The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-14, Page 5• .• viEptif$.P.ONT; A.PR,11,.. • :a 'THE I-ucKNOW SEINTINEL,.LuckNoW,. wilARop 4,1 warn •! PM" opto.r.notrist. • • • NOW .01, EVERY' WEDNESDAY • Office Hours. I04:90,:s.m. to •5•;:34 • • ROy.. MacKenzie, .• ••• Ripley 39575154: for appointment HAMILTON " OPTOMETRIST ; .• 'NEXT -TO,LYCEUM THEATRE W1NG.HAIN PHONE '357-134 CARD OF THANK$, . , We wOkild like to say-thanJ, you. for. the lovely 'party. held for • us Tuesday night •and 'for the beatiti• _fi41,_giftslk_shall _always -have- warm • feelings for the HolyrOed cOmMunity. Kenny, Nancy 'Mott .and.girls *.e would like tothank. the many. friends and relatives for assisting us througlfOur recen(bereavement. While Dad wa,s.hospitali4ed, never, a day Went. by, but many of 'cu werethere to cheer him. Spesia1 :thanks to Dr. 'McGregor, and the entire .staff of. Winghani Hospital. We sincerely appreciate everything you have done for .us. , Signed: The Mundy Family .1 would like to exPress my sin- cere thanks to friends and neigh- bours around Lucknow for . lovely cards, while 'I was patient in .Stratford General Hospital. . Mrs. Annie Irwin, R.R. .5 Mitchell • em •• • A sincere thank ,yoU _to all : remembered me With cards, let- • , ters, :visits and gifts „while I , was a patient in.London Hospital. George. tjaldenby, Kinlough JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME • Modern and Convenient • Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 Day or•Night • Serving All Faiths According ti) Their Wishes • Moderate' Prices - Established 1894 I. would like to thank „e4ryone who. ,remembered• me with cards., visits and other' acts of -k. • INSURANCE . . FIRE WIND,•CASUALTY.''' I • • AUTOMOBILE and. LIFE tc) Protect ,Y•Onr • Insure Wiih, Jack 'Today.' • . " 1; A.. 1VIcIi00NAGI-I, Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 • . while 1 vas. in- hoSpital.. A -special .tliank .you to ' Drs: Cerin • and McKim. . CARD OF THANKS I wish to. express My sincere thanks to all who sokindly rem-, ernbered me while I was a patient -in Wingham the nursing staff and Drs. Corrin and McKim.' - • • FOR R FARM FOR RENT' 100 acre Kinloss Township, farm, tile dratn, ed, Option to purchase. Contact -Jack-Rewittrignieugh, -phone 2262! !r• A.. Cameron - • - MEMORIA We , would , like to thank our „friends' and neighbours for . their many acts ofkindness and sym- pathy shown to us at the time of the passing of our 'brother 'Gordon IVIacKenzie. Special' thanks and 'ap- preciation is extended the Rever- end'Noble and The Johnstone Fun- eral Home, Mrs. Gordon • Ritchie and MrS. Clarence Bell. These kind- nesses, will always be remembered. ••• ,• Chriss and Ross MacMillan Rena Hesse. • 'We wish', to express sincere thanks for cards of Sympathy, flor-. . al tributes and Other acts of kind- ness at ,the :time of the death of our Mother, Mrs. Matilda ,Graharn., All was deeply•apprecrated• Mr and ••Mrs. .Wn • -Nelbet: • • and Family Mr. and Mrs. W,. .T. ,Roulston wish to. express •thanks fOr gifts, flowers and visits received on the occasion Of 'their 34th wedding an- niversary: Special thanks to .Mr an rs, •eorge•ew o d and • • • 111 • ' Staff, Mrs, Walter Dexter, Olivet of nth, dear Mother; Grandmother Church and then' ‘.former neigh.. and • . gieat Grandmother Violet b� ' . FORAN -.in memory of .husband;; lather, and-grandfather_Elmer W: Foran, who passed away 2 years ago,..4pril 21st, 1989. •.• We lost a dad with a heart of gold. Who was More. to us, than, wealth • Untold ,• . Without farewell he fell. asleep With only memories of us to.keep We lost but Godl•has gained .