The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-31, Page 18PASS E one OMEEL S LIVING; SPAC THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL • • WHETHER 'YOU WANT :TNECOMPLET• MATER!'AL E fi UCKNOW,, ONTARIO, Presentation Fors Holyrood Family A, card party and soeial''.evening was held in the Holyrood Hall on' Tuesday, March, 23, when neigh. bours and friends gathered to honour- and :Mrs: Eric Parsons and 21:5 Karl and; Shaun, who,are, leaving for 'England 'early in April.;,. Mrs, Delmar Mackie read the' address and Mr. and, Mrs. Parsons were; presented' with a 'lovely, framed pioture- by-T�ifis'.. Ken.>Motte. Karl andShaun were .each pres entedwith..a'travel alarm clock.. MacDonald , 3° hours, 3.00; Joan Hamilton, 2 hours , 1, 04; Jim MacDonald, 5 hours, 2.50; Mer% in Hodgins, 5 hours, 2.50; Jack Haldenby, 3 hours, .1.50; David Cleland , ` 8 hours 4.40 Mark Chisholm , 5 hours, 2.5.0;' Dale Hunter; 3 hours.; 2.55; Doug Cor rin ,, 1 bout,:•.75; Herb Barger, 2 hours•,i1.00; Dave Black 6 hours., 3 O0; Murray Button -,-21 hours; 6 -rt•( 60, •.Nancy Walden, 13 ' hours,: 14.95; Lynda' Campbell, 15 hours, 17.30; Sharon. Campbell:, 24 hours,''38.40, Jeanne Reid', 14 hours, 8.40;: Ursula Courtney,: 24. hours, 42.68; Betty Anne •Hunter, 6 hours, 14:70- D 80; Tonita Ritchie 17' hours , 8, 6.;7, Kathy. Brooks' 10 , hours, 16.30; Brenda, Jardine ,:5 -' ,• hours, 13 >85; Brenda • Macleod , 5 hours;' 7:•25; Debbie Corrin,: 15 hours,• 16•.05; Zena G ktr I; Valerie. Morni 8 hours 4rtn"Ritc ie, '. ZThours ; 9:35 Elizabeth Ritchie s in: the business of building andsupplying: for , homes, let us. help you.in planning the home to fit, your needs: / PHONE ' 528-3118 SKATE -A -TI -10N CQN`TINUItir FROM .PAGE -1 .'thou ;were_ Vernon, Hunter, 'Frank Alton;. Glen Walden and tassel • 'Irvin; with 'other n znbers of• the', entertainment co mittee, a Brea: our event.:' esident Bob Gilchrist made the awards to the winners,.at noon• Wedn'esdaxi:: Food was a bie,item-46r°rh€ •._rr-hungry s er the 24 hour. period. Forty -dour loaves of bread were made 'into sandwiches and close to S00-clOnc,rlinuts eaten. '1 -lot 'Dogs and hot Cho �- , a - - •• 4rinks •b' the gallon helped. to 'quench the - Thirst The skaters , number of -hours-"' 'skated-and-the-Tamount of r tone' wisedis as ollows. COnnie.: Aalde_`s you Ga a Jamieson .5- hour :2.25; • `D.anny Ic ar'zil , hours, . Sand} Cleland, f;hot.z ,•.3. Janice 1,4tihni.• .1 hour E t,, :i3o 1e y�. ' DoO ' iO.- 1+. hour eaver:• lririis 1, ••1t. hon _ , • , Sa radia rsr is t'.,tirr i1Lll r:"s' ....