The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-21, Page 9WEDNESDA, • 21st 1971. THELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE, NINE -roe, • i n:ca rd in e FRIDAY, SATURDAY,. SUNDAY, APRIL 23,'24 , AND 2 •LO�AED NEX.t T•O' C�OLFIN'G, ROLLER SKATING, SWfiti1MI,NG, 8 CAMPING. • NIGHTS : PHON'E.396 2341. DAY PH:ON 396=210.7' SIDNEY POITIER MARTIN LANDAU "THEY CALL ME MISTER TIBBS! .n' ROCi IK 5 CANrEB O'esent: HUDSON SYLVA KOSCINA "HORNETS' NEST" DPW LOOKING BACKWARDS OIJG}I THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ►EARS AGO Gaunt , R. Lay's, R. ,Lyons..; No. on- roll 16',, Principa.1"Dorothy' Douglas er MARCH 1961 Tom:. Rathwell 16 and Jim Mc --'Naughton 14,`became,the first. two Lucknow I3oy .S&outs to obtain the Queen';s. Scout.badge , in somefortyyears ofscouting in -e -know r-Terry-•RathweF Todd,.. 13.' 1vlcQui lm�,'G, McQu 11 in; M: 1'uryis,'G. 'Cameron, D. McQuillin, L Weatherhead', S . Laois; 1.` L �nch,`L...Durnin;: E. Y.. Gaunt.,.C.::�4cQuilh li;:F Wood ey, a'asy R -t'y1G R1 qualified•.as a Queen's Scout with • the other two, but Was not eligi b1e �to receive the :award' until his• ,\14th birthday in -October YEA A RS` MARCH 1941. ` �The.Geddes building.ore'. Fain Street, Lucknow was.purchased by the Villa �.e. Council " This: build- Village ing had been vacant since' gutted by fire. when: occupied by Turveys.: is a 'varietystore�: • • I'he°,rce'":harvest" was underway, with. the .supply.being drawn ,froin ' . Greer's'Pond,. just east of: Luck. now.... Locally this winter industry . y 'had dwindledrto a here noth' oo• ey, , Lyon$;' W. Lyons, H. `'•Miller `, M. Thorn...A. , C. Pritchard M: McQurlhn;, I ltyde-� "W.. Forster, M Purvis, G. Lyons, F. `Carroll, M. Miller, E.: McQuillin M. Evans, R,.•Evans, R. Forster,.; No. on ro11,35,: M ry Durnin, _ teacher Mc 1 lin, con;venets of special'coinniitt'ees and officers.. Mrs ,'Parish Mbffat installed the following slate of officers for the •c•oming year as presented. by.'Mrs. Donald MacKinnon,., convener of. the Nominating Comni.ittee, Past' President , Mrs.• .Ira ,Dickie; Pres- ident , Mrs: Robert Gilchrist; 1st : Vice; Mrs. Clarence. Ritchie; 2nd: Vice., Mrs:; D. J', Y MacKinnon; -Sec-'. -Fleas. teas. ,,-lvirs..ordon•Wall;. Asst Sec rs Don' t r , •. IV aid 'Cl.."Sec'y, ...I 1 Maclntyre;, Dist. :Director', Mrs'. 'Ira Dicki Alternate , Mrs•.:Lloyd Y MacDou gall•` Public Relations'.; Mrs.. Evan Keith;. Curator,.: Mrs. • LeonaI. 1vlachnies; Asst. Cuiatui , rs.: Farish Moffat• Auditors- . rs Allan Maclntyre•, N�rs,' D...J.' Mac. Kinnon: Sunshine , 'Mrs. Ftank Mackenzie MTs,�Eatish do�ffa-4 Institute Directors, Mrs.. Jim Burt , Mrs, Harold Campbell:, Mrs'. : • • Virden .Mowbray,: Mrs. :TOM Day. Conveners of Standing.Commi,;•t- tees: Agriculture and .Canadian'• Industries, Mrs. 'Eldon Welsh torical. Research and Current Ev . ents', Mrs': Ted'.'Collyer; Horne Economics and Health, Mrs.. George Young 'Citizenship; and Education; Mrs... Harry Lavis; Res-' olutions; . Mrs.. Cliff Roulston ;United Nation`s`and r Cultural Act ivities, Mrs...Harve "' `Houston•. • The cod tesy remarks were given ;by Mrs:• Jim 'Butt• arid• the d-1�-n-e�itli: The call:cali' .' • .The Queen ; P� M$.R�bt.GiIthrist Heads K �r : • � a.sha 1 After the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect were repeat• ed ,• 'Mrs. 