOPS 59c LB. HOME CURED BACON LBS 99c HOME-MADE SAUSAGE 3: `LB. ' 99c. or' 10- LB: • $3.00 BEEF OR PORK LIVER . 3; LB. 99c or 1,0LB. $300. Loose wieners ; 2 Ib ` pack.-99c— Bologna in the piece 2 lb.. 99c and family., ; Mr, and Mr's:, Robert Helm of Zion visited Sunday :with 'their 'daughter Mrs. L oy•.; Whytock, Mr, Whytock'and; family. ,Mr.. and Mrs. Minnie Wybenga and family of Kendal visited, on the 'week endwith his brother. Victor Wybenga , Mrs,. Wybenga • and family. .Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs, Torrf ...Mor.rison and Jim- of Luc know' were. Mr. andr s�tr ME;yi ers and Anne and Kenneth' Ivlorri ' son of Wingham , Miss Diari'e Hicks of Drayton; and Mrs. Jaek.Tierney and Karen of.Tot g1''were Sunday,— .visitors unday,.visitors with her parents Mr. and •Mts * Torn Magoffin. of Luc know Visitors on the week. end with Mr, and' Mrs.. Carl MdClenaghanHH' and Jvir.' and 'Mrs. Ben Mc:Clena ghan were Mr. and ivies, Paul Geiger and kirnberley of T itchen er, ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison of I,ucknow were at:Westtninster . Hospital London on Friday-, Where Tom r.eeeived,.a eheck up, • wie. i, .,moi .,ri,,rii ,. ii4/1/6.*IN„IM,NIN.i f.i.. „411.1 i. .••r• es of Beef . . Grade . AP'ork . j WHOLE. OR_HALF . 35c-1 ght Sows, `5' Lamb WHOLE OR HALF' c. •CU? WRAPPED AND' QUICK FROZEN • AT' `NO EXTRA CHARGE • RIPLE !PHONE 395-2961 i ItIPLEY,