•. L<Ii:i$_' `Lf`nd , 11 hr -)q: 4 ^ x xxC kki e:s 11 hour_; a• s.,y�y.0 a� y4f? 1t71Qi `' trials , •h houas.,,`dk ,4_t''`' ' s y" ry Mc bona [Tr , 11 hod s y r •Wayne McDor,at z€� Ot , r4 hou i Glenda ja:-riies•or , •Y c hc) i`� , 11.32; cathy Jatniesor, . i . nau t 6.60; Deatitii 'Johnstone , s ribti" 8 90;' Janet: Thompson ; 12 hours, 8.16; Allan• Murray, 12 hours;.. 14.28; G'raerne- Elliott ; 13 hours'; 9.10; ''Marjorie Murray,,, 13 hours 17:60.1. Brenda Johnstone, 19 hours, 9.69; Lynn Hod ' i La hour , n land, 24 hours, 12.00;•Austin'O'Donnell, 1L' hours 14 4p; Edward'' Courtney, 24 hours 35.28; Brian Courtney , • t' hours.; 31 00;.. Shawn Dacron, 'curs; 21 60;Anita Doherty, 24' hours , 13.20; Laurie 'Doherty:, 12.hours ,. 1224;, Donna Moran, 12,hours , 1044; Paul 'Doherty ,• 12 hours , u0; Diane Kerr n r,ke, 11 halt's-, 9.90; He•iiry .Van. Rooy, 11 `hours,, 7.26; Stephen Howard 10•• -hour ; - .14:10' - rrmson ,. 1'0 hours , . 11.90; Jeffrey Austin ,:•10 hours,. 9 u 0; Biaise Doherty, 10 h. e.c,u e: -c; , 10 hours Joanne Doherty , hours 5.'50;•Roddy, EirWil^.SOP, 1'` hours,, . JC; 1ti:axine .•Bradley, W hours; • . 2c); Tim Pa1-- ei ,• hours ;, h i ou<rs , Sandra .RObb, t :hours, 4 0; Angela M4cDonald , 4 hours, 4.8. Tr:ad):•, Nelson ,.4 •.hou_'s..._' tl e` arils , 4• hotin, 2. u: -.aph. e ;,.4 hours , Si, psOr , ; hoOrs , sr.. p or, , w ;ht)Li y i •4' ° AY s -_oris 1} •.nou- , 1.t P I nou "= Wrutir. , 11' nau. . l�ia}otia i, See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. It's• getting close,to ,Faster. Please use''Easter Seals in your up- conning mailings; 'Following is a partial list of contributors to the Lions Easter Seal Fund, . Dr. Mel: Corrin , Jack Ackert Chas: Webster, Chas, 'Anderson, Dan T. Maclnnes , • Peter Van Dam, A., Laidlaw, F. MacKinnon, Don- ald McKenzie, Mary H. Murray, Mrs., Harry Anderson, A. .Van, Osch , Maud Sherwood ,. •Nels Win terstein:; Rena McNab, James Mathers..,:Can --Orde(of,Foresters, Don •TeBow , Harold .Stariley, Alex:Hackett has. Ewart Taylor, W. S Snyder;. 'Wm; J. Reid,. Tim Reurink, Mrs, Anne Reigling, Ross "Forster ; •A : J., Chisholm,: Albert Brown, Houston •M M• r.son, : Nelson'Ray-' nand, Lorn•a Carnpbell , Mrs. Gord • o i Ritchie, •Frank Moran Harvey • Webster, J. .C. McKim ,'Ru'ssel Irvn:, Donal'd,,Henderson,Gordon Fisher, 'J. A McDonaeh., Bi eons. a Sc e se e 'e WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st, •1171 Dungannon Infant pied Suddenly • KEVIN' GERALD EGGLESTON . •KeViii Gera1d:Eggleston, Dun- gantton, died'sidcienly March 16 at Listowel General Hospital. He. :was aged seven months and 11 days; He was the son ofGerald' T . Arthur and F -ay -Agnes -(Pea son): Eggleston and, was,.born August 5 ; ;19.70= in Wingharri .