'Ira Dickie President welcomed the nlembers -of: Kair - she:a :W : I. and visitors to the 'Annual' meeting at the home of ing roles ;-iv n cdmpared with a• few; years before :when Silv.erwoods,.every butcher,. and '.restaurant .and. Several grocers used to .pack away many torts of• ic,e_- By 1" 41 there -were drily a €ew ice houses iii the vili.ag e'being used,while eleetricrefrigeration had;red'uced the consumption of • Ice at Silverwoods to a negligahle ciC131t, W. « . 50 YEARS. AC I MARCH 1921 A .r ioaLr a pottt t- ; --No:1 LL _. _ 'West : Wawanosh named the follow'- . f rfg upils in`.the'senibr "rooms Gaunt.,' .M,+ • Woods, W. Farrier, A, '.0 a rnpbell , 'V V. Todd , A . , ; •.Wodels -nt , G. Webb, M. Hennessey; F, ItilcQu - lliri , 1.. Woods, 1-1. "Gaunt L. Was a nswered:: with the 'paymnent of fees.'.. Mrs. • Gor:don; Wall was ,appoint` red delegate-to-the-Officer's=C-on- --- Terence April 27, '28 in Guelph. Several ladies were�narned as del- egates to the District Annual at Tiverton and to'assist at, the Sup: p1y.Tafsle. -_ Mrs 'Harr.y Lavis is in;charge of ,a—"A1a:k=E3lleve Bake_Sale Sev- eral ladies volunteered to coaled' ,for. the Cancer Society. A dona- tion' was made to the 'Cancer Society ,Tii ietiioiY ;of tier -hate _. Mrs, Mary` Cooke: :1'he May Meeting will be held ane week later on May 2(3 in Kairshca,,Iiall. Da -ling the Armusl meeting ; reports w ere• given by ':the' Stand ing Com mittee Cbnveners.and the UPLEY ABAT Custom Butchering -- Curing and,•Smoking,• Cutting: and Wrapping - Sausage Making Fast Freezing. HOGS' 4ND-CATTLE • CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS . a _ IN CLIN'TON : ' O_NTARI ,. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8600 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT 8:30 P.M. _. OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY FR1. �• .SAT.. _..SUN: April X23-24.-25 DOUBLE FEATURE . "UP IN THE CELLAR' 4181 N 1 RI STRICTCO To ,MIMS 111041100,410411 dIr Joan Collins Wes Stern: Judy 'Pace.; ln. Color "BLOODY MAMA" �cMlrr:,ucr Shelley Winters Dine Varsi RESTRICTED Have cattle in. on Thursday for Friday's kill' yg b VOitit Two Iii' Coolers, Vire Are Able To Hang Your Beef Prom Y •1ikteeks:- ,Whatever,..C.ou tgOlce_mint5 A' e `or 1 e Freezers°We Sell' Clibiee Home IKilled fled, Pork and Lamb, In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEA1`SARE GOVERNMENT 'INSPECTED 'FOR' YOUR PROTECTION' CHAS. HOOSMA,' PROP. ABATT91R395.2905SThIE 395.2961 W Les Armstrong Tales New Post The General Manager. of the. Ontario Federation- of Agriculture Jack Hale has 'announced the appointment of Les Armstrong of. Wingham as Director of.Individ'.. uaiService;� embers Project Planni g.. In his hew capacity, Mr. A>strong will; be acting in close lia son 'with Burton Hodgins , P"resident of the Bruce :County Federationof .A cult a "in �th'e developinient of programs tor -10- will TRE WINGHAM PHONE 357.1630 SHOW TIMESurd Friday and, :Satays at 7,.15 and 9:15, All other 'days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on the: program. **********. (6 DAYS), • , THUR., FRI., SAT:,. MON., TUES., WED'.,. APR.' 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28. Adult. Entertainment: Cromwell` Colour Starring Alec Guiness; Richard -Harris Destined to become one.of the prestigious films of 1970; this pradduction •is ' a type of motion picture; to. which the industry can point. withpride. Due to get ur the length of this feature there only one ;showing on dividual�Service Members. 