The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-14, Page 9WEDNESDAY,; APRIL '14th, 1971 DUNGANNON DOINGS THE LUCKNOW" SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,: ONTARIO. PAGE NINO ,: Mgs.:'and. Mrs, liOg14..ei o,i' buck- 40i,„L'fr_pare*nts of Mrs. Lome l rll • 11i rtun, visited. Mr, •an Eiii1liertoli April 4th. • Heber Eedy is back in hospital a8.aili and is t0Hve asurgery.. 13cst w.isljes for yoii.ii. speedy • .LA;, .CAW PARTY- Iicl(1.thc last c-a•rd pilin L)f cht' s a'son Thursday ; . April th INklcw 1 •'That's a. r�•ipciR. .11oi' 'many ways can you' dt'ac tibe a tare, party: l' wa.s bio to feel just .141:6 .tIic fel taw iii.tllc soiigwn6 • niuv wigs can 1, say" that 1 luv. . • Ddu" •1y4I1 :herr' goes;. TiiG'r4'• +crt 10) talalcs and-t.vcryoriix.wus :llc' :lig p�1,1y', with;. none, left. otrt: Miry lUvett. final Alvin Alton jliltrlau-.`; t4f iI;itQ t'tie,'first. tw.o Flacts.:wlilic:,\Ira. W 11t.� r .l lto l and c•etarcl};,S'ailitdc rs tal,Jgoe'd slow•. ly.:iluo tIR::t.wo'last j�lat'cs: I vc ry.- uu:c tllju\(..t} himself, )1rs. Irving Ecdy,;is home from bt r �twty' ;111thc-liospita Yu11'1:Q'ktt r:• Colleclj. ac•• are lid. nay 1rt't W(...•1. asilie.1111W4altn:ort rchort�.r. t want to 11'141ik e=very- otic who..has'issisted 'nab•,, :fire 011 hitws Items. and •1 a},o waist .to thank the. rnany;pedple. wlio:. were kind enough to say that they enjoyed the coining. Starting. .next .Week, Mrs. Linda 'i=0111ertofl will b.4.toking over: 1 know• that you are going :to.•enjoy.Linda's oiU-1110, 444414-04.41,1.-: a 4precra•te it very izlue.li W you. wi11 sElici her Word wi:t:tn A'untiis2 Mance visi>x . ou from 13uffa l or •C)ld Gra r i, �a. l?, Whosit;from North l3ay drops in; on y!o i or `your :rat has' kittens .wliatcve.r. •. ,Linda's" Rho nnintrrr if i°1�7t; 7, 'Chock..:yotinis'i Lon Pon• 'llos•- pital al ain• and had'sorile: skin. raft \p .done this week:. I lis, !pother and dad were down to see:: hirci ort Friday. 'lie's conrin : along pretty, well • Mr, , n U Mrs': 1301),,,F.edy a re I.roiiie for the"holiday ci:id. : A13C5ll I' f'Al�'1' l)It1:SSl S thinkinL'' about. pant ,dfes-ses, �ttlel I'iave`c1 c:id.led that: 't'hoy're the real. Mecoy.;:. OIt lir', a11 sttig•of the pant,d'ress. 1 siylc• that iS trii.11 St1hlim, 1f. you're fat` 1ik•c ,nu And' can't cro:Ss the hik.c It nrA kcs *Sitting a .niorc 11:rodcst • tints 111r.'at d 'i\irs iQs Spry 61 Niag a•ncl 1rs:, l oinc Ivers this:wtYc1�', Sy Kids'1 kllow, of a cat in, the. \fila ;t 'that tau ;ht r41'hliitsito i'1in11) grit.".of ti ir.:raVA). •W1'lat 'friday and Saturdays, at 7:;15 and 9:15. All other days, one: show 'at 800,' 'except where noted on the program. (6. DAYS) . TNUR., FRS,, SAT., MON., TUES., WED., APR. 15,.16, .11, 19, 20, 21 ' ,Adult Entertainment . : 'The smash hit'comedy•thathadBroadway, 'coming ming back. for seconds,; is , now : the 'souper screen ;entertainment of the year, RIPLEY.•.A.„..,,ATTOIR: • • • Custom Butchering, . Curing. and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping Sausage Making —.Fast Freezing HOGS ANDN .