• • , One of the best •dad?s the world • contained. Sadly missed • by Wife Isabel, daughter Pat, sons. Mike, . Ronald and grandchildren. • IIALDENBY in loving ,memory of a dear .wife Violet Haldenby, who _Arse I have lost my sours .companion • A life linked with my own;.. . And day by day I miss her more As I walk through life alone.. .' • :Sadly miSsed and lovingly, rerri- • embered by her huSband Geordie. • HALD NBY • in 1 i urs making tht4r day a mem-. •• • • . Sincerely • • • Ken Eadie • Mrs:. Etta 'Roberts .wiche.s' to- fiX.' -press thanks for flowers, visits and --eards7-of-good • was • in hospital. Thanks also to Doctors : and the ntiriing..staff.- All.. Twels-appreciated,-iatedr--•. • w: Ariogw Barrister and -Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO '' •IN LptkNow EveryWedpesday and. Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt,Block. Telephene;. ' Lucknow '528-31.16 : , orable one.' , • r• Haldenby., who passed away one. year .ago April' 16.th., .1970: • • :You( Can onIy. have one Mother; Patient, kind,. and true; .; . No other ,friend in all the world , Mrs: John. Emerson ,wishea to ex'•••• •• press thanks to all .vhc, remember- 4,11114. • ed her., with, cards,: letters, flower's . ,-•,, - .. ,v_vjuz; . , ' and visits; while she was a patient . _., _.. . in VVingharn 'Hospital. All Was deep- . LI.Imniuoallinkl••••••••••!"" ' 1y apprecated.: •. , .. . . ,. • i 0 REMEMBER Help Your RED CROSS TO HELP GAVILLER AND COMPANY. • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. .WALKERTON . . Phone 881-3471. CRAWFORDand MILL • J. A. •CRAWFOF'D, 9c: ALAN Ii...MILL,;13,A„ LL.B. • • • , WTNGHTAMT • IN LUCKNOW• • EVERY -WEDNESDAY • 10 6.0i: to 12noon Located in l3reckles Block • Phone_428-13201 • • • SANDBLASTING • .0. • m '•P For all her loving kindness She asked- 'nothing' in return, If ail. thevoild-LdeSerted-.-me To my :Mother 'I; could turn To those/who have a Mother Treasure her with care, . For you never know ' her value * Till you :see her vacant . Chair • rem- embered • Harold 'andMadeline. Sadly/red and always Jrent-.„. Haldenby, , Clare and Ethel •. Spar - ling : and grandchildren.. . • • :1 • The. young nap. promised her • -father that his daughter would be, ' • home by 11.30 p.m. or . 85, .1Whichevercame first • • MOBILEHOMES . • Itti.N.KIPio,.OF A. moBILE.'Homit OR.,Ft-KREATIONAI, VEHICLE? Many 'makes .and, models to. chOese. 'froni,,, For a. better.deal,•drop.' • •••• .or' telephOne . • . '...• RUSTON • MQBILE''HOMES • LTD, .. • ' • •., .B.u.R4ittG.ToN • • • • - 1 '• • There ought to be a better way to start the day than by getting up in the rifOrning. •••••••••iii••••••••••••111% -FOlt SALE KINCARDINE AREA excellent • development ,property, 2 parcels with artisian well and overfloWing, Spring, 40 acres and 35 acres. Just west-of_,Highway21_ Priced at $17,000 and $15,000 • • • •• - • HOBBY FARM near Mildmay, 3 acres, 6 robin. frame home, small barn, cherry trees,, $35‘00, down, full price $7,800. . • • WALKERTON „ 2. story • brick home .near Otter Creek, bay Windows, drilled well, 'spacietra: lot • with shade, treeS:. Asking just $6,500 , with $3,000. down. • WE•I-JAYE SINCERE PROSPECTS • . . FOR' TITE FOLLOWING. • Grass farin in Kinloss or Culross ,. • • ._ township,. Retreat acreage with. stream,' suit- . able for 'year round home in Tees - water area.: • . • Highway. farm, 50 to 100 acres, with • . • low' down, payment-'.. •,• ' • If you have any of these and like to' sell,: we Would-...be.glaci to dlicuis it anytime. ••• • : • '••• ROSALIND,HODGINS ••: ." . • • ••195-2337 Or. • : • RA: 2 klolyrood, • .NOW FEATURING NEW • . PHOTO -LASTING SERVICE • :1 • • 100 ACRESfamilyfarm, barn 40 ic• -16.;• silo-. and ' • •.