„ 'Surviving besides his parents are one brother, Kenneth, at • home; his'paternal grandparents, Mr. and• Mrs. Arthur Eggleston, Ottawa, formerlx of Dungannon; his, maternal grandparents; Mr: , 'and.: Mrs. Nelson Pearson„. Dungan non •and. his .great grandmother,; Mrs: 'Gordon-Congrarrrl, Dungannon. • Funeral service was°Thur_ssl Marr.eh 18- at t'h'e``:Stiles Funeral Home" , .Goderich , with, Rev ft: . C.. McClena gha n of Dungannon - United Church in charge.: Interment was in Dungann"on. Cemetery. ' Pallbearers •were Ron Eggleston., Scott Pears• on Lair.` . Flower bearers were'Ricky Maize, Run:. day Maize, Ronnie Maize, Wayne; Pearson'and Brock' Hasty:, `: r 41 YO!/AeOW 41:0 TO!!4N'W/✓f,EI' y0U60.i 12. hours'y 13.4(; Dawn elso'n ;_ 12 hours:, 7.5:0; Linda Pardon; 24, hours 14.40; Albert Forsyth, 24. hours, 12'.00;'Linda Forsyth' , 18 hours, 9.18, Margaret Forsyfth,' 21; hours•,.i12; 60; Shirley Forsyth•,.17: hours, 8.50,' Bevin Hodgins , 9' ' hours, 14.$0; • Rena Reurink.; 4 hours,`3:. 52 Karen Reurink,;,4 hours, 2.80•; Grant Gilchrist', 1 hours; 13, 8.0; Ricky. Conley ., 10 hours', 18.00;' Wayne Belanger, 24 hours-,' 33460; 0 Dale•' G ilchrist ; 2 hours,1.,70, Murray:,.Gi.lchrist:, 2 hours, 1..70, Steve Mann, houri,,'8.19, trick} .How:ald', 19 ' hours; 21.S5; Lee Ann'ltillia son, •11'hours , 1 49;.: Brenda' ?�" c• - hours`, 8.47, ,Linda Stanley, £6 hours • , ;• Lm. ours, 28.00; . Arn ... 'Colwe11,'.7'hours , 10.50; •'Theresa Leystra ,' 5 hours G, 5 Ci; Pail Mac:-' Int) cre , 4 hour's , 3 10; Ni,o nn.E • c'lrizt,otr s u, ,, ors i.a _... T yre; 16 hours, David Cleland, 4 hours, r.4fl. •Fay Nelson , 7 hours',. 5 Her - en. Ma clnt)-re , 1 hour t,. 1~ •-�-;---�e®u.ri, 1G}0j,• Kevin Murat•1 hbtr, ;; lar Monrgomer\ , 1 hour , Erri g pr , l hour„ a e z1,- phr)' 1 .hour , i Z', Paul l 5i.'i Lso.T, 10 hours ., , 5: 60: Ba oa - - rish 4 hours, ry: •B. a )' 1: hours v_; vwenc -t f. T"'a hotirr , 10 w .. ..O ra ie ;�!`c'Don alct 19 ho 1� 4 .Jur )ens; 1'.hours , IL„50.•ti#- - r lil tJ 4s , •ti.. r.�L, .''r- .i•.'`. �ips ; u .hour , ' .. uon u: Ste., u erisar , 24 hu:, :ieath4: Ste.ve;.sor , 4- t ; ...4.v �,. - 3}. , = , 1' is il'� : .in tor. , 2':: .hoar , 1 ,: ''.i.);5.:, -Ln.:- ia Tho-psor ; sv. riot' ' Go-: ,. or, 81a r..�: , C.4 401.14.-s.', 14,4 `2, Ale) 4 . '-sr... 7t nous - r.°; Susar 1: `ir. '' it heti"' " i b yr _ . nb... f , • . Y... Pa x ?asih P 5r`,4tor ?c. Sprit Mar 4. • finait who arewas a "Sand?' Mackay,ie ley row A.M. ado Hotel in sponsoring lint,. , t of the s tie. event sptir�z�ted� �x :Y ptesidet�and Associates and Ole. '7 ♦ L even in the freezer ! •E '.,FOC Y .GUARANTEED :LIMITED' QUANTITY' '4:• St TO- - yr gerectors are specially priced to clear. • Prices are ve a i``: td.the on a • At' . clear: nines at. Itch 'for: -.4: r m. off. iC45' Lit, '` oFri •ident.; c. ig Meet'; on 44 1'. . the s'«' Marty n.. 3` 24than,,�.. ad at the aced lectric PHONE 528.3112 • • 1