'Mr. Armstrong has also .been. appointed;as Secretary -Manager. of The Coinnlodities Council of Ontario. o s ranger, • he:Aicultural scene, Mr Arnistrong,brings a, wealth of 'knowledge .and exper= iene to his new..•position. For" the' past four yelars he has been director of •Farrn Broadcastrig for '('KNX,:Radio and Television, • Winghan. Prior t6 that, he was engaged' in l- og Farnxing . He will assume his ;new position April 19th, _ EASTERN St ,CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 • ...Distinguished' guests present were 'members. of the= Grand, Ghap:- ter of Ontario:,: which included. Glenn Hill, .Worthy Grand Patron,, Associate, Grand Matron•, Toronto, George. hike ,` Associate Grand. Patron, Brockville; Mrs, Edna. Dobbs`,, 'Ass+Sciate Grand. Conduct- • ress, Bel vi a s. Sheila•Ander- son Grand Marshall, Toronto; Mrs. Florence '.Symons, C;ra:nd Organist , Clinton; Sid Thompson, Grand ,Warder; Stratford;. Mrs `Florence-12eaVTC,,Grand- -Eke-cuti:V Committee' and Scott Reid; Grand„ Estarl Committee., Winghan). A:1'so i�reseut was M Ds:•'Dororhy-Be-11,, D. D G.A:1. 'of District, 5 and 'many Past D. D.:G. M.'s from District`8 S.pecial.guests of the guest of honour 'were Mrs Gordon Moffat,'. Oakyille', Alex MacKenzie,• Mrs. Wrn. Scott, Lucknow., Dr,' and Mrs, Stewart Leedham and Dr. and Mrs. Aleft Strong,' Wingharn, • Jack Fisher .Worthy Patron , assisted by Mrs. Mary Fisher, Worthy Matron., w-a-s•LMatter-of Ccrenioniesifor the evening,. ,(The Invocation was: given byMrs Audrey Chambers).. Musical set, ectibns, were provided by 'the Tees'- water. Intermediate Choir , Nits. or Mary Morpliy i5` M. and Mrs. eater rice LJad;ke P.M.', Palmerston ,, and. Mrs Ruth Johnston P. M... and', Nlrs'. Jane Johnson, SOU thamobil :;.• wcr much enjoyed,., Coming Next Friday, Saturday and Sunday ._...._APR I L._30,... MAY,:1 2_: "KELLY'S HEROES" AND 1'HE: MOONSHINE E .ries, klarjorie;Guest Po:,M. p1•o', ;dosed a toast to Grand Clyaritcr',: which wa.s replied to by 'clienn: WAR"• Mill Wwc�ri,15.. Mrs: 1 rorcnc : I eavie,propOi0..a tc.tst td the ti ticsts r t espondecl to' I) Sid 'i"honilj' • Friday and Saturday night starting at'8;00 p.m %q ,k******,;**ter SATURDAY.MAT. APR. 24' ri caTexaS S e son G : W . 'Glenn :Hilly w.as present; ed with an Honorary Membership;. to, Huron' Chapter by Mrs'. Moffat. The guest: of honour was•intro duced by Scott. Reid.who outlined: • her many activities in 0, E S: •'and other organizations: Mrs,. Kathleen Moffat, gracious - Y replied lied and expressed her:pleas: .ure at. the large number present. `•,,` She e:xplained that their son GOrd- on'Was not able to attend due foal husiness assignment in Ottawa.. Presentations were made b Y . ,..l •r'.-,. ofiluron. Chapter;: Mrs. Gordon . .., 'Moffat :and ,Farisi''Moffat. Mrs-.r.•Florence.,Reay.ie-'won the draw •:onrT: \ . tables.. . Cornmi'ttee on arrangements irrcluded»Mrs.' Mary Fisher, Mrs, Nancy MacIn- tyre Mrs. Isobel:Congram, Mrs. Noreen GPay , Mrs..Doris: Mac Len 'pan,' Mrs. ,Florence Reavie, Mrs. Y C;ardlATC7 im- �;-ivlrs.2LA-ad e 'Charas �. bers, Mrs.' Shirley Donaldson.G•n'd Alex ' Robertson::. P ailist far-t=heTev-en-i-ng-wa-s•• Fes.' Mildred Vannan.' ,-3:E SQu7R 1-!ONf••:524.7811 ArRCONDiTIONED Thu: 22- Tue.'2 • i n r\(i PROIN'1'Trat Circ JuuIIp.:.t*. she`h starting, at 8:00' R A -HA RTS AL'€ GUINNESS ThiV Set. 1 'Thu, •dBooY s FRaNDPY JAMIIV PHYSiCIAN'�.� ELt iOTT GOULD o''r LOVE MY.. WIFE"