-.. CATTLE ON MONDAYS'. CATTLE -ONLY ON ,FRIDAY • Have cattle in on Thursday •for Friday's With, Two Big; Confers,•. We, Are. Able To .Hang' Your Beef'From; 1' To 3 Weeks Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice'.Home Killed Beef, Pork.. and Lai -tin Any QtTa'ntity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL'MEATS ;ARE' .GOVERNMENT INSPECTED* FOR YOUR. PROTECTION CHAS, f ROOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395=2961, V.I. HoId(ncert. t Reids Corners A'v413 ERL I i`, Iy:E W.$ A " full'hall'.enjoy.e.d rife Rc,ids Corners 1N I . Col Bert. do 7'hursday night at. tlie`co.linnunity Ilan., With .RRev :' .\1r, hill as' cll.i.irntaii., the pi-ograru'iire started \vitli: a singsong' led .b.y:1\1rs. Bob• 1 itle'dge and accompanied by Mrs.. t3ob CoUrtne.'. Followiri .tiuriiliers consisted of :-:duct:by L1rr:y:;jrWin and. Peter-''WaIden' .accoittpa•li.ied hy.joan; perguson,.a'. skit by Jininl` Wi1he1ls a t.ri.o by •'. Dia male, 5,andr'a:'and Linda .KJitp' ••scot,' `aiii'cd' h • Wet dv . C olrrtliL) •a 111onoio.+,ite hy,Mrs. STARRING PETER O'TOOLE ':PETULA CLARK. • •S?;AB .1-11 _PATR.IC_IfMcGO.O ., is RICHARD WIDM' RK • ADULT ,ENTERTAINMENT`'• do \ou•i• .j�cci},11i `•al c,tt o1,J�'. of :011rs;' 'so'ii 1410 a tratilllati•C• :z:xpei•i'tnc,;t:'yt•stur•d i\ . I lti'.d,cc- idt't[ sll�, \� i 1 is V( lrti.ii.'. lt-nc} '•W'a dont, ,wla.lte\ t r 1at, .do •to War�lil • .car L ii;irtt.•s (IriaVha rL•ac i.tin',., to piirr), when'.laurd'star-ted thi.'• stir: i hc: litotor-scc.rtlti:nuli emitted.an'an Fuishc�l v:oil , `' whGrc.tipon I.iirtl,'ttlrnc'ai°01f:tllE 1il0tor <l,lid•"wcri't to WO -1i, 11 fldr t:h . ht.od '1 IIL rr' 'wa. ,whits liai, 11,1 u\•'.cr th•c:' 011;i06,and cat scooted for aha irate.: 'It .•have popr .haird rife w.i'llies."' .I le 100 e or is a tl 10t1r .. i r: . Lllrlll'tl ll'}� about .1- IJ the:next 'ITtor.l •alt', With 1 fe'.W :(11"ts on her 4: 1 :1,e e: but not ti ii(.l.i t}l • 1L Xl '1.`ts J>hnso'1i,and`farniIy lit Jov;- itlg into -ills doctor'''s offict \lr, iid...\irs. Bill 'h1al<e .and floc kw arc Jamie :for a visit: r�� t1I writ 1 ould `f ou like to.lta\:c a:n el it foot 1boa constrictor for a Tel .an is «e your en <es wit . .crocodile •e, s , 'wend' your. Boli' •JayS.witir naked Indians, wa di :by dignified, Chieftains' dressed: in very few feathers, ' 'Edith Seini- el had, this experience. and„along ' with, her 1ntsbarid Sasha and friend C o -rein --BSc: la -e -t -4e 1-wha s- v r-itte-ram hair 'raising; and iarlieti.ritei }filar coos. ae.eournt, of seven;ycars in,the South Aiii'erican .junk le. ,It's at• the„Cibrary,,' Mrs Fred.'Young for the: second tin:ie in just over a year; has had wbrd of relative's death from 13c11inp;haili, Washington.. This time it was Mrs.' flazel Karr, STARLING ROMP SCH:NE1DER, • w a • •SHOW TIME 8 .PM anita. • q' a.ii s; ,a•,scottis 1 anee Francis J•oilnstonc,'a'truilip.t solo' h f is cllc'Pritcliard •arcfolil. panicil ofIs,l,'.rrtrliar.Ll;:, two `i:nti a1 sc.lec tions 'h�' '1<en Scott ,tiid lar p1,L1.•nht ailtl•�1 .dtart le, trio ut• .gitls.f.roni `• 1 rIK. irillllt'" 1-U\� 17 in C. inrti11 tic11001 .,,"L'1te 1.\:.1; • 1•'i . 