• •*•••• 4 • ' • . • . • 'Shed.; 8- room 'home. With. every cori-• • • . . . •-.DEmok.ITION • . • WORK . . . SPRAY 'PAINTIkG.: • "" FARM WITH • . , ..he'-highest;retUriiiJor • ' " • , •• ••• BRICK-HOIVIE, •.6 .Venience"; , fertile clay loam soil, listed at $25,000 with immediate p.oSSession and•terrnS available. ARNOLD :$TOTFIERS : : , 1reiiiv 1. :your wool ,by patronizing Your. • '( •,' pHot.i: .51944'03•Located ' approximately .7 miles. own Organization: • •. • ' — • . from Lucknow 102 acres with 90 • • FOR ESTIMATES aworkable, well tiled, clay leami • SHIP COLLECT TO :acres and balance bush. Barn. Our Registered •• • , R.BRAY ocTog:o: • efilkOPRAcTic • ' ' ' , 197, JOSEPHINE STREET . • 'WINGHAM,, .014EL-357 1214 ' • with terms- •40 St:-ClaiT Avenue -East— , !IN • , , - . RIFILEY • EVERY FRIDAY •In Boss ;TVIartyn 13dilding , Office 357-3630 -- Res;357-2330 • si 6Q':x contains P, ,lOose pens. and 112 :tie-ups.A •'3 bedroom home gi MI having a full basenient, kitchen.' :and living rooth... m , • EXCELLENT-EAND-: • f▪ oo acres. ofcropland, well us drained •• i Ciptai-ditCheS-taYe 111. • WAREHOUSE NO;10 CARLETON PLACE, ONTARIO - 'Obtain sacks ancutwine, without charge from • sprEAKE,R,', AAUBURN• • THIS IS A, BEEF and cash crop, farm you will be proud to own; 250 • . . acres well ' tiled, situated .0n a paved road lovely 9 • room red brick _horne_in nimaculate-condr- •tion; iniplernent' shed, steel grain storage; barns are painted, 3 silos, • one high moisture, plus unloaders, .auger feeding and paved yard. If• yoU would 'like to own on Of the 7 -better..---farins-in-the--area; -inspect— thi-S.,property soon. Possession and • terms can be arranged. . „ • . . : just been 'put in.' Located in a': or by writing to lgooa larming e"littY ' CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE•' 1," Township.. Listed ,• at ' $10 000.00E WOOL GROWERS LIMITED • .• , 1 . • . SCENIC. ROLLING ACREAGE; DO. acres ideally • situated. The river , , crosses the back of the Property; 15 acres etbush,....plirs.:,a_stratigispring, and drilled Make this worthy Toronto 7 Ontario. • of your inspection at the aSking. price of $9,300 with immediate pos- session. • • • : • •• • Oiqt)MetR16,1r-4, 0•00ERICtt:••' • .,.T.ho tquare 50 FUN ACRES WINGHAM.. m A real parcel of land having • . pwr.2A1'„ : " lin hills,some cedar bush and:. • • i se a winding spring ' creek running!. GUARANTEED GRANITE'S ••:across ,propertyt. Located in i , •, CEMETERY LETTERING igLuCknow area 'and listed at the: . 1oW low price of $6,060.00, si Bus. RE-AS-LE---P41-1CLIS Buy Direct and •S;ve Ph. 357.10.i0. • • • • Res, Ph, .3574015 • - • .• it , • ' • • 1. •: • si si • •• ON HO ST REAL ESTATE LTD. • • , ONTRACTS • LIMITED SUPPLY CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY , 4 BEDROOM solid brick Jrnniisit- uated an one .acre of land 'close to , Lucknow, 4 piece bath, combination oil and Wood' furnace, spring Well and pressure system,. recent reneV7. bon not yerdompletedaki-Abis a' hoine worthy Of your inspection,' • . 1 0 For These Properties Please Contact WARREN ZINN • • • • ' (Phone JACkSon.4.7661):, •• A. Mt -HARPER - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT •55 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 MacKENZIE R CHAPEL WINGHAM .MEMORliyit -liNERACSERVICE‘' " "if •• 'RURAL ONTARIO ' condticted- • , o • to your wishes at ,our Home,•7 •• your Church, nr at our. Mem- orial Chapel at no additional „. . • charge, . •' • - 1 I { • ' • . n • LucknoW, Phone 528-3432 " • • Day or Night • ' 6 , McDop.aghf El Office 528-3421' , Res. 395-5326 .• au SEEDS- SE -ED CORN CLEANING, AND TREATING TRUCKING * 1* •* • ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL LUCKIVOW, ONTARIO PHONE • • : • /WALKERTON Meniber of the Grey and little* Multiple Listings Service ' Li$t - Over 60 Said , • Working For You • '1 - • —, „ • sassou moos ••• • am mmsema „. • _ _ 114. • •