The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-14, Page 6PAGE' `:IX AUCTI" THE Lt.CKNOW SE NTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO UCTION SI AUCTION SALE Of-•300--Ac#e_Farrn,-Machiner14__ Hay, Grain, . Antiques Will Be Held For EDWARD SPEILMACKER Lot 18, 19, Concession 4, Kinloss Township, 2 Blocks North. and 1 BlockEast of Lucknow or 3. Mites) West of 'Langside Store On -_ SATURDAY, APRIL1.7• 1:30 'PM Machinery '. ;Ford, tractor with pulley; W6 In:; ternational tractor; 3 point hitch 2, furrow plow; 3 furrow M.H. plow;• 8, ft. disc,. Cultivator; 3 :'section' spring tooth harrows; 3 drum land. roller; 13 run fertilizer grain drill,. Dump; rake,' 4 bar side rake;. New Idea 7 ft. 'mower; Oliver 60 baler;.' 18 ft. bale elevator; 8 ft. Intern: ational. binder; 2 wagons with racks; Allis Chalmers "6 ft.. power, take off combine; International 75 .bu. spreader; New .Idea 75 bu:. man ure spreader;Extension ladder ' 'buzz saw, chain saw; 'Scales, wheel. barrow' •Steel 'stone, •boat, horse. harness, sap pan; 5 'sq.. roofing; Hay and'Grain 4,000 bales hay; 5 ton grain and: corn. . Furniture • . trunks;3. bedroom; suites, chairs picture frames; jars;,numerous small items Farm Consist acres, of 200 acr s> 165• workable balance in hardwood bush.' Barn 40; x 70 with; , good- stable, in pens, drive shed 14' x1.20_ With cattle pen • e ow;' - ' Ouse a's •'.modern conveniences, ,water•., on pressure. Farm, will be ' sold • at 3-p-nrsubject to -reserve bid. TERMS . CASH, . exceP't'. • on '- farm • ,� when` terms will.be . known day of - sale Owner or. -auctioneer wink not/ be responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL;', Auctioneer :Whitechurch • 11 HITECHURCH 1�1rs:: Beryl Kirton, Audrey and,. Bill of W'ingharn'were' Monday visitors with Mi., .and Mrs. Amos .Martinand baby••Matlene • Barry .Tiffin of St. Catharines spent the week end with hit pad• encs Mr.' and" Mr's, . Dan .Tiffin.and on Sunday' Mr.' and .Mrs. Bevan 'Tiffin 1vlr.: and Mrs. Doug ,as Tiffin and Mrs. Stewart, all'of Winghat'n, visited wit) .them.:. Mt.' and Mrs. ••Neil Rintotil • -attended a •wedding.: •at Sudbury on the .,week end . , Mr',,,and Mrs. Torn Morrison. •visited on• Srnday .at 'Victoria Hos pital, London with his brother:. Jack Morrison., a patient there. • Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston of Wingham were., Sunday visitors With' their dattghter-3•s"-Ted• Robinson, Mr. Robinson and •fare -A' ily of •Don'nybrook.. ' 'Week erid�.gu-gists with-Nlr.-athd._ Mrs.,• Ben McClena:ghartarid' Mr.' .'and'Mrs • Carl McClenaghan Were • • Mr. and Mrs. Harry: Moss of piattt4 'vine, Mr; and Mrs. Irwin McClerr a; han,' Ronnie and Nanc •and Kim 'Johnston of St. •Thomas,: • AUCTION •SALE:• • AUCTION SALE OF'. 35. BEEF COWS;GRAI i, SOME-- SMALL 'IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS will be held for. MAJOR. YO,UNGBLUT Lot 32, Con. .14,. Huliet ,Township, 3 miles east of Auburn or 3.• miles west of Blyth on County -Road 25 ON SATURDAY, APRIL 17. at 1 c,30 Livestock ' 14 ,Hereford: cows, 5 yrs old,; 10 Angus cows; 3 yrs. old; 2 'Black White Face cows', 2. yrs, old; 2 Hereford cows, 2 .yrs. :old; 1' Angus cow, 2 yrs,; old; 2 Holstein cows, 5.yrs. old, All cows are bred Angus to.carve at grass' time. . Grain 10 ton barley; • Some small farm-im leinents:and. household effects. TERMS CASH Geo. Powell, Clerk Allan .Maclntyre, Auctioneer '.; Lucknow , Iw AUCTION SALE ' ' AUCTION SALE : OF "FARM 1117LPLEMENTS, HA'Y,•� LIVESTOCK. end ,SOME - • LP -EFFECTS willbe held for. ;EVER.ETT TAYLOR •39, Con 14, Hallett Town ship, 1miles east of;::,Auburn on County Road 25;: on 'THURSDA'Y APRIL 22 'at .1:30.. Livestock . gus a er. s :st'eincows due sale time; 'Angus cow fresh; 2 `young calves;:yearl ing-14ereford steer; .2 Holstein year- ling heifers;, :.5 B.W.F. 