1dL',!1't \gts'. I ]Jon I>r tills thanl:c•d all \\ to llad. t�l.l�'en; p'?art: rind 1.11\>ittrd t v�"r\ o rb 19''sta}' for 11,i c li .1`{fit idL it h\' tiTC:'r, 1Jlslitt'ltc ladiesa,iid• aiso til daubs• with i]Jr.sic' �ro\idt•dh' .\lr._'KcI Scott. a tid •1 Clc 11u 1ht was:. dccillcd,sttcctss.: • ilr,: aii�i Mrs. `lyli 17i�cr:,ars, hn h Ironi their:wintt.r holiday iri .1?lorida..1'Cic rctt.iri of u ,cher ra`vcllcrs. aloe; ''wi.th w.irili,.brccz es,acid tfrc;.app)car.a:nc.c.of some spri,itg. flowe'r's Iiryal�cs ev eryolia• - loo;k,alJt'ad spri g .C1ays '\}'.`s '. Jac. h..1 J111nt''rton is a patient 111 kiiicardinc hospital. :30,,st \vt lte:„ for .a ;nod ltoo\,ery :Mrs Jean „Rohl') hasconic to. ;• htiic:a rd no I losp'?it 11 frolic hospital intondon'and we are ,,lad] • to•rcport'that sl cis'up.anai around after lit'ea•kini' h`csr 1uin a fall in hrr }ionic, Linda Nl ssenOr .hasalso. been a -tient ---iii •1\ine-'iid-inc Hospit-al but .was able •to return hone on' • ;Saturday •: .144 t„c� F1 zabexh,Sr i 1. r waw able to come home On Saturday following s.tirrgery in:Londan's St;. 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 52.4.7813 AIRCONDITI o FAAtirtioc'tt• • PETER • GOLDIE : ' • tint■ Show• •T i;me 8'.''.p.m; 7;30 & 9:t0 Do/N18. . VERA •WEAVER•MMILES•. RALPH • CUNT WIEEKER'HOWARD ST.ART$ :WEDNESDAY .:FOR. SEVEN .::DAYS CROMW'ELLN.. iso:BIG 17. . 4 ,.. 1•, . N •. 1^s, RI, 11:\k11i 1:1'il.\I.Et'i,t INNF•.SS • - 1�,M� tr4i11-P,N.kltili•N• ' Y'°• Josephs Hospital. v :•.' 1rs:. ra 'tea-u- I\lrs, Sarah Wilson .frem. hear the Nati ,•Friends:here will be iitte•rested o know that Mr. and Firs'. Harold 7\`TC7iwaiii .oft Tion circ •hbtTTC--�. t\ tl after a winter ;t.1 Florida Wittiiu s holidays iii :the lla',hain. ras With their roti,, ;Ors Me1ilwaiii"`s: he atth snot Old best.. 'The strip fs flowitrtt , >pic ' ,yt,tTps, and now ht$4, the r : . •W� :_.._WITH` YOUR -TICKET -0U FRIDAY AND SATURDAY- NIGHTS • Y thiss ea 'year am• Ilenr and Cerra'Y Emmerton our restatir` nt hosts ag trJ1r to lai of i)iaple: 'syru•p. • Woad” has been received of the death of Alvin. Fowler,"yoiin• est •14other of Mrs: Dynes Camp. ,bell,' in Torontd•. •Funeral Mon- day at.Glinton-•Our sympathy to Mrs Campbell and the rest' of•: the family,' W6' ex end our -s ti •ath ::Iso to thefamily of Mr. Wes. l urrou:hs, formerly ;of Duogarino i. Wes died: suddenly of heart attack about, • . 1.30 Sunday Morning.. Funeral. a; Tuesday dafternoon , the 13th •at coderieh. ' One way we 'could •each do' our bit to stop pollution, is to refuse tee h ty'pop in cans or tlirowwaway. hott1es. • 1.3Y'MYRrI.8;'P:iVA , CLINTON. -- ONTARIO • 80*.OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. ' ,IRST SHOW. AT 8:30 P.M. OPEN '.WEEKENDS "ONLY .UNTIL WED., MAY .:19. Fttl. - SAT,. SUN: Aprill6'-'17-18 DOUBLE 'FEATURE - .• " N -GEL . UNCHAINED" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Don Stroud`,-- - Luke•-Asken - In Color • ; "ANGRY BREED". James MacArthur Jan Steeling:: Color' Cartoon Coming Next Friday, Saturday `and' unday April 2-3-242-5 'UP IN THE CELLAR" AND r_.,,,,. DY MAMA ' 'tBLi V