'yearling heifers; 1 Angus heifer. Hogs ... . Sowdue in May; 25: chunks.:. •1:.Pony Hay'. . 500, bales 'of hay, :thnothy ' Implements ..: Ford 8N ' tractor, plough:, • culti- vator; heat: houses; M':H. 8 •ft bin der;' Ma' spi ager;. New Idea all steel hayloader; wagon' .a and 'rack, International 13 run seed drill• rig - Val --1• unit :o -Val 1•'unit milker; pulp- er; mower; M.H.:3 bar side rake; disc --harrows; :.3=--section'--sprmg tooth harrows, •fanning mill; cedar Pests and poles;, wire stretchers scales; 'forks, shovels, "etc... Household port-• ancLchair-;-__washing: machine; extension table Wand5 chairs; ' sewing machine, pictures and frames; electric. hot water .tank, and numeroussmall articles: • TERMS CASH Geo. Powell, Clerk Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer • Lucknow. WHITECHURCH Mr.. sand 'Mrs. Albert Coultes visited on Sunday with their daugh• ter Mrs, WUherr._Schwichtenberg Mr., Schwichtenberg family of Port Elgin.' We, are sorry to report'ahat. • ; George Thompson was admitted to Winghain and Distriet';l-1 s ital on Monday where;�he 'will undergo. surg .yer - '. '• Mr, arid Mr!.Mervyn Pie..and Mr Pollard of Brussels were Sa,t. ' urd•ay evening visitors with Mr, and' Mrs. -Albert Coultes, •Sharon and Borrnie Coyne and Ron Kirkhah ,of Winds9r spent the holiday;wee.k end with Mr.. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and family. WWilmer, .Taylor, who •had been assisting his_ brother Lawrence. T y10 , m a' r returned hoe to••I•tamil,' ton'on Friday. . • Mr.:.and--Mrs-:Ken llopwood'_ R. brought Mrs.•.•: Charles• Showers to • her: home on Friday last after' beinga ,patient atient in Victoria ligspit;- al;' London and'recupera:ting for a few'weeks at .the horne of.he • " daughter in.London.• ' hliss'.Rudy friend. of c;rand Rapids sPent;the holiday week e'nd,•with.her parents. Mr. ` arid Mrs: Victor'.W fbenga;, . grid 'fanail • y . week.;eni Faster. . Jisitont ors �? tl-e Willi N•Ir. and Mrs,. 13:11 Rii tb ' TENDERS DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HURON ANTED ' SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, will, be. received. by .the, ,undersigned until; 12 O'CLOCK. NOON, LOCAL -TIME 3•RDLOF MAY, 1971 struction of .For the con , 1, the• Van • Diepenbeek'Dratn. 5,747 ;lineal' feet- of open dram (3500, cu. yds.) •:28,161 lineal feet'of closed drain ,(6" 16") 3 catch basins; 2 .the Royal Oak, Extension: .1970; 1.41331 lineal feet of open. drain ' (14;900 cu. yds.)• • 18`,011 lineal feet of closed drain. (6" - 21") '6 catch basins 1 inlet structure .. 3 ' .the, Brooks drain 400 lineal feet of open drain.. 6,543. lineal feet of ;closed :drain (6' 16") , 4Catch basins These are agricultural • drains Lowest ;.or. any tender not • neces- sarily accepted, 10% bid deposit is reciuired. Specifications,. plans,. pro-. were •_Mr. _and Mrs-, Dave Oher•trolr rin'girig, 2.t.IIo1- 'ser :o f3ar.rie and ills agents ;"'r. f F and:Mrs, Lyle Oberholtzcr of arid .N:Irs. 'C7ord ''b ll of. Wil:lowdale .'�;tr.. ori Ca,n�p el , and Nits Harr ;Gutoski of . a y Windsor, Miss Doris Psrrtoul of. London a•nd••M •and Mr's John. Rintoul of.Ivlilliken• Mr;and 'Mts., Toni''Merrison Ori Saturday evening attended a birthday panty at. .the Hartley , of .Mrs House Walkerton in honor s . Anne .Meyer of Wirrgham Mrs. Jack Morrison spent ilio Mr.'and Mrs. G.. • F:. McGowan of Toronto spent''the-holiday -with- Mr, and 'Mrs Ronald'jamieson'• and •fainily"'of •East Wawanash,. 5unda}r visixars-with Mrs-aud; '•-: Mrs. Carl; McCl.enaglian. and .1VI] 'and •Mrs.. Ben McC1•ena•ghan were: Mr; and 'Mrs. Bill Parker, Angus •' MacDonald andCharlie'Holmes,, all of Luca•i+ Mr. and Mrs. Ronald,Jamiesonl, Lori, • Gordon and Marilyn of :East_ :Wawanosh visited on Sunday with -Mr; and ', J mi,eso r. improve crops and land will: reduce • costs' 12Y providing many, man ears of ' service ... many -years FOR QUALITY TILE' B ICK TILE ,CO LTD.., 1, fib, TEESWATEi2, ONTARIO' 9 HONE �i'EESWAT�R 392.692,..... . WEDNESDAY, • APRIL, 14th, 1971;'.: TEN.E.ERS: WAN Ilk 11111111111111111.1.11MID files 'and Iforins':of.` tender may be obtained •fro m the: l incardine . of-. fice:'of'' the engineer, 1-1' M. • Gibson Ltd or from'. the undersigned:; • • EAR4' TOUT;;. Clerk -treasurer TOWNSHIP ;:OF HUitON 1t 1 . •4: Ripley, week ctd;yiti►,1et da,ughter:'r,: . ierv_;.n h.c van, :Nig; .Shewtln and, baby of :Milverton, „ �tilss J9411.11.:Lad'la•w, 'nurse• -in training at N'•Ictoria I-lospital{. Jordon , had the, wcck..cnd' hon day at her tionie here and return: ed with 1.lr;: and .i.lrs, Cami ron' Sjrnnions who had visitcd'with • Mr. and Mr's cordon S1I]]t ous at; Wingham and sirs E'; Scholtz. lr: and' \1rs Lorne Howe and fam>1}of 'eeswater were f :day•: ED • FOIL SALE, BY TENDER • ' FARM PROPERTY. OF THE LATE THOMAS 'ALPHONSE^LEDDY- SEALED TENDERS, properly marked as, 'to contents, will. be ae: cepted until 4 p.m, on Friday, April 16th;: 1971, at. the' office of DO NELY ,&•: MU RPHY,: 18 The ,SquaN- re. Godericl , Ontario, 'Solicitors 'for the .Estate•, for ,,u Lands and'Prempises_situat01 lying:.' and being .'ii the Township. of 'We°st Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, and being composed of the north. half of• Lot 21, and the South half •of Lot 25, both in Con. 5, of the said. Township of 'West Wawanosh,, Terms: Ten (10%) per cent by'' certified cheque, ' payable . to the estate of Thomas Leddy, at • the, time of submission •oftender and;. the balance in cash within •60 days: •, This: ...property is subject to',:a re- serve.. bid: . Highest or any tender not. `neces- sarily accepted. '•'• ' TENDERS. WANTED FOR • • WHEEI. TRACTOR' • • (APpP rox' 40..•h, ..,)•'• 1: Specifications .and 'tender -forms are available' at the 'office of 'the Maitland Valley Conservation Auth-. ority ;in• Wroxeter or by writing Box • 5, Wroxeter., Ontario; .• 2. Sealed' .tenders • clearly; marked at. to contents will 'be' received by :the, • Secretary -treasurer; Maitland. 'Valley Cpnservation Authority; 13ox 5, Wroxeter until.' 5:00: p.m.,. Tues- day, . May"4', 1971. L-owestt-er an other—tend •r aot necessarily' accepted. MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION A THORITY : • ....Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario " Telephone: 335-3557 .; • evening. visitors: with • Mr anti,' • Mrs.' Carl' 'Mc'Cleriaghan = Mr. and Mrs. John Willis of. Toronto` 'spent 'the: ilolidaywitl... ;his mother .Mrs.. Doris Willis . . her parents' Mr and .1\•1'es R11. :. Caslicl< of:Culross.; • feed and animal health service leadership in nutrition T:NAT MONEY: : ET IT :IMITN I- 'L S R 1.1 Good ser`•vlce :isjust la little "snore the to c lrry.iin.g` a •the'•.ser,vice that really counts the,second :'• look at .an order: .: a 're -check on a' l:o<ad;, an extra phone call ;to snake sure something . things life that... • continuous research • management skills • It doesn't Mean we won't make' mistakes. We probably will It doesmean we feel badly: when ''a mistake is :made, and it also means that care, is taken that it won't happenep again, That's the kind of ,care we "pledge, to give you and- Ali- octe. L growing animal health service 1.(Ou get it with every. order of